Massed red blood corpuscles are red in color owing to the presence of the respiratory pigment hemoglobin. |
Soldiers appear darker than do nonsoldier nymphs, owing to a higher degree of sclerotization, and have larger hind-legs then do nonsoldiers. |
But owing to the erosion of the leaderships ' support bases, these countries entered a vacuum, resulting in regression on all fronts. |
Mr. Dixit is also concerned about the slowing down of economic reforms in the country, owing to inner contradictions within the ruling coalition. |
It was then that, owing to the pressure of numbers, the stone balustrade skirting the wall of the hotel collapsed onto the pavement. |
On the other hand, prices in the deep countryside are difficult to predict, owing to lower demand and a less liquid market. |
One returning officer in the marginal seat of Dorset South said hundreds of voters had rung up to cancel postal votes owing to fears of fraud. |
However, attempts to produce such transgenics have failed owing to the poor regeneration rates of the somatic embryogenesis protocols used. |
Too many innocent lives are lost owing to power cables left lying around carelessly. |
Several species have been protected by legislation owing to their small numbers, among them are the beavers, red deer, and willow grouses. |
As they had been almost completely destroyed it was impossible to enter owing to the afterdamp which prevailed. |
No observation of leptonic decays of D-mesons has yet been reported, owing to the smaller branching fraction. |
My mother and stepmother are sworn enemies owing to my mother's treatment of my stepsister when we were small. |
As the Earth's speed of rotation diminishes owing to tidal friction, its angular momentum falls. |
Thus, there are logistic problems with studies of infanticide owing to its apparent rarity. |
He was Lord Privy Seal in 1919-21, but then resigned, owing to ill health and a general weariness of office. |
A number of old zamindaris changed hands owing to failure to pay the high demand and were auctioned to the highest bidders. |
His cell is larger than the others, owing to the sheer magnitude of his size, and it's a single. |
Flying insects, some of which were very large owing to the oxygen-rich atmosphere, populated the air. |
The tundras are also treeless owing to their marshiness and unfavourable climatic conditions. |
Displacement of families owing to development projects, unemployment and landlessness force the migrant to sell his child for labour. |
In the figure is a central channel, and in the lower part of the image microbiota are apparent owing to their mineralization. |
Primula auricula, commonly known as bear's ear, was a great favourite with flower fanciers owing to the large number of trusses it produced. |
This time constant reflects, rather, the lifetime of the first excited singlet state of the complex, which decays rapidly owing to intersystem crossing. |
Clifton were a pairing short due to illness and then had to concede a further three rubbers owing to an injury picked up in the opening game of the first rubber. |
Eleven tracks are marginally higher owing to their download popularity. |
Grant and Deegan have, however, counterclaimed against Lamartine for damages for breach of contract and assert a set-off of the amounts owing to Lamartine. |
The informants reported decreased yields owing to more pests, declining soil fertility, and the increased frequency of frosts, dry spells, and windstorms. |
A man who practiced as an accoucheur, owing to a mistake in his observation of the actual symptoms, inflicted on a patient terrible injuries from which she died. |
They offer a sense of originality as well, owing to their rarity. |
In most cases, the physiological effects of acute stressors are reversible owing to the amazing ability of the human organism to re-establish allostasis. |
I have it on good authority that the band's previous effort, To Bury Within the Sound, was even more soporific owing to the lack of heavy riffage. |
Arranged in concentric circles, the houses of The Den were well-distanced from each other, perhaps owing to the werewolves' lupine need for space to run around in. |
However, owing to religious beliefs, she refused and died two days later. |
On Tuesday evening a telegraphic despatch was published, but, owing to the meagreness of its contents, did not remove the apprehensions previously existing. |
Working across sectoral boundaries is difficult, owing to, among several reasons, powerful tobacco groups that oppose legislation on improving public health. |
In fact, owing to the poor performance of the Honda team in 2008, the team made a relatively early start in designing the 2009 car. |
The coat of arms of the Chilean city of Coquimbo features the Union Jack, owing to its historical commercial links to Britain. |
However, owing to economic difficulties and Germany being the only defeated power with an intact economy, the burden fell largely on Germany. |
This was partly owing to production planning failures before the war and the demands of the army. |
The population peaked at 233 in 1937 and has since fallen owing to emigration, primarily to New Zealand. |
It is interchangeable with the Brunei dollar at par value since 1967, owing to their historically close relations. |
That same month, Boeing faced compensation claims from airlines owing to ongoing delivery delays. |
Scholarly handling of the Celtic languages has been rather argumentative owing to scarceness of primary source data. |
The film was a success in Europe but had only limited distribution in the United States owing to the collapse of the studio that distributed it. |
It was a part of the World Rally Championship for many years until its exclusion after the 2002 event owing to financial difficulties. |
It is one of the less snowy locations in Scotland owing to its sheltered, low lying position in the South West of the country. |
The French public favored war, though Vergennes and King Louis XVI were hesitant, owing to the military and financial risk. |
Arriving on 9 March, siege operations did not begin until 24 March, owing to difficulties in bringing the ships into the bay. |
The Dutch suffered around 500 total killed, owing to the minor scale of their conflict with Britain. |
In addition they are able to stand long periods without eating owing to their large fat reserves. |
In the early 1980s, owing to the success both domestically and in Europe of Aberdeen and Dundee United, the pair were known as the New Firm. |
The accident was blamed on poor visibility owing to smoke and steam under the Park Street Bridge. |
Helicopters despatched from Norway were unable to take the crew off the ship, owing to bad weather conditions. |
The population has since declined owing to the loss of most of the heavy industry. |
They have gained fame owing to their high level of results in school exams. |
The artistic output of David Jones is well represented, but seldom on display owing to the fragile nature of his works on paper. |
Blueberries are a very common summertime treat owing to them being an important crop, and find their way into muffins, pies and pancakes. |
Paul dominate the landscape in wealth and size, owing to their ties with manufacturing, finance, transportation, and meatpacking. |
Now, this is generally considered convergent evolution, owing to many morphological and genetic differences between the two phyla. |
They are all relatively short, but have a high discharge rate owing to their steep mountainous nature. |
How far seaward the Roman settlement extended is unclear owing to the deposits laid down above them during later floods. |
Around year 2000, owing to overfishing and high demand, lobster aquaculture expanded. |
In recent decades, owing to migration and the city's international role, Brussels is home to a growing number of foreign language speakers. |
Oceanic crust is also denser than continental crust owing to their different compositions. |
This change was made owing to the whitetail being a more familiar species to the mainstream US viewers. |
The heart is able to move around, however, owing to the lack of a diaphragm. |
In both instances the beetles cause far more damage in North America owing to the absence of the predators present in their native lands. |
Chinese elm Ulmus parvifolia is a popular choice for bonsai owing to its tolerance of severe pruning. |
The Russification failed owing to an extensive network of book smugglers and secret Lithuanian home schooling. |
The score was adjusted from 210 overnight owing to an umpire failing to signal a four byes. |
The colour we now know to be owing to the influence of the oxygenous gas, and the darker colour of venal blood to carbone. |
The curious ant-eaters are probably relics of an earlier fauna, which have survived owing to their nocturnal habits. |
I call to-morrow on the Huberts. I have not had time owing to Hospital engagements. Everything, including accounts, getting on flourishly. |
Manchester acquired the nickname Cottonopolis during the early 19th century owing to its sprawl of textile factories. |
Coal mining was very dangerous owing to the presence of firedamp in many coal seams. |
Setup plays can also be made when you do not have the needed letter but believe your opponent doesn't know the hook owing to its obscurity. |
The cheapest rooms were at the top owing to the inability to escape in the event of a fire and the lack of piped water. |
The waves seemed to have closed over the Umbar episode, perhaps owing to his own ignoscible treatment of the subject and the absconding rogues. |
A species varies occasionally in two directions, but owing to their free intercrossing they never increase. |
Between 1815 and 1914, the Navy saw little serious action, owing to the absence of any opponent strong enough to challenge its dominance. |
The demographics of Britain itself was changed after the Second World War owing to immigration to Britain from its former colonies. |
The undertakings were starved of capital largely owing to inadequate provision for it in the duke's will. |
On the French side, owing to the greater permeability to water, earth pressure balance TBMs with open and closed modes were used. |
He was permitted to skip the first year of the course owing to his engineering degree. |
This later caused a great deal of controversy, owing to its lack of rigour. |
The railways entered a slow decline owing to a lack of investment and changes in transport policy and lifestyles. |
After nationalisation in 1948 into British Railways, an early attempt to close the line in 1959 failed owing to local opposition. |
In the event, Canterbury was chosen instead of London, owing to political circumstances. |
Anselm argues that, owing to the Fall and mankind's fallen nature ever since, humanity has offended God. |
Nevertheless, they declined in popularity owing to competition from the more practical academies. |
The style was geometrical at first and flowing in the later period, owing to the omission of the circles in the window tracery. |
The original Norman northwest tower, which had a lead spire until 1705, was demolished in 1834 owing to structural concerns. |
This he did, but, owing to its damaged condition, he filled in the resulting lacunae from oral history, at his superior's insistence. |
Following World War II, curry became even more popular in Britain owing to the large number of immigrants from South Asia. |
Chaucer was buried in Westminster Abbey in London, as was his right owing to his status as a tenant of the Abbey's close. |
Modern English is somewhat distanced from the language of Chaucer's poems owing to the effect of the Great Vowel Shift some time after his death. |
Biographers believe that Bacon was educated at home in his early years owing to poor health, which would plague him throughout his life. |
Filmer's theory, owing to a timely posthumous publication, obtained a wide recognition. |
Jane later disillusioned her by gossiping that Percy had preferred her to Mary, owing to Mary's inadequacy as a wife. |
For some time, relations between Carrie and her brother Beatty Balestier had been strained, owing to his drinking and insolvency. |
From 1968, owing to her husband's knighthood, Christie could also be styled Lady Mallowan. |
It is the largest of its kind, owing to Hugill's methodology and chronological position. |
Play was abandoned, owing to bad light, denying a thrilling finish to the large crowd of spectators. |
In fact, Pratt was on the field owing to a genuinely serious injury to Simon Jones, which has kept him out of international cricket since. |
However, no batsman was given out in the morning session, where only 14 overs of play was possible, owing to rain. |
In Europe, many cultures have used garlic for protection or white magic, perhaps owing to its reputation in folk medicine. |
The two Griffon craft are currently out of service owing to a number of technical problems including engine failures. |
It had to be shut down, however, owing to the Danish transmitter's own financial problems. |
In general, the low fertility and cool climate results in relatively slow plant growth, but decay is even slower owing to the saturated soil. |
The Red Sea is one of the saltiest bodies of water in the world, owing to high evaporation. |
It contributes to the tourism sector owing to its clear shallow waters along the coasts in the southern region and the Kra Isthmus. |
The climate throughout the archipelago is tropical, owing to its position on the equator. |
He was nominated as first viceroy of Portuguese India in 1504, but could not take up this post owing to temporary blindness. |
The terrain is entirely treeless, although quite lush owing to frequent precipitation. |
The climate in the region is generally cool, owing to the southern latitude. |
The Horn exacted a heavy toll from shipping, however, owing to the extremely hazardous combination of conditions there. |
Early attempts to occupy strategic locations already inhabited by natives at what is now Richmond and Suffolk failed owing to native resistance. |
The publication of these papers was not owing to our folly, but that of others. |
It was originally planned to survey urban areas at a later date, but this was plan was abandoned owing to a lack of financial resources. |
It has rich flora and fauna, owing to its location on the Western Ghats range, a biodiversity hotspot. |
And ready money had been so much more plentiful of late, owing to poor John Morton's ready-handed honesty! |
Again, owing to the method by which the Seanad is elected, disputes of this nature tend not to emerge in practice. |
It strongly smells of chlorine, owing to its slow decomposition in moist air. |
When the cone is carefully lifted off, the enclosed material slumps a certain amount, owing to gravity. |
Proposals to extend the entrance to accommodate wheeled vehicles failed owing to cost, and it was used only by pedestrians. |
He was also an MP, but ultimately failed owing to his fraudulent practices of, for example, paying dividends from capital. |
The job is noted as being one of the worst in history owing to the conditions the children had to work in. |
The amine is nearly planar owing to conjugation of the lone pair with the aryl substituent. |
Tourism is popular in the town owing to its proximity to the lake and local scenery. |
The hedges at the edges are often overgrown and may have spread laterally owing to the neglect of many years. |
Here, the light that reaches the woodland floor is extremely limited owing to the thick growth of the pollarded trees. |
These hills, despite not being very high, are particularly remote owing to the scarcity of settlement in the region. |
It is exceptionally well preserved owing to its solid stone construction, the numerous hut circles being enclosed by a stone wall. |
Organic remains such as wood and textiles have not survived owing to the acid nature of the soil. |
Poor Mr. Orme! I am sorry he is not well. It is cruel in you, Lucy, at this time, to say that his illness is owing to his love of me. |
In fact a defeat on the battlefield, Tet was a virtual victory for the North, owing to its effect on public opinion. |
Four Indian Air Force transporters had to return to their bases as they could not land at Kathmandu airport owing to heavy air traffic. |
The syndrome is characterized by a high organism burden owing to autoinfection and is most common in immunocompromised hosts. |
The use of aspirin in young children is contraindicated, owing to the risk of Reye's syndrome, a rare but serious complication. |
Defender John Branch also has difficulty getting there in time owing to his schoolteaching duties. |
The chaotic start to the British Flat season took another turn yesterday when Brighton was abandoned owing to sea fret. |
Carnipure crystalline is tasteless, whereas Carnipure tartrate has a slightly tart taste owing to the tartaric acid. |
For last couple of weeks several deadly misshaped were occurred owing to the low pressure of sui-gas and unannounced load-shedding of gas. |
Asim Hussain noted that the gas crisis stands hitherto unresolved owing to cartelization. |
Nanotechnology is increasingly attracting worldwide attention owing to its wide range of end uses. |
Strongly nonlinear theory of nanostructure formation owing to elastic and nonelastic strains in crystalline solids. |
Opposition to Charles also arose owing to many local grievances. |
In the Ronne syneclise the thickness of sedimentary cover reaches 13.5 km and the folded basement has a complex relief owing to block movements along faults of different rank. |
However, owing to their high toxicities, colchicine and thiocolchicine are still in preclinical trials to determine their potential anti-tumor activity. |
Another unusual Austin in the auction is a 1928 Austin Seven Top Hat, so called owing to its upright shape, allowing room for occupants with fashionable 20s tophats. |
We passed the Great Bras d'Or on the ice at the imminent risk of our lives, so rotten had the ice become owing to the effect of five or six days incessive thaw. |
The first business was to make a fire, an operation which was a little delayed by the wetness of the fuel and the ground, owing to the heavy showers of the afternoon. |
In the case of PNPO deficiency, plasma AADC activity can be increased, probably owing to upregulation of apoenzyme synthesis in the absence of the PLP cofactor. |
The microhardness of the as-sprayed Ti coating was slightly higher compared to pure Ti bulk, owing to the work hardening effect during deposition. |
Your tax refund might be late, owing to a paucity of number crunchers. |
The northernmost part of Asia, including much of Siberia, was largely inaccessible to the steppe nomads, owing to the dense forests, climate and tundra. |
Company's 1300, 1350 and 1400 VMRR piston railcar vibrators can be handled without risking back injury owing to a customized Rhino Railcar Vibrator Lifter. |
It is believed, owing to the impunctuality of collections, that in no part of the United States does fair lending at private interest, upon real security, net six per cent. |
By this time, the college's investments in New York real estate became a primary source of steady income for the school, mainly owing to the city's expanding population. |
I will not be adding more entries owing to repetitive strain injury. |
Shovell had to move his flag to Kent, owing to the damage to his flagship Royal William, while the damage to Britannia, Russell's flagship, caused his division serious delay. |
Urban development of salt marshes has slowed since about 1970 owing to growing awareness by environmental groups that they provide beneficial ecosystem services. |
The second condition in which the treatment of Braxton Hicks is impossible is when version cannot be performed owing to the escape of the liquor amnii. |
MeltFlipper technology reorients the melt in a runner to combat the tendency to form layers of different temperature and viscosity owing to higher shear near the runner wall. |
Comparatively early in his reign, according to Asser, the southern Welsh princes, owing to the pressure on them from North Wales and Mercia, commended themselves to Alfred. |
Largely owing to this association, Ruskin's parents did not attend. |
Utah has a shorter ideal peakbagging season than the other southwestern states owing to its higher highpoint elevations and a more northerly latitude. |
Though unlike these climates, they have a high diurnal temperature variation and low humidity, owing to their inland location and relatively high elevation. |
The Tayside and Angus area is a centre of production of soft fruits such as strawberries, raspberries and loganberries, owing to the mild climate. |
The Battle of Britain flypast with two Hurricanes and Spitfires was cancelled owing to poor weather conditions, but the Memorial Day service of commemoration went ahead. |
There is a gender deficit of about 2,000 women owing to migration. |
Knox left in January 1559, but he did not arrive in Scotland until 2 May 1559, owing to Elizabeth's refusal to issue him a passport through England. |
Transferring operations to Aberdeenshire in late 1307, he threatened Banff before falling seriously ill, probably owing to the hardships of the lengthy campaign. |
Frustrated at his inability to catch up with his swift opponents, Yongle fell into a deep depression and then into illness, possibly owing to a series of minor strokes. |
Marx and von Westphalen had seven children together, but partly owing to the poor conditions in which they lived whilst in London, only three survived to adulthood. |
The Moroccan coastal plains experience remarkably moderate temperatures even in summer, owing to the effect of the cold Canary Current off its Atlantic coast. |
The Welsh tradition has been particularly influential, owing to its connection to King Arthur and its collection in a single work, the epic Mabinogion. |
The first two identities are closely tied to tradition and are especially prevalent in the interior of the country, owing to lengthy periods of isolation. |
Nonetheless, owing to financial problems as a result of mismanagement and failure to develop its African possessions, Portugal was unable to maintain a larger fleet. |
The standard of print journalism tends to be low owing to lack of training, and people trust the information published in newspapers less than that found on the radio. |
The city is also referred to as the Ciutat Comtal in Catalan, and Ciudad Condal in Spanish, owing to its past as the seat of the Count of Barcelona. |
The gold, both in the quartz and mullock, is very fine, and, owing to the soft and ferruginous nature of the stuff, specks can but very rarely be seen during working. |
It has been suggested that Qatar is the earliest known site of shellfish dye production, owing to a Kassite purple dye industry which existed on the coast. |
Despite support in the coalfields, including many miners' wives in Women Against Pit Closures, the strike was eventually lost owing to a union split, among other reasons. |
Dyce tends to have marginally warmer daytime temperatures year round owing to its slightly lower elevation, though it is more susceptible to harsh frosts. |
In this view the Truce had enabled the Dutch to gain very unequal advantages in the trade with the Iberian Peninsula and the Mediterranean, owing to their mercantile prowess. |
The movement started first with lace and hosiery workers near Nottingham and spread to other areas of the textile industry owing to early industrialisation. |
Inhabitants of the southern region sustained more interaction, economic and cultural, with the British and other Europeans owing to the coastal economy. |
The west of Scotland is usually warmer than the east, owing to the influence of Atlantic ocean currents and the colder surface temperatures of the North Sea. |
Command and control problems were experienced, but owing to the flexibility and improvisation of both the army and Luftwaffe, these problems were solved. |
The identification of the slipping moment was difficult for some trial data owing to numerous excessively small slips, possibly caused by microslips, and small object tilting. |
Professions sometimes have a patron saint owing to that individual being involved somewhat with it, although some of the connections were tenuous. |
However, owing to their age, leg room is often cramped, and audience facilities such as bars and toilets are often much smaller than in modern theatres. |
Opened in 1781, it was the first major bridge in the world to be made of cast iron, and was greatly celebrated after construction owing to its use of the new material. |
The Archbishop of Canterbury is the King's College London's visitor by right of office owing to the role of the Church of England in King's foundation. |
Kevin Barrett, the guru of KAB, claims the moving iron design adds warmth to the mid-bass registers owing to microphonics that reside in the moving iron system. |
The cemetery has a carved tulip tree, in memory of the four trees in the Remembrance Garden which never survived, owing to the very poor soil and lack of care. |
Humans, meanwhile, retain the theoretical capacity to will justly but, owing to the Fall, they are incapable of doing so in practice except by divine grace. |
He says that there is a vacancy in Percy's household, owing to one of his esquires being made a knight, and a page has been promoted to an esquireship. |
The authors assume that an incumbent governor facing a term limit is no longer accountable to the voters owing to the lack of reelection prospects. |
Thus, while we enjoy an enhancement of our stature owing to our cliently affiliation with the colossus, our new servility shows that the cost of empire is high. |
Saint Patrick's Day is widely celebrated throughout Great Britain, owing to many British people's ancestral links with Ireland as well as the general popularity of the event. |
The project was abandoned in May 1882, owing to British political and press campaigns asserting that a tunnel would compromise Britain's national defences. |
Fractures occur more easily in brittle materials like stone when rough owing to the stress concentrations present at sharp corners, holes and other defects in the axe surface. |
Although polling day was 5 July, the results of the 1945 election did not become known until 26 July, owing to the need to collect the votes of those serving overseas. |
Its fortunes declined after the Second World War, owing to deindustrialisation, but the IRA bombing in 1996 led to extensive investment and regeneration. |