His family enjoys the goodwill of doing philanthropic services through a charitable trust for decades. |
I found that my benevolent intentions, not to mention my philanthropic soul were all for naught. |
Dr. Shetty is convinced that young doctors are becoming philanthropic, charitable, and spiritual. |
We two women were able to enlist the whole Northwest in a great philanthropic, moneymaking enterprise. |
The sincerely philanthropic Kraft's generosity isn't spread evenly in some cases. |
He is also actively involved in the Grove Foundation, a private philanthropic organization. |
Many financial contributions to universities are philanthropic and truly generous in nature. |
He regarded the philanthropic schemes of the day as characterized by sentimentality, short-sightedness, and hypocrisy. |
Especially in New England, philanthropic giving had become a cooperative and highly organized activity. |
Because you're a business, you're not a charity, you're not a philanthropic body. |
There are also a few nice unexpected touches, such as a list of the benefits of making a donation to charity or some other philanthropic gesture. |
But he made it a priority to be very, very philanthropic, very generous with his own money. |
But I'd also establish a philanthropic foundation and give a lot away to charitable causes. |
It was in that sense comparable to the boards of museums, colleges, and philanthropic organizations. |
Service learning often relies on a notion of volunteerism, charity or philanthropic effort. |
Mr Bains said NRIs were making many philanthropic investments for social welfare and community projects. |
They were scheduled at a meeting of the Gill Foundation, a philanthropic human rights organization. |
With any luck, a few of these philanthropic people will also help others a bit closer to home. |
For much of our history medical care was delivered by religious organisations or philanthropic individuals and institutions. |
Mittal's donation will propel him into the ranks of Britain's most philanthropic citizens. |
There are philanthropic organizations that raise money from the public and channel it to needy parents. |
Following the uprising, the son defected to London, where he headed a philanthropic group. |
Deaconesses ministered primarily to women, and their role was catechetical and philanthropic. |
This will eventually make it easier for us to activate the philanthropic nature of our community members. |
The philanthropic world currently finds itself in the midst of huge growth and structural shift. |
Additional themes include pastimes and philanthropic activities in cities, education in Acadia and Montreal's growth as an urban center. |
It diminishes or dries up the springs of philanthropic eleemosynary and educational life. |
Motivated by social and economic forces, churches and philanthropic organizations sent orphaned, abandoned and pauper children to Canada. |
Women have a unique and important opportunity to transform philanthropic priorities and set new standards of giving. |
The Belgiorno-Nettis family is one of the most philanthropic in the nation. |
Such a stance belonged more to the 19th-century philanthropic tradition than to 20th-century Westminster. |
After a year in the program student are already feeling the philanthropic bug and are looking to the future. |
Why did the government show such little respect to the largest philanthropic organization in the world? |
A strong financial plan sets the stage for the development of your philanthropic plan. |
Centraide is recognized for playing a unique role because of its philanthropic nature, its history, its values and its community roots. |
Nor is there comprehensive information on the financial contribution of philanthropic donorship to the cost of sustainable forest management. |
Several philanthropic agencies have provided substantial support to the fight against communicable diseases. |
Indeed, most philanthropic work has clear overtones of social control and moral reform. |
Their chapter of philanthropic alternatives has informed the following discussion. |
What care some got was philanthropic, through individuals and civil society actions. |
Others with a more monetary bent could base their entire philanthropic nature on this tale of a robbing rodent who swipes from the miserly and scats on the insolvent. |
Rather than wasting multiple gallons of energized water I should think it would be profitable, if not philanthropic, to bottle it and take it to market. |
American foreign policy has rarely been disinterestedly philanthropic. |
But I can easily imagine him performing at the 1971 Concert for Bangladesh or at other philanthropic music events. |
Masonic lodges set up charitable funds, and in several cities philanthropic societies were established in the 1780s to tap the wealth of the rich for the poor. |
They preferred an older ethic of philanthropic benevolence, and while some Australians undoubtedly benefited from such charity, it left others unprovided for. |
Evidence of this philanthropic attitude can be seen all over this country in the very large number of Victorian public buildings built with private patronage. |
He is involved in numerous other charities and philanthropic causes. |
If you feel philanthropic, find a charity that matches your interests. |
Charles Bray had become rich as a ribbon manufacturer and had used his wealth in the building of schools and in other philanthropic causes. |
Whereas the entrepreneur might have philanthropic intentions as their main driving force. |
He directed his trustees to spend his fortune on philanthropic projects, which they still do to this day. |
Both, it seems, could no longer tolerate the idea of philanthropic organizations separating young children from their parents and sending them to work in distant lands, no matter how salubrious the setting. |
Some of his philanthropic efforts are a little more light-hearted. |
In the Canadian context, an absence of large foundations and the influence of governments as the main consumers of policy ideas and policy research can often downplay the visibility of private sector and philanthropic actors. |
He reviewed philanthropy in Canada and stated that it is the Foundation's role to raise philanthropic funds so that they complement funds received from the government. |
They comment, in addition, that the industry currently defines its policy on access largely in terms of philanthropic ventures and that critical challenges remain, particularly the issue of pricing. |
As well, demoralization and a sense of helplessness may have reached the point where voluntary action-the creation, joining, and support of local groups established for social and philanthropic purposes-all but ceases. |
Benefactions' dynamic leadership team works together to create quality philanthropic alternatives that help high net worth investors and advisors add charitable giving to the traditional scope of wealth management. |
This donation was among the largest individual philanthropic gifts ever given to a single organisation. |
The money raised at the event for the charitable foundation will furthermore be matched by the independent philanthropic Bonita Trust, thereby doubling the money donated. |
The philanthropic spirit doesn't stop with cash and checks, and it doesn't end with bankers' hours. |
The types of issues and decisions family councils typically deal with include general business policies, philanthropic goals, and general investment strategies and goals. |
But Comte aspired to free himself of a tutelage that weighed ever heavier on him, as he found the unmethodical and fickle mind of the self-taught, philanthropic aristocrat barely tolerable. |
It was for this reason that philanthropic institutions tended to be imposing structures, with at least some attention paid to architectural detail. |
She also serves on the Boards of Directors of several provincial, national and international educational, research, and philanthropic not-for-profit organizations. |
In addition, we want to contribute to society through the positive environmental and social benefits of our products, our corporate responsibility as well as our philanthropic efforts. |
The Goldman Sachs Foundation is a global philanthropic organization funded by The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. |
These accommodations are perfectly legitimate and can smooth the path for major projects that satisfy both the philanthropic organization and the donor. |
Beyond philanthropic gestures, good citizenship consists of an attitude of social responsibility at the very heart of all our business strategies and management. |
They also founded Mécènes de la Montérégie, a philanthropic organization which works more directly with disadvantaged families on the south shore. |
With such a scheme, Pliny probably hoped to engender enthusiasm among fellow landowners for such philanthropic ventures. |
These implications should be carefully mulled over by developers, those responsible for crafting municipal and national policy, and funding bodies in the philanthropic sector. |
Many philanthropic organisations have already divested from fossil fuels, including the Rockefeller Brothers Fund whose wealth derives from Standard Oil, which went on to become ExxonMobil. |
The company would become the largest wire manufacturing in the country and Washburn became one of the leading industrial and philanthropic figures in the city. |
The family was philanthropic and Joseph and Sir Francis Crossley built and endowed almshouses for their workers, which exist to this day and are run by volunteer trustees. |
The philanthropic concerns underlying Chelsea turned to the navy, and Wren was among those who in 1693 discussed a permanent institution on this site. |
These semipublic, philanthropic organizations later came to regard the so-called Lancasterian system as ideal, since it offered mass education at low cost. |
Fiscal support has come mostly from philanthropic, business incubation and other sources unbeholden to stakeholders or returns on their investment. |
Mr Donald Alfred BLACKAM Mount Clear Vic 3350 For service to the community through philanthropic contributions to health, youth and dancesport organisations. |
Richard Whittington, mayor of London, was responsible for philanthropic work that allowed prisoners access to a library in the Greyfriars monastery adjacent to Newgate. |
Today, CLU has record enrollments and philanthropic support, and an 11-year run of breaking ground or dedicating a new facility every single year. |