This test is used to identify whether you have pernicious anaemia, as most people who lack intrinsic factor have these antibodies in their blood. |
Doniach postulated that Addison's disease, thyrotoxicosis, myxoedema, pernicious anaemia, and hypoparathyroidism might have the same aetiology. |
Instrumental rationality has had a particularly pernicious effect on the environment. |
The register will make an important contribution to tackling this pernicious evil. |
It also stands for the complete victory of the Buddhist Doctrine over all harmful and pernicious forces. |
At its most extreme whole economies are destroyed by its pernicious influence. |
Yet some faculty perceive the pernicious effects of these forms and want to end them. |
Yet this fear of the pernicious effects of property rights did not last for long. |
Outside of the identity principle, however, the correlation is both pernicious and ethically dubious. |
Trying to keep out the pernicious effects of popular culture is a losing battle. |
At the same time, the pernicious influence of new urban cultural patterns could share some of the blame for rural degeneration. |
Instead, they say, it is a pernicious and widespread cancer infecting the media and political classes across Europe. |
He's correct that the right of jury nullification trumps any worries about the possible pernicious effects of the drug. |
Equally problematic is the pernicious effect of bad design on the environment. |
Over the past few months and years, some pernicious myths have started to become a little too popular. |
Physiological laws can explain the harmful and pernicious effects of deep breathing. |
Just putting some healthier options on the menu doesn't counteract the more pernicious effect a large global corporation has. |
I pretend to teach young people about the pernicious effects of a total surveillance state. |
Diseases such as anaemia due to iron deficiency, pernicious anaemia, and leukaemia are diagnosed in this way. |
With pernicious anaemia, antibodies damage the cells in the stomach that produce intrinsic factor. |
With pernicious anemia, the lack of intrinsic factor results from destruction of the gastric parietal cells by autoimmune antibodies. |
This potentially dangerous condition is called pernicious anemia and is seen mainly in elderly people. |
Treatable anemias like iron deficiency and pernicious anemia are by far the most common. |
Congenital pernicious anemia arises from the inability to secrete the gastric intrinsic factor. |
Diet-related factors associated with infertility include a high or very low body mass index and pernicious anemia. |
Other people thought it was a nervous breakdown and some even reported he was suffering from pernicious anaemia. |
If the deficiency is from a lack of intrinsic factor, it's called pernicious anemia. |
The treatment of Esmeralda's pernicious anemia reduced her disability and much improved her quality of life. |
In pernicious anaemia the blood contains a smaller number of abnormally large cells, which do not last as long as normal. |
This neuropathy is very similar to that in cases of pernicious anaemia, which is also due to a deficiency of cobalamin. |
The response of pernicious anaemia to folic acid is usually suboptimal and temporary and often followed by relapse. |
Though these people are not a direct threat to the combatant, their relationship with enemy combatants is seemingly pernicious. |
Certainly, all parties agreed on the pernicious effects of intemperance, and its tendency to promote domestic violence and discord. |
Civilization is pernicious also because it interposes a veil of artificiality between the individual and the natural objects of experience. |
Proxy servers can be interposed between users and the web at large to insulate users from pernicious attacks via the web. |
Behind the ivied walls, the more intellectually prestigious schools are making some pernicious compromises. |
There is a more pernicious red herring that needs to be smelled out forthwith. |
Eleven, even if it remains a dead law, it is not without its precipitant and pernicious consequences. |
Patients with hypothyroidism may have other autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes, Addison's disease, or pernicious anaemia. |
One could hardly ask for a better example of the legal realism he would so soon consider to be a pernicious and dangerous idea. |
How else to explain the chronic neglect of a program that effectively fights some of our most pernicious and recalcitrant social problems? |
Ordinary people around the world must try to resist the new imperialism which is just as pernicious as the old. |
A few years ago the US introduced a pernicious rider to their new telecommunications legislation. |
These pictures, all very considerable exercises in the craft of painting, are, for us, tainted by an unreality which can seem pernicious. |
The classic disorder of malabsorption is pernicious anemia, an autoimmune disease that affects the gastric parietal cells. |
History teaches us that unless these pernicious tendencies are scotched, they grow to become unmanageable monsters later on. |
Across Europe, among the sceptics and the doubters and the out-and-out protesters, a pernicious process of elision is taking place. |
Conservative critics bemoaned the pernicious consequences of softhearted penal policies and demanded stricter control of ticket-of-leave men. |
But given the pernicious infighting in the sport, it may be some time before punters can fully benefit from a sensible review of outdated laws. |
How can critical commentary 'mediate the radicalism' without itself performing a pernicious form of naturalisation in making it more accessible? |
Because of the possibility of eventual neuronal death, the later neurologic consequences of pernicious anemia can be irreversible. |
In 1918, the Chicago Motion Picture Commission heard evidence of the pernicious effect nickelodeons were having on America's youth. |
Smoke from factories, gasoline fumes from automobiles and poisonous chemical gases combine to form a pernicious soup in the air. |
To his critics, he appeared to be a pernicious nihilist who threatened the very foundation of Western society and culture. |
Putin has the opportunity to put an end to a number of Russian oligarchs, or at least to radically diminish their pernicious political role. |
Racism is a pernicious influence, but it's also a dangerous and painful accusation to level against someone. |
The humorousness of the phrasing of this home-spun wisdom only serves to make it more pernicious. |
The biggest problem is not that such unfounded theories are ludicrous but that they are pernicious. |
Even worse, many of such laboring, lower-class women were likely to fall under the pernicious influences of the preying men and immoral working girls around them. |
An Ohio appellate court last week reversed a lower court ruling that the city's pernicious treatment of marijuana users was unconstitutional under state law. |
In fact, it can actually be pernicious because it covers up a reality. |
At its worst, it is a form of astroturfing, the pernicious practice of trying to trick people into thinking that has widespread support from ordinary members of the public. |
One of the most pernicious evils of contemporary BritKapital is to have lured the proletariat into limiting their potential to the pursuit of lumpen hedonism. |
Whether you are subjected to the draconian structure of the military or that of our pernicious government, honest dissidence should always remain constant. |
Because pernicious anemia can be hereditary, let your doctor know if you have a relative with the disorder so that he or she can test your blood every few years. |
It could aid in neutralizing the insidious and pernicious tendencies towards materialism, consumerism and a general preoccupation with the present and the secular. |
The sound of pernicious anemia is not by any means pleasant. |
The trouble is that fear is almost as pernicious as perceived danger. |
More pernicious still has been the acceptance of the author's controversial ideas by the general public. |
This new form of protectionism has an added pernicious quality. |
Another pernicious pest affecting house plants is scale, which appears as small lumps that form colonies on stems, on the underside of leaves and along the midribs. |
It will take an outsider to untangle the pernicious insiders' club that Berlusconi created in the Italian government. |
At its most pernicious level, this extends itself to careerism. |
I spoke to my students about mobilizing against this pernicious threat to our civilization. |
I soon thought of this new and amoral cynicism as the most pernicious form of minstrelsy ever created and popularized. |
But this is pernicious, Hayes argues, because it blinds us to the eventual results of these sorts of systems. |
Iron deficiency anemia does this more than pernicious anemia. |
What worries me are the pernicious influences on athletes like him. |
So, according to this Mawworm, it is not the play itself but its being acted publicly that is so pernicious. |
Charlotte was increasingly incapacitated by Paget's disease of bone, and he developed pernicious anaemia. |
Antibiotic use can also lead non-disease causing bacteria to mutate into more pernicious strains and become disease causing. |
Now we're grown-ups and, truly, the Irish traveller ways is one of those pernicious traditions best left to die. |
Cancer is the most pernicious, insidious, disgusting disease of life. |
She thinks television has a pernicious influence on our children. |
Then there are less picturesque, more pernicious, NSA-style agencies who occupy themselves with surveilling our virtual selves as well. |
Today you cannot do without what makes you walk through a field of pernicious concepts to a garden of beautiful exempla. |
Rowling's Harry Potter series, the home of Harry's pernicious relatives, the Dursleys, is set in the fictional town of Little Whinging, Surrey. |
They are prescribed for those with chronic conditions like pernicious anaemia, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis and fatigue. |
Where, therefore, the general permission of them would be pernicious, it becomes necessary to lay down and support the rule which generally forbids them. |
Nascobal is Nastech's FDA approved therapy for the treatment of vitamin B12 deficient patients with Crohn's disease, Colitis, pernicious anemia, and certain other conditions. |
Systemic weedkillers such as Roundup, which kill the weed from the inside out, will get rid of pernicious weeds such as bindweed, nettles and ground elder. |
The wretch had the pernicious habit of writing in Milanese dialect. He was doubly wretchful when he took the liberty of giving birth to parodies of the Divine Comedy. |
Subsequently, tens of thousands of innocent Americans who ran afoul of the pernicious junk science of eugenics were sterilized under color of law. |
Risk factors include familial adenomatous polyposis, chronic atrophic gastritis, pernicious anemia, history of partial gastrectomy, and Menetrier disease. |