Paul Ryan, introduced to the country last year as something of a boy wonder, is going through a rough patch. |
Stockman, who gets airsick when buffeted by the winds, has pressure-point wristbands and a patch on her neck to combat the nausea. |
Manning would likely be prescribed some form of estrogen that would be taken orally, through injection, or by a skin patch. |
The South responded in kind by bombarding an equally lonely patch of ocean, just north of the border. |
In nervous moments, her hand wanders to a small patch of acne on her forehead, a reminder of just how young she really is. |
Nobody else thought that his patch, on a 60-degree angled slope, was viable as a vineyard. |
Habitat fragmentation has reduced the availability of habitat patches to these birds through reducing patch size and increasing patch isolation. |
It lacks the red head patch and breast shown by the linnet and the redpolls. |
On a scrabbly patch of land outside the shack, oil drums stand on open fires. |
Just then a girl scuddled lightly around the corner, slipped on a patch of icy snow and fell plump upon the sidewalk. |
The old market-square was not very large, a mere bare patch of granite setts, usually with a few fruit-stalls under a wall. |
At the edge of the burn, where the path turns downward, there is a patch of shingle washed up by some spate. |
Oscar stopped the horses and waved to Carl, who caught up his hat and ran through the melon patch to join them. |
He began emptying another bag, placing food on the streetlit patch of sidewalk, just out of reach of the hatch. |
Maras have a white patch of fur on the rump that they flash when running, an adaptation they share with several species of deer and antelopes. |
Television tore up the entire pea patch. Radio was so big, so dominant, so powerful in 1939 that television seemed mostly talk and conjecture. |
Poulos positioned the babies' intestine inside their abdominal wall and placed a temporary mesh patch over it. |
In the direction away from the pit I saw, beyond a red-covered wall, a patch of garden ground unburied. |
We could see the herd of barasinghas grazing on an open grass patch to the left of the road ahead now. |
The air blew his tank-top away from his torso, revealing a patch of chest hair, not too much, and no v-line to his groin. |
If I had lost, I would have needed a very large plaster to patch that one up. |
In a grove of large white spruce trees, right at the base of one of them, there was a small patch of fresh blood. |
The type of patch that develops with age is called age spot, lentigo, or liver spot. |
By 1862, Signal Corps Soldiers were wearing an unofficial shoulder patch with crossed wig-wag flags, the primary implement of communication. |
They water their patch lawns and struggle to pick up the garbage left by Belmont Avenue barhoppers. |
Microsoft acknowledged the flaw in a security advisory Friday, while offering a workaround, but not a patch. |
Researchers identified 507 children with amblyopia and randomly assigned half of them to wear a patch from 2 to 6 hours a day for 24 weeks. |
They had to work for their landlords in return for the patch of land they needed to grow enough food for their own families. |
The next year I plowed and disked the patch of ground and planted potatoes. |
There was little to be done about the stubborn dottings of mold on the basement wall or in a patch on the blue bathroom lino behind the toilet. |
During the 1980s the Swiss army fired off shells during an exercise and mistakenly burned a patch of forest inside Liechtenstein. |
Some subspecies sport a light coloured patch running backwards from the corners of the mouth. |
They spread the lime together, sprinkling it thickly along the firestep, throwing shovelfuls at a bad patch of wall. |
Small patch of nonenhancement was also noted in the long head of the rectus femoris. |
Crossbreeds between the two animals typically have a distinct white throat patch, white feet and white hairs interspersed among the fur. |
The perforated patch helps a nosebagged animal to breathe easier, but its main function is to let out water should the need arise. |
The incubating parent holds the egg against its brood patch with its wings. |
Fracturing the formation in the lingo of the oil patch is to perform a frac job. |
A downloadable patch was produced allowing players to drive in Group B cars such as the Audi Quattro. |
This light grey patch found on the throat of pilot whales forms the shape of an anchor. |
A typical killer whale distinctively bears a black back, white chest and sides, and a white patch above and behind the eye. |
An individual killer whale can often be identified from its dorsal fin and saddle patch. |
Variations such as nicks, scratches, and tears on the dorsal fin and the pattern of white or grey in the saddle patch are unique. |
Certain locations such as the local patch of forest, wetland and coast may be favoured according to the location and season. |
Hindwing with a mostly smooth-edged, ovalish, dark red patch, jagged only near front of wing. |
Propane can be used as a fuel in oil fields to heat various facilities used by the oil drillers or equipment and trucks used in the oil patch. |
An overhanded patch is used on material that is seldom washed, and where the raw edge on the wrong side is not objectionable. |
When alarmed, it will bark a sound much like a dog and flash out its white rump patch. |
A patch of sidewalk scarlet with spat paan, two hobbity toe-haired toes flexing up-chappal in mid-wade. |
The Eurasian tree sparrow is smaller and more slender with a chestnut crown and a black patch on each cheek. |
The female develops a brood patch of bare skin and plays the main part in incubating the eggs. |
Minute teeth also present on the pharyngeal bones, forming a patch on the upper pharyngeals. |
I can't afford to replace the roof, which is what it really needs. I'll have the roofer apply a patch. |
There is a lot to be said in praise of the local or regional outlet that keeps very closely across the doings and news in their patch. |
The local Environment Agency office, located in Newcastle Business Park, also uses the term Northumbria to describe its patch. |
He had scratched his cornea so badly that his doctor told him to wear a patch. |
It was easy add his the new merit badge to his uniform because the patch had a hot seal backing. |
Watching the way the Pirates cut up the pea patch with their merciless hitting and precision fielding, the New Yorkers grew more dejected. |
Out on the boating lake were two bufflehead ducks, a male with a bonnetlike white patch on his dark head, and his chocolate brown female. |
The first fraction, dPCintra, an intrapatch metric, corresponds to the habitat area of a focal patch. |
Midway Atoll, in common with all the Hawaiian Islands, receives substantial amounts of debris from the garbage patch. |
It is treacherous in winter, as when it freezes over it creates an icy patch, with lethal exposure should you slip. |
In the spider monkey, the tip of the tail has either a bare patch or adhesive pad, which provides increased friction. |
The vain man grew his remaining hair long and twirled it in a spiral to try to cover his growing bald patch. |
The land between the lake and mountains was sparse, and the town itself exhausted every free patch of it. |
Avoid stiff pocketings of 100 percent polyester. To reduce bulk, cut linings for patch pockets from lining fabric rather than self-fabric. |
Studies concluded from patch testing show fragrances contain some ingredients which may cause allergic reactions. |
Thomson could trace the path of the ray by observing the phosphorescent patch it created where it hit the surface of the tube. |
The end of the tube was a large sphere where the beam would impact on the glass, created a glowing patch. |
Rough Fell sheep can be recognized for the broad white patch across their black faces, and both rams and ewes are horned. |
Remember, there may be many readmes in many different locations within the patch itself. Search and read all readmes before proceeding. |
The bug was so bad that we had to retrofit our patch to the last three releases, as well as the newest release. |
The rewoven patch is stronger than the original cloth, but only because the rest of the material has worn weak by now. |
Asphaltic patch materials consist of a binder and aggregate that come in two broad categories, hot mix and cold mix. |
The tack material prevents water from getting through the edge of the patch and helps bond the patch to the surrounding pavement. |
A burnt patch allows fresh shoots to come through which are ideal nutrition for grouse. |
The young lick the milk from a mammary patch on the mother's belly. |
You need to patch things up with your sister after that horrible argument. |
He said the bus struck a patch of black ice, or freshly formed ice as yet invisible on the road surface, just after he had passed a trailer truck. |
The superior local knowledge of the Easter Island boatmen was a distracting influence, but on the way in I had decided to anchor on the sandy patch close under the bombora. |
His face was a construction of overlapping planes, almost cartoonistic, an illusion that was furthered by the black patch over his left eye socket. |
A gleam of sun shining through the unsashed window, and chequering the dark workshop with a broad patch of light, fell full upon him, as though attracted by his sunny heart. |
The lateral growth of these underground shoots can be very rapid, so that, from a small patch of couch, a large area of coffee can become infested in a short time. |
But if Fritz is stationed in that patch of woodland, we've got no chance! |
Their plans to finish the garden that weekend hit a snag when an unseasonal snowfall dropped several inches on what should have become the pumpkin patch that day. |
Generally, Vaisnava monks shave their heads except for a small patch of hair on the back of the head, while Saivite monks let their hair and beard grow uncut. |
In the 1980s and 1990s an increasing number of options arose including, most recently, a new delivery system for the oral contraceptive via a transdermal patch. |
When a voltage is applied across the electrodes, cathode rays are generated, creating a glowing patch where they strike the glass at the opposite end of the tube. |
The objective was to reduce cornering speeds and to produce racing similar to rainy conditions by enforcing a smaller contact patch between tyre and track. |
He walked up onto a small patch of land that was in front of us midriver and then strolled back into the water heading downstream, never even looking our way. |
Gradually, his new wife was able to patch up differences between father and son and make herself a part of the new family through her charm and wit. |
During Adele's school years, her mother made her an eye patch with sequins which she used to perform as the Hackney born star in a school talent contest. |
While the cap badge of the STR is the same as that of the Royal Logistic Corps, all ranks wear a diamond shaped patch of MacDuff Tartan behind the cap badge. |
However the cognate term landscaef or landskipe for a cleared patch of land had existed in Old English, though it is not recorded from Middle English. |
It was thought to have evolved because the whale swims on its right side when surface lunging and it sometimes circles to the right while at the surface above a prey patch. |
Adults also have a patch of unfeathered skin between the eyes and bill. |
Many people use a nicotine patch to wean themselves off of nicotine. |
I needed to patch up my trousers after ripping them on the brambles. |
It behooves any revolutionaries, educational or other, to consider all problems and consequences before they start tearing up the social pea patch. |
A rocky patch, with a least depth of 8m, lies about 2 miles W of the cape. |
But what was there left to Astroturf? The sitting-room? Hugh's bald patch? |
Another patch of land is selected and the process is repeated. |
The Coalsack Nebula is the most prominent dark nebula in the skies, easily visible to the naked eye as a prominent dark patch in the southern Milky Way. |
The England team hit a purple patch just after half-time, where they scored 3 goals in 10 minutes, but in the end they were lucky to escape with a 3-3 draw. |
But once upon a time, bitterns nested in every pothole marsh and every streamside cattail patch from British Columbia to Newfoundland and from Florida to California. |
The wall was clean, save for a patch of subfenestral graffiti. |
She whispered the spell that would unenchant the small patch of moss and rose, never bothering to look back to see if the ground recovered its formerly unbroken surface. |
The largest patch seen, which is about 2 cm. across, is a milky white crystal almost filling a small vugh in otherwise barren white quartz from the 3-level. |
This will provide IT teams with the information they need to update to the latest patch or to create a workaround to temporarily mitigate the issue until a patch is available. |