I ended the book with a photograph of an emperor penguin chick from the Antarctic. |
Calcium makes up slightly more than one-third of the average penguin eggshell. |
The emperor penguin is the largest penguin species and also one of the few found in Antarctica. |
This zoo was the first in the world to exhibit penguins and it now has Europe's largest penguin pool. |
This penguin owes its anonymity more to its location than to any lack of cuteness or scientific interest. |
When I die those atoms will carry on combining and recombining, and I may find myself part of a pencil, a penguin, a nurse or a nebula. |
The biggest fight we observed was between a male fur seal and a male penguin. |
Urban foxes were unwelcome visitors during the year and were responsible for killing a penguin and some geese. |
Unexpectedly, a large emperor penguin came sliding in from miles away to watch us. |
As it rocks from side to side, a walking penguin may look clumsy, but its movements are actually quite efficient. |
Ponganis, the emperor penguin expert, says increased tourism may have negative effects on penguin populations. |
The only apex predators that live year-round at high latitudes of the Ross Sea are the Weddell seal and emperor penguin. |
According to Harris, the greatest concern is a trend toward fishing the Argentine anchovy, a staple penguin food. |
Sitting squatly in the beachfront park, the Big Penguin is rumoured to be the largest penguin in the world. |
It is the staff of life for the penguin, petrel, crabeater, leopard seal, and the Antarctic whales. |
The birds spread across a rising slope of snow furrowed with ditches worn by thousands of penguin feet. |
On islands off of the coasts of Peru and Chile, penguin eggs and guano are collected for local use. |
Out of pattern properties, a biometrical identifier is generated for each penguin. |
The mating game we were witnessing in the penguin colony was gentle and benign by comparison. |
Adelies are one of only two penguin species, the other being the emperor penguin, that breed on the shores of the Antarctic continent. |
Love, it turns out, has very little to do with the mating habits of the emperor penguin. |
On their breeding grounds, they nest close to penguin colonies where they feed on the eggs and the young. |
Maxwell is an oddball penguin who doesn't like the cold and can't swim and has adventures in a safari park. |
You'll be happy to know that the penguin population is thriving and gentoos were the most populous distribution! |
It's home to the threatened southern elephant seal, the fur seal, two species of albatross and several species of, yes, penguin. |
The erect-crested penguin is one of five species known as crested penguins. |
The spiraling open-air ramp irresistibly recalls the gravity-defying swirls of Tecton's penguin pool. |
Well, some of the men actually prefer to break out of the penguin suit mold and dress in their own signature style for performances. |
It turns out that some species of penguin can expel their feces with such force that it can fly 40 cm. |
He inwardly cursed himself for sounding like an egotistical butler in a penguin suit. |
I heard something about tuxes and assumed they were talking about seeing the four of us guys in penguin suits. |
He wore strikingly white gloves and a beautifully tailored, midnight black penguin suit. |
The Emperor penguin is an exceptional diver and can stay submerged for 18 minutes and dive as deep as 500 meters. |
Unfortunately, pop still lived in the eighteenth century where men still wore penguin suits and women wore corsets. |
The waters belong to the fish and whales, the squirrels and fox, the llama and elephant, the penguin and robin. |
They swam right up to the glass of the tank and flapped their little penguin wings. |
Harnessed up and ready to dive, the fat penguin looks as though it has its own mini scuba tank. |
I hear the great whites like seals, or anything that resembles a penguin or walrus. |
On top of the milieu, in wonted Godspeed fashion, an old man recalls a bizarre and oddly moving story of how a penguin is gobbled up by a killer whale. |
Cruise-ship passengers take in vistas of glaciated mountains and lichen-covered islands, stopping to visit penguin colonies, seal beaches, and abandoned whaling stations. |
The boy feels rejected and confused, and then hits on a Christmas morning solution, delivering a penguin mate for his penguin. |
As a mother gentoo penguin flees downhill from her frantically pestering offspring, the whole train trips over itself, squawking and skidding uncontrollably. |
It was also thought that the emperor penguin was the most primitive of existing birds, so the contents of the penguin's eggs might reveal the evolutionary origin of birds. |
A robin redbreast in England is as rare as an penguin in Pennsylvania. |
But Squirt is the only show boasting a computer-generated penguin made with the same technology that creates all those whizzy real-time graphics for sporting events. |
Fights and chases erupt when personal penguin space is invaded or when young marauders snitch a few prized pebbles to start building nests of their own. |
The king penguin feeds on fish, but specializes in eating squid. |
He looked gorgeous, especially with the whole penguin suit in tack. |
As a fierce penguin lover, I'm in a bit of a tizzy over this. |
Paul, my little ceramic penguin in the study always faces due south. |
Another penguin species, the Adelies, were cut off from their breeding grounds by unusually large icebergs, calved from the continental ice shelf. |
Waiters in penguin suits glided here and there, serving little delicacies on silver plates, blending into the sea of formally dressed people quite well. |
They are the main icon of the continent, and there are plenty of penguin names, including chinstraps, gentoos, jackasses, kings, macaronis, rockhoppers. |
Impressive hunters, hungry leopard seals may burst through a spot of soft ice near a baby penguin rookery, in an attempt to grasp a penguin walking above. |
The French government had chartered the ship to deliver heavy equipment for an airstrip that would go through a penguin habitat on the Arctic continent. |
In modern divers, such as the penguin and loon, the wings are also shaped so that the surface presented to the water is a smooth, hydrodynamic curve. |
This year National Tree Day saw sixty-five Swansea primary school students assist in assembling miniature igloos for the local penguin population. |
The two foxes have killed a peacock, a penguin and three maras. |
This species of penguin was showered with positive coverage throughout the 20th century by a supposedly vigilant press. |
The Little Penguin, also known as the Fairy Penguin, is the world's smallest, and the only penguin permanently found in Australia. |
The full-page picture of the bright pink pygmy sea horse in coral will mesmerize, while the penguin pictures will evoke smiles. |
The pair found fairy penguin Dirk in their apartment when they awoke the next morning, and tried to release him into a canal. |
A 7-day-old gentoo penguin was found dead and postmortem examination revealed impaction of the ventriculus with feathers. |
Your journey starts in a cool ice cavern where you hear and see on a big screen the animated tale of a young Gentoo penguin chick called Puck. |
Eight pages of color photographs, from Iguaza Falls to a gentoo penguin standing at Port Lockroy appear in the middle of the book. |
In a swim test in a tank, an Adelie penguin wearing a band expended 24 percent more energy than an unbanded penguin. |
Fans can expect to see animals such as a baby cheetah, kangaroo, baby tiger, two-toed sloth, penguin and more. |
The yellow-eyed penguin makes a trilling sound not unlike the old trimphone. |
The penguin pirate captain will be bringing tropical fruits in his big ship The Migrator. |
Grouse, Tapir, Takahe, Rhinoceros, Bison and Iguanas all jump aboard the big green bus being driven by a friendly penguin. |
She chose a penguin as her personal avatar in the chat room. |
The penguin was housed in an indoor exhibit with 30 macaroni penguins, 20 rockhopper penguins, and 15 king penguins. |
Many bird species, including seven species of penguin breed in the British Antarctic Territories. |
Visitors can tour the museum, buy souvenirs, post mail, and view the large gentoo penguin colony. |
The Falklands are also home to five different penguin species and a few of the largest albatross colonies on the planet. |
The Inca tern nests in crevices, caves and disused burrows, such as that of a Humboldt penguin. |
The rockhopper penguin has distinctive feathers around the eyes, giving the appearance of elaborate eyelashes. |
Four of the 18 penguin species live and breed on the mainland and its close offshore islands. |
The next thing, a penguin will walk in here, tip his top hat, and abase himself while he mutters obsequiously in penguinese. |
I like a least weasel, and a bison and seal, but then I also like a shrew, and a wolf and a penguin. |
The Magellanic penguin is named after him, as he was the first European to note it. |
Cartaya called it Lake Adelie, because the azure water reminded him of the blue-eyed Adelie penguin. |
Experts yesterday said 400 Adelie penguin chicks have washed up dead on Brazil's beaches after migrating 2,500 miles to avoid the rain. |
The emperor penguin can dive almost three times as deep as the Adelie penguin. |
Adelie penguin numbers are decreasing in the Antarctic Peninsula region, where climate warming is established and sea ice is in decline. |
At Bristol Zoo Gardens Snowdrop the African penguin was able to stay cool with the help of a garden sprinkler. |
The species is also known as the jackass penguin because they bray like donkeys and African penguins because they'renative to South Africa. |
A Jackass penguin had been spotted in the Thames, and readers were treated to a close-up of the creature jogging on the beach. |
The Jackass penguin has been pining since Cherry died at the age of 28 at Combe Martin wildlife and dinosaur park in Devon. |
The baby jackass penguin, called Toga, was taken from Amazon World, Sandown, Isle of Wight, on Saturday night. |
The risks due to ongoing oil spills faced by the Jackass penguin in South Africa. |
The Amazon World Zoo Park in Newchurch, Isle of Wight, yesterday urged whoever has stolen its jackass penguin to feed him properly using a tube. |
They enlist the services of fun-loving penguin Caruso, Arctic hare Lena and snow goose Pieps to scour every inch of the ice floes to find Lars. |
We watched the penguin feeding, but missed the cool Sky Deck rooftop theater show with the lanner falcons. |
For instance, the emperor penguin is prey for both the leopard seal and the killer whale. |
Patrick, a rockhopper penguin with distinctive yellow eyebrows, will make his debut as a cartoon character before he is revealed to the public. |
The film follows the escapades of surfing Rockhopper penguin Cody Maverick. |
At Penguin Encounter, you meet 9 of the world's 17 penguin species-from small rockhoppers to the hefty emperors. |
The detailed cake also includes a penguin egg made from a ball of fondant, coloured and stippled with royal icing. |
Jack was Poison Ivy, Malcolm was The Penguin, Lawrence was a little penguin minion, following Malcolm around. |
In a world where the flightless birds attract their mate through song, a little penguin called Mumble is born without a tuneful voice. |
The documentary film crew continues to follow the escapades of courageous Cody Maverick, a Rockhopper penguin whose father died in the jaws of a killer whale. |
A penguin or a clucking hen logically might satisfy the ascertainable criteria of birdness but remain somehow inapt for excavating focal meanings. |
More penguin species are found in New Zealand than in any other country. |
Cape Horn is the southern limit of the range of the Magellanic penguin. |
But, we're really grappling with the problem of the lack of food and the role that fisheries play in causing the collapse of, for example, African penguin populations. |
An elegant Arctic fox makes a non-too delicate meal out of a guillemot that's mis-timed its landing and a leopard seal makes mincemeat of a stray penguin. |
From 1942 to 1985, the rockhopper penguin population at Campbell Island declined from about 800,000 breeding pairs to just 51,000 pairs, and the decline had continued since. |
The incomparable actor does double voice duty in Happy Feet, also featuring as the eccentric Rockhopper penguin Lovelace, the Guru of Adelie Land who also narrates the story. |
A subtle one through ten counting exercise is neatly worked into the story, as Penelope, acquires one Galapagos Islands penguin, two Rockhopper Penguins, etc. |
Children will love the antics of little penguin tours or feeding pelicans. |
Porter, an adventurous little penguin, lives with his family in Antarctica near the South Pole about the farthest place on Earth you can get from Santa's workshop. |
Immunohistochemistry has been used successfully in birds, including penguin species, to characterize lymphomatous neoplastic cells as either T-cell or B-cell in origin. |
By the time I was standing in the front platform of a cherrypicker with a 3ft fibreglass penguin, my initial euphoria had transformed into plain fear. |
Zitterbart said that he was really surprised to learn that a travelling wave can be triggered by any penguin in a huddle rather than penguins on the outside trying to push in. |
Visitors can meet Father Christmas in his Antarctic Grotto that's situated alongside the attraction's coolest residents, the charming and cheeky Gentoo penguin colony. |
In novice learners, for example, reasoning about the dodder's haustoria is typically different from reasoning about penguin wings, whereas for experts it is not. |
The two Welshmen then snatched a fairy penguin called Dirk from an aquarium before waking up with the flightless bird in their apartment the following day. |
The Little Blue, also known as the Fairy Penguin, is the smallest of the world's penguin species, measuring about 25 centimeters tall and weighing just 1 kilogram. |
The little, blue, or fairy penguin is the world's smallest penguin species and is restricted in range to the warmer waters along coastal southern Australia and New Zealand. |
The scuba divers from the Black Country Divers branch of the British Sub Aqua Club,, shared the giant tank of the penguin enclosure for their latest intrepid club outing. |
The book has been re-launched by Penguin India to mark the 350th anniversary of the building of the matchless monument. |
As she went on to the creek and its pools where she could bathe, I took from my pack my Penguin edition of Don Quixote. |
A former Penguin will center Jagr's line, but except for on the power play, it won't be Lang. |
Penguin imprints include Michael Joseph, Allen Lane, Hamish Hamilton, Viking, and a good few more. |
My former ant loving celly, Penguin, would be in seventh heaven if left to his own devices with the field ants. |
The survey, by Penguin Books, found that more than half the men polled believed that flattering a woman would be enough to impress her. |
By the time we reach our second dive site, at Penguin Cove, the sun is shining and the water has brightened to an almost metallic green. |
The huge, and free, Penguin Village welcomes tinies aged 3-12 into a world of bouncy castles, football, climbing frames, basketball and theatre. |
Not sure why Penguin are reissuing Toujours Provence, other than it's 10 years since this soporific fluff was first published. |
The India Penguin paperback originals and the HarperCollins-Rupa paperbacks are wonderful to behold. |
I'll hop in, devour a couple of Penguin classics, and emerge further up the road as the most learned freeloader in Argyll. |
Michael produced an abridgement of Manning Clark's A History of Australia, published by Melbourne University Press and Penguin. |
The chief problem is that, in the early part of last year, Penguin opened a brand-new warehouse and distribution centre. |
Penguin had earlier published an anthology on Delhi, part of a series of such collections. |
From the biog in the 1954 Penguin edition of Oscar Wilde's Lord Arthur Savile's Crime. |
Once inside the joint, you see girls with black-rimmed glasses lolling around the sofas, riffling Penguin classics provocatively. |
Penguin remaindered the hardback when the paperback had scarcely had time to reach the shops. |
She writes an introduction to a Mande poetry book you can buy in Penguin Classics. |
Reprinted by arrangement with Viking, a member of Penguin Group llc, A Penguin Random House Company. |
So determined was Joan to solve the mystery she taught herself Old French and obtained microfilm of the same Guiot manuscript Professor Kibler used for the Penguin Classic. |
Penguin Books began a revolution in publishing with their sixpenny pocket paperbacks, and included in their early lists an edition of Shakespeare. |
But Apple, Penguin, and Macmillan have reportedly rejected settlement talks. |
Reprinted by arrangement with Hudson Street Press, a member of Penguin Group llc, a Penguin Random House Company. |
I asked for your votes to christen the small, flightless bird formerly known as Moderately Evil Penguin, and you stuffed the ballot box in your droves. |
But first, Broadwell found a literary agent and a willing publisher at Penguin Press. |
In appropriate situational contexts, Penguin may allow for multiple concurrent topicalizations, promoting two or more objects to morphological NOM status. |
Camus's inscrutable anti-hero reached me, as a greedily omnivorous teenage reader, via the battleship grey of a Penguin Modern Classics paperback bought in WH Smith. |
The Penguin, as the short, wobbly man had become known to Danni and me on our walk, pushed us in and shut the door, leaving us with the military man. |
These little guys would be hand-raised by the Penguin Reserve and subsequent surgeries performed to remove scar tissue until the area was healed and watertight. |
Someone designed a Penguin Classics book jacket and posted on the Internet. |
The Penguin collection has enormous range and comprehensiveness. |
The bigness, as evident in the Penguin Random House merger, has reached obscene proportions. |
Reprinted by arrangement with The Penguin Press, a member of Penguin Group LLC, A Penguin Random House Company. |
Making Penguin Oreo Cookies is a great way to ease back into taking classes for enjoyment as well as personal enrichment. |
Over the years we have seen various crossings, Panda, Penguin and the old Belisha Beacon. |
No Hero and No Easy Day are published by Penguin Group 's dutton imprint. |
The first game of the weekend saw the ladies take on an experienced Penguin Rockhoppers team from London. |
By the 1930s, it had fallen into disuse and in 1936 was used by the newly founded Penguin Books company to store books. |
Three-month-old baby Toga, a Jackass Penguin, was stolen from the zoo, on the Isle of Wight, in December. |
There's also a red Routemaster bus, an anglepoise lamp, a polypropylene chair and the famous Penguin Books jacket. |
Weighing just 85g, the baby chick Aloo was the first Humboldt Penguin to arrive at the zoo this year. |
The smallest variety is the Little Blue Penguin, also known as the Fairy Penguin. |
The Gentoo Penguin exhibit, themed as 'Melting Ice', also puts a spotlight on global warming and its impact on polar ice. |
Reprinted with the permission of plume, a member of the Penguin Group. |
Patina is smart enough to know better... it's way past time for her to turn from the dark side and embrace the Penguin. |
Morpurgo married Clare, eldest daughter of Sir Allen Lane, the founder of Penguin Books. |
Harper had a done deal, until Penguin pulled out at the last minute. |
His publisher, the Penguin Randon House Group, also paid tribute to Thomas yesterday. |
The large beak and overall size, and the pink gape and skin along the beak could also resemble a hybrid between a Rockhopper Penguin and a Macaroni Penguin. |
Current Jelly Belly Art in the series are the Great Green Macaws, a Hawksbill Sea Turtle, a Rockhopper Penguin, the Swift Foxes, and a Grizzly Bear. |
Cooking's answer to The Penguin launched a daring raid on his local branch, snaffling cheese and wine, doubtless for some classy soiree with fellow super-villains. |
In 2015 a manuscript for an unpublished book was discovered by Jo Hanks, a publisher at Penguin Random House Children's Books, in the Victoria and Albert Museum archive. |
The beautiful setting of Lichfield Cathedral's little east-end Lady Chapel hosts Penguin Cafe leader Arthur Jeffes, who returns tomorrow evening with a project called Sundog. |
And when I revealed this fact in my autobiography I'm Not The Only One he took my publisher Penguin to the High Court in Edinburgh seeking to injunct publication. |
I wanted to do well for guys like Geoff Kloske and Matt Boyd and everyone at Riverhead Books who believed in me and convinced Penguin to write a check. |
But now I wanted to go sledding down Penguin Hill like the other kids. |
Joel Oleson came across the Gentoo Penguin on a trip to Antarctica. |