The loser selects a card of the winner's hand and must perform one of the forfeits depending on the number of times the pot was raised. |
These words which might be supposed to be vague in meaning in fact perform a very precise formal function. |
Doctors would often have to perform on-the-spot open heart surgery if a patient crashed. |
Some vehicles perform relatively well on both crashworthiness and fuel consumption measures. |
Unless you have a pro-choice doctor with hospital privileges willing to perform an abortion, you will have to travel. |
Another way to identify problems that might occur during an evacuation is to perform a fire drill using only emergency lighting. |
He is expected to perform in the U.S. before the end of the year and a new album is forthcoming as well. |
She will perform with Opera Ireland during their forthcoming spring season. |
A young jazz singer has taken creativity to new lengths as she gears up to perform for millions of people. |
Uygur women from Northwest China with large, deep-set eyes perform a cheerful dance every evening after 7 o'clock. |
His gravestone is located in front of a quintet of ghostly musicians who eternally perform in the attraction's memorable graveyard scene. |
The rehearsal scenes saw him perform the obligatory and cringeworthy tortured-genius-kicks-chair-over routine. |
They must stop pressurising the child to perform beyond his or her capabilities. |
This would allow licenced fox hunts to continue if they can prove they perform an essential role in rural areas. |
By leaps and bounds, what I saw Kreskin perform on this DVD was the worst display of prestidigitation in my life. |
The band perform with the such passion and fervour, it's hard to believe some of the songs are over a decade old. |
Thousands of translators and interpreters around the world continue to perform essential tasks in often less-than-ideal conditions. |
The cross-dresser will perform his unusual mix of ballet and slapdash comedy. |
In most instances, they perform their duties free, gratis, and for nothing. |
Poets who perform their work involve themselves in a first-hand experience. |
It is also assumed here that in contrast to permanent employees, freelancers cannot usually perform other tasks during the waiting period. |
I do not see how the Commonwealth could perform its part of the contract in that example without being in contempt of court. |
Have a backup plan by cross-training some of your resources to perform multiple functions. |
Some orchestras these days perform Handel with French horns, clarinets and other things that Handel never planned for in the original score. |
Using a moderately heavy weight, do 8-12 reps of dumbbell French presses and then, with no rest, immediately perform 8-12 bench dips. |
A music-making course at Wiltshire Music Centre gave youngsters the chance to perform a live gig. |
It was deemed such a success that the girls are now due to perform the play at the Albany Theatre at the end of April. |
No need was felt to perform religious rites for the dead pilgrims and devotees. |
Though I have been playing this game for more than two years now, I have not been able to judge my ability to perform in crunch situations. |
But what really astonished us was to find cuckoldry in a situation where males have evolved to perform all of the parental care. |
This doesn't mean you have to stretch until you can perform a split or do a backward walkover. |
A blood pressure cuff and hand-held Doppler stethoscope are required to perform this test. |
We have basic good form, but we are easily distracted by birds or small children or other exercisers who look and perform better than we do. |
To illustrate my point, try doing reverse curls with the same weight with which you can perform a standard barbell curl. |
Therefore, you might want to perform an isolation exercise such as preacher curls instead and take the delts out of play. |
She saw Hilary's dramatic potential and trained her to perform as a voiceless clown. |
Hercules, after killing his family in a fit of rage, was cursed to perform twelve impossible labors. |
She also called on the congregation not to establish a political party but instead to perform good deeds to serve the society. |
The function keys can also be reprogrammed to open programs or perform certain functions. |
Imagine if I'd told him that an axe and wallpaper paste was the best way to perform a cut and paste! |
Local funksters El Gonzo Green will perform at the Tatts Hotel in Lismore next Thursday, May 23, from 9.30 pm. |
Both fission and fusion bombs perform similarly, with fusion bombs giving more bang for the buck. |
Recently, we have begun to perform arthroscopic capsular plication in patients with significant capsule redundancy and laxity. |
Sailing is a sport in which circumstances beyond your control not only affect your performance but also your ability to perform at all. |
But what would our world be without these non-conformists who perform unspoken deeds in the dead of night? |
Dancers aged from five to adults will perform their own version of the Tchaikovsky classic and also a mix of tap and modern dance. |
For this workout, you'll perform a different combination of plyometric exercises and variations on Olympic lifts. |
I also add plyometrics, which really helps me keep strong-it is easiest to perform on a track or grassy area. |
First, it is clear that we often want to perform the deed and at the same time do not want to suffer the punishment. |
At former ADC sites, the radars have been removed and the facilities have been converted to perform new functions. |
They joined forces with the Kurume Shinai High School to perform several concerts. |
I was once invited to help a group of people in a rehabilitation centre write and then perform a play. |
It is safe computing practice not to perform critical web surfing activities such as E-banking and checking your email on a public computer. |
It raises their game and to perform with someone of his standing is just amazing. |
It needs everyone to be at the top of their game, everyone to perform to their level. |
But the poisonous atmosphere is unlikely to help the trusts perform any better. |
It is clear from the cases that the breach by the plaintiff is a complete defence to a claim that the defendant failed to perform its promise. |
WinBackup is designed to make it easy to perform regular backups of all or selected data on your computer. |
If you have ski poles, but no arrest grips or ice ax, you can perform a self arrest with your pole tips. |
What happened to the image of dauntless police officers, the ones that risked their lives to perform the right tasks? |
During their egg-laying period, females remain in their nest cavities while males perform their dawn chorus. |
It remains uncertain, despite his irrepressible need to perform in public, whether Jackson himself will take the stand. |
Now a solid band, they will be sharing the stage with Dennis Rollins and friends to perform the world premiere of a specially-commissioned piece. |
Some religious denominations and churches recognize and perform gay marriages. |
The recognition that women could perform such work led the churches to appoint female deacons to undertake similar functions. |
Attempts to perform fluorescence measurements, even by using a front-face geometry, were irreproducible, leading to unsatisfactory results. |
His preponderance of strength allowed him to perform several offensive operations in near parallel. |
Most species perform prelaying courtship feeding, which conflicts with mate guarding, and copulate frequently. |
They perform side-by-side on a barren stage with the beats played by a preprogrammed drum machine. |
The programmable delay cells provide that propagation delays can be set to perform timing margin tests. |
The groups are set to perform numerous concerts throughout the year either in the centre or Dalton church. |
Kids who perform understand the difference between executing a glissade and presenting one with gusto. |
Of these, up to 300 groups will be invited to perform at concerts in Birmingham in July. |
And, more propitiously, that day, a sacrifice was called for, yet no one was pure enough to perform those sacred duties. |
Instead of leading the life of an adventurer king, Herc is forced to perform 12 degrading and demeaning labors. |
Regardless of the implement used, the prosector will perform the best microdissection while looking through the eyepieces of the microscope. |
It so happened that I had fallen sick, and therefore I deputed him to some places to perform ceremonies. |
Since his health was poor, moreover, he appointed a deputy to perform most of the routine presidential duties. |
These clerks were appointed by patent for life, and were allowed to perform their duties by deputy. |
In vivo, the diaphragm does not perform maximum isometric contractions but shortens against a submaximal load. |
After a few years Mandy found she enjoyed dressage, where horses perform set manoeuvres signalled by the rider. |
Debbie is due to perform her eclectic mix of pop, country and sixties covers at the golf club this Saturday. |
Now I am hoping to perform the Chaconne with chorales on Good Friday in our small church. |
He believes that the model, which was designed in the 1960s, will perform better than a Landrover in desert conditions. |
For example, can a resident or other designee perform this task when delegated to do so by the surgeon? |
He was warned to cease and desist, but now, he insisted that he had to perform that way! |
If you're strong on this movement, perform it after pull-ups and heavy rowing exercises. |
Shellfish processors may be more willing to perform high pressure processing once it's been conclusively shown to inactivate norovirus. |
The plush fabrics used throughout the room, such as corduroy and velvet, perform a similar function. |
It does not happen in other field games where they simply perform their primary duty and that is to enforce the rules. |
Although Gedda doesn't perform it with Tauber's suave tenderness, it's still an impressive bit of echt Vienna from a Swedish-Russian singer! |
The Granthis usually also perform the Ardas, or final group prayer, although any baptized person can perform it during the services. |
In reliance on that agreement, they did, with the defendants' concurrence, perform services for the defendants. |
It is vital to be able to both express it in words and to perform it in deeds. |
However, because of the cost to perform field tests on full-size piles or piers, these tests are not performed routinely. |
Psychologists are among the most qualified professionals to perform this assessment. |
Our editorial did not state that we perform or advocate reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction in blood. |
There are ramps and jumps to get you in the air and perform flips to gain points. |
Those who are devotees and who worship Vishnu, are those who perform virtuous deeds. |
Amerindian men perform a dance in the local church to the accompaniment of fife and drums. |
What Ranieri seeks at Chelsea is a team that is guaranteed to perform when it has been backed into a corner. |
The horse itself will not ever perform well if it does not have a good groom. |
Undaunted by the camera, the people of Bali perform their ceremonies and carry on with their Edenic lives. |
Many image editors such as Adobe Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro can perform these tasks. |
He needed the cigarettes to perform his secondary role as coordinator of Biblical pyrotechnics. |
Using this theorem, Euclid can perform the old Pythagorean proof of Pythagoras' theorem correctly. |
The victim held a certificate of competency to perform the duties of a ship's greaser. |
He signaled the pilot to perform emergency shutdown procedures and to egress the cockpit. |
For optimal care, a registered dietitian should perform nutrition evaluation and follow-up. |
Asked by the castle guard to read his work, the poet refuses because it is beneath his dignity to perform in the open air. |
Our preliminary step is to perform individual letter frequency and digraphic counts. |
He would perform his role as an elder statesman while continuing to serve the party and the government, the party officials said. |
Menstruating or post-partum women have to postpone the Tawaaf till they can perform ghusl. |
It is related from Aisha that the Prophet would rise in the morning on a fasting day and then would perform ghusl. |
He asked her to find the idols and perform the daily pooja until she met another Rama bhaktha who would help build temple for them. |
For one, Economics in One Lesson can be read by anyone who can perform elementary logical exercises in his mind. |
Aside from the organisers, some young tech hopefuls were given 60 seconds to perform an ' elevator pitch ' for funding. |
Local priests hold religious services and perform baptisms, confirmations, weddings, and funerals. |
You shall perform a makeover of your cosmetics and skin care paraphernalia. |
Specialists and privates first class, lead by newly promoted sergeants, perform most dismounted patrols and observation posts. |
And what good would it do their credibility to perform such a double bluff? |
Because large proteins are energetically expensive to make, such proteins are disadvantageous if shorter proteins can perform the same function. |
In the past, the ministry had 3 patrol vessels, one fixed-wing plane and a helicopter to perform the above-mentioned functions. |
If a would-be spammer had to perform one second of computation for each person he spammed, the pace of spam would slow to glacial. |
Unlike most instrumentalists, pianists must perform on whatever instrument is made available to them. |
That was the only time that he was actually unable to perform or discharge the duties of the president. |
It is easier for a couple to perform together when the husband is the teacher and the wife is the disciple. |
Unlike in the United States, the guisers must perform a song or poem to earn their treat. |
At the same time, new actors discovered in Rome also perform on this cinquecento Venetian stage. |
Many studies have shown that elite athletes who mentally rehearse their performance perform better than those who don't. |
In short, a band that is gracious enough to perform two encores is worthy of forgiveness. |
Both also have private practices and perform infertility treatment at the private Assuta Hospital and Herzliya Medical Centre. |
Be sure to task prioritize for each phase of flight, which means perform the correct action at the correct time. |
They energetically perform everything from synth-pop to punk-metal-influenced country tunes. |
Students from the private English language school will perform Oliver Twist. |
More than 25 bands and ensembles will perform more than 40 concerts on Saturday for the Pershore Midsummer Brass event. |
Dancers need to improve their cardiorespiratory endurance and anaerobic capacity in order to be able to meet such demands and perform optimally. |
A host of talented musicians and entertainers will perform at the show, which takes place in Central Park. |
As he began to perform to his posing music, voice-over obscenities blared distortedly from the speakers. |
Because the summertime is grand, I had the occasion to perform some situationalist divination into The Moon. |
In addition, experts with specialized knowledge may perform specific tasks related to healing, building, or divining. |
To perform this work, slave healers selected from among a lengthy menu of strategies. |
We look for the individual who possesses the ability to perform safely and effectively under stressful conditions. |
Most artists do not perform in concert because electronic music does not lend itself readily to live display. |
It was refreshing to be able to do up clips and buckles and perform tasks without everything becoming mission impossible. |
Therefore the Government in particular and society in general is duty-bound to assist the construction industry to perform satisfactorily. |
Exceptionally, international institutions perform functions more appropriately described as international resource management. |
I still contend that if you can perform to thirty people and give them a good show then any bigger audience is a doddle. |
If you act too weird, some sleazy carny operator's liable to try to dognap you and make you perform for dog bones. |
The mother of a possessed little girl is talking to the recently arrived priest who is going to perform an exorcism. |
The Red Arrows are due to perform a fly-past for the Queen at the opening ceremony. |
She appointed him to perform her exequial rites, setting aside her daughter. |
There are possibles, sure, but it will need athletes to perform at a level well above what they have achieved so far this season. |
When intelligence personnel perform this task well, it supports the commander's use of a myriad of potential friendly actions and counteractions. |
If you want to perform extreme sports yourself, paragliding from a windy hilltop in Salta is an option. |
Study group volunteers were given training to learn and perform slow breathing exercises for 15 days. |
The results of my study were negative, and the journal reviewer insists that I perform a post hoc power calculation. |
The women, now much older, reminisce, rekindle old friendships, open old wounds, and perform some of their Follies numbers. |
She has to pluck up the courage to perform them at a songwriter's showcase if she is to have any hope at all of making it. |
Two principal arguments were offered to explain why the dolorimeter did not perform uniformly in different sites. |
The main character is a professional executioner, but he prefers to get drunk rather than perform his civic duties. |
To perform good dressage, you want the ground to give you something back, a bit of give and bounce. |
Interestingly, the two students with the highest grades on the pasture project tended to perform relatively poorly on the exams. |
In tow haul mode it will even perform multiple downshifts for controlled deceleration, all of which tested well on the loaded trucks we tried. |
They will perform two of the most spectacular of their productions, Swan Lake and La Bayadere. |
Around 20 people perform at any one time, covering songs from Johnny Cash to Kylie Minogue. |
The fifth and final hypothesis to be discussed concerns non-institutional agents who culpably perform acts that undermine legitimate institutional processes or purposes. |
The narratives also perform the therapeutic exercise of exorcising the past, of integrating it in memory, thus forming a bridge between past and present. |
A woman who works as an exotic dancer reportedly told police that she and another dancer were hired to perform at a private party in a home near the college campus. |
It is doubtful whether the minister's plan to find, train, equip and deploy retirees was superior to boosting the resources of the regular police to perform the same function. |
Four of the park's 10 staff mermaids perform at each show in the spring's chilly waters, along with a male swimmer who plays the prince in the story. |
Furthermore, also doxastic collective intentionality can in some cases perform the task of institution-maintenance and in some cases even the task of institution creation. |
Barring express constitutional, statutory, or other prohibitions, the corporation has the implied power to perform all acts reasonably appropriate and necessary to accomplish its corporate purposes. |
The king received the pledges and amitted the battle, and asked borrows of them both, that on the morn they should come and perform their battle and do as they ought to do. |
We have tables and computers to work out our deco, we have regulators that can perform to ridiculous depths, and we have twinsets and rebreathers to give us shedloads of gas. |
We attempted to indwell the filter at the heart side from the hepatic vein, but it was too difficult to perform for technical reasons. |
The Aloe Vera essential oils perform a lenitive action and stop bacteria from growing, giving a fresh minty breath. |
You can also perform this function during a call without affecting the phone call in question. |
Hence, in order to prolongate the system's lifetime, some sensors can be kept inactive while others perform all the tasks. |
It is acceptable to stop briefly in the line of dance to perform stationary figures, as long as the other dancers are not unduly impeded. |
Secondly, you may be engaged by a presenter to perform your work in her or his season or festival. |
Kamagra® Oral jelly contains the same ingredients and perform in a similar way to its more expensive counterpart Viagra. |
Is it challenging for Kevin McHale, the actor who plays Artie, to perform in a wheelchair every night? |
Constructed from the best and most solid components to perform again and again without wearing. |
I got loads of letters after that concert, asking me when I was planning to perform again in Texas. |
Mr. Brown, who will perform again tonight with his own band at Avery Fisher Hall, isn't an average performer. |
Most pilots perform a hover more or less near to the ground and then decent slowly to the ground. |
Dentists must have an artist's aesthetic sense, an eye for detail and the manual dexterity to perform precise procedures in a small area. |
Girls often perform poorly in school due to inconsistent attendance and find themselves forced to drop out to help their mothers. |
Generally speaking, these various crops perform poorly and are conditioned by rainfall. |
With RISE two hearing instruments can communicate and perform binaural processing, allowing them to work as one central processor. |
It is therefore important to verify that the ovum is located inside the uterus and to perform twice monthly checks of the cervix. |
School children continue to perform poorly and drop out and repetition rates remain high. |
Finally, institutions in many cases are successful in meeting their official languages obligations in certain areas yet perform poorly in others. |
Utilities has been one area of the high yield bond universe to perform poorly this year. |
The landlocked developing countries also perform poorly in terms of time spent and the number of documents needed for exporting and importing. |
Good projects tend to perform better after assistance has ended, while those that perform poorly tend to deteriorate. |
Affiliates will earn increasingly more on the revenue-share payment plan as they perform better. |
With a contamination meter, check hands and feet thoroughly and then perform a 10 to15-second check over the rest of the person. |
He said that an experienced clerical worker could perform many, but not all, of his DSFS tasks for about half the salary he is paid. |
The Delegation of Thailand stressed the need for food intake date to perform exposure assessment. |
Shamans, in a state of trance, make contact with the spirit world to perform good or evil magic. |
According to the time at disposal for completing the freight distribution, each FURBOT vehicle could perform several delivery trips. |
One cannot remove a person from the country in order to perform an illegal act. |
An election officer who ceases to perform his duties of office shall, so far as possible, be replaced in the same manner as he was appointed. |
Student participation:Â Some students have small roles and get to come on stage and perform with the actors. |
I watched him perform a song and dance in something like minstrel fashion atop the school tables, evenhandedly deriding his audience and himself. |
In one brilliantly directed scene, three snarky teenagers perform tai chi while chitchatting in Columbus Park in Chinatown. |
Four soloists perform Handel's elating Messiah with the Conservatoire de musique de Gatineau choir and orchestra. |
Chan's boss no longer had to pay a highly skilled worker to perform basic tasks. |
Certified specialists perform the installation and even haul away your old water heater. |
The subjects were asked to perform a short piece of music featuring their musical instrument. |
We'll have to perform a change of tack within that system, so as we can head towards the ice gate close-hauled on starboard tack. |
The breakup tweet – which Taylor retweeted – was an attempt to perform amicability. |
If I have had the flu or feel unwell, should I still come in to the clinic perform my volunteer duties? |
Selecting the first box will let you perform a missed backup when the USB flash drive is attached if it was disconnected at the scheduled time. |
Mormons are strongly taught that they have a religious obligation to trace their own genealogies and perform temple ordinances for their ancestors. |
And when asked to perform sit-ups and press-ups, the sedentary group could not even notch up half the number performed in a minute by the soo bahk do group. |
On the pre-recorded show on Sunday night last, Christopher was picked previous to the show to be the member from the audience to perform just before the end. |
A call centre operator from Trowbridge is hoping her talent on the mixing decks will win her the chance to perform in the dance tent at this year's Glastonbury festival. |
Facilitators should perform their duties in an impartial manner, with due respect to the dignity of the parties. |
And we need crip actors to perform these parts, not yet another non-disabled actor doing an impersonation, with an eye on an award. |
At the time the decision was made to perform DNA analysis with the STR technology, there were not very many labs that actually pursued it. |
An engine needs to breathe easily in order to perform at maximum efficiency and this is accomplished with a clean filter. |
In 2001, after an accident, he could no longer perform heavy labor and he looked for an another hobby, of course in the timber sector. |
But cleaning women and men typically perform heavy labor very quickly for a big chain such as Hyatt. |
Somehow or another they have to forget about being England and the expectation and go out there and perform and get a result. |
Workers agree that having a wellness program encourages them to work harder and perform better. |
We are currently looking for qualified, serious and volunteer people to perform the housecleaner work. |
It is a real pleasure to watch the dog jump and perform caprioles without apparent effort. |
Whether angling to arrive at a lecture with a victim family member or throwing shade on each other's designs, these architects ingenuously perform for the camera. |
And others who perform inly cleanings, and offer sacrifice to water, fire and wind, and those who never rest and hold their heads down or stand only upon one leg. |
One critic says his tongue could fillet a fish, and this week he comes to New Zealand to headline the Comedy Festival and perform solo shows in Auckland and Christchurch. |
We don't commission new works in the sense that ACM would ask for a work for specific instrumentation and then own the rights to exclusively perform that work. |
Tonight we just didn't perform and we were shellshocked to be 3-0 down at half-time. |
Lee Pearson and Debbie Criddle, who both won individual and team equestrian golds, will perform a dressage display to music in front of the grandstands. |
This reduces the number of keys needed to perform a given set of functions and permits a clearer and aesthetically more attractive display to be produced. |
By establishing mobile maintenance teams, the unit could rapidly deploy mechanics to outlying firebases to perform services and emergency repairs. |
In the film, a clandestine brotherhood of doctors and med students perform these artistic autopsies and subsequent plastinations on living students. |
Steam engine, machine using steam power to perform mechanical work through the agency of heat. |
We want to perform in front of our own fans instead of reserving the best for when we play away, and Bath need the win to claw themselves away from the relegation zone. |
However, the personal trainer should not perform assisted stretching without first consulting the rehab professional who previously treated the client. |
Davenant had, in fact, received a Royal patent in 1639 to build a new playhouse to perform plays and musical entertainments, but the Civil War intervened. |
Each of us had to compose and perform abhinaya for a variety of songs. |
The ability to perform this procedure without thoracotomy minimized his hospital stay and recovery time while not compromising the integrity of the plication. |
On investiture days, when the Queen presents honours, she proceeds to the Palace ballroom for 11 am to perform the ceremony which takes more than an hour. |
A shaman would perform rituals to prevent the deceased ghost from returning, and individuals who had tended to the body ritually purified themselves. |
Some hosts require a period of time to initialize a connection before accepting a request by the client to recognize and perform a Local Echo. |
At the end of the workshop, he will perform several themes of harp on the film. |
In 1904 church President Joseph F. Smith presented a second manifesto that disciplined those who continued to practice polygamy or perform plural marriages. |
But she says her need to perform springs from more than mere flightiness. |
This wish is warranted to perform within the usual implication of good tidings for a period of one year, or until the issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting. |
In case of faultiness, this guarantee only covers the obligation of Luckerath to again perform the work concerned insofar this was faulty. |
Secretaries perform a gamut of administrative responsibilities ranging from handling daily schedules and travel itineraries to processing paperwork. |
Nearby, at the Pamagirri Aboriginal Experience, visitors can learn how to throw a boomerang or to play the didgeridoo, before watching aboriginal dancers perform a corroboree. |
This Quebec song legend will perform new compositions and old favorites, with his four musicians. |
This is more stressful for the forth group who will be worried about having to perform and not look foolish. |
Apparently, the creepy entourage accompanying the star were not his flunkies but church elders ready to perform an instant baptism there and then. |
This little videoed sequence in which your teams perform a song of their choice, in playback, is the latest thing for young, dynamic companies. |
Driller-blasters perform blasting operations and other work requiring the use of explosives. |
The 'overlanders' are confident that Chile will perform well in the tournament. |
It was a common occurrence for my friends to telephone or call round to ask me to perform this pain-relieving trick. |
For one thing, one can perform a kind of 'customer or market survey', so to speak, in order to discover the potential market in the area. |
We do, however, have a team on-site to act quickly in the event of an unusual occurrence and to perform maintenance tasks. |
Checking whether STP units perform strategic planning internally or outsource it to the private sector. |
File Handle: A small positive integer used to identify the previously opened file on which a program wishes to perform an operation. |
The parties also undertake not to perform any active disposal falling within the area of responsibility of the other party. |
An occupational therapist can help you to devise more efficient ways to work, perform household chores, and accomplish important tasks. |
Despite much hooting and hollering for a second encore, Casablancas and crew were in all probability far too intoxicated to perform any more songs by that point. |
Now a single surveyor can perform high accuracy stakeout or topographic surveys by themselves. |
Through a series of about 30 maneuvers, the Snowbirds perform a multitude of loops, spins, criss-crosses and bursts that make formation flying appear easy. |
The management of hospitals that fail to perform to the required standard, almost guaranteed in such a cash strapped service, will be franchised to the private sector. |
If your company employs contractors to perform physical security, then you may have policies in place that prevent contractor guards from fraternizing with company employees. |
Judicial bodies may not perform functions that are not in keeping with their judicial character. |
It then reports how many independent program executions are required to perform the experiment by taking the cross product of all parameter values. |
While these workers will not perform any hands-on intelligence work, they will have access to high security equipment. |
An inability to perform even the simplest of DIY exercises without the verbose delivery of staccato sentences, gratuitously peppered with offensive curses. |
There is also a strong competitive angle: women often must perform higher than men in order to become successful. |
This risk would be magnified however, by requiring that person to perform an additional function. |
The Competition Coordinator runs a random draw to establish the order the contestants will perform their prepared speech. |
At least he had enough manners and gallantry to perform that small action. |
Hayley Joel Osment designs the ultimate good Samaritan pyramid scheme, doing good deeds for people and asking them to in turn perform three good deeds. |
The test driver may perform all operations necessary for the measurement easily in the vehicle using the flat screen on the dashboard. |
Students are unaware of the conventionalised use of phraseological patterns involving we to perform specific functions in academic genres. |
Made in America, the show features a group of men who perform bizarre stunts and practical jokes which often involve damaging and setting fire to things. |
His talent was as precocious as his future partner's, and back in America he would perform at children's parties and at his father's academic gatherings. |
Year 11 pupils, who are prefects and perform that role on the bus, used their mobile telephones to call the emergency services and evacuated the bus, which was leaking fuel. |
Computers operate with semiconductor switches known as logic gates that perform binary algebraic processes to yield an output of either zero or one. |
In the evening, they gather at some pre-planned venue, usually the middle of a village, collect the people living nearby and perform for two to three hours. |
Data that is relatively static is preprocessed and stored as a text representation in databases enabling search engines to perform matches more quickly. |
The Burmese delegated women to perform this step of the process, also. |
Each village has its own shaman to propitiate the spirits that cause illness and accidents, and a priest to perform the village ceremony for the ancestor spirits. |
The Registrar shall discharge such duties in respect of examinations as may be delegated to him by the Senate and he may perform these duties by deputy. |
There was a lot of suspicion that the Department of Justice was going to perform massive psychosurgical procedures on violent prisoners as a means of social control. |
I generally perform with all the elegance and grace of a hippopotamus. |
These musicians practise extensively, perform repeated grace notes, and the instrument is very responsive so that smallish errors will be apparent. |
During this period the Mahari used to step into the Kalahata Dwara as a devi or a divine being and used to perform only for the Lord near his Ratna Simhasana. |
Typical stunts horses perform that can unship their riders: Wheeling to the right. |
There are also some related activities, such as organizing the derivative values in a table and graphing the results, that the students perform by hand with paper and pencil. |
Volunteers wear First World War uniforms to perform sentry duty during the Vimy vigil of remembrance at the National War Memorial. |