On the plus side, the temperaments and personalities of the 'firies' are starkly highlighted, as are current firefighting and rescue tactics. |
In addition, staff personalities and temperaments could have impacted parental knowledge gain. |
It is shaped by our own temperaments and personalities that incline us to behave in certain ways, which, in turn, shape how others react to us. |
It's learning, for example, to live in community with people of very different temperaments and talents and outlooks and personalities. |
Men were providers, hunter gatherer types, strong personalities, fixing stuff, bringing home the bacon and sometimes the whole pig too. |
They are increasingly Balkanised and revolve around personalities and ancient regional and union disputes rather than differences in philosophy. |
Those who love to play the martyr submerge their own personalities. They devote a lifetime to unnecessary servitude and privation. |
Such childhood-beating narratives play an important part in Freud's interpretation of sadistic and masochistic personalities. |
To add spice to the event, well-known TV personalities were introduced as the masters of ceremonies. |
We set up a little seance and tried calling up some dead personalities and ask questions while a machine was recording everything. |
My sister is Reese, and she's my identical twin, but our personalities are like night and day. |
It was a game to beat all games as supporters watched their favourite Waterford sport personalities go head to head on the soccer field. |
The time-worn argument that conservatives have authoritarian personalities is, more or less, a nasty way of recasting my thesis. |
John was the foundation upon which the others could build their various Beatle personalities. |
His regulars were bright friends with beguiling personalities and good stories, not stars with a movie to push. |
Such charismatic personalities can rise to power meteorically, ushered in by a severe crisis. |
With minor modifications to crust, sauce and toppings, the pie takes on new personalities. |
Far from being meek, mild and modest, librarians hide beneath their demure appearance hot and passionate personalities. |
Where people had personalities, identities and individual miens, this being just held fear. |
This ship and her sister exhibit distinct split personalities, depending on the cruising region. |
Not only is the business doing well but Gary also gets the opportunity to mingle with some of sports biggest personalities. |
Pollack's casts bulge with big-timers whose personalities often stand in for character and motivation. |
Many corporate bigwigs and sports personalities were seen teeing off at the Karnataka Golf Association here. |
They aggressively courted famous personalities, landing on a troika who were almost completely new to electoral politics. |
The clothes will be modelled by students, members of the community and sporting personalities. |
But he is back with the BBC as the presenter of a new chat show with sporting personalities. |
Here the night will be boogied away by an A-list celebrity smorgasbord of movie stars, moguls, sports personalities and billionaires. |
They have decisive, take-charge personalities in a society that shuns wishy-washiness. |
Most of the portraits had the historical personalities facing the viewer, while in some their side view was given. |
The great satirists of the past did not worry about official watchdogs, and had greater targets in their sights than sports personalities. |
Hobs are usually bigger than jills but the personalities vary little between the sexes. |
Since the mediums are different and lend themselves to on-air personalities, very few broadcasting, markets still embrace simulcasts. |
Their personalities complemented each other and seemed to personify George's psychic, inner conflicts. |
She said her family was understanding and supportive, and all her five sisters had in-dependent personalities. |
A surfeit of boldfaced names, from world leaders to media personalities, lend the book a sensational thrill. |
Now she speaks but without a sound, like the television personalities on mute. |
The Right will see how political spin and slippery personalities can sell questionable character to the voters. |
The society serves as a union of personalities lobbying for the success of the institution similar to the Philadelphia Orchestra. |
Their lively, bouncy music was the perfect showcase for their bright personalities, too. |
I have a sneaky feeling that you have at least two different personalities. |
Great personalities abound in Bhenswara, a lovely untouristed small town, where it is often said 'the real India' lives. |
We have turned these low-life neds into personalities who are set to give Glasgow yet another dose of unwanted notoriety. |
No society has yet been able to free itself of sociopaths, extreme bigots, and aggressive personalities. |
One of your skills as a coach is to breed these personalities, not as individuals, but how they interact in a group. |
Still, given the potent brew of personalities, it was natural that rumours would flourish, and they did. |
Perhaps if the cast had stronger personalities and more sonorous voices, the production would have a less half-hearted effect. |
With speed dating, personalities could still clash, but that physical element is there from the start. |
But this club, which has a strong lineup, improved rotation and deeper bullpen, is full of sometimes volatile personalities. |
This is not an unheard-of phenomenon, by the way, with certain volatile personalities who work together. |
Politicians, writers, sportswomen, actors and personalities have all contributed footwear to the auction. |
But tomorrow brings another election, where the stakes are high, the personalities are bigger than the issues, and the electorate is grumpy. |
It starts with their personalities, which are very different, but which are equally stamped on their new teams. |
The reasons and personalities behind the calumniation of him as a coward for nearly four years would surely be newsworthy. |
All the performers can dance, so what I was really observing was their personalities. |
Interested observers and commentators might more usefully examine in more detail the results, rather than the personalities of the Police. |
As part of the campaign, the company sent samples around to on-air personalities, who talked up the new flavor. |
Some actors can play multiple characters, or personalities and carry them off admirably. |
We are on first-name terms with many of the staff, who have been great and there are some really big personalities among them. |
And the audience proved it in ample measure by heartily applauding the film personalities. |
The writers will begin to develop storylines based on the on-screen chemistry and the personalities of the actors. |
Stuck in the desert, the two people from differing cultural backgrounds and with opposing personalities fall for each other. |
It wouldn't be so bad if the ouster hadn't been made by utterly pathetic personalities. |
I've met a lot of commercial pilots and most of them were outgoing and friendly thanks to their charm-school personalities. |
Indeed, it is not just television personalities that often outshine real people. |
This is a film you can admire for its mix of cool looks and high-minded purpose, but it has lots of principles and no personalities. |
How a crime impacts on a family member depends on specific circumstances, on different individuals' personalities and characters. |
The actors lip-synch the songs and Neil creates different personalities with subtle changes in his voice. |
Time was when he had his own chat show where he interviewed the top sporting personalities of the day. |
Having said that there are five strong personalities in the contest and I am confident that with good vote management we can still hold our own. |
A key struggle in any papal election is not over personalities or warring interpretations of the faith. |
Moore's approach is chronological with interpretation of important events and personalities based upon her study of the Zambelli records. |
Not only do we accept them, but we sympathize with their actions because we identify with aspects of their personalities. |
It is expected that a healthy flow of ideas and suggestions, and not a clash of personalities shall prevail. |
What could have been a mutually beneficial working relationship was marred by the clash of their personalities. |
Lack of money seems a thin excuse, and his departure is more likely to have been the result of a clash of personalities. |
And indeed, for the first few days the clash of personalities and cultures can be terrifying. |
Their personalities clashed viciously, and this would probably only be the first of many disagreements. |
In the last two years, three of its highest profile personalities have defected for greener pastures. |
These made-up, swiped, or patchworked personalities become the vehicle for fiction's ethical work. |
Vata personalities tend toward hypochondria, and Kaphas are known as masters of the art of avoidance. |
The special features include interviews with national and international fashion icons and creative personalities. |
Alma's sketches are described as spare accurate lines, perfectly capturing personalities through mannerisms and idiosyncrasies. |
It cut through the clubbiness, the sense that politics is just about personalities. |
The character design and animations go a long way to present the personalities of different characters. |
My emphasis was very much on the individuals and characters and personalities. |
This is the only way voters can assess the personalities and characters of these people. |
This is the bunk in which the wrong combination of personalities creates bad chemistry. |
The results are chaotic and funny as personalities clash and each character's true love emerges from his or her ordeal. |
The majority of choices in both films seem logical given the particular personalities of the characters. |
You have characters that have strong personalities, but they can do crazy things. |
Drawings and dialogue combine to create distinctive personalities for these birds. |
Also, children may enjoy street soccer together with some famous players and personalities. |
Pupils at the school have named sections of the centre after famous Farnworth personalities. |
If given a chance, are there any famous movie stars or sports personalities you would like to meet? |
Much of their life is in the pages and before you ever meet these famous personalities, you know a ton about them. |
On Sunday are two resort walks looking back at places associated with the early life of two of Morecambe's most famous personalities. |
She had a fund of anecdotes and her good-humoured mimicking of personalities is justly famous. |
But maybe we shouldn't be too surprised at the contestants' failure to develop celebrity personalities. |
The book's final pages are dedicated to memories of famous personalities and places that are no more. |
Over the last few years, the media world has lost many of its most famous personalities. |
But would a single company be able to manage the competing egos of the print and television personalities? |
The resort's seclusion attracted him more than the chance to see any celebrity personalities. |
They were also asked to identify famous personalities, after showing their distorted picture. |
Regular columns like interviews with famous personalities allow readers to have a feel of what helped people come up in life. |
How many remember the old school in which they studied before becoming famous personalities. |
They had tons of posters, equipment and maps about famous battles and personalities. |
They shifted authority in public life from the personalities of notable citizens to impersonal organizations. |
The people who were implicated in major corruption scandals are still key personalities in high-level civil service. |
They may not quite have the combustible mix of personalities of the two great Americans. |
It is true that the human imagination fastens on to single personalities, not casualty statistics. |
The radio personalities and vaudeville comedians brought their heightened creativity to the medium and it finally gained a wide audience. |
They have different personalities and react individually to their bereavement. |
They project their piddling little personalities, but they don't do their job, they are not acting. |
Weill had big plans at the credit card company, but political infighting and a clash of personalities kept him from achieving most of them. |
In real life, however, it would be hard to pin her down to two personalities. |
Many fantasy epics give us colorful enemies with distinct personalities to confuse us. |
The personalities and likenesses of Reid's subjects come alive as he intermixes color and shape. |
Some television personalities look more ordinary when you meet them in the flesh. |
He's not a great conveyor of personalities like Henry Miller but is very good at stamping his broader impressions into words. |
David's friends, family, and lovers are cookie-cutter characters with paper-thin personalities. |
Chris is one of the story's truly good-natured personalities even though he submits to the fleshly desires of the wayward physician Diane. |
I happen to like feisty political personalities with regional color whether they are flinty Vermonters or silky Mississipians. |
Both father and son, in their crabbedness, may be recessionary personalities. |
They build a player up, knock him down and then start criticising personalities. |
This pairing of allied opposites enabled writers to cross-fertilise the two disciplines and personalities to help build on-screen tensions. |
The industry was in its infancy, personalities abounded and the pace of innovation was frenetic. |
Some artists thrive on winsome personalities, cunningly distracting listeners from the music with their stylistic excess. |
Every bike is unique because everyone customises their bike to reflect their individual personalities. |
Naturally, the film personalities queuing up with their tickets before boarding the wide-bodied jet liner were the cynosure of all eyes. |
After 10 weeks' training from seasoned professionals, even the dullest of personalities should be able to cut it as a competent gagster. |
That answer focused on the personalities of the two extant sexual partners as being merely unstable, unsuitable for sexual dalliance. |
It is important to remember these two types of personalities when educators and preceptors plan lessons, classes, or demonstrations. |
There are tremendously significant issues, and this doesn't prescind from making a judgment on people's personalities. |
To one and all, this most genial of personalities was affectionately known as Mickey. |
A panel of judges will decide the Variety Club awards, which will go to the region's top personalities in sport and media. |
Writers, filmmakers, painters or printmakers are often sensitive personalities and feel a need to express their feelings in their works. |
Students of history will find behind-the-scenes glimpses into fascinating and insightful personalities. |
The election, he must remind voters, is really about something more than the personalities, and the psychologies, of the two major candidates. |
In short, their personalities have been pulped by a system of entrenched gender stereotypes. |
Since their personalities mesh with those of their victims, it takes spiritual discernment to detect them. |
Seven weekly dictators grind us down with their controlling, grabby personalities. |
Extraordinary personalities converged at this time, resulting in the effervescence of Austrian modernism. |
You can portray yourself as a greaser, a muscle man, a rocker, or a hippie chick, or dozens of other personalities. |
Those humour-laced lines join to give a new dimension to contemporary situations and personalities. |
Here are some excerpts from the opinions expressed by some eminent personalities. |
Like the time you handled a disgruntled team of disparate personalities while doing a college project. |
He is interesting when identifying personalities and providing biographical material to enliven the narrative. |
The two debates engaged major personalities in the discipline and a similar degree of enmity and venom. |
The enneagram helps people understand their own personalities in a new light with an appreciation of each other's gifts. |
He said that all the religions and great divine personalities always exhorted people to promote peace, love and tolerance. |
After speaking to the brothers Moffatt, you can really sense their distinct personalities and the dynamics between them. |
Jung called Eros the great binder and deliverer and he anticipated a growing awareness of the androgynous aspect of our personalities. |
But, generally, when one of the game's top personalities and its finest coach expresses an opinion, it tends to have a domino effect. |
A lot more scenes in the tent, with dialogue better establishing the characters' personalities, were shot but later removed for pacing issues. |
The officers seem to have been chosen for this task by sheer force of their outgoing, expansive personalities. |
And we have very, very identical personalities, two Scorpios, and I'm telling you, some of the arguments were really doozies. |
They are not exactly wallflowers, but their shy personalities can give others the impression of being rather quiet and withdrawn. |
Families will love both its warm temperatures and warm personalities of the locals. |
Hey, good racers might draw fans, but racers with distinctive personalities draw TV ratings. |
A string of high-profile racing personalities were also taken into custody. |
Playing a character with two personalities may be a noble and actorly thing to attempt, unfortunately it is also difficult. |
Here are real stories of courage against adversity which reveal rich personalities who have much to offer. |
But, Newman points out, the personalities and relationships that keep audiences rapt are not neglected. |
Historical personalities, like Shivaji, have also been used to whip up regional sentiments. |
We like to find unique clothes that bring out the best in our personalities and go against the grain. |
It was as though she had two personalities, and when the beast reared its ugly head, it meant a very, very long night. |
It's likely that these TV personalities aren't actually lefty liberals with a will to help the poor and needy. |
Other leading businesses were reconstituted and rechristened, their new names often evocative of revolutionary myths, personalities, or imagery. |
Not only are they gifted players, they are also great personalities who have the football world at their feet. |
Cloak's introduction to womenswear has revealed the masculine side to women's personalities. |
Behind the day's knockabout lay serious politicking over both policy and personalities. |
Although we had only four actual servers, we relied heavily on IP aliasing to create virtual personalities for each service. |
The Kadzik garden has two personalities, divided by the brick path and flanking boxwood hedges. |
Now when the team sinks without trace you start to wonder about alter egos and bipolar personalities. |
In response to the proposal to ban our organisation, we have held face to face meetings with leading groups and personalities. |
The tribunal of learned personalities has also asked for initiation of peace talks. |
But I think this is all about a clash of personalities, and you can't legislate for that. |
His photographs of personalities are unique and distinctive in their treatment of the subjects. |
There is such a wealth of ideas, creativity, diverse personalities, and genuine disagreement in this book that it is an antidote to going stale. |
They take their feline personalities and act them for every one of their nine lives. |
Directed with wit and a light touch, the production flew like the wind, but never so quickly that the zany personalities got lost in the rush. |
Drawn together but also driven apart by their strong personalities, each has worked on solo projects or in different line-ups over the years. |
But each one of them is intelligent, with strong, engaging, likeable personalities. |
They'll also be joined by local personalities who will be road-testing some of the new models at the 2002 show. |
But the fact of the matter is that people, personalities and policy are closely linked. |
I find all those aptronymic characters, their personalities revealed in their whimsical monikers, unbelievably irritating. |
But I like their blogs and the personalities that shine through the writing and we usually rub along quite amicably. |
Everyone you know here is now either dead, a psychopathic killer out for blood, or a lunatic with about a hundred personalities. |
Not every team has a safety net like Bowman to deal with the changing times and such a disparate group of personalities. |
Yeah, some folks call them consciences, I call them personalities, same difference. |
It is accessible but it suffers from too many personalities shuffling through on a page by page basis. |
When you combine all this glamour with their high intelligence and magnetic personalities, your dog will be the envy of the neighborhood. |
It would have been better with more scene-setting, backgrounding and introduction of the personalities. |
There are other individuals who seem to have an atmosphere of pleasantness or friendliness around them, who have endearing personalities and are well mannered and cultured. |
The pace, rhythm, crazy spins, personalities, and, as I quickly learned, unique underground subculture were addicting. |
Children with avoidant personalities or extreme anxiety will more easily fall into an unhealthy coping style. |
Biafra is still hard at work deflating the great political personalities of the day. |
With the big hair and big personalities alone, Diane Scali, the store's owner, had a lot to keep under control. |
I am too subversive and eccentric for most of the people I work with to really like, and I am too sensitive to to take their abrasive personalities with gentle good humour. |
The empire is what it is, and the power realities will not be greatly different even if the name is euphemized and the personalities who direct it are changed. |
The story is beefed up with a colourful scale of playable characters who gradually join your team and unfold facets of their distinct personalities and pasts. |
The author's researches have quarried further bits of biographical data and sometimes helpful sidelights and background information on various situations and personalities. |
At a time when public figures and celebrities are revealing intimate details about their personalities and home life, the press reflects our confessional culture. |
By the mid-80s, he was one of the biggest personalities in WWF, fighting Hogan, acting in films and on TV, and with a miniature action figure in his image. |
They are all fab presenters with their own individual personalities. |
There are flashes of her old, mordant wit, but with very few exceptions, little of the lives or personalities of her protagonists is given room to come alive and breathe. |
The stage is constantly alive with the details of everyday life, but nothing looks fussy or threatens to interfere with the personalities who dominate the action. |
And you have these outsized personalities who are running them, which just confirms their narcissism. |
The inmates, mostly flamboyant personalities who lived by their supervillain identities, were stripped of any identity but their prisoner numbers. |
With its amazing array of talents and personalities, this film could serve as a sort of template for the later star-laden blockbuster disaster films. |
The Beatles were four distinct personalities joined as a singular force in the rebellious 1960s, influencing everything from hair styles to music. |
His characters have definite personalities and aren't just generic. |
But beyond the rank and file, some important personalities have used Twitter to voice their displeasure. |
I'm a Piscean, who admits to being a complete social chameleon, and I would be completely over-whelmed and swamped by the personalities of others. |
Many patients to whom it will be given will have addictive personalities. |
Yeah, he's a pop genius, but his cool, affable swagger and clever repartee are the perfect complement to the more extroverted, outgoing personalities of Dahle and Ms. Case. |
High profile sports figures and media personalities, with no history of political involvement, are increasingly co-opted by the establishment parties to stand as candidates. |
So who will benefit from this gradually paced demythologizing of one of the most legendary and deliberately paradoxical writers and personalities in recent American letters? |
All sorts of things have inspired names for performance cars over the years, from animals and winds to exotic locations, mythical beasts and motor racing personalities. |
The result is not only more subdued than one might expect of the combustible personalities at work here, but also more intelligent, more intellectual, even, and more profound. |
The secret of the show's modest success is that its characters are recognisable individuals, rooted in a recognisable world, who boast personalities as well as libidos. |
She manages to capture some of their innermost feelings, and shows that transsexuals have the same range of emotions and personalities as normal people. |
I exasperatedly remarked that they were a perfect match, they were both aesthetically hideous with horrifically competitive personalities to match. |
Others argue that highly suggestible people are having the multiple personalities implanted subconsciously by well-meaning but misguided counsellors. |
Nobel counters and corrects a lot of PR-driven conventional wisdom about the plans, designs, objectives, and personalities that dominated the redevelopment process. |
They say instead of following the genre's formulas, if they want to understand the film they should instead look at the character's mental state and personalities. |
Some of the key personalities the elder Tsarnaev is suspected of interacting with are dead, as is Tamerlan himself. |
To this end he created a posse of brilliantly realised characters, each complete with their own distinctive voices, personalities and catchphrases. |
Jason Soon has an interesting post drawing attention to research suggesting a link between psychopathic and sociopathic personalities and abnormal brain development. |
Well, some of us may give objects personalities but we've never come even remotely close to assigning a personality to something like a grain of sand. |
A team of independent authenticators comprising qualified magicians and local personalities had a close watch and he was allowed to take 15-minute break once in eight hours. |
And I think it's condescending of personalities like Nikki Webster to say that the only reason people don't like them is because of tall poppy syndrome. |
Foxx sat down with The Daily Beast in New York to discuss everything from his superhero flick to Fox News personalities. |
No, this rancid bill of goods is also being by peddled by Fox News personalities. |
We do not value age in our television personalities, he laments. |
They are huge dance personalities and go together like jigsaw pieces. |
These clubs run every week for an hour and a half and involve the young persons partaking in activities which help to develop their personalities, confidence and self-esteem. |
Because of this, they may have more confidence in their physicalities than their personalities. |
A lot of people like point break because the characters are designed around the personalities of surfers from that era. |
Like a college dormitory, the company's offices are inelegantly furnished, casually organized, and deeply marked by the personalities that reside there. |
Baseball personalities who usually are so cool in public they can freeze people in their tracks turned goo-goo eyed in the face of the audience with the President. |
Other characters also show darker sides to their personalities. |
He is able to forge an indigenous style of presentation and writing skill, which has earned him appreciation from prominent personalities in literary circles. |
Such obituaries on major personalities are commonly pre-prepared and updated by all media organisations so stories can be run quickly when they die. |
While he has completed a book on enneagrams, he wants more and more people to use the wisdom of enneagram to develop their personalities, hence the series of workshops. |
She was the most unusual of reality tv personalities, and perhaps because of that, the best kind. |
There was a line-up of Late Review personalities along one wall, among them several very well-known playwrights whose names remain forever on the tip of your tongue. |
Rather than forming the usual, sensibly crafted program, these pieces allowed musicians to show their personalities through music that is special to them. |
But 42nd Street, which won the Tony for best musical revival, is less interested in personalities and plot twists than in the condition of being stage-struck. |
Both boys and girls were being conditioned into adopting this stereotyped image of men and women and this indirectly affected their personalities, the study has pointed out. |
The musician and businessman famed for his fundraising efforts topped a list of personalities in a poll commissioned to mark the coming Year of the Volunteer. |
The report obviously came from high ranking deserters because in addition to troop strengths it detailed the individual personalities of the top leaders. |
What about people who, as a result of a TBI, had their personalities altered completely? |
I mean, the future of tennis lies in clay, and in creating new personalities, so I am not bothered if I am seen in some quarters as being a bit of a loner or a maverick. |
I can report that the thoroughness of the yin-yang between their personalities is inherently amusing. |
The first is to create publicly accessible data about bloggers' personalities, which may have sociological value in addition to being just plain fun. |
But his eclecticism has seemed a weakness, a tendency perhaps to adapt to stronger personalities, including some of his leading performers, and various social milieus. |
That possibility can be activated by a specific conjunction of events or resources or personalities that come together to initiate a valuable critical discourse. |
Neighbors soon discovered that Anne and Margot Frank had rather opposite personalities. |
These mass marketing dominions have attitudes struck with such unbelievable good cheer and personalities so beaming they outshine the Northern lights. |
The Artis and the Gemini Awards gala recognize the personalities of television and radio industry in Quebec and French Canada. |
The Father creates, the Son redeems, and the Spirit sanctifies, a divine unity with separate personalities. |
Tebow's and Bradford's production and leadership are undeniable, but their recruitments, offenses and personalities are vastly different. |
However, a clash of personalities between Stephenson and Vignoles led to the latter resigning, leaving Locke as the sole assistant engineer. |
Their different personalities are thrown into sharp relief by their contrasting priorities. |
Austen creates her characters with fully developed personalities and unique voices. |
However, she rhymed off a list of high achievers and well-known personalities who were known to suffer from learning disabilities. |
Media personalities such as Oprah Winfrey have also weighed in behind the concept of public involvement in healthcare. |
Republicans, fueled by talk-radio personalities, attacked the idea as if I'd proposed Sovietizing the bratwurst industry. |
It covers a broad sweep of the events, personalities, and forces that have shaped this vacationland. |
The extent to which the Government is collegial varies with political conditions and individual personalities. |
The wives will be the most worshipworthy personalities for those slaves of lust. |
She's smart, ballsy and far more interesting than a lot of the politically correct TV personalities out there. |
The neglect of presidents' personalities has been due in part to critiques of past research that relied on psychobiological methods. |
Each of the personalities of the Scary Monsters is based on one of these characteristics such as Muddly Monster or Girlie Monster. |
But worse than the unending, grinding depression is the way the scriptwriters keep completely changing the main characters' personalities. |
The outsized personalities of that time are also of a bygone era. |
A former Marine gunnery sergeant, whose investigative skills are unmatched, Gibbs leads this troupe of colourful personalities. |
Hence the question over who heads the ECB is more than a preference of personalities. |
He is a good dictator, an annihilator of the religious personalities of others. |
Love styles are distinctive characteristics or personalities that loving or lovelike relationships may take. |
In a busy workplace, with multiple personalities under multiple pressures, it is no surprise that at one time or another conflict may develop. |
Shepherds, Labradors and the Belgian Malinois are the primary breeds of dogs used, and they all have their own personalities. |
Finally, to add that Chicago flavor, WGCI-FM radio personalities, Mike Love, Dizz and Spank Boogie served as MGD After Set emcees. |
Shelter In UK cinemas now Horror about a forensic psychiatrist who discovers all of her patient''s multiple personalities are murder victims. |
It did not feature outsized personalities or grandiose schemes. |
Jasper Schuurman projects multiple personalities on this nicely shot backside kickflip. |
It took our four twisted personalities and the legendary Joe Boyd to make an album that character-filled and vibey. |
With two people of their personalities and in their position, romance was bound to flourish. |
I'd cue Peter and he'd do all the radio personalities and chuck in a few voices of his own invention as well. |
Their unique personalities and ghostly reclusiveness are just some of the traits that make them so fascinating. |
People who have addictive personalities are advised to avoid caffeine, alcohol and other drugs. |
A series of anecdotes featuring well-known personalities from the local circuit completes the offering. |
The program auctions off the colorful handprints of celebrities and notable personalities created with Valspar Paint. |
Do not be afraid to challenge difficult personalities, but take care to do it in gender-neutral language. |
If you think about who did become stars, they were all personalities. |
Media speculated from the start that they would not last together because of their two contrasting personalities. |
But the rift was, not least, a matter of personalities and egos. |
The Monophysites said that two-nature believers must think Christ has multiple personalities, divine and human. |
The music features four themes, reflecting the four personalities of the Who. |