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How to use pass the time in a sentence

Looking for sentences with "pass the time"? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
So I peeled the orange to pass the time, watched the rinds floating down, catching in wind eddies like petals.
To help pass the time, I do some serious downhill training on in-line skates.
These two are not journeymen casuals out to pass the time on a Saturday afternoon.
The book is an easy-going page turner that will help you pass the time if you are stuck at an airport.
Tom said he started bringing a book to work to pass the time after the initial novelty wore off.
The bumper cars, near the entrance, appeared to be an excellent way to pass the time between queueing for the bigger rides.
To pass the time he began to count, telling each one to lay down as he marked them off.
It was a fun way to pass the time, though, until lunch under the heat of the blazing sun.
To pass the time, he spies on his neighbours, watching the real-life soap opera in the building across from his.
As we were waiting for our food, we decided to order a few pitchers of beer to pass the time.
I stared at my feet and fidgeted, trying to pass the time as quickly as possible.
They grow to an impressive size and pass the time cracking open hard-shelled creatures like crabs and urchins between their fearsome teeth.
To pass the time, she busied herself arranging Cecily's nightdress and brushing her hair.
Some sell mielies roasted in coal umbhawulas to locals, while others play soccer to pass the time.
They could be valued public spaces where people can enjoy the local shops, meet with neighbours and pass the time of day.
Armed with copies of the morning newspapers and flasks of coffee and dressed in their civvies, they chatted, or played cards to pass the time.
At night, his teammates help him pass the time in his house, playing cards, dominoes and video games.
I went to work in the garden, I was slowly fixing the house up, and it helped pass the time while I waited.
The old man had moved to Mount Akum a decade ago, keeping to himself, occasionally fishing to pass the time away.
Bring plenty of books and magazines to pass the time, and comfortable clothing and sports gear, including a swimming costume.
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Examples from Classical Literature
I was making a sketch of beeches and to pass the time she fed the carp.
For there she would feel no need of feverish action to pass the time.
And for to pass the time this booke shall be pleasant to read in.
They will have charts and diagrams hung in the telephone booths, so that the person who is waiting for a call may learn a little and pass the time more pleasantly.
He strolls about and about, to pass the time until the dinner-hour.
In the Netherlands, the Frisian migrant gang workers described by Ineke van Beersum, harvesting flax, digging potatoes, and drying chicory, sang all day to help pass the time.
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