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How to use permanence in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word permanence? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
The person was cohabiting with the mother of the child in a relationship of some permanence at the time of the birth of the child.
Women who are ambivalent about the permanence of the procedure should be counseled to strongly consider another contraceptive method.
They gradually perfected the process of drying the grass to fix the image with some degree of permanence.
For Zen, however, this need for permanence fossilizes what is both beautiful and sacred.
There is something in a furtive glance of eyes on the subway, or from the passing crowd that does not tend to permanence.
More difficult to handle than the immediate grief is the permanence of loss that sets in later.
This early socialization process is important because it recognizes that the nurse extern is a team member and provides a sense of permanence.
The documentary advertisements that the draftsman of the Act had in mind would have had some quality of permanence.
He opposed the mission station model because it perpetuated the missionaries' foreign culture and their permanence.
Glaciers had carved it out of living rock, and the hermit was a mere insect, trying to blend in with the colors of Himalayan permanence.
Everything is in a never-ending state of flux, oscillating between life and death, mocking our every attempt at permanence.
In particular, the regime demands formal U.S. and international recognition of the permanence of the borders under its control.
Print media is tactile, has more of a sense of permanence, and is distributable without dependence on technology or a connected society.
Stone steps, stairways, benches and gate posts can all add a feeling of permanence to a garden.
So, for example, the category of substance is interpreted in terms of permanence.
The harmonious combination of diagonals, verticals, and horizontals produces an effect of solidity and permanence.
They can't expect perfection or permanence, and they must bow to universal usage.
In the psyche of the second and third generation Tibetans, there is no real sense of permanence.
The exceptional audio and video quality and the permanence of the medium are things we really like.
The singing and laughing is louder than ever, as if the volume of our voices has a way of creating permanence.
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Examples from Classical Literature
He had given shape and permanence to his native language by his dictionary.
As there are different degrees both of permanence and fugacity, so are there different degrees of semi-stability.
The peace which we are pledged to leave to the Cuban people must carry with it the guaranties of permanence.
The statics of society is the study of the conditions of existence and permanence of the social state.
The necessity to counteract by impermanent sojourn the permanence of arrest.
The permanence of industry in any state must be proportioned to the certainty of its reward.
The permanence of organic forms is altogether dependent on the invariability of the material conditions under which they live.
He also made some remarkable experiments on the permanence of the contagium in the form of spores.
One thing remained, unasked and unbeknownst, grooved with synaptic permanence in their burgeoning brains.
But in East Anglia there is no such simplicity of arrangement, no such permanence of tenurial compartments.
At last he had found permanence in a life where heretofore had been naught but transience.
Vidi, measures approximately, but not with the permanence of the mercurial.
To this fact van't Hoff attributes the great permanence of many really unstable carbon compounds.
As far as regards artists' colours, therefore, vitrification does not impart permanence.
Any distrust of the permanence of laws, would paralyze the faculties of man.
For the assertion of the permanence of good is only based on the assumption of its objective character.
As to the permanence of love, or its transitoriness, the plain and candid answer is that there is no real assurance either way.
The grass and saltbush are everywhere abundant, and water is plentiful with every appearance of permanence.
How still and clear is To, a phantasm with the semblance of permanence!
There are two ways in which a language may attain permanence or fixity.
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