Final ow with its non-standard value in low occurs in nearly four times as many words as the standard value in how. |
I don't kn ow if this is applicable here as we want the text scanned INSIDE the page to make ads relevant with the content. |
We have to be thinking ahead right ow at a time when possibly elections in Canada will be held electronically. |
The unbroken logistics chain that this creates from manufacturing via high-bay warehouse through to dispatch guarantees an optimum fl ow of materials with an effective stocking of semifi nished and fi nished goods. |
The privatised ratio of dialysis units in comparison to the average is also outstandingly high with two thirds of all facilities privately ow ned. |
The second annual r e p o r t o n t h e E G F s h ow s a n increasing uptake of the funds by EU countries for measures to support workers dismissed as a result of globalisation. |
Optimum system load balancing and maximum data fl ow is thus guaranteed. |