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How to use peeping in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word peeping? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
His eyes traced over me, taking in my disheveled hair and my toes, which were peeping out from underneath my dress.
Even pieces of rags were shoved into the gaps peeping through the corners of its locked door.
All that one normally sees of the shipworm is the snail-like head peeping out of the bark.
I slipped into the house and into my room so as not to spoil their party, though I couldn't resist peeping through the blinds.
They were of an older stile, bricks and mortar peeping out from behind chipped whitewash.
The clouds had broken and a corner of blue sky was peeping out towards the west.
Teenage girls were spotted around the village peeping through windows of some of the biggest homes, desperately hoping for a glance of Gareth.
Those readers whose grannies favour calendars featuring cheeky kittens peeping out of wicker baskets will get the idea.
It saw some Government employees peeping in to find out the position of the Congress and to see whether there was any cross-voting.
Who wants peepers and peerers standing outside bedrooms, peeping and peering?
Your pedicured toes won't be peeping through colourful mules for quite some time.
Who was that strange looking lady with the colourful bonnet hurrying along the road and what was that peeping out of her basket?
Above them, further up the ridge the summit of the mountain was peeping at them through quickly moving mist.
Rolling left to lie prone, I shoved the rifle stock to my shoulder and dared to reconnoiter by peeping over a twisted root.
I heard the peeping of a young, hungry cardinal, and I heard the soft cry of a nuthatch.
I've got flocks of monotone peeping nuthatches in the spruce trees, along with the chickadees, blue jays and four Canada jays.
They lay down, with the birds hopping from branch to branch above them and the bright sky peeping down at them.
If there's only leaf peeping to be had an hour north, then I am doomed in going south.
The city serves as the gateway to all of New England, from leaf peeping to hiking to skiing.
The economist is a harmless crank as long as he is just peeping through the window.
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Examples from Classical Literature
And now, her wry sly smile, peeping from underneath her battered hat-brim, meets me at every back-street corner.
When it began peeping out on the other side of the trunk our watcher's dreamful eyes took no note of it.
When he started up, the godfather Break of Day was peeping at its namesake.
Hugh wriggled to his side, and, peeping through a serviceberry bush, looked out across the water.
There it was, just peeping between the heavy curtains, white and blue-veined, with tapering fingers and shell-like nails.
The passage was very narrow, but 39 lightsome, for a door was open at the end, peeping into a lawny kind of yard.
It was another head peeping out of the doorway, a head just like Johnny Chuck's, only it was a teeny-weeny one.
Now, timidly peeping from behind her skirts, he ventured to open his eyes on it.
Commandingly he repeated them to cabby peeping down through his pygmy man-trap in the roof, and away went the two-wheeler.
Gallardo turned his head slightly to salute Plumitas, who sat smiling, his moon face peeping above his arms and the jacket.
They reentered the city as the first owlish lights were peeping out, futile, brave little rebels against the spreading night.
Don't take any notice of it,' said Miss Ledrook, peeping in from the bedroom.
Three times today I've caught you peeping at me through the crack of that door.
The English footman in the scarlet breeches had been peeping from under the stairs.
He notes merely the white blossoms of the redroot peeping through the withered leaves, and the buds of the buckeye.
The chickens looked at him sideways, peeping and calling the mother hen.
That was an objection to peeping through the venetian blinds, as we nevertheless did, at our peril of observation from the road.
There was Mrs. Woodcock peeping at him from behind a tussock of grass.
The sun was just peeping over the serrated tops of the mountains.
As he was reconnoitring the fort, he perceived an Indian peeping through an aperture.
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