The publication of yet another study of the late medieval English heretics known as Lollards may give some scholars pause. |
Better still, you will be able to pause the download operation, disconnect, make a phone call and then resume. |
Trying to deal with the embarrassing situation, the reporter had to pause the camera, comfort him and patiently tell him what he needed to say. |
Hunter suddenly got the feeling that he knew her, so thanks to modern technology, he was able to pause the television on the shot of the woman. |
I laughed at his silliness, asked Holly to pause the movie for a second, and got up to go out to the kitchen. |
She can then fast forward, rewind and pause it at any time over the next 24 hours. |
He would pause the tape when this occurred, and then record what was said in his notebook. |
The system allows viewers to watch, fast-forward, rewind and pause digital movies. |
I got nothing else to say on his answer, because I'd have to pause the tape again until I stop laughing. |
He pulled one head phone out of his ear and pressed another button on the contraption to pause the music. |
And there is a pause in your speech, but I can tell you would still like to say more. |
After a brief pause for judging, it will continue on to the community centre where refreshments for all participants will be served. |
I'm gonna have to wait till I get the dvd and can use the pause button though. |
However, hit the pause button before then, and you could probably sing the simple chorus melody before you even hear it. |
So have I, actually, because I taped it three days ago off MTV2 and have a pause button on my video recorder. |
The game allows it to be played as turn-based and the instructions encourage you to use the pause button frequently to plan your moves. |
But when he noticed me, he pushed the pause button and looked at me with his big blue eyes, looking kind of curious or even worried. |
Press the pause button, take a leak, come back and continue watching from where you left off. |
She hit the pause button, and I saw my own foolish-looking face, past her shoulder, frozen on the screen. |
When he noticed who it was, Mike glared at us as he pushed the pause button on the remote. |
The same effect could be achieved by using the pause button on a DVD player. |
If you want to get a good look at anything, the pause button might be your best friend. |
I completely understand that, and, to be honest, it gives me pause for thought. |
The result, from what we can guess from the data, should also give them pause for thought. |
If it doesn't give you pause for thought, even in a world besieged by bad news, you aren't paying attention. |
There was something about the whole deal, however, which gave me pause for thought. |
But there are lessons from history here that, at the very least, should give us pause for thought. |
They can pause or fast-forward live conversations, for example, allowing wearers to listen to two conversations at once. |
His silence, to me, is a world of things left unsaid, of unresolved tension, incompletion, a giant pause in my emotional functioning. |
Its romance though, is a magnet for lovers, and many pause to throw in their coins and seal their hopes with a smooch. |
After a brief pause he decided to continue so that all wouldn't get dragged down in the untimely events they just learned about. |
Beforehand, I had been adding breakpoints to pause the program to examine memory. |
It must surely be some kind of guard to talk so incessantly without pause or prompting? |
He indicates some of the stresses in the manuscript sources of the poem and marks the caesura or pause in each line. |
Among other things, it mentions the caesural pause as a device for finishing an imperfect foot. |
He then laughs dramatically for far too long at this joke and I had to pause the video to calm myself. |
The Scarecrow is walking through the plant, stopping to pause and check the labels on various canisters of chemicals. |
Essentially, that means the bill has been put on pause until the president or president pro tempore of the Senate decides to bring it up again. |
Carmen made us pause in our conversation to look at the moon, a perfect orange lantern cradled in the arms of a cecropia tree. |
I watched an elderly woman pause halfway up one steep hill, pacing the distance that remained. |
Why should we not apply this argument to the idiosyncrasy of a nation, and pause in our haste to hoot it down? |
Patients usually have no symptoms, but if the pause is prolonged, they may have light-headedness, palpitations, syncope, and falls. |
At midday, buses will pull to the side of the road, black cabs will stop and people will pause in their daily routine. |
You can pause live television programmes and then go back to where you left off when you press play. |
One additional feature of these devices is the ability to pause normal TV shows. |
Kal's eyes widened as he came to a pause before bursting into a series of hysteric laughter. |
As April opens its world of promise and the sap rises in the tree, perhaps a phoebe, one of a returning phalanx, will stop to pause there. |
As wonderful as it is to relive these music video memories, I'm forced to pause and interject criticism. |
Even this Party should allow a decent pause before it flip-flops on fiscal policy. |
The lengthy pause after the last person strolls past emphasises both the void and provides a sense of fullness and weight. |
Ther was a pause as the lightening flashed outside the window, followed by an earthshaking thunder. |
A pause is in order here to let you assess and digest that comment from a man who doesn't seem to be given to pronouncements of fancy. |
Lindel took a momentary pause as he sifted through the classroom with his electric-blue eyes for any signs of panic amongst his pupils. |
But I hope that they pause and at least consider that they might be in error, on the wrong side of history. |
As the conversation had a pause Katt tried to speak, but Eden and Jared quickly resumed speaking as if taunting her. |
Or maybe, we fear that if we pause for even an infinitesimal second, someone else will grab our place and get ahead? |
It was a pause so infinitesimal that I almost didn't catch it, but I knew what I glimpsed. |
And their legacies continue to cause newcomers to pause before embarking down similar routes. |
A much longer pause ensued, and Rolloniss casually walked across to the edge of the cliff, staring at the vast, unobscured countryside. |
There was a long pause as the two stared out over the grim and lifeless landscape. |
When reassembling the hive, smoke the bees so that they move down and pause slightly before replacing hive bodies or covers. |
At this moment he wearied, wishing for nothing but a pause released from time in which he might lie low until the world was righted. |
Even a cursory look at the new science GCSE is enough to give anyone pause for thought. |
A pause followed as Jeremy and the cloaked woman gazed at each other, unmoving and unspeaking. |
Once you get to the end of the uphaul rope, pause again and check your stance. |
It was meant to be a one-day pause to give the banks a breathing space but the shut down is now going to last all week. |
Another unique feature is TiVo's ability to allow you to actually pause and rewind live television broadcast programs. |
Once the trailers were over, there was an unusually long pause when the screen was just black. |
There's an awkward pause as we try to ascertain the seriousness of the situation. |
When you need to pause for breath look at the surrounding bush, listen to the birds and watch to see fantails, bellbirds, and native pigeons. |
A brief pause and the band troops back on, clustering in the middle of the stage around those two loudhailers. |
Nothing's longer than three minutes and they pause only to wipe sweat off their brows. |
Children were asked to take a maximal inspiration, followed immediately by a maximal forced expiratory maneuver without a pause in between. |
It's almost like listening to a lighthouse keeper who's conditioned to pause every five seconds, whether the foghorn's on or not. |
I don't pause to think and realize that I haven't even shampooed or conditioned my hair yet. |
It took me only a few beats of a pause to realize Marilyn clocked me hard with her own fist. |
The bed is a void space, a limbo where life's pause button can be pressed at will. |
Vivian jumped from subject to subject without pause, as if breathing were merely a happy suggestion. |
So I stood feeling annoyed and slightly helpless as the pause that now felt like forever continued to stretch on in front of me. |
When I pause in typing to think about the next sentence, I am crocheting a scarf that I promised to mail tomorrow. |
I pause every so often to cross something out, or try to pick the best word to use. |
It's a cry from the heart for the West, united in righteous and understandable anger, to pause for thought before taking the next fateful step. |
Kate stood at the door and waited for him to pause the game and come speak with her privately. |
There was a brief pause on the opposite end of the connection, filled only with a short click and the background sounds of conversation. |
Why not pause for a moment and bathe in the emotional afterglow of that statement? |
For the duration of the rut, territorial bulls within smelling distance of cows will barely pause long enough to munch a mouthful of grass. |
After a pause, Marlow goes on to tell his shipmates about his experience as a freshwater sailor. |
There was another pause, and she went on just before he would have answered. |
Early speech-recognition systems were discrete speech recognizers requiring users to pause between each word for 200 milliseconds. |
At the top of each move, pause and squeeze for a one-two count before lowering the weight. |
So did everyone, there was a silent pause as everyone closes their eyes and makes a wish. |
The circuit provides an exact decoding result even when the pause period of the received radio frequency varies over a predetermined range. |
There was a pause, the quiet air filled only by a song from a young rainbird. |
The little forecourt in front of the whitewashed building is a sea of crinoline and tails as the actors pause between takes. |
After a pause, Huw tries to speak to fill the gap, just as the track comes in. |
With the approach of the millennium, there was a pause in the cycle of violence. |
A repeat of the pattern after a pause would take commodity prices substantially higher. |
For many of us, New Year Day gives us time to pause awhile and think about our loved ones in a special way. |
She finally asked after an awkward pause, exasperated with their indecision. |
There was a pause as they glowered at each other, then Ellie shook her head. |
The first independent initiative required is an immediate bombing pause so food can be trucked in and delivered to the people. |
From a seated position, curl one dumbbell up, feeling the muscles in your arm bunch up in a strong, searing knot as you reach the top and pause. |
If life were like a rented DVD, you'd be able to fast-forward through the dull bits and hit slow-motion or pause to savour the sweeter moments. |
Quite right too, but does anyone ever pause to ask when this manner of politics became regnant? |
There was a respectful pause as the Senior Prayer Officer waited for the Almighty to give him his attention. |
As well as just watching a video it is a good idea to pause it every now and then and make notes on any facts you didn't know. |
We pause for a moment to reflect before the sculpture carved from a single tree trunk. |
He will pause in the development of his present narrative to elucidate this abecedarian technology. |
Vacation literally means an intermission, a period of rest, a break from routine, a time for recreation or a pause from work. |
The entire manner in which the heavily criticized act was passed into law is enough to give even the most jingoistic jarhead reason to pause. |
What he has to say should give a lot of thought leaders and businesspeople pause to reflect on the monochromatic way that they see the world. |
To what extent does film's latest technology give us pause as we contemplate film's images of the technological? |
The photo finish, the seemingly endless pause and then the euphoria simply made it all the more memorable. |
He spoke of the historical studies with the sort of qualifiers that give one pause. |
There's a pause in the game, and the TV begins showing cute little kittens at play. |
Even now my restless eyes will settle on its surface and pause, as if some mystery, still obscure, might be solved. |
That could provide a pause during which both sides can reappraise their strategies. |
A sensor contact made him pause, take cover, and get a bead on the opening to the tunnel. |
There was a pause followed by the resounding noise of a telephone receiver being slammed back onto its cradle. |
Additionally, he tends to repeat these statements from week to week, waiting for the pause in the conversation so he can interpolate them. |
I pause to interpolate, the witness answers on the basis that it could have been. |
Not having to pause for canned laughter means the show's dialogue is smoother as well, its language more genuine. |
However, if the pause intervals are too long, physiological systems will not be stressed enough to induce a training effect. |
There was a pause as Kat stared at him, her lips pursing together slightly. |
There was a brief pause before another question was barked with a peculiar undertone to it. |
I pause there, your Honours, to say, with the greatest respect to her Ladyship, that is, in fact, a very crucial observation. |
The great church of St Bavo still stands in Haarlem today and to pause in its nave is an awesome experience. |
We learned that if you pause the video enough times you can get a really derpy picture of yourself. |
The document does, however, pause to put in a good word for lower tax rates. |
There was another long pause before he continued, during which Faith felt both tingles of anticipation and dread. |
As they pass in the pink-walled lobby, they pause, make eye contact, and wish you good morning like they really mean it. |
A saxophone represents the Serpent in the Garden of Eden, which should give jazz bands pause! |
There was a long pause before he continued and Raven thought she felt him looking at her. |
He visibly flinched at the mention of that war but continued after an imperceptible pause. |
Why not pause to eat at a decent restaurant and have a recommended local wine with your meal? |
He does not pause, but goes straight to work on the leeward side of the shed with his hand axe. |
The TiVo remote works because my fingers can feel around the rewind, pause and fast-forward buttons. |
Post-moral tradition-hating libertines might do well to pause in the midst of their celebrations to consider this. |
In ancient Greek rhetoric, the aposiopesis occasionally takes the form of a pause before a change of subject or a digression. |
There was a long pause, and when it was over Mom's voice had risen up an octave or two, as though she were nervous or upset about something. |
Another pause and she strained for the answer, nervous and apprehensive all at once. |
Let me pause here briefly to indicate the main implication of this sidebar on film history for the larger trajectory of my argument. |
At about two years old, his three-foot girth spills out onto the flagstone path, causing visitors to pause on the way to the arbour. |
He would pause at the worst times, listening for something no one else could hear. |
Her feet hardly touched the stairs as she gingerly crept up the staircase before coming to a pause on the landing. |
He politely checked the mobile with a quick glance each time, then continued without a pause. |
And perhaps the sight of their older married brothers straining at the leash is giving them pause. |
What he notes in his explanation, however, should give all obsessive-compulsive legalists pause. |
It was nice to pause, watch, and listen to the bird banging away and the wood chips falling to the ground. |
After a short pause, he heard the door open, followed by his uncle's rough voice before the latter finally appeared in his line of vision. |
The familiar whirr of the tram, the particular clicking noise the indicators make when we pause at stops. |
There was a long pause while he studied her, turning something over in his mind. |
A click, a pause and the monotonous hum of the dialtone left me feeling weary and drained. |
Francesca watched with a covert twist of amusement to her mouth as Mrs Longton took a brief pause and lifted the cup to her tired lips. |
He is usually in charge of morale boosting, but his long pause to the first question spoke volumes. |
The American command appears to be blessing this effort with a temporary pause in combat operations. |
There will be a short pause as the bait is taken in, then the skate will slowly move away. |
It also supports music playback controls, so you can pause and skip songs without unlocking your device. |
Pace yourself with a pause at a cafe, in a square or park, before pushing on. |
Men are almost twice as likely to pause or hesitate when they speak unlike women who are more fluent speakers. |
They discovered that men are almost twice a likely as women to pause or hesitate when talking. |
After a pause to chalk his cue, Des sank his last spot and quickly dispatched the black. |
At this point, let me pause to say that my big boo-boo had already been committed. |
After a brief pause to examine the tangled helictites in total amazement we crawled on. |
So I must confront again the need to pause for at least some of the day in a meditative manner. |
When eagles see something they think is hinky, they will kind of pause in the air and flare out the talons. |
With the capital cut off, there may even be a pause in operations to allow the regime to sue for peace. |
There had been a pause in the conversation as the cherubically smiling portly blonde gentleman looked at him. |
On balance beam, she performed a flip-flop to Arabian that was solid but thrown after a long pause before the combination. |
Was there going to be a pause in the offensive or merely a necessary strengthening of the supply lines before the next stage of action? |
If that turned out to be the truth, would that give you pause on any case you're handling, with regard to the supreme penalty? |
As I pause to take in the panoramic views, a squirrel runs out of a thorny hedgerow, searching for food. |
There was a long pause while Adrian and Brad continued to clean and dress the wounds. |
There was a long pause and the image of the Captain's face projected on the faceplate of my helmet was thoughtful. |
I'm not even going to pause to point and laugh at the absurd periphrastic present in the last line of the first verse. |
Occasionally he tapped the ash, a momentary pause in the almost mechanical rhythm of the smoking. |
The attack helicopter's appearance did cause a momentary pause in the battle. |
In this part of my life, this pause in my journey, this is my turangawaewae, my place to stand. |
We follow the sandy road that was once the sea and pause by a huddle of weather-beaten shacks. |
We pause on Park Avenue, cabs swooshing past, slick, chill streets, slippery sidewalks, a grey evening, a nondescript night. |
Without further pause and again in silence, I hump my body up over the rock. |
If you pause the experience with your TiVo, you fall from synchrony with the rest of the audience, exiting the moment without a return pass. |
There was yet another long pause after the heavy metal door clanged shut above the two girls. |
The second movement leads without pause to the finale by way of a very brief passage based on the opening theme to the entire concerto. |
The passing of a prominent personality within the mineral community always gives us pause and a time of reflection. |
But I can't make myself pause and inhale the view today, instead I patter down the steps towards the rose gardens and another wedding. |
For example, you can pause your favourite television programme while you grab a snack or go to the toilet. |
As we daven in a circle, we pause at the moment of Barchu when, traditionally, an amalgam of individual daveners becomes annealed into a community. |
There was a strained pause following that truncated attempt at a sentence. |
And before the fuddy-duddy brigade rushes to condemn the idea as a recipe for teen troubles, just pause for thought and view the project in terms of business for shop owners. |
A sudden rush of wind caused him to pause and look up, hands trembling. |
There was a pause in their discussion as the truthfulness of her declaration brought about different reactions in the two people sitting side by side. |
Whatever we may find to criticise about good old Auntie, let us pause for a moment and reflect on what we'd get if she should ever turn up her toes. |
There was an infinitesimal pause before the last word, as the principal tactfully searched for the right word, but an untrained ear wouldn't have noticed it. |
Another long pause of silence, not due to shock or confusion, just because they'd done this before and neither felt it necessary to repeat melodramatics. |
It seems that many are groping for words that will cause people to pause and think again, not simply reject what is being said based on resistance to its form and style. |
All Higuain had to do was pause, mark his target, and kick Argentina to ecstasy. |
But now not many people have elevenses, or a formal pause at any other time in the working day, skipping lunch and grabbing a snack when they can. |
It was far too early for picking fruit from brambles and apple trees, but he did pause to dig up some wild leeks along the narrow path he followed. |
That alone should give anyone of either party pause before tacitly endorsing an attack on the post-bellum Reconstruction policies of the Republican party. |
But pause for a second, and look back at what these generations of regulators and lawmakers have created. |
Meditating could help you pause and think logically before your next big purchase or investment. |
There was a pause during which I seemed to hear the regular gentle swish of the punkah and the steady buzzing of the cicadas in the sandalwood trees. |
Suddenly a Chopin polonaise fills the room, soft and enchanting and so otherworldly that nurses pause on their rounds to listen and some patients take a break from their pain. |
Where once you could duke it out with a reader on the phone over the facts of story or slant of column, you now do so with pause when that reader is on e-mail. |
Captured Allied dumps certainly provided supplies in enormous quantities, but it was only too tempting for the exhausted and hungry German troops to pause and enjoy them. |
The apparent popularity of post-feminism should give feminists pause particularly because the post-feminist strain veils deep-seated conservatism. |
I could imagine that any of these would cause air traffic control to pause for a few minutes to take stock of the situation and decide whether to proceed with caution. |
In performing the physical act of turning from one vast panel to the next, the viewer felt the moment of pause between the two antithetical extremes represented. |
So, to everyone reading this, wherever you are, pause for a moment tomorrow, amidst the family fun and multiple helpings of food, and count your blessings. |
The pulse of the verse is kept steady but the rhythmical structure of the whole speech is given a new fluidity by Sophocles' informal treatment of metrical pause. |
I pause to flex my muscles and prepare for flight in case some sort of ghost or troglodyte bursts out to eat our bones or whatever part of us a ghost might eat. |
Those, if such there be, who still regard Roman architecture as a sort of rubiginous autumn phase of the Hellenistic tradition may pause and think for a moment in the light of the biological analogue. |
A continuous mode produces an uninterrupted beam, whereas the pulsed mode provides rapid quanta of energy delivery with a distinct pause in between. |
Glassfish were seemingly everywhere, and I would pause every now and then to regain my bearing whenever these living, moving silver clouds engulfed me. |
The more often these lines converge at or near a single price level, the more significant and therefore reliable they become in determining potential pause or reversal points. |
Turkish roads are poor at the best of times, but the clifftop switchback that took us to our hideaway destination would have given Colin McRae pause for thought. |
Such verses often have a pause after the thesis of the second foot also. |
He might pause at the office briefly before leaving for the day. |
There was a pause, while Kara struggled to deal with her rioting emotions. |
This gives me considerable pause, but on further reflection I remain of the opinion that he should be confirmed as Chief Justice of the United States. |
The older girl slipped in and began to remove her jacket, taking a pause to shake her head free of snowflakes, though only in vain as they clung to her flaming hair. |
I had to pause for sheep crossing the road, which is a common occurrence when driving through the Highlands of Scotland. |
Each bird works to and fro across the levels, buoyant wings beating steadily with a pause every now and then before the hunter sweeps onwards in an easy glide. |
There was a pause as Jenelle came out and received her rosette. |
Back underground the now seasoned tunnel fighters quickly despatch a zombie and another ghoul and then pause for elevenses in an underground chamber. |
Some people in the audience tittered nervously during an awkward pause in the speech. |
Opportunities do not wait for those who muse and pause for deliberation. |
We continuously pause to pull them out while Zalwar Khan and his companion smirk at us and chew unbothered. |
Leopold's depravations were so grotesque and occurred on such a scale that even the other colonial powers had to take pause in their scramble for African loot. |
Without much of a pause, Lewis chooses to drop the charges against this man. |
The entire manner in which the heavily criticized Patriot Act was passed into law is enough to give even the most jingoistic jarhead reason to pause. |
At fado restaurants, diners are periodically regaled by heart-rending renditions of these woe-stricken ballads, thus allowing a pause for digestion. |
He hit pause on the player and explained the significance of the song's lyrics. |
After a pause she invited me in with a warm smile, as if I were a neighbor. |
Railway procedures ensured that, every two or three hundred kilometres, goods trains would pause in marshalling yards, where they had to be re-labelled. |
Some people regard white wines as something to rinse the palate with before they move on to some reds, but these two wines are worth a few minutes' pause. |
There was a pause between Acts 1 and 2, and a rather high number of latecomers were admitted, resulting in much shuffling, and a general hum of conversation. |
There was a pause as they looked out at the stormy sea and the gray sky. |
An apostrophe called a glottal stop represents a space and a slight pause. |
The best part of the video is the brief pause before everyone realizes what Jennings had just said. |
You can pause the movie on any frame to see that individual picture. |
At each landing is an open porch, supported by columns and protected from exposure to the broiling sun, where the visitor can pause to enjoy a quiet moment in the cool shade. |
During the pause, the querist could be forgiven for making speculations of his own, for the triumphs of the Troezon Emperor had been great and many. |
Also in line with experimental measurements, the examination of instantaneous velocity of simulated beads shows that pause time decreases with increasing wall shear stress. |
This should give any Western pundit pause when pontificating on popular sentiment in Saudi Arabia. |
Or, alternatively, we could run away scot-free down Fifth Avenue and pause now and then to inseminate someone. |
And just as when you go to the country, you can pause and consciously balance your inhalation and exhalation, which will immediately ease your nervous system. |
I get to pause video to have arguments with friends whether a foot was in bounds or not, and I can watch a great touchdown pass as many times as I want. |
There was a slight pause before she continued, this time in a warmer tone. |
Call it a pause or a hiatus or a bump in the road or a dead end. |
TiVo wowed most observers with its ability to pause live television. |
There was a pause between them, the sirens screeching ever louder. |
She stopped pacing, her pause leaving her gazing out the window. |
The tension in the group was evident through the pregnant pause in speech. |
That song also featured a needlessly long pause for dramatic effect that didn't escape the wrath of some audience members who catcalled the pretentious moment. |
It's a text without spacing, a speech without pause for breath. |
And now that I've found a hairstyle that suits the inexorable genetic progress of hair erasure, it gives me pause to reflect on the whole megillah of pateness, as you put it. |
In the 5th Symphony he dispenses with the pause before the finale. |
Okay, let's hit the pause button and review what just happened. |
Malcolm hit the pause button as I reached over and grabbed the phone. |
Cast and crew biographies are inconsequential for those with Internet access, and the still gallery could be recreated at whim by using the pause button. |
The pause continues until he determines that it is time to speak again. |
There was a momentary pause as this information was absorbed. |
There was a moment's pause and he spoke again, weighing his words. |
The way it looks now you'll use the pause button a lot more. |
The first print of the full score opts now for a pause of five minutes. |
If the task can be repeated without a decline in average power output from one exercise interval to the next then the pause interval permits complete recovery of performance. |
There was a pause and then fluorescent lights flickered to life. |
Flying Virgin Atlantic back from Boston to London on Saturday, I noticed that the phone-shaped handset wired to the armrest contained both a rewind and a pause button. |
Brewer's not known for her verbal skills, and her famous debate pause has its place in kitschy political history. |
There was an apology, a long pause, and then a flash of insight. |
Also some of the buttons have a raised edge to help the visually impaired, but which are also handy when you're fumbling around for the pause button in the dark. |
It was as if someone had pressed the pause button during a movie. |
It may have been unfair, but did it not give you pause for thought? |
There was a detectable pause before he continued. We all noticed it but no one commented. |
After a solemn pause, Mr. Glossin offered the upset price for the lands and barony of Ellangowan. |
Gracefully he led the fan dance, and glided without a pause into the shadow dance and the umbrella dance. |
Then there was that interminable, deadly pause between disengaging the stones and the old clips releasing from the hotguns. |
The capture of Cirencester, Gloucester and Bath in 577, after the pause caused by the battle of Mons Badonicus, opened the way to the southwest. |
As he was being carried down, he asked them to pause while he gave some advice to a midshipman on the handling of the tiller. |
This pause provided the Red Army with an opportunity to mobilise fresh reserves. |
After a pause during which more Allied reinforcements arrived, XXXIII Corps renewed its offensive. |
Each school's designated spotter will have the ability to pause and rewind replays from multiple camera angles to evaluate injuries. |
After a rapid initial advance, the first major pause occurred near Karbala. |
Moults more or less continuously, although it may pause in winter if food is in short supply. |
The work sought to position itself so the everyday environment can cause the viewer to pause and regard the commonplace as extraordinary. |
The pause in British attacks misled the Germans and Thaer at Gruppe Wijtschate, wrote that it was almost boring. |
A pause in a World Series videotape can open the door to a complex analysis of rational choice. |
They pause between the contraction and expansion to create two vortex rings. |
There was a moment's pause. The Princess broke in with some casual remark and once more the conversation became general. |
There is no pause to interrogate his own immersive activism. |
Vijay's sun salutations move quickly, the pace exhausting, though we always stop to pause in downward-facing dog. |
He was never seriously ill, and habitually worked all day without pause but also without haste. |
Its plurisignification must give pause to anyone who wishes to use it in precise discussion. |
There was a pause in the conflict on Frederick's fourth descent into Italy, but it resumed soon after his departure. |
The Portuguese landing party availed themselves of the pause to hurry back to their ship. |
Nichi, in compounds, often loses the final chi and creates a slight pause between the first and second syllables of the compound. |
After a brief pause Friar Vincente de Valverde, accompanied by an interpreter, emerged from the building where Pizarro was lodged. |
A variant was introduced to English orthography around 1600, marking a pause intermediate between a comma and a period. |