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How to use parti pris in a sentence

Looking for sentences with "parti pris"? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Britain faces a hugely costly settling of accounts, whatever parti pris barristers may advise.
Examples from Classical Literature
It must have art, and parti pris, and point of view, and individuality stamped over it.
Talking to the workers themselves, before the sittings have yet begun, has a certain air of parti pris.
When he no longer joined us as we sat or walked together, I perceived that his hostility was fixed and his parti pris.
Sir E. Malet has been cassant, parti pris inconciliant, sowing fear in Cairo, instead of reassuring the people.
Aunt Constance's parti pris in life was a benevolent interest in the affairs of everybody else.
Her taciturnity in society has been somewhat ungenerously laid to a parti pris.
Never did painting show a parti pris more pronounced, even more violent.
When Courbet entered painting, he had neither prejudices nor a parti pris.
Personal prejudice and parti pris should play no part in the exercise.
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