This work contains the principles of operation of The Thermionic Vacuum Tube, and coordinates the phenomena encountered in a study of this field. |
It may be mentioned also that the phonetist recognizes phenomena closely parallel to these in the structure of the syllable. |
Our inability to capture phenomena in their entirety should be regarded as the indeterminacy principle of biology. |
According to this argument, physicalism requires that all phenomena be susceptible in principle of a physicalistic explanation. |
But the primary phenomena of intentionality are conscious experiences, including conscious thoughts. |
Although focussed on Canada in particular, those investigations would nevertheless shed light on northern ionospheric phenomena in general. |
Or are these phenomena the expression of an irresolvable crisis of the capitalist economic and political order? |
Colloidal phenomena are key in the separation of minerals from their ores by particle flotation. |
Skepticism is a method of inquiry primarily, not an attitude or posture or philosophical viewpoint that denies entities or phenomena out of hand. |
These logical formalisms are applied and tested in applications in other sciences, in everyday phenomena or in logic and mathematics themselves. |
It is full of physics-based phenomena for which Schelling did not know the words, such as phase transitions and critical points. |
The paper looks at a broad number of applications including electrostatics, galvanic phenomena and electrodynamics. |
The classification also encompasses physiological processes that are underlying phenomena of preformation and neoformation. |
By definition, gelatinization is a phenomena which takes place in the presence of heat and moisture. |
I don't think I've seen a clearer example of the psychological phenomena known as projection in my life. |
Specialist and propagandist historians have tended to look at the religious phenomena in isolation from this cultural context. |
These natural phenomena lend some sheen and gloss to the lake, which otherwise looks sick and forlorn now. |
The police have much to learn about the relative value of psychic phenomena in criminal investigations. |
A number of your films contain the theme or subject of psychic phenomena as well as witchcraft and magic or what you might term occult subjects. |
The study of psychic phenomena dictated the need to define the concept of the information-energy field. |
He also reported cases that suggest that experiences interpreted as ESP or other types of psychic phenomena can have the same effects. |
There are many ideas and traditions about psychic phenomena that have been regarded as superstitions. |
Peter left the session disappointed with my unwillingness to believe in the psychic explanations for phenomena that he experiences. |
He is interested in unusual psychiatric phenomena and in the psychopathology of perception. |
A type of abstract art that exploits certain optical phenomena to cause a work to seem to vibrate, pulsate, or flicker. |
He worked constantly towards the goal of developing a theory of hydrodynamic phenomena which included Maxwell's electrodynamic theory. |
From a more accommodating perspective that regards psychic phenomena as emanations from a spiritual source, they can be viewed as complementary. |
Therefore, efforts to discover such phenomena were undertaken mainly for polymorphism data from regions of low recombination. |
For example, engineers use multigrid methods to analyze numeric properties of physical phenomena using a hierarchy of grid discretization. |
I don't want to go into detail, but the phenomena can be explained by Maxwell's equation and evanescent waves. |
Leap seconds are inserted only for human convenience, and eclipse phenomena are computed using astronomers' dynamical or ephemeris time systems. |
Such phenomena are unusual, if not unique, in the extra-Alpine Mesozoic epicontinental seas, and calls for a rather special explanation. |
This strange phenomena that exists in everyone is widespread all over the world. |
These he divides into events, all possessing numinous phenomena and themes. |
Biometeorologists have long been concerned with the coincidence of environmental phenomena with the exacerbation and induction of human diseases. |
Its fads and phenomena are dictated as much by a boy in Saigon as a cynical trendspotter in New York. |
We understand thermodynamical phenomena better when we are shown that they are identical with certain kinds of mechanical activity. |
People with traditional religious beliefs may view psychic phenomena as miracles or divine interventions by God. |
There are illustrative charts that explain phenomena like birds soaring using thermals. |
She neatly interweaves discussions of online behavior with social science theories that may explain some Internet phenomena. |
Anything having to do with ghosts, curses, eerie phenomena, and unexplained events in ballparks or associated with baseball teams is welcome. |
A real-time scope offers the advantage of capturing and measuring transient phenomena like an occasional glitch in a fast clock. |
Hours later, reports of unexplained phenomena swept through the state of Ohio. |
Again, David Lynch's fascination with electricity and unexplained phenomena comes to mind. |
These unexplained phenomena have aroused the curiosity of the scientific community. |
This is not a sci-fi matter, but a scientific one connected with real physical phenomena. |
These phenomena typically feature non-physical aspects that would make it difficult to scientifically test and evaluate. |
This is a discipline which studies and seeks to explain natural phenomena scientifically. |
The most important weather phenomena on the planet, I would argue, are the seasons that we, in the temperate zones, take for granted. |
In the earlier days of human society natural phenomena were accorded great significance and often described in mythic terms. |
To this end, a theory construes those phenomena as manifestations of entities and processes that lie behind or beneath them, as it were. |
The blurb books explain pop culture phenomena and offer unsolicited counsel to celebrities in crisis. |
Ants exemplify many behaviors and phenomena which are common to other insect species. |
Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism, for example, united the previously disjointed phenomena of electricity and magnetism. |
A few years ago it was suggested that auroral phenomena could exist on Mars too. |
He contended that bracketing enables one to objectively describe the phenomena under study. |
Oh, and before all that you get paranormal phenomena for a few days and ear buzzing, as kind of a preamble. |
Just as there are physical phenomena, in the same manner there are mental phenomena. |
Bird cherry blooming is one of the most distinctive phenomena in nature cycle. |
One of these phenomena is the redefinition of the authority of sacral status in terms of professional expertise. |
When vagotonia becomes stronger, even morbid phenomena will appear, which is shown in experiments on animals. |
In this paper I focus on scope phenomena connected with semi-modal verbs and mainly on the syntactic behaviour of these groups of verbs. |
Although such reports are often discounted as meteor showers or astronomical phenomena, other sightings are not so easy to dismiss. |
These phenomena ultimately depend on the molecular association and dissociation rate constants. |
But can the repeated Big Rips explain the same phenomena that we take as evidence for the big bang? |
This essay asserts that there are, in fact, two phenomena that need to be examined. |
Theoretical chemistry is the study of chemical phenomena with the help of mathematical models and computer calculations. |
Demographic change has been one of the most important but least explained phenomena in South African history. |
The reason for this difference is hypothetical and may be ascribable to two different phenomena. |
We don't find Mount Rushmores in biology, we find phenomena such as mimicry and camouflage. |
Jitter and flicker are two different phenomena, but both can drive you to distraction when you're trying to get work done. |
Researchers need to question whether the phenomena observed are real or an artefact of the experimental methodology used. |
I figure a superhuman spirit is capable of monkeying with natural phenomena at times. |
Its initial members sought to distinguish psychic phenomena from spiritism, and to investigate mediums and their activities. |
There are terse and objective descriptions of observed phenomena, apothegmatic passages, riddles and allegories, as well as fanciful narratives. |
She was able to produce table levitations, move objects without touching them, and perform a variety of other telekinetic phenomena. |
Religious literature has long indicated that paranormal phenomena are associated with religious or spiritual beliefs. |
They elaborated the connections between the telegraph and spiritualist phenomena in an effort to legitimize their supernatural experiences. |
This book consists of 11 essays documenting the phenomena of self-employment among various nations of the world. |
Alluvial fans and related phenomena are depositional landforms which form a continuum. |
Space controllers are aware of unusual atmospheric phenomena called sprites, a form of lightning that flashes into space above thunder clouds. |
Human behavior is to be explained in terms of mechanistic causes, just as the behavior of all natural phenomena are to be explained. |
According to authorities, normal astronomical phenomena such as a solar halo, or the refraction of water are usually reported during the day. |
Since the same phenomena was also occurring at the secondary level, the sense of threat anticlericals so loudly expressed is understandable. |
Among the phenomena that permanent observatories can study are climate variability and volcanic activity. |
The observation fitted a prediction of the theory, rather than the theory retrodicting an already observed phenomena. |
Americans have significantly increased their belief in psychic, paranormal and occult phenomena over the past decade, the Gallup Poll notes. |
We do tend to dismiss offhand such phenomena as human artifacts, and because of good theoretical and inductive preconceptions. |
We agree with Hislope that monocausal explanations of social phenomena are unlikely to be sustainable. |
The Tibetan medicine system believes that all phenomena are comprised of five fundamental elements. |
Kneale's thesis is that hauntings and ghosts are particularly intense phenomena that are literally recorded by matter, by the stone of the room. |
The field is dominated by schools of materialism that describe mental phenomena as types or side products of physical phenomena. |
These are difficult phenomena to operationalise and measure, and the procedure for participants was lengthy and exacting. |
The Christmas shopping phenomena has begun and I really do not want to get caught up in that again. |
In particular, interesting phenomena occur in nanoscale structures at the plasmon frequency, at which optical absorption is resonantly enhanced. |
He advocated that literature should record the writer's affectionate response to ordinary phenomena and commonplace happenings. |
Our Sages teach that as one experiences the phenomena of the new day, he should bless God for providing them. |
To date, the social science literature on New Age phenomena has been dominated by case studies and anecdotal accounts. |
These policies have left us badly exposed and at the mercy of natural phenomena like drought. |
As a rule, complex social phenomena like racism cannot be explained in terms of a single causal factor. |
Moreover, there is a wide range of phenomena which are in fact specific to spoken language only. |
We will explain the cause of these phenomena when discussing the light conditions in plant communities. |
When they decided it was a whole laundry list of phenomena that were very prosaic, they sort of dropped their investigation. |
Strictly speaking, our knowledge reaches only as far as the phenomena of inner and outer experience. |
Could similar phenomena occur at other enzymes, particularly allosteric enzymes where structurally similar dihydrofolate plays a regulatory role? |
Yet zoologists have consistently reacted to these phenomena with a mixture of incredulity, confusion, and even outright hostility. |
You can find them in phenomena ranging from the shell of the chambered nautilus to hurricanes and spiral galaxies. |
She fascinated me with talk of rolfing, reiki, hollotropic breathing and other exotic phenomena. |
Teilhard's breakthrough wasn't achieved overnight, and by interpreting some phenomena too literally, his team was led down several blind alleys. |
Rather than tying literary phenomena to underlying social and political developments, she charts an autonomous history for literature itself. |
In the book, he explores various Japanese cultural phenomena including bunraku, pachinko and, haiku. |
David has recently written a book on psychic phenomena from the standpoint of suspicious skeptic of the supernatural. |
But a recognition of the significance of paranormal phenomena requires an acceptance of testimony. |
Reality arrives synecdochically, in sharply limned phenomena and events that act as object lessons. |
These analyses indicate that the application of new genetic screens for dissecting complex signaling phenomena such as hydrotropism is promising. |
Here the claim that is made is that these perceptual phenomena are not exhausted by how the world is represented to the subject to be. |
It was a beautifully worked out theory and explained most of the observed phenomena of light such as reflection, refraction, diffraction etc. |
Recent weather phenomena can be explained away as cyclical, or as manifestations of climate change. |
There is such a great deal of ignorance of mental phenomena and physical phenomena. |
Modern cabalists and chaos magicians often attribute popcult phenomena like comic book characters, music, etc. to the ten sephira. |
If QM was as acausal as some people think, then we should not assume that these phenomena have a cause. |
Some studies have focused on the influence of the academic background of participants on their acceptance of belief in paranormal phenomena. |
Thus in Aristotle's view, there are accidental phenomena in nature, and they are not subject to scientific knowledge. |
Descartes viewed the world around him as particles of matter and explained natural phenomena through their motion and mechanical interactions. |
Global environmental issues like acid rain, ozone depletion, and climate change are relatively recent phenomena. |
It involves our acknowledgment that the existence of such phenomena entails certain responsibilities for those who remain unaffected by them. |
Science, he argues, is necessarily reductive, and reductive science undermines humanist ideas about phenomena such as consciousness or free will. |
Or do other phenomena perhaps show that the kairos, the right moment, might have passed us by? |
The phenomena described above are the obvious manifestations of this dilemma. |
All of this natural phenomena is also called karez by the inhabitants of Balochistan. |
Whether the phenomena of karyokinesis are essentially chemical or not remains to be determined by further investigations. |
All other ages, epochs, and eras are represented by natural evolutionary and geological phenomena. |
This anthology pairs contemporary stories with folk tales, many of which interpret natural phenomena in the light of local knowledge and lore. |
In an obscure way, one seems to imagine a phenomenally empty physical space into which phenomena are then projected in a mystical way. |
The main enemies are psychologism, reductionism, idealism, and the distortion of the phenomena by philosophical systems. |
Finally, critical rebound phenomena after withdrawal with a threatening pulmonary hypertension did not occur. |
Patterns are recurrent, regular attributes of world phenomena or abstract examples. |
Natural philosophy then consisted of causal explanation of observed phenomena in nature within such a logical and schematic programme. |
These studies comprise two general lines of inquiry that include studies of the phenomena of long-term potentiation and kindling. |
Lightning is one of the most fascinating yet beautiful natural weather phenomena that we see here on Earth. |
Experts routinely have to reassess the damage done by natural phenomena such as earthquakes or hurricanes. |
The major global geophysical catastrophes that await us down the line are in fact just run-of-the-mill natural phenomena writ large. |
Scientific laws are the means, the logical tool that helps interpret facts, phenomena and processes. |
I might add that sometimes explanations of physical phenomena involve mathematical facts. |
It was left to Newton to provide the mathematical explanation of the phenomena that they observed. |
Hip-hop has long been one of the most fashion-conscious cultural phenomena in America. |
The Jansenist Nouvelles was one of the most remarkable publishing phenomena of the eighteenth century. |
One of the most remarkable economic phenomena over the past few years has been the emergence of Internet business. |
Any examination of Yali's question must address the phenomena of the Fertile Crescent. |
For Kant, the proper explanation of natural phenomena is in terms of laws which state patterns according to which events occur. |
No empirical phenomena seem to demand a notion of backward causation for our understanding of them. |
According to Bohr, the only real properties of natural phenomena are observed phenomena. |
Some forms of materialism argue that the mental phenomena in question do not even exist. |
When fat people are portrayed on film, they're usually played by thin actors in fat suits, a phenomena that's been compared to a modern version of the blackface minstrel show. |
The GOP had its ardor candidates, like Pat Buchanan in 1992, but they were understood to be temporary phenomena or unelectable. |
Very unusual and increasingly violent phenomena are originating from nature all over the world in the form of weather disturbances and plague-like new diseases. |
Whereas many researchers have discussed phenomena that relate to implicitness in texts, nobody has before to my knowledge made implicitness itself the main object of study. |
The researcher better serves his interests and those of sociolinguistics if he or she attempts to find a direct approach to studying the phenomena in question. |
These two phenomena leave Apple vulnerable to cheaper, aggressive competitors. |
That same year, 1600, De Magnete was published, and was quickly accepted as the standard work on magnetism and electrical phenomena throughout Europe. |
In his seventeenth-century work Saducismus Triumphatus Joseph Glanvil saw poltergeists, apparitions, and other phenomena as evidence of a spiritual world. |
At the same time, this purely materialistic explanation elucidates many of the phenomena which the vitalists had claimed could not be explained chemically or physically. |
These scientific giants had accurately described phenomena of dynamics and celestial mechanics, but neither had formulated scientific explanations. |
In that way, it incorporates both classical physics and quantum theory to explain the most general range of phenomena yet. |
The third day concerned the earth's annual motion around the sun, and of course certain phenomena involving both the daily rotation and the annual revolution. |
In this work, the percolation approach is used for explaining the behavior phenomenon of soil consolidation, one of the many phenomena encountered in soil mechanics. |
His lush paintings of the English countryside are renowned for both their quasi-scientific study of natural phenomena and their almost Impressionistic brushwork. |
While hailstones are ice, hail is mostly a summer phenomena because the strong thunderstorms needed to produce hail are much more common during warm weather. |
These are, of course, just a sampling of the countless mind-bending and brain-boggling phenomena that have kept astrophysicists busy for the past hundred years. |
Here we would like to entertain the more radical idea that the underlying laws governing those individual phenomena are themselves of statistical origin. |
Optical techniques using potentiometric probes have been successfully used to monitor electrical phenomena in cells and tissue where microelectrode access is not possible. |
The decline in the proper understanding of the Holy Eucharist and the consequent decline in reverence and adoration, are not phenomena in isolation. |
They also realized that descriptions and explanations of observed phenomena could be phrased in mathematical or geometrical rather than anthropomorphic terms. |
There are few phenomena more scenic than the mountains at sunset, and what better way to get an eyeful than on a highway bike ride out to Cochrane or Bragg Creek? |
Fox hunts are not exactly common phenomena in today's society. |
For a desert people winds, rain, thunder, lightening, hurricanes, thunderbolts, whirlwinds, and other meteorological phenomena held tremendous fascination. |
A striking manifestation of this phenomena is the ability to grow crystalline solid-state structures from a solution of cyclic elastin-like oligopeptides by heating. |
Critical phenomena relates to the physical properties of matter that occur at the phase transition points and specifically at the critical points. |
Experts on very compact white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes study the enormously energetic and fascinatingly rich array of phenomena that these systems exhibit. |
The air pressure variations due to lunisolar effects cause the deformation of the Earth and therefore directly and indirectly influence several geodynamical phenomena. |
Decades of research have shown that the Standard Model is hugely successful in describing microscopic phenomena involving fundamental particles, where gravity can be ignored. |
The notions of defamiliarization and foregrounding as linguistic phenomena can help us understand the nature of literariness and how they are developed. |
The results of consolidating spending units into a monolithic solidarity must be to eliminate money as well as other financial phenomena from aggregative economic analysis. |
Many of the phenomena to be understood are microeconomic in nature. |
In other words, phenomena of dislocation associated with new media that are co-evolutionary with forms of cultural production in pre-digital media. |
Research then becomes a matter of defamiliarization, of observing and interpreting social phenomena in novel ways compared to cultural dominant categories and distinctions. |
These two phenomena are especially critical for sessile higher plants. |
Important as the study of phenomena of this type obviously is, it must be recognized that pressure waves are born within domains that sustain the combustion reaction. |
Fluorescence and phosphorescence are two similar luminescent phenomena. |
They can seem crusty, Eighties phenomena who have singularly failed to get out of their pinstripes, Jermyn Street shirts and carefully-knotted ties. |
The treatment prescribed for such phenomena included complete rest, massage, various tonics and special diets, sometimes even electroshock therapy. |
Almost all phenomena can, as we have seen, be explained by a normal scientific explanation in terms of the operation of natural laws on preceding states. |
I still have a strong interest in any phenomena that would violate our known natural laws of physics and redefine our understanding of our universe. |
Nevertheless, this elucidation of the generic discontinuous change has shed light upon many optical phenomena where caustics and diffraction occur. |
Supernovae are among the most spectacular phenomena known to astronomy. |
Explaining ecological phenomena in terms of organismal traits has broad acceptance by community ecologists and growing acceptance by ecosystem ecologists. |
Galileo took the position that all celestial phenomena should be interpreted in terms of terrestrial analogies, against Aristotle's basic postulate of essential differences. |
However, it became a scientific issue with the advent of the theory of relativity and again with the discovery of phenomena at the subatomic level. |
This essay will explore both the feast and the season of Martinmas as interdependent phenomena, both under the aegis of the great bishop of Tours. |
It is something beyond reason, something beyond public experience, something beyond the phenomena we share with our tormentedly compulsive friend. |
According to Newton, the natural philosopher may establish that phenomena are related in a certain way, but cannot establish that the relation could not be otherwise. |
By now, I realise that you're probably all champing at the bit to find out my considered opinions on the various cultural phenomena of the moment. |
On the whole, the vortex theory offered the natural philosopher a highly intuitive model of celestial phenomena that was compatible with the mechanical philosophy. |
Then he noted phenomena clearly discernible on lacquer pieces in his own collection that, as far as he knew, had not appeared in the published sources. |
For a time there was controversy over this issue, but it's now clear that the threshold phenomena in graphs and other mathematical structures are genuine phase transitions. |
Leading catastrophists such as them promoted the so-called diluvial theory, which accounted for many geological phenomena by the action of the biblical flood. |
An example is provided by molecular biophysics that reduces biological phenomena to a set of algorithms forming a consistent whole into which a biomolecular assembly can fit. |
Studies drawing on both electrokinetic phenomena and slip boundary conditions are offering in-depth understanding of microfluid flow in restricted microchannels. |
Thus labour remains very much in the domain of the base, and as such it does not have much in common with superstructural phenomena like culture, language and communication. |
This episode just shows that scientists and technicians who are exposed to phenomena that are sufficiently far out of their fields, can be completely hornswoggled. |
The inevitable convergence of such findings with religion makes it impossible for a sceptic, atheist and man of science to swallow such phenomena. |
Many have experienced phenomena that, however creepy, admit a satisfactory explanation. |
Moreover, in this process of hysterical conversion, symptoms are not arbitrary and meaningless phenomena but complex symbolizations of repressed psychological experiences. |
From the wild weather to the harsh landscape, Iceland has its fair share of mystifying phenomena. |
Part of taste in humans is genetically controlled and it is a well-known phenomena to find individuals who are unable to taste phenylthiocarbamide. |
Reincarnation does seem to offer an explanation for some strange phenomena such as the ability of some people to regress to a past life under hypnosis. |
Science is that branch of knowledge which deals with the material world, the world and natural phenomena that are observable, measurable and perceivable by the senses. |
Bekhterev's reflexology had pretensions to explain social phenomena, and could thus be denounced as a heretical challenger to historical materialism. |
With every passing phase, life becomes more complex in the sense that it allows man to either stumble upon or to consciously discover new phenomena and substance. |
The study of signed languages can reveal whether or not sociolinguistic phenomena previously observed for spoken languages are general across modalities. |
Near-death experiences, spirit possession, past-life memories, and many other peculiar phenomena suggest a disembodied spirit as an obvious explanation. |
The pith and substance of his argument seems to be that the standard of proof of paranormal phenomena should be one that would satisfy ordinary people sitting on a jury. |
The goal of the preliminary coding was to identify the phenomena of interest, and no attempt was made at this point to specify discrete categories. |
Sleep driving, not to he confused with drowsy driving, has been recently added to the lexicon of sleep medicine and phenomena of sleepwalking. |
It is also often applied to belief in phenomena such as aliens, UFOs, crop circles and reincarnation. |
Indeed, debunking is nothing more than asking for evidence of paranormal phenomena under conditions that preclude trickery. |
The post-creole continuum and decreolization are well-established and well-documented phenomena in creole linguistics. |
Prodromou said denationalising CyTA would free it from political party meddling and phenomena of corruption. |
Finally, there's a lot of European buskers around the city at the moment and a new phenomena of piano accordions being played badly. |
Mechanisms of such clustering may play a role in natural phenomena such as the formation of planetary rings and movement of sea-ice floes. |
Check out geological phenomena such as plate tectonics, volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis in an interactive process known as prototyping. |
The dynamical phenomena of the oscillation of mechanical components of a rail vehicle are often nonlinear and nonsteady. |
Three regions where relaxation phenomena occur can be clearly distinguished in accordance to the polyphasic nature of the fluoroelastomers. |
Mountain experts said electrical storms are among the most difficult weather phenomena for walkers to deal with. |
He covers potential and charge at interfaces, interaction between surfaces, and electrokinetic phenomena at interfaces. |
Only nationalism explains such disparate phenomena as Indianism and anti-Americanism. |
Referred pain patterns, local twitch responses and autonomic phenomena are thought to be related to interneuronal integration in the spinal cord. |
The flash floods have become a common phenomena in Jammu and Kashmir due to incessant rains in the region. |
Mutations are the result of two genetic phenomena known as founder effect and bottleneck effect. |
Due to the revolution of the earth, heliacal and acronical phenomena are separated by six months of time for a given star. |
On the first view, emotions are purely biological phenomena.... They are arational and amoral, like other natural bodily functions. |
When quantum-mechanical phenomena are taken into account, new vistas open up both for codemakers and codebreakers. |
The Swedish experts claimed that some 20 percent of the ghost rocket reports appeared to be neither aircraft nor natural phenomena. |
Humians see no necessary uniformity in phenomena because they expect some logical law to which uniformity may be referred. |
Ptolemy offered explanations for many phenomena concerning illumination and colour, size, shape, movement and binocular vision. |
Faraday also established that magnetism could affect rays of light and that there was an underlying relationship between the two phenomena. |
The base units used in the metric system must be realisable, ideally with reference to natural phenomena rather than unique artefacts. |
This approach elegantly predicted many of the spectral phenomena that Bohr's model failed to explain. |
These fundamental phenomena are still under investigation and, though hypotheses abound, the definitive answer has yet to be found. |
Much of economics is positive, seeking to describe and predict economic phenomena. |
In the early decades of the church charismatic or ecstatic phenomena were commonplace. |
The most famous claimed edition of Mother Shipton's prophecies foretells many modern events and phenomena. |
Thus he proposed to unite the separate phenomena of Body, Man, and the State. |
De Rerum Natura provides mechanistic explanations for phenomena such as erosion, evaporation, wind, and sound. |
However, the shanty genre is distinct among various global work song phenomena. |
Explanation of these phenomena requires more sophisticated physical theories, including general relativity and quantum field theory. |
Maxwell proposed that light is an undulation in the same medium that is the cause of electric and magnetic phenomena. |
The unification of light and electrical phenomena led to the prediction of the existence of radio waves. |
In fact, the solutions of these equations encompass all the diverse phenomena in the entire field of classical electromagnetism. |
Cosmology deals with the world as the totality of space, time and all phenomena. |
As such, many of the universe's more energetic phenomena have been attributed to the accretion of matter on black holes. |
These phenomena appeared in the middle of the 13th century in Central European countries. |
Doyle praised the psychic phenomena and spirit materializations produced by Eusapia Palladino and Mina Crandon, who were both exposed as frauds. |
Consciousness, itself a conditioned phenomenon, must derive from or depend on some different thing prior to or behind material phenomena. |
Thus not all phenomena of evolution are explained by natural selection alone. |
Just as all phenomena exist in time and thus have a history, they also exist in space and have a geography. |
Frost and snow are rare phenomena in the city as temperatures are usually well above freezing. |
These also confirm the linkage between ice ages and continental crust phenomena such as glacial moraines, drumlins, and glacial erratics. |
This means that it aims to describe phenomena of the past and reconstruct their causes. |
According to these thinkers, the ancients worshiped natural phenomena, such as fire and air, gradually deifying them. |
For example, Tylor interpreted myth as an attempt at a literal explanation for natural phenomena. |
It is designed to explore cultural phenomena where the researcher observes society from the point of view of the subject of the study. |
In addition the aerodynamics of a wind turbine at the rotor surface exhibit phenomena that are rarely seen in other aerodynamic fields. |
When cooled slowly correlated proton tunneling occurs below 20 K giving rise to macroscopic quantum phenomena. |
Besides ocean depth, oceanographers use contour to describe diffuse variable phenomena much as meteorologists do with atmospheric phenomena. |
Others, such as orpeko among the Maasai people of Tanzania, are relatively recent phenomena that originated with foreign contacts. |
Biology is orthodoxly the part of science that deals directly with the phenomena of living matter. |
Such weather phenomena as fog, clouds, rain, falling snow, and sleet that block visible light are usually transparent to radio waves. |
It remains a standard work for the Roman period and the advances in technology and understanding of natural phenomena at the time. |
These phenomena can be especially detrimental to rare species that come into contact with more abundant ones. |
Parapegms were used for the publication of laws, proclamations, and the recording of astronomical phenomena or calendar events. |
They used myth to explain natural phenomena, cultural variations, traditional enmities and friendships. |
Stoics presented explanations of the gods and heroes as physical phenomena, while the Euhemerists rationalized them as historical figures. |
Other phenomena unrelated to tides but using the word tide are rip tide, storm tide, hurricane tide, and black or red tides. |
Nodule growth is one of the slowest of all known geological phenomena, on the order of a centimeter over several million years. |
One of the phenomena which had peculiarly attracted my attention was the structure of the human frame, and, indeed, any animal endued with life. |
Sailors' fears were founded in what they saw, and the phenomena witnessed by the sailors of those days can be seen today. |
Additionally, natural oceanographic phenomena can cause deoxygenation of parts of the water column. |
They also contend that those who believe in paranormal phenomena do so for merely psychological reasons. |
These are based in elements that would be considered religious, mystical, or psychic phenomena in the British vernacular when they were written. |
There are frequent tales and claimed sightings of ghosts, phantoms and other supernatural phenomena. |
I refer to hallucinatory or pseudo-hallucinatory luminous phenomena, photisms, to use the term of the psychologists. |
The phenomena of community action, shunning, scapegoating, generosity, shared risk, and reward are common to many forms of society. |
It explains macroscopic phenomena through the classical mechanics of the microscopic particles. |
The field of plasma physics deals with phenomena of electromagnetic nature that involve very high temperatures. |
Because these phenomena operate outside of the level of single segments, they are called suprasegmental. |
Scholars of communication studies use ethnographic research methods to analyze communicative behaviors and phenomena. |
Music genres such as jazz and reggae began locally and later became international phenomena. |
It applies mathematics, physics, and chemistry, in an effort to explain the origin of those objects and phenomena and their evolution. |
More generally, all astronomical phenomena that originate outside Earth's atmosphere are within the purview of astronomy. |