The steward's self-pity in his soliloquy suggests lack of control over his situation or a passive-aggressive personality. |
So, it turns out that I'm a passive-aggressive confrontation-shy milquetoast with a classic working class deference to power. |
Chapters 4 and 5 focus on the importance of underlying beliefs that influence passive, aggressive, and passive-aggressive styles. |
To me it seems fairly ordinary, but I also live in a place filled with many passive-aggressive people and haven't been dating forever. |
The result is often judgmental criticism, condescending sarcasm or, even, passive-aggressive retaliation. |
Sometimes these emotions are expressed in passive-aggressive ways, sexual withdrawal being one manifestation. |
Emily finally learns Lorelai is dating Luke, and demands to get reacquainted with him over a passive-aggressive dinner. |
My dad was usually a passive-aggressive person, only when my mother pushed certain buttons did he tend to get irritated and ill-tempered. |
Therefore, their anger may be misdirected in passive-aggressive maneuvers such as sulking or destructive gossip, she says. |
And passive-aggressive lateness or forgetfulness certainly falls under this category. |
Therefore you tell everyone he has a passive-aggressive personality and Asperger's Syndrome. |
For others, though, it's a dreaded nightmare of confrontation and recrimination, self-destructive despair and passive-aggressive treachery. |
I neither stated nor implied that my experiences with accusations of passive-aggressive behavior were representative. |
Does this make kiwis a passive-aggressive people, second only to the English in our avoidance of public conflict? |
The problem's not with her mentioning religion. The problem's with her doing it in a passive-aggressive subtweet. |
I guess one of the wonders of technology is the capacity to lay a passive-aggressive guilt trip on me from 10,000 miles away. |
Now he shows up unannounced with his passive-aggressive Chinese flute at The Bride's wedding rehearsal, like Caine gone to the bad. |
You'll learn about the benefits of assertive behavior and how to distinguish it from passive, aggressive, or passive-aggressive behavior. |
It may also result in an inability to understand and express emotions and they may express hostility and passive-aggressive behaviour. |
Some people develop a passive-aggressive interaction style to deal with their lack of assertiveness. |
Instead of being silent or passive-aggressive about it, redemption will come to whites when they dare speak their minds. |
Woven into the narrative are G-chat logs, passive-aggressive emails, and all the trappings of the Frivolous Now. |
Humor can also be used to be cruel in a passive-aggressive way. |
So long as people work soul-sucking jobs and find themselves in passive-aggressive dysfunctional relationships, his songs will never go out of style. |
At the helm of this dysfunctional clan is Bernard, played by Jeff Daniels, who is disturbingly effective as the over-educated, passive-aggressive father. |
In this scene, we see her deal with his disparaging thoughts on education with passive-aggressive panache. |
When the persistent passive-aggressive Nice Guy act fails, do they step it up to elaborate Steve-Urkel-esque stalking and stunts? |
She spends her time carrying out a guerilla war of passive-aggressive acts against him that escalates with each passing day. |
That's a little passive-aggressive, Ralphy thought. |
Is a two-faced, passive-aggressive destroyer of reputations through rumour spreading, controls target's reputation. |
She's needy, she's manipulative, she's passive-aggressive. |
Instead of that passive-aggressive cycle so beloved of some I have two strategies. |
He can convey a whole substratum of ironic analysis and passive-aggressive malaise in the smallest, nearly subvocal 'Hm?' sound. |
Theirs is a mutually beneficial, passive-aggressive, love-hate relationship. |
Texas can be passive-aggressive like that. |
A much more subtle form of abuse, yet equally damaging and devastating to one's health, results from a disorder referred to as passive-aggressive personality type. |
Specificity, British Constitution, passive-aggressive disorder, transubstantiate. |
Passive-aggressive behavior is when someone appears friendly to your face and then attacks you behind your back, or uses the silent treatment to manipulate. |