Moreover, it can detect asexual parasites and young gametocytes with reasonable sensitivity and specificity. |
The genus Dirofilaria includes various species that are natural parasites of dogs, cats, foxes and wild mammals. |
Honey bees, when plagued by tiny tracheal mites, will use their legs like a fine-tooth comb to rid themselves of the life-threatening parasites. |
After all, more than half the species on Earth are parasites, and most organisms are host to a number of them. |
Another hallmark of parasites is that hosts often evolve defenses against them. |
Good places for reliable encounters are where small fish act as barbers to their hosts, cleaning away parasites from their skin. |
All parental hosts of heterospecific brood parasites must pay the cost of rearing non-kin. |
There are many species of parasites and disease organisms that infect dogs. |
These genes are essentially immune system genes and defend the host organism from parasites. |
An implicit requirement is that parasites and their hosts match up to some degree. |
The most sophisticated defense system used by hosts against parasites is the immune system. |
If hosts and parasites are coevolving, this can drive the rapid divergence of amino acid sequences. |
Another constraint on ejection is the close resemblance of eggs of hosts and parasites. |
Selection has been intense as the parasites are host specific and the drugs are very widely used. |
They are all a pack of bludgers and parasites who pay no taxes but spend ours. |
Leishmania are protozoal parasites that are transmitted to humans by Phlebotomus sandflies. |
I've repented my sins to Sepp and he has led me away from the bloodsuckers and parasites that threatened to dissolve my soul. |
If your diarrhea lasts more than one week after returning, parasites such as giardiasis or amebiasis should be looked for. |
And that's what it will come to, for the council workers and other public sector parasites. |
In the unionists' imagination, the rich are social parasites living lives of leisure on inherited wealth. |
They were like parasites, leeching on to him, just wanting him to do this or that, or to torture him. |
Insects include among their number parasites, parasitoids, carnivores, herbivores, scavengers, and detritivores. |
In Costa Rica he watched parasitologists dissecting frogs, turtles, and iguanas and finding new species of parasites in each group. |
In biological-control arms races, scientists bring in exotic predators and parasites to control exotic pests. |
The study of the strategies used by parasites for their transmission is a central topic in parasitology. |
As the parasites accumulate in the blood vessels, they can restrict circulation and cause fluid to build up in surrounding tissues. |
The fish clean the anemone's upper surface, remove parasites, drop food on the anemone, and chase away butterflyfishes that eat anemones. |
The society is characterised by class relations between producers and parasites. |
They are by nature fastidiously clean and typically free from body odour and parasites. |
Future research should focus on such traits of cowbird relatives and on how these traits preadapted a particular lineage to become parasites. |
Infections in these patients localize to the viscera rather than the skin, and parasites are found throughout the reticuloendothelial system. |
Infection by pathogenic parasites may be a symptom of ill health, rather than the simple or single cause. |
Birds that exhibit no infection may be immune to parasites or susceptible but not yet exposed. |
The mycoplasmas are extra cellular parasites usually attached to the external surface of cells, but can also penetrate these. |
All microbes, be it viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, fungi or parasites interfere in research. |
An allele that provides better immunity against parasites will increase in frequency within a population. |
Useful insects such as bees or natural parasites and predators of pests may be affected by pesticide residues. |
Scientists theorize that birds could use toxins in their feathers and skin to ward off parasites and insects. |
It may be that the West is fated, by its very cultural plenitude, to host some minimal number of such parasites. |
The little helpers known as cleaner fish, which nibble parasites off larger reef fish, actually prefer to nibble their clients. |
Patients return to hospital deaf from cinchonism, ill with fever, and showing parasites in their peripheral blood. |
Prevalence and intensity analyses included only strongyle and coccidian parasites. |
The most serious internal parasites are large and small strongyles, ascarids, bots, and pinworms. |
Expulsion of resorufin was readily observed from the nephridiopore during observation of the labelled parasites. |
The parasites encyst and lay their fertilized eggs within the lung of the host, to be passed enterically or via bronchial secretions. |
These animals possess effective defense systems against microbes and parasites which involve engulfment of bacteria into specific cells. |
Others are rather unpleasant parasites themselves, such as ticks, chiggers, and the skin mites that cause mange and scabies. |
Wild gorillas suffer a range of viral and bacterial illnesses as well as internal and external parasites. |
In 1999 we prepared blood smears from all adults to check for the presence of hematozoa, bloodborne parasites transmitted by biting Diptera. |
Chronic inflammation, a common feature of helminthic infections, has been proposed to play a key role in carcinogenesis induced by parasites. |
In fact, the candiru is one of a very few vertebrate parasites that targets humans. |
Numerous primates, including chimps, baboons, black lemurs and capuchins, dip into the jungle pharmacy to combat parasites. |
Its main study area is infectious diseases caused by viruses, bacteria and parasites. |
Hundreds of peacekeeping troops have succumbed to the disease, after becoming infected with single-celled parasites called leishmania. |
Infection with these food-borne parasites is prevalent in areas where uncooked cyprinoid fish are a staple of the diet. |
But the scientists cautioned that biological control of pests is risky if the parasites are not specific to the target pest. |
At fish-cleaning stations, cleaner fish nibble the parasites from the gills and mouths of fishes much larger than they are. |
Although their roles as parasitic castrators has been documented, relatively little is known about the biology of ciliate parasites in mayflies. |
An enema of asafoetida is effective in treating threadworms and other intestinal parasites. |
The solution of several apicomplexan, acanthocephalan and trematode parasites to this problem is a particularly efficient yet improbable one. |
Five sharks circled us as rainbow runners scraped off parasites from their sides. |
These tiny parasites have been burrowing under your spiritual armour for way too long now. |
The core of the work is the data set related to parasites recorded from grebe species. |
Chlamydia are obligate intracellular parasites that are present in 2 forms. |
Microsporidia are a monophyletic assemblage of obligate intracellular parasites that generally infect animals. |
In order to control parasites, the goats would be drenched with anthelmintics. |
Water-borne parasites like giardia and viruses like Norwalk virus could cause similar problems. |
The lice are parasites and are sucking off essential fluids, while leaving a gaping wound prone to infection. |
Opportunistic bacteria, other parasites, fungi and candida, are threats whenever the healthy bacteria diminish. |
Food poisoning is caused by consuming food or drink that is contaminated with bacteria, parasites or viruses. |
Every living creature, including plants, must contend with the ravages of diseases and parasites. |
Similarly, fruit flies selected to resist the attacks of parasites are less competitive foragers than their nonresistant counter-parts. |
There was no evidence that the magnitude of the effect on allergen skin test reactivity differed between the three parasites. |
The effects of internal parasites range from a dull haircoat and unthriftiness to colic and death. |
Methods of improved control of lac parasites and of preventing the lac insect from developing as a pest on non-host species need further study. |
Be it parasites or disease, the apiculturist has a plethora of tools at their disposal. |
As the rays hover over the seamounts, the diminutive angelfish come up and feed on the parasites that attach to the rays' skin. |
Most sporozoans are intracellular parasites or at least part of their life-cycle takes place inside a host cell. |
However, among helminth parasites, e.g., trematodes, cestodes, nematodes, and acanthocephalans, this is not the case. |
Yes, squirrels, like humans, get sick and can be infected by a variety of parasites, bacteria, and viruses. |
Athletes and owners would start looking like heroes instead of money-grubbing parasites. |
Seven laboratories reported the presence of malarial parasites on a normal blood film. |
Fly parasites are useful for the control of house flies, stable flies, blowflies, and many other fly species. |
Indeed, some parasites are castrators, completely destroying the host's reproductive machinery. |
If these wild dogs don't die of sheer starvation, he said, diseases such as parvovirus, heartworm, or intestinal parasites usually kill them. |
Medicines targeting fleas, ticks, heartworm, and intestinal parasites prevent both the pests and the diseases they cause. |
If your child has ascariasis, she should be evaluated for other intestinal parasites, such as pinworm. |
Trichogramma wasps, tiny parasites of the moth's egg stage, are commonly reared by insectaries and sold for pest control. |
There was no evidence of villous abnormality or parasites on duodenal biopsy. |
They keep their distance because the manure often carries the eggs of parasites such as lungworms. |
Sea lice are natural parasites of wild salmonids in salt water, feeding on their mucus, skin, and blood. |
Most of the leeches found in our lakes are parasites feeding on the body fluids of fish. |
They too were reviled as outsiders, branded as parasites on the indigenous society. |
This will allow the vet to insure the dog's health as well as test for parasites that may be there. |
These parasites are transmitted via oocysts that are excreted with the feces of the host. |
Various parasites such as lice, ticks, mites, aphides and chiggers attack untreated and unprotected animals and plants. |
Parasitic worms have evolved with their human hosts over thousands of years, and as successful parasites, do not kill their hosts. |
Also, prior to deworming again I would suggest a fecal exam to check to see what type of parasites the filly has and the amount. |
They had to fight against the corporate parasites up top and imperialism abroad to retain the value they produced. |
Other typically much larger organisms, including parasites such as lice, worms and scabies can also spread from person to person. |
The Venetian comedy also includes a pair of social parasites living off the prodigality of the extravagant young couple. |
Understanding trypanosomes at the molecular level is key to fighting African sleeping sickness and diseases caused by similar parasites. |
In India, Nigella seeds are combined with various purgatives to allay gripping and colic and also help kill and expel parasites. |
Garlic helps prevent and eliminate infections as well as destroys parasites, worms and viruses in addition to stimulating the immune function. |
She knew that the parasites were neither lethally poisonous nor big enough to do any real damage. |
Other causes of bladder infections include parasites such as schistosomiasis, and fungi such as candida, which causes thrush. |
Various types such as guest ants, temporary parasites, inquilines or permanent social parasites, and slave-makers or dulotic species are known. |
How many times have truffle parasites evolved from cicada parasites in Cordyceps? |
The major group of mesozoans, the Dicyemida, live as microscopic parasites in the renal organs of squid and octopuses. |
The dicyemid mesozoans are obligate parasites that inhabit the cephalopod renal appendage. |
Greater Poison potions can be used to combat insects or parasites that infest a hive. |
Large remoras may attach themselves to turtles and act as cleaners, removing various external parasites. |
The remoras themselves are covered with little parasites, crustaceans called copepods. |
Some common ailments affecting the Congolese include malaria, parasites, tuberculosis, schistosomiasis, diarrhea, AIDS, and malnutrition. |
The causes for chewing wood can be tooth problems and teething, stomach or intestinal parasites or mineral deficiency. |
Unlike many plants that grow in trees, epiphytic orchids are not parasites and don't harm the plants on which they grow. |
Blood used for counts of blood parasites was obtained by puncturing a wing vein with a small syringe tip. |
Birds need grit and places they can take a dust bath, which helps them rid their feathers of mites and other parasites. |
At the same time I had sharks, parasites and con artists turning up, all trying to get a piece of the action. |
This famous game of war is played by parasites, panderers, bandits, assassins, peasants, sots, bankrupts, and such other dregs of mankind. |
Mosquitoes, biting flies, and ticks are some of the well-known blood parasites that use CO2 as a directional cue. |
Repeat peripheral smears on day 3 and day 7 were negative for malarian parasites. |
Therefore, it is not surprising that parallels are drawn between transpositional activity and the virulence of conventional parasites. |
We measured various indicators of male health and condition, including the intensity of infection from ectoparasites and blood parasites. |
Reid agrees that the swarming nature of krill likely increases their susceptibility to the parasites. |
The good news is horsehair worms are internal parasites of insects only and do not harm humans, animals or plants. |
If blood parasites have a detrimental effect on their hosts, heavy parasite infections will correlate with low host reproductive success. |
There are a few parasites of the black crappie, which include many protozoa, trematodes, cestodes, and nematodes. |
Acute diarrhea is an important defense mechanism that enables your body to expel foreign bacteria and parasites quickly. |
These can be infected with water-borne parasites such as schistosomiasis, which is responsible for the disease bilharzia. |
An obstruction series or plain abdominal radiographs may be necessary to distinguish obstruction from parasites or bezoars. |
Oral ivermectin is used for treatment of intestinal parasites, but recently has been proposed as an alternative agent for head lice infestation. |
The standard microscopic examination technique for malaria parasites enables the detection of all four human plasmodium species. |
Brood parasites in general lay eggs with shells thicker than those of their hosts. |
Drug-resistant coccidia parasites are on the rise, reducing the effectiveness of antibiotics. |
Many studies have highlighted the emergence of important gastrointestinal coccidian parasites. |
This family includes heteroxenous coccidian parasites that have the ability to form tissue cysts in intermediate hosts. |
Also hepatitis B, glandular fever and intestinal parasites have been associated. |
Other parasites will feed on any host available and are called facultative parasites. |
Traditional immunizations prime the immune system to fight off parasites, bacteria, or viruses. |
Acquired immunity is the main physiological mechanism of defense available to vertebrates against parasites. |
The strain of staphylococci are recognized by natural virus parasites called phages. |
Methods using photochemical treatment focus on inactivating bacteria, viruses, and parasites that are present in the component. |
The weakness of the neocons is that, politically speaking, they are parasites. |
Populations fluctuated with the extent of monoculture, choice of cultivars, and extent of parasites. |
Altitude sickness, parasites, frostbite and being gored by a yak are some of the reasons most people prefer to travel in their armchairs. |
The fiery local hot peppers may kill the local intestinal parasites before they start trying to kill you. |
At the end of the antimonial therapy, the bone marrow aspirate did not show any L-D bodies or malarial parasites, and there was no residual lymphadenopathy. |
They have antioxidant properties, antidiarrheal effects, and are toxic to a wide range of microbial organisms including parasites and some common viruses. |
These parasites, such as roundworm, hookworm and whipworm, are found in the soil in some areas and spread through ingestion of infected soil or through the soles of bare feet. |
Many of them were caused by fungus and parasites in the water. |
While people once might have attributed maladies to demonic possession, we now talk confidently about disease-generating microorganisms and parasites. |
If they could have made money without work they would have gladly engaged in shady deals or just acted as parasites, leeching off society or their parents. |
Garlic also helps knock out intestinal worms and other parasites. |
The progress of medical science has burdened society with a hoard of parasites, rentiers, pensioners, and other retired persons whom society has to support and even to nurse. |
The advantages of being venomous are less clear for ticks, which are obligate, hematophagous parasites that depend on their host for a blood meal. |
These guys are full parasites, taking sugar, water, and minerals from the tree. |
They are represented now only by the lampreys, eel-like forms that are parasites on fish, and the hagfish, also eel-like but feeding on dead or dying animals. |
An observed attraction of infected crickets and mantids towards water indicates that the parasites may induce this behavior, but the physiological stimulus is unknown. |
Botfly larvae often attack nestlings as do other nest parasites. |
Thoughtless musical parasites nearly brought the entire record industry to its knees by recording scratchy vinyl or crackly medium wave onto hissy cassettes. |
One of their main parasites is a gut nematode, the caecal threadworm T. tenuis, which has a direct lifestyle with no alternative hosts within the same habitat. |
Taken together, our analysis provides strong evidence for a reductive mode of evolution in obligate intracellular parasites with high rates of DNA loss. |
It occupies a wide-range of ecological niches throughout the Afrotropical region, is highly anthropophilic, and is susceptible to the human malaria parasites. |
Numerous histiocytes contained small oval organisms with bar-shaped paranuclear kinetoplasts, morphologically consistent with leishmanial parasites. |
Unlike most plant parasites, the broom-forming dwarf mistletoes may considerably benefit a forest community by creating additional food resources and habitat for many animals. |
The other well-known xylem tapping parasites are the mistletoes. |
Like all the best teachers, he was a great showman and his grand round presentations were occasionally enhanced with giant home made models of parasites and their vectors. |
The farmer would either cull the vulnerable calves or, if they are valuable for other reasons, treat them for parasites and then sell the meat in the nonorganic market. |
A strong solution of it can even remove lice or other skin parasites. |
The next time the mosquito feeds, the parasites invade a new victim. |
These developmental differences between autotrophs and parasites suggest that the functions of photoreceptors differ among autotrophs, hemiparasites, and holoparasites. |
Another trick used by chimps is to swallow bristly leaves whole, which irritate their stomachs and induce diarrhoea, flushing out tapeworms and other gut parasites. |
An abundance of parasites, such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, nematodes, tapeworms, and the larvae of flies, wasps, and moths, are known to infect bumblebees. |
Novelists, poets and playwrights all see such biographers as parasites. |
Yes, branding roughly half the nation as lazy, entitled parasites is impolitic. |
And parasites unable to transmit Chagas' disease are being engineered. |
Such mothers were simultaneously seductresses and parasites. |
The present study demonstrates that digenean parasites induce population structure changes and shorten lifespan of mudsnails, through increasing size-dependent mortality. |
Because infectious agents can produce symptoms indistinguishable from ulcerative colitis, microbiologic analyses for bacteria, parasites, and amoebas should be performed. |
In many instances the presence of infection can be determined by microscopic examination of the stool for evidence of parasites and microbiological culture for bacteria. |
Consequently, the ability of parasites and predators of the orange tortrix to substantially suppress pest populations is greatly diminished by the use of insecticides. |
Once infected with flukes, for instance, some species of snails have only a month or so before the parasites castrate them and turn them into food-gathering slaves. |
Swimmers' itch, also called cercarial dermatitis, is an itchy rash caused by certain parasites that normally live on waterfowl and freshwater snails. |
Unlike certain avian brood parasites, such as cuckoos and honeyguides, hatchling brown-headed cowbirds rarely directly destroy or actively displace host eggs and nestlings. |
The banded coral shrimp feeds on parasites that live on reef fish. |
Almost all Egyptian mummies contained parasites which caused amoebic dysentery and bilharzia, and mummies in the New World had whipworm and roundworm eggs. |
I tested these hypotheses experimentally in a host-parasite system involving wild turkeys and their intestinal protozoal parasites, the eimerian coccidia. |
We tested whether male finches with experimentally elevated testosterone would be more likely to harbor coccidia, protozoan parasites that may cause coccidiosis. |
Some arachnid chelicerates are parasites, such as ticks and mites. |
A third method of pathogen inactivation is therefore being considered that not only inactivates all viruses but also kills bacteria, parasites, and lymphocytes. |
Dozens of demoiselles hovered, waiting for the combfish to remove their parasites while the goatfish below seemed oblivious to the free grooming services available. |
All workers were oppressed, all middle class people parasites. |
They are literary parasites, the enemies of creativity and imagination. |
At that time, several groups of parasitologists interested in the microanatomy of filarial parasites examined the organisms with electron microscopes. |
They include several parasites that have an enormous impact on human populations, such as human liver flukes and the blood flukes that cause schistosomiasis. |
His line was that there are people living like parasites in Grub Street while other clean-limbed, honourable fellows are trying to improve the world. |
Stay well clear of them as they are all blood sucking parasites. |
Some vermicides are poisonous to people as well as the parasites. |
Fifth, we test for correlations between ectoparasites and blood parasites. |
We have recently reported a study of the digenean intestinal parasites of 956 eels captured in the estuarine bays of Arousa and Ferrol in the northwest Iberian Peninsula. |
Host finding is an essential part of the life history of social parasites. |
They are also hosts to a number of blood parasites and feather lice. |
The European Union has instituted some tough new measures requiring that all cut flowers be whole, fresh and free of animal or vegetable parasites. |
Threadworms, or pinworms, are small intestinal worm parasites. |
Mullen presented 238 world-wide records of acarine parasites of mosquitoes but more than half of the observations concerned unidentified or doubtfully identified mites. |
He's bushwhacked 2,000 miles through the some of the last untouched forests of Africa and hosted a rogue's gallery of tropical parasites and disease along the way. |
Same recipe used externally for crabs, lice, and all external parasites. |
In contrast, crocodile birds wander freely among the basking creatures, picking leeches and parasites from their skins, and food fragments from their mouths. |
Eukaryotic parasites may also be grown in culture as a means of identifying a particular agent. |
The latitudinal distribution of parasites does not appear to follow this rule. |
The exotic organisms may be predators, parasites, or may simply outcompete indigenous species for nutrients, water and light. |
This may be due to competition from more effective, specialized parasites which occupy the same niche. |
Internal parasites of badgers include trematodes, nematodes and several species of tapeworm. |
Most of these parasites infect wolves without adverse effects, though the effects may become more serious in sick or malnourished specimens. |
In areas where wolves inhabit pastoral areas, the parasites can be spread to livestock. |
Tapeworms generally cause little harm in wolves, though this depends on the number and size of the parasites, and the sensitivity of the host. |
The house sparrow is host to a huge number of parasites and diseases, and the effect of most is unknown. |
The fungi involved include those that form ectomycorrhizas with trees and other woody plants, parasites such as Armillaria, and saprotrophs. |
Fungi include symbionts of plants, animals, or other fungi and also parasites. |
The blastocladiomycetes are saprotrophs, feeding on decomposing organic matter, and they are parasites of all eukaryotic groups. |
When they grow on plants, they do not live as parasites, but instead use the plants as a substrate. |
Lichens are not parasites on the plants they grow on, but only use them as a substrate to grow on. |
Lichens growing on leaves may have the appearance of being parasites on the leaves, but they are not. |
Overall parasites and hookworms are killing off enough pups to place them in endangerment. |
Their growth rates were noted along with the citings of parasites which were found under the eyelid. |
The shocking results were that sea lions are affected the parasites from the early ages of 3 weeks old up until the age of 4 to 8 months. |
The psocopterans most readers are likely to encounter seem more social parasites than social. |
Chronic infections by parasites account for a high morbidity and mortality in many underdeveloped countries. |
The new species, which has been named Invavita piratica, belongs to a group of parasites known as tongue worms. |
Diseases can emerge when existing parasites become pathogenic or when new pathogenic parasites enter a new host. |
Ninety percent of Haiti's children suffer from waterborne diseases and intestinal parasites. |
Polar bears appear to be less affected by infectious diseases and parasites than most terrestrial mammals. |
Polar bears sometimes have problems with various skin diseases that may be caused by mites or other parasites. |
Common forms of preventive medication for sheep are vaccinations and treatments for parasites. |
Both external and internal parasites are the most prevalent malady in sheep, and are either fatal, or reduce the productivity of flocks. |
Afterwards, sheep may be moved to a new pasture to avoid ingesting the same parasites. |
External parasites may be controlled through the use of backliners, sprays or immersive sheep dips. |
Other than parasites and disease, predation is a threat to sheep and the profitability of sheep raising. |
An examination of human and Neanderthal genomes and adaptations regarding pathogens or parasites may shed light on this issue. |
Ironically, carnivorous plants are themselves susceptible to infestation by parasites such as aphids or mealybugs. |
Like other Katrina rescues, more than half of the dogs and cats were believed to have contracted heartworm and other parasites. |
The American Heartworm Society recommends this practice as the best way to prevent heartworms and other parasites like roundworms and hookworms. |
The red grouse may be infected by parasites and viruses which severely affect populations. |
Products available can thwart parasites such as sand flies, ticks and tapeworms. |
As other fish, groupers harbour parasites, including digeneans, nematodes, cestodes, monogeneans, isopods, and copepods. |
When animals are imported from one country to another, there is the possibility that diseases and parasites can move with them. |
The parasites of the shark are a good snack for the abundant butterflyfish and the king angelfish. |
Many species of Calliphoridae are saprophages that feed on animal carcasses, whereas others are obligate parasites. |
In 10 of 13 cases, sections of arthropod parasites were seen histologically within feather follicles and along the surface of affected skin. |
Later researchers dismissed the idea, questioning whether the young cowbirds could even grasp and yank off the parasites. |
Meloids are herbivorous as adults, and their larvae are parasites of bees or eat grasshopper eggs. |
You can see the antennules, small hair structures, parasites that are living on the plankton, egg sacs on copepods. |
This clean cut promotes healthier, thicker and more resilient lawn growth that is more resistant to disease, weeds and parasites. |
Prevalence and intensity of haemogregarine blood parasites and their mite vectors in the common wall lizard, Podarcis muralis. |
Giemsa stained thin blood films revealed enlarged oval and fimbriated red cells with trophozoite and schizont forms of malarial parasites. |
Yes, moochers, schnorrers, sponges, free riders, freeloaders, and parasites exist. |
Inhibitory effects of pepstatin A and mefloquine on the growth of Babesia parasites. |
Also known as 'cestodes', these parasites are flat, segmented worms that live in the small intestine of cats. |
Schistosomiasis is caused by flatworm parasites that live in the blood vessels of the bladder and intestines. |
A Ticks can be a serious problem, carrying microscopic parasites which cause tick fever. |
He shows how our relationships to our predators, parasites, and mutualists have changed, and how we have adapted to these changes. |
The specimens she collected are being used to document the poorly known parasites of New Zealand's chondrichthyans. |
Protozoan and metazoan parasites of Strecker's chorus frog, Pseudacris streckeri streckeri, from north-central Texas. |
We examined blood parasites in a seabird with an exclusively high-Arctic breeding distribution, the little auk. |
Epizootic infestations by nemertean brood parasites on commercially important crustaceans. |
Cooking your meat to an internal temperature of 137 degrees will kill any trichinella parasites that may have invaded your wild hog. |
The meat looks like lamb but must be cooked for at least an hour at 135 degrees to kill off trichinosis parasites. |
Butterflyfish, damsels, and wrasses rushed up to the mantas' white undersides, speckled with black markings, to eat the parasites there. |
The use of acetoorcein-stained squash preparations for enumeration of nuclei in microfilariae of various filarial parasites. |
When infected dog droppings are left on the ground the eggs of the roundworms and other parasites can linger in the soil for years. |
King Richard III suffered from a roundworm infection, with foot-long parasites living in his intestines. |
Of the 20 lizards collected alive, blood was negative for plasmodial or trypanosomal parasites, and feces were negative for coccidian oocysts. |
Diminazene aceturate is an effective drug used in the treatment of trypanosomosis a disease caused by protozoan parasites known as trypanosomes. |
A number of common parasites, including roundworm, are transmitted via dog feces. |
Rickettsiae are gram-negative coccobacillary bacteria that are strict intracellular parasites. |
Occurrence of Perkinsus olseni and other parasites in the venerid commercial clam Pitar rostrata from Uruguay, southwestern Atlantic Coast. |
Examples include filariasis, malaria, trypanosomiasis, cysticercosis, schistosomiasis, and intestinal parasites. |
Visceral leishmaniasis is a systemic infection of the reticuloendothelial system caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Leishmania. |
Helminth parasites of cats from the Vientiane province, Laos, as indicators of the occurrence of causative agents of human parasitoses. |
In other cases, cirrhosis is believed to be caused by parasites in the liver ducts. |
In humans, Cryptosporidia parasites cause cryptosporidiosis, an acute diarrheal illness for which there is no effective medical treatment. |
Common intestinal parasites include pinworm, whipworm, roundworm, hookworm, threadworm, and tapeworm. |
They are often called bootlickers, apple-polishers, yes men, crawlers or even parasites. |
In these areas protozoan parasites of the Plasmodial family are carried between human hosts by the female Anopheles mosquito. |
Blood smear showed poikilocytes with some tear drops and reticulocytes and was negative for malaria parasites. |
Herbivores included consumers of pollen, nectar, or homopteran egesta, and predators included parasites. |
Nearly all were Korean and Chinese Ageniaspis fuscicollis wasps, parasites of the apple ermine moth, received during the summer. |
Prospective case-control study of the association between common enteric protozoal parasites and diarrhea in Bangladesh. |
The 5th edition of Ash and Orihel's Atlas of Human Parasitology is a superb, up-to-date compendium of protozoan and metazoan parasites. |
The majority of the Legionella cells in water are believed to live intracellularly as protozoan parasites. |
With produce, the bacteria, viruses and parasites that cause the most concern come from human fecal matter, Cody says. |
Two of the three remaining Holarctic species are social parasites, inquilines, which have different hosts in the Nearctic and Palearctic Regions. |
The flagellated protozoan Dientamoeba fragilis is one of the most common parasites in the intestinal tract of humans. |
These findings strongly suggest that a large proportion of parasites might show clinical resistance to chloroquine and antifolate drugs. |
The 10 parasites sicken millions of people every year causing epilepsy, anaphylactic shock, amoebic dysentery and other illnesses. |
Alwan said that pools are often dangerous and result in the spread of parasites and amebas. |
The viability of the encapsulated parasites is long enough to enable the study of intravacuolar amastigogenesis and replication. |
Samples of nauplius, copepodid and chalimus stages consisted of pools of parasites. |
Synchronised parasites were harvested using gelafundin floatation at the trophozoite stage which was then cultured to ring stage. |