The pharaoh concluded that Phrygian, an older language spoken in a part of what is modern Turkey, must be the original language. |
The Ramesseum, a mortuary temple, contains a sixty-six foot tall seated statue of the pharaoh. |
In 525 B., Cambyses, the son of Cyrus the Great, led a Persian invasion force that dethroned the last pharaoh of the 26th Dynasty. |
I propose that this pharaoh is not Nefertiti, but quite a different person altogether. |
They depict the pharaoh, or rather the pharaoh's ka, in a striding pose and holding a mace in one hand and a long staff in the other. |
In 1923, the world was fascinated with news of the discovery of the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamen. |
We reached the gate, where an elegant chariot pulled by two horses stood, and the pharaoh stood beside them. |
There are few papyri from his reign, but hieroglyphic inscriptions from the Delta present him as a traditional pharaoh. |
The pharaoh was a sacrosanct monarch who served as the intermediary between the gods and man. |
Many provincial nomarchs built extravagant temples, trying to connect their power to the pharaoh. |
The pharaoh sat in the larger throne in-layed with many semi-precious jewels and minerals. |
It created a fascination for Egyptology and for a pharaoh who died as a teenager. |
The house features a stone replica of a sphinx at the front door and a statue of the pharaoh Tuthmosis III brought from Luxor in Egypt in the entrance hall. |
Another high economic growth period was certainly the time after a pharaoh had died in ancient Egypt and the economy was put under the command to erect a new pyramid. |
Michelle met with arts luminaries in the gallery in the Egyptian wing named for Hatshepsut, the woman who ruled as pharaoh. |
In addition to salukis, eligible breeds are whippets, greyhounds, Afghan hounds, borzois, Ibizan hounds, pharaoh hounds, Irish wolfhounds, and Scottish deerhounds. |
And did they bequeath to the military the task of rescuing the democratic impulse stifled by a pharaoh with an Islamist face? |
The finds are certainly comparable in significance to the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun. |
Workers constructing the pyramids were given garlic, and it was found in the tomb of the young pharaoh Tutankhamen. |
Explain that it is made up of quoted excerpts from actual print and online articles about the Egyptian pharaoh Hatshepsut. |
It was a poem inspired less by a particular pharaoh with a mellifluous name, than by ruins, and the lessons they could teach mankind. |
In 1150 BC, in ancient Egypt, all the wives of the pharaoh Ramses III had all hair removed, from underarms to pubic area. |
They say the pharaoh Khufu who built the Great Pyramid was so obsessed by the construction of his own tomb, he had no money to build tombs for others in his family. |
After Apollonius has recognized a lion as a reincarnation of Egypt's last pharaoh Amasis, he sets out in the company of ten disciples for the Ethiopian gymnosophists. |
The reign of the pharaoh Amenhotep III marks the zenith of ancient Egyptian civilisation, both in terms of political power and cultural achievement. |
They claim a tattered and neglected mummy found in a tomb in the Valley of the Kings is probably Queen Nefertiti, stepmother of the boy pharaoh Tutankhamun. |
The captain of the troops was a certain Psammetichos, homonym of the pharaoh, but he must have been of the second-generation Greek, for his patronymic, Theocles, vouches for his foreign origin. |
In Egypt, Alexander was portrayed as the son of Nectanebo II, the last pharaoh before the Persian conquest. |
The pharaoh ants moved into the house when they find a warm and humid, they are opportunistic, settling in places as unusual that a pot of houseplant. |
To hit the jackpot: Five pharaoh symbols on any line. |
On the north is the entrance of the Great Pyramid, which leads to the tomb of the great pharaoh of Khufu, and the long small corridor with escape shafts leads to the King's burial chamber. |
She is dressed Egyptian style with a pleated loincloth, wears a variation of the nemes or pharaoh headcloth of ancient Egypt and slave bracelets on her arms and ankles. |
Hounds such as beagles, basset hounds, harriers, foxhounds, and coonhounds run in packs, while others, such as Afghan hounds, borzois, pharaoh hounds, and Salukis, course alone. |
The royal footstool was painted with the figures of traditional enemies of Egypt so that the pharaoh might symbolically tread his enemies under his feet. |
In this section Purpose and worth A difficult truth Religious warring Batting for survival Finding the pharaoh Correction ReprintsAmericans of the left did not laugh. |
There's not a tyrant in the region who can act the pharaoh any more. |
As a favorite daughter of a popular pharaoh, and as a charismatic and beautiful lady in her own right, she was able to command enough of a following to actually take control as pharaoh. |
In Egyptian history, the snake occupies a primary role with the Nile cobra adorning the crown of the pharaoh in ancient times. |
Because the pharaoh ant eats a variety of items, it can survive on just about any crumb it finds. |
The pharaoh ant, Monomorium pharaonis, is one of the most persistent and pestiferous ants to invade the sanctity of hearth and home. |
Given that the culture had a highly centralized power structure and hierarchy, a great deal of art was created to honour the pharaoh, including great monuments. |
Bucking the powerful priesthood class, the pharaoh began to ignore Egypt's vast pantheon of anthropomorphic dieties and devote himself entirely to Aten, the sun god. |
The pharaoh tried to make his subjects worship the sun disc called Arken. |
It was begun by Cleopatra VII of the Ptolemaic dynasty, the last pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, to honour her dead lover Julius Caesar, then converted by Augustus to his own cult. |
For example, the struggle of the ancient Hebrews against the wicked Pharaoh came to embody the struggle of the colonists against English tyranny. |
Ramesses the Great, King of Kings, is traditionally believed to be the Pharaoh of the Israelite Exodus from Egypt. |
Postmodern reinvention, including Rambo as Egypt's Pharaoh, could be seen as irreverent, even sacrilegious. |
One day, you're bouncing on top of a camel and climbing inside the Great Pyramid to eye the stone sarcophagus of Pharaoh Cheops. |
He did not rely on his own resource, friendship with Pharaoh or past accomplishments. |
The greatest loss among these was the account by his general, Ptolemy, who later became Pharaoh of Egypt and founded the Ptolemaic royal line. |
The exposed side was decorated with a very beautiful scene showing the Pharaoh in front of the god Amun. |
In the 3,000 year reign of Egyptian royalty, the Pharaoh Tutankhamun was a minor-if-intriguing figure. |
Directed by John Singleton, the short film stars Eddie Murphy as a Pharaoh and the supermodel as his bored queen. |
It is a life-sized statue of the Pharaoh in the customary royal striding position, wearing the royal head-cloth nemes and holding a mace in one hand. |
The Pharaoh sent his ships out to try and circumnavigate the world. |
From there came the years in Egypt, ending when Moses brought forth the plagues to convince Pharaoh to let his people go, and the parting of the Red Sea. |
The Pharaoh followed by the main queens, Nefertari, and Istnofret, followed by the Crown Prince Merenptah then came the princesses and the remaining princes. |
God promised he would release them from slavery, but not before Pharaoh had refused their release and God had visited ten plagues on Egypt to demonstrate his power. |
This new king became known as the Pharaoh of the Oppression, and it was during his time that the story of the infant Moses in the bulrushes is set. |
Ten Biblical plagues over Egypt, ranging from locusts to the death of the crown prince, finally forced Pharaoh to let Moses's people go. |
The last Pharaoh was a Greek princess, Cleopatra VII, who took her own life in 30 BC, a year after the battle of Actium. |
And the LORD spake unto Moses, Go unto Pharaoh, and say unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Let my people go, that they may serve me. |
Jacob and his family migrated to Ancient Egypt after being invited to live with Jacob's son Joseph by the Pharaoh himself. |
He respected the pharaonic religions and customs and he was proclaimed Pharaoh of Egypt. |
The sensuous young Hatusu is now Pharaoh and, having just defeated the Mitanni, is enjoying her power and glory. |
Egyptian Government Restores Antiquated Church Oh, thank you Pharaoh Morsi for being so nice to us dhimmi Copts. |
In Ancient Egypt, the Pharaoh wielded absolute power over the country and was considered a living god by his people. |
The earliest physical evidence of it is probably the pustular rash on the mummified body of Pharaoh Ramses V of Egypt. |
Now are they indurate and tough as Pharaoh, and will not bow unto any right way or order. |
For the second series, Graham, Pharaoh and Chibnall returned to write episodes, joined by Julie Rutterford, Guy Jenkin and Mark Greig. |
It fell to the Persians again in 343 BC after the last native Pharaoh, King Nectanebo II, was defeated in battle. |
Take Pharaoh Brown as an example, as the latest in a line of Oregon tight ends who have put their basketball skills to good use. |
Tight end Pharaoh Brown was wearing his green-and-yellow letterman jacket in the midst of a rollicking snowball fight during the big snow Friday afternoon. |
He hath made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house. |
The series episodes were mostly written by its creators Jordan, Graham and Pharaoh, later joined by Chris Chibnall as the fourth writer for the first series. |
The ancient Puntites were a nation of people that had close relations with Pharaonic Egypt during the times of Pharaoh Sahure and Queen Hatshepsut. |
The Puntites were a nation of people who had close relations with Ancient Egypt during the reign of the 5th dynasty Pharaoh Sahure and the 18th dynasty Queen Hatshepsut. |