I have never seen him descend to such a depth of petulance and spitefulness that he reached last night. |
Exhibiting a petulance last season, it has been alleged that he would throw tantrums if substituted in youth matches. |
Following the herd, as the media advise, would lead me to applaud childish petulance, crudity, and bad manners. |
I have never seen O'Brien descend to such a depth of petulance and spitefulness that he reached last night. |
Everyone has had a pop at him for his petulance in chirping her and getting sent off. |
Whether his resignation was tendered because of petulance or careful stratagem, he now has a real measure of the Government's dependence on him. |
The old petulance, the bearlike hunching ill-temper of his bachelor days has vanished. |
Calderwood was so angered by the petulance he refused to acknowledge his midfielder. |
Anger would have been misplaced, petulance completely out of character. |
Patience relates the biblical story of Jonah as a human comedy of petulance and irascibility set off against God's benign forbearance. |
His impassioned diatribes are laced with the queasy petulance of someone who already knows he's lost the fight, going to the mat with a whine instead of a real donnybrook. |
Lorre looked like a sleazy baby, his face registering every passing petulance, ready to drop from a hopeful grin down to a sulk. |
The question is whether his sins justify American and British petulance at their failure to get rid of him. |
Even that is before counting subsidies to farmers for fertilisers, tractor fuel and the like. But India's move was not sheer petulance. |
He also seems to suffer from the Texan billionaire's petulance and tin ear when it comes to politics. |
Lear, childlike in his petulance, denies Cordelia her dower. |
Except for a bit of petulance directed toward Stephanopoulos and a bit of pique directed at Huntsman, Romney maintained his cool. |
Fortunately, Boehner has elected to ignore this display of petulance and continue with his landmark attempt to sue the president. |
It's only a matter of time before she goes and spoils it all with an act of self-destructive petulance or a complete misreading of a perfectly innocent situation. |
She remains briskly stoic even as the client's petulance escalates. |
It was always going to be a difficult game to officiate given Tyrone's willingness to hit the deck but White punished petulance as well as could have been expected. |
Incomplete passes, mile-wide shots, stiltedness, petulance, an overriding sense of fear: the game had it all. |
This push for war defies all reasoned, logical thinking and now it is with petulance and impatience that Bush informs the rest of the world that the moment of truth, his deadline, has been reached. |
Performing his hit kiss-off with an unprintable title, Big Sean exuded his usual petulance, the big-timer lording his success over the woman who let him go. |
James Harrison's elegantly-sung Scarpia came across like a super-fit and calculatingly sinister company executive, and Becca Marriott's Tosca had the right sort of petulance, plus bags of vocal power. |
In many countries he was treated rather more respectfully than at home, where his candour was redefined as petulance by his critics He remained determined that he would be vindicated, until close to the end. |
She had not done this, but had shown herself angry and sore, and was now ashamed of her own petulance, and yet unable to discontinue it. |
The hypertstène use it to work 3rd eye surle, on the chakra of the solar plexus it attenuates petulance and is therefore going to ameliorate relations with the others. |
The bombastic wrath of Lord Azphel and his underlings in response to the decision for peace was just so much sound and fury, the petulance of children denied. |
The 19-year-old pop star, petulance personified, is acting out. |
To me he seemed to have more of a child's elementary sense of justice, and with it, perhaps, a child's touch of egocentricity and petulance. |