It is characterised by overwhelming mental and physical fatigue accompanied by a wide range of other symptoms. |
It is now an axiom that the overwhelming power of the American military machine has reshaped international affairs. |
Communism is entirely different and incompatible with the way of life of an overwhelming majority of Britons. |
Neither was it greeted with an overwhelming show of unity by their followers. |
Medieval agriculture was undertaken by peasants who of course constituted the overwhelming majority of the total population. |
For the overwhelming majority it is harmless fun on a par with backing a horse in the Grand National. |
They forge a relationship based on their common sense of helplessness in the face of the overwhelming power of fate. |
She died of overwhelming infection 9 months after the initial diagnosis of malignant lymphoma. |
In reality, only the mussels arrived, but came with a rich tomato sauce and a strong but not overwhelming celery edge. |
The latter is a tectonically active environment, where modern sedimentation is overwhelming the shelf. |
Key leaders of the party that won the overwhelming majority of the vote remain imprisoned without charges. |
However, she managed to find financial backing with the overwhelming support of friends. |
The other thing that sticks in my mind is the vague sense of the overwhelming impossibility of the task. |
This final show told an overwhelming story of what people will put themselves through for fame and fortune. |
Kay presents overwhelming evidence of the distinctive vocabulary, syntax and grammar of Scots. |
Steve has made this cake on his birthday for his colleagues with an overwhelming positive response. |
The baleful effect of overwhelming electoral landslides, usually worse than suggested by the cube rule, has also been underplayed. |
It's a matter of embracing challenges that push you to do your personal best without overwhelming you. |
The content was clear, neither overwhelming nor confusing, and the arguments were cogent. |
I admire your blithe spirit in the face of overwhelming reality, and your ballsy indifference to the same gloom that frequently swamps me. |
The cow came loose from the bog with a fearful sucking noise and an overwhelming smell of marsh gas. |
The ample percussion section punctuated the music's flow without overwhelming it. |
It never feels overwhelming and even in the thick of battle it's not distracting. |
He suddenly felt the overwhelming weight of responsibility on his shoulders as never before. |
The ensuing election in December gave the coalitionists an overwhelming victory. |
This bipolar desire for overwhelming power everywhere while sticking our necks out nowhere is exemplified by the new basing strategy. |
Named the USA Patriot Act, the bill passed with overwhelming bipartisan support. |
Recalls for drugs, biologics, veterinary medicines, and the overwhelming majority of devices are voluntary actions by industry. |
This dignified and measured document does that with overwhelming conviction. |
Although the overwhelming majority of medicinal substances come from plants, some are derived from minerals and animals. |
The overwhelming feel here is of a big-boned, but savoury southern Rhone wine. |
How many countries would capitulate to the overwhelming demands of the document? |
Because the deniers are so out of tune with this overwhelming scientific consensus, they have been forced to turn on climatology itself. |
There is always an overwhelming temptation to conceive of identity and resistance in a misleadingly fundamentalist way. |
In a survey of female students at UW, an overwhelming 92 per cent preferred a shaved head to a balding pate. |
Unfortunately I think the American military establishment seems largely impervious to overwhelming American sentiment against the war. |
Despite increasing knowledge about trichotillomania, ignorance about the disorder remains one of the most overwhelming problems. |
It needs a classically sensed score to build the tension and give greater sense to the overwhelming energy. |
Race, class, and ethnicity continue to play an overwhelming role in national life. |
On behalf of my family, I'd like to express our deep appreciation for the overwhelming care and sympathy we have received. |
It seemed like he attempted to address it in Minority Report, but there was something overwhelming in that film's set pieces. |
But then I go home and my kitten comes running out mewing and overwhelming my ankles with fuzzy friction until I pick it up. |
A judge passing sentence at Preston Crown Court told her she had been convicted on overwhelming evidence. |
The desperate need for attention is obviously overwhelming and I hurt for kids like this. |
If anyone ever feels the overwhelming desire to give me cash, please, be my guest. |
Situations which seem to be overwhelming provide an opportunity for God to display His grace and miraculous power on our behalf. |
He was excitedly imbued with overwhelming anticipation, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something would go wrong. |
Their overwhelming urge is to recover what they consider to be their rightful position in the history of human civilization. |
The horse's plastinated shanks and neck muscles convey an impression of overwhelming power. |
Cedar cladding and roofing echo the wooded surroundings, while sharply pitched gables keep the home's scale from overwhelming the hilltop. |
To my first ever trip to a video store, and the overwhelming choice of Betamax and VHS versions of Star Wars. |
The sirens, the riot gear, and the officers' show of sheer numbers all combine to suggest that protest is an overwhelming threat to the public. |
For instance, children can play with miniature toys, reducing the overwhelming world of adults to a manageable size. |
Some of them might even be open to argument along these lines, but the overwhelming vast majority of them will be biased against your views. |
An overwhelming amount of research is involved in compiling an author bibliography. |
We can all make mistakes, and the flavour wasn't as overwhelming as it often is with sweet-and-sour dishes, so no harm done. |
Hungry for the sweet lining beneath the bark, the beetles have swarmed over the trees, overwhelming their normal defence mechanisms. |
He did express feelings of hopelessness about his current situation and of an overwhelming desire for help to remain there. |
The strikers have won overwhelming public support for their campaign to escape poverty. |
An overwhelming number of north west mums say they found giving birth a more painful experience than they ever imagined. |
A few stayed on, amid the overwhelming chillness, in the hope that sunshine would finally pierce through those dense layers of cloud. |
Feelings of overwhelming sadness or fear, or the inability to feel emotion are common in such people. |
His hidden eyes bored into the young man's head and that overwhelming terror gripped him again. |
An unpleasant emotional and physical state of overwhelming apprehension and fear. anxiety disorders. |
The strings arrangement gives me a feeling of overwhelming grief, tempered with dignity. |
Brigg's voice began to crack with emotions, mixed feelings of lingering sorrow and overwhelming anger and confusion. |
They reveal that grief, fear and shock were often the overwhelming emotions. |
Along with their overwhelming fear comes a very strong and rigid denial system that is hard to break down. |
He doodled mindlessly, trying to get a grasp on the overwhelming emotions he was feeling. |
Maybe the water could help wash away the overwhelming emotions she was feeling and help her think clearly. |
Due to the overwhelming amount of attention her parents, and countless others, still paid her, she didn't really value this highly. |
But in reality there's an overwhelming amount of evidence that proves otherwise. |
A superintendent told the court that no body or weapon had been found, but that there was an overwhelming amount of circumstantial evidence. |
They must overcome this conditioning in the face of the overwhelming evidence now supporting their use, write two American cardiologists. |
Second, the government must unite behind this policy, which is supported by the overwhelming majority of the nation. |
The overwhelming majority of voters supported their calls for reform and the end of scandalous political behavior. |
The support and security systems of the welfare state included the overwhelming majority of the citizens. |
In the past few weeks there has been an overwhelming amount of information and, in turn, misinformation clouding the headlines. |
Big flavors require bitterness to cut through the flavors without overwhelming the dish. |
The Army team was up to the challenge and put every effort into overwhelming the Navy side, earning a 46-8 victory for Army. |
And that's why the feeling of missing her, the feeling of sadness, was so overwhelming at those times. |
She increasingly saw suicide as the only way of coping with overwhelming emotions and freeing herself of her increasing sense of despair. |
Everything was coming back, and already, Tanya felt a myriad of conflicting emotions overwhelming her. |
I suddenly felt panic overwhelming me, shoving its way through my lack of emotion. |
Her emotions and worries were overwhelming her and Cameron would provide an outlet. |
Always add smaller amounts of stronger components to avoid overwhelming the other flavors. |
These positivists notice overwhelming evidence to show that the leadership overstrained their resources in every way. |
The suffusive use of red throughout the film has an overwhelming intensity reminiscent of Ingmar Bergman's Cries and Whispers. |
The overwhelming majority of Indo-Fijians speak Fiji Hindustani, or Fiji Hindi. |
The chapel balloted and there was an overwhelming vote for strike action and action short of a strike. |
Indeed, I would suggest and submit that it has the overwhelming force of logic attaching to it. |
Let us not forget that Susilo was elected to office with an overwhelming mandate. |
Like opera itself, the novel is outsized and outrageous, with evil curses, nervous breakdowns, and overwhelming arias. |
What is more, it belongs in that particular niche of the crime-fiction genre in which the puzzle is the overwhelming centre of attention. |
It commands an overwhelming majority of support in the media, the arts, the universities and the public service. |
His sheer originality and overwhelming talent guarantees that there is no other performer like him. |
Other nations might think twice when facing the force of overwhelming strength. |
The Council would have to be extraordinarily inept if it were not to take heed of this overwhelming reaction to the move. |
The opening is as heart-stoppingly harrowing as any war diary, with the author caught in a landscape of overwhelming panic and loss. |
The overwhelming impression I get from Firewarrior is that of being constantly in over my head. |
An estimated 6 million Captchas are completed each day, costing users 10 seconds each, wasting an overwhelming number of labor hours. |
But the overwhelming response from city landlords has been an outright rejection of the request. |
Because of the overwhelming response to my plea for questions, I will be caching them and answering a few each day. |
An overwhelming 86 percent of traffic fatalities happen on side roads and byways. |
The other biggest concern was the overwhelming heat during the peak hours of the evening. |
But a nationalist boycott of the vote resulted in an overwhelming rejection of union with the republic. |
There are an overwhelming amount of studies that show no long term benefits to living together before marriage. |
My son is as sweet as pie, but he has ADHD and sometimes its overwhelming for me to have to deal with him. |
It is a failure of volition, but it's an overwhelming drive that absolutely crushes volition. |
With the decrease in busing to achieve school integration and the overwhelming return to neighborhood schools, where we live matters. |
Seeing the overwhelming emotion just waiting to burst out, Laurel set a hand on her niece's shoulder and hoisted her into a seat once again. |
A non-military lorry seen moving towards the armoured column in a greener part of the city was halted in its tracks by overwhelming gunfire. |
Given the overwhelming needs of multiply diagnosed consumers, coordinating treatment among treatment providers can be burdensome. |
I do not myself contend that the proof is as overwhelming as in the case of spiritualistic phenomena. |
While the overwhelming majority aim to be peaceful there are fears that some protests may turn violent. |
The wine enhances the food without overwhelming it, and the food softens and accentuates the subtle nuances of the vino. |
It has to be said that the overwhelming feature of the 2005 long-list is just how orthodox, inoffensive, and non-contentious it looks. |
I want to blog, I really do, but it's been an overwhelming few weeks and I can't get my noggin in order. |
Sharing overwhelming sorrows and affection, Yun suggested to Kim that they return to Korea. |
He has ratcheted up his songwriting to give us an overwhelming majority of winners. |
The overwhelming upside to the book is its visual aspect, and this is strong enough to counterbalance the flaws in the text. |
In the hope of obtaining a rapid and overwhelming fire, the French artillery ranges only for a long bracket. |
Imagine discovering this, one of the most snowily romantic of works, in an overwhelming performance and recording. |
We were neck and neck, him matching me stride for stride, the sounds of the screaming crowd overwhelming the sounds of us. |
The two brave souls who voted for the act, despite the overwhelming 402 nays, were democrats. |
The U.S. Pacific Fleet does not have overwhelming size with respect to other navies in the region. |
Enthusiasm in being the darling of the company will be so overwhelming that you will have to be quite firm to not be taken away by this desire. |
How I am supposed to suppress my overwhelming urge to smother every guy I become involved with? |
Smokers could be on borrowed time in Greater Manchester with apparently overwhelming support for a smoke-free city. |
But to me it became a sense of not glamour but overwhelming powerfulness and that has stayed with me really for the rest of my life. |
Whether the overwhelming majority of them have a future in the area is the burning issue. |
He earns his keep with a subtle musical touch that gradually becomes the overwhelming reason why you'll love this record. |
It's not that I'm unhappy about the situation, but it does feel a wee bit overwhelming sometimes. |
The overwhelming sense I came away with was that the Frisians are proud of being Frisian and Dutch and are comfortable in their dual identity. |
What I felt was an overwhelming sense of wanting to be out in the fresh air, out in nature. |
She slid two fingers underneath the unglued flap, popped it open and slid out the note paper with an overwhelming sense of dread. |
I buried my face in your fine mussy hair and my heart burst with overwhelming love. |
Lia could feel a familiar weight reside within her chest, an overwhelming sense of unease overcoming her. |
These exchanges are often undramatic and, surprisingly, there is little tension, just an overwhelming sense of not wanting to be there. |
And when wait-listed participants were allowed to choose which treatment they would receive, the overwhelming majority chose the VRE treatment. |
Eventually, it becomes so overwhelming that you feel the need to reveal it to one or two people. |
But, like the overwhelming majority of crowdfunded ventures, Kamm experienced severe delays in manufacturing his products. |
But really, the overwhelming majority of the software that runs on Linux is cross-platform. |
The warmth of the welcome is overwhelming given the previous hours of solitude. |
The sound continued for what felt like forever, then abruptly stopped, the silence overwhelming her. |
It was also obvious that Kasparov would soon be able to make a new queen, giving him an overwhelming material advantage. |
Happy to report the Hungary Festival in Japan, by all accounts, was an overwhelming success. |
I tried to stifle the thoughts, tried to quell the overwhelming feeling of being trapped in circumstances. |
Victor sat down, shaking his head in an attempt to clear the fog overwhelming his brain. |
But really, those are minor quibbles compared to the book's overwhelming strengths. |
But development, and the sand pumping, jetties, and seawalls that come with it, is overwhelming beaches. |
The response was overwhelming and the club acquired a reputation for a lively, hedonistic atmosphere. |
An overwhelming 65 per cent said the way to tackle it was to maintain an active social circle. |
He added that the response to the signature campaign has been overwhelming so far. |
Air America was formed specifically to be a counter to what many Liberals view as an overwhelming bias towards the Right in talk radio. |
At that moment while she was still trying to contain her overwhelming emotion, the audience were jubilating, to say the least. |
There will always be larger organisations, with their overwhelming administration and cost base, vying for our business. |
There is overwhelming evidence that fluoride can substantially reduce tooth decay. |
Further, the overwhelming body of international jurisprudence favours the application of a subjective test. |
To add to his woes, the redhead's excessively flowery perfume was giving him an overwhelming urge to sneeze, right in her face. |
His report, while received sympathetically by the administration, is resisted by the overwhelming isolationist sentiment. |
There was the overwhelming feeling within the industry that advertising was a commercial activity and commercial objectives took priority. |
The sadness and overwhelming glee of returning home climaxed in a series of events that were truly undescribable. |
The deportation of the Karachai occurred while the overwhelming majority of the male population was serving in the Red Army. |
To say so would be an affront to the overwhelming majority of conscientious people of both communities. |
His eyes widened a moment, a flare of sudden overwhelming emotion to which he could only stutter. |
An overwhelming trend towards lifestyle convenience will favor portable, disposable formats for dairy products. |
Workers reacted against the outrageous contract demands of the company, voting by an overwhelming 48 to 3 for strike action. |
Daniel gritted his teeth against the overwhelming sensations that were taking hold of him. |
Challenges with home help services provided by private agencies were overwhelming at times. |
The collection covers an overwhelming array of subjects, probably everything under the sun! |
But the worst offense is a tone of cheerful, sanitized neutrality so overwhelming that it actually renders the prose ahistorical. |
His improvisation and organization helped the British to hold out for 217 days against overwhelming forces. |
I suspect, given the choice, an overwhelming majority of people would have gone for the money rather than the body bag. |
Mathematical proofs of conjectures, however, require more than overwhelming numerical evidence. |
Given his overwhelming majority, this is a wise and sensible move designed to promote unity. |
In the board meeting on Monday, January 27, 2003, the previous resolution was reconfirmed with an overwhelming majority. |
This exploratory movement is necessarily slow and contributes to the overwhelming sense of calm. |
Luck, combined with what my mother called sitzfleisch, the capacity to persevere, played an overwhelming role. |
As is well known, established theories are seldom challenged by contrary evidence until a competing theory has overwhelming support. |
Weren't they ever gripped by the overwhelming urge to unburden themselves, to a taxi driver, say, or a nice barman? |
It can feel like an overwhelming position but one that you are considering if you have begun to contemplate your readiness. |
Farm finisher Jen Snyder executed the design, which she limited to one wall to keep it from overwhelming the room. |
But to dismiss what he now alleges is to ignore the overwhelming evidence that what he says is true. |
This was overwhelming rejected by union members who stated they were holding out for a four per cent increase. |
The overwhelming consensus is that the lack of knowledge is probably the merciful way it should be. |
My head is swimming with dreams and schemes and the overwhelming desire to hop a bus or a train or a plane and make this dream happen. |
We understood that overwhelming love drove them to yield up their babies in a hope that they may have a better future. |
The chocolate mousse had an overwhelming sense of alcohol which was stronger than the amaretto which provided the spirit. |
In many, energy loss is so overwhelming that physical movement is arduous and grinds to a paralyzing halt. |
It is from these exchanges that Earth finally begins to establish colonies on other planets in order to deal with its overwhelming population. |
Only on the next morning does one feel the after effects, which include an almost overwhelming lassitude. |
Without it, the challenge is overwhelming if not insurmountable for most students. |
For the second time in three days the usually reserved swimmer showed overwhelming emotion in the pool. |
Understandably, the military is today resolved to apply overwhelming force to crush the insurgency. |
In coed football and volleyball, the sexes united to complete passes and spike balls in an overwhelming annihilation of Pierson College. |
The Western system functions by allowing small islands of dissent in an overwhelming sea of conformist propaganda. |
I just had to make a simple excuse of overwhelming studies, confusion and stress, and I was let off. |
Following an overwhelming response, BBC News Online is publishing a second instalment of answers to your questions. |
With a gasp from the motors and a jolt, the ship surged into the overwhelming blackness of space, inky dark except for the sprinkling of stars. |
My Lords, I thank my noble friend and congratulate her on the Government's response so far to this overwhelming and exceptional crisis. |
The licence to kill is permission, but his overwhelming charisma is the mandate. |
An overwhelming majority of turkeys polled feel that Thanksgiving is not actually Turkey Day. |
However I am fighting an almost overwhelming desire to pike out and spend the weekend under the duvet eating chocolate. |
Sienna's year has been marked by violent or overwhelming turbulence or upheaval. |
I remember it, the overwhelming wonderfully pure love that she showered me with. |
Patients experience overwhelming apprehensiveness and anxiety, fear of death, and coldness, followed by body weakness and dizziness. |
Meanwhile, the overwhelming public support for protecting the last remaining Tongass roadless areas has been tossed out the window. |
Thus he established the peasant proprietorship, and won approbation and support of the overwhelming majority of the population. |
In spite of their overwhelming vote for the violet on Arbor Day in 1897, their favorite flower wasn't officially adopted. |
The event became an overwhelming show of public emotion with thousands lining the streets to pay their respects. |
In Sarajevo we found an overwhelming energy and bustle set against a backdrop of the ruins of dilapidated buildings. |
I was crying at the overwhelming sense of lost opportunity, and was probably not very good company in the bar afterwards. |
The Internet can be a bit overwhelming with the amount of information readily available at your fingertips. |
This initial shock of overwhelming firepower facilitates the attacks of dismounted infantrymen into the built up area. |
The market has been tainted with poor quality products, dismal performance and overwhelming disappointment. |
I felt an overwhelming sense of fear today also, a fear of our ignorance and complacency. |
It was an overwhelming success with thousands of student bands competing for the coveted title. |
The main problem with his take on the story is his overwhelming niceness as a director. |
I tend to crave salty snacks more than sweet snacks, though occasionally an overwhelming urge for really dark chocolate comes over me. |
With the overwhelming endorsement from his people, he can rally the nation. |
It has received the overwhelming endorsement of the entire US political and media establishment, liberal and conservative alike. |
This overwhelming aesthetic anxiety in our culture may send people who are seen as physically different into an inferior role in society. |
She was divided between indignation at Mr. Bennet's indelicacy and overwhelming pity for Miss Darcy. |
And I also think it is incontestable that Protestantism has been an overwhelming influence in creating the modern world. |
Thanks, unquestionably, to the exposure lent by the Weekender article, our exhibition and charity sale of Lao silk textiles was an overwhelming success. |
Revising the second novel, Fallen Land, after the reviews were out for absolution made it a much less overwhelming process. |
In 1800 the overwhelming majority of Americans defined themselves as subjects of a distant, all-powerful God. |
The overwhelming evidence points to the reality of anthropogenic global warming. |
There was no assassin but despite the overwhelming presence of troops and FBI agents, violent incidents still occurred. |
Most are charged with a misdemeanor and sent on their way to avoid overwhelming the county with a backlog of cases. |
But the overwhelming impression, reinforced by the river's constant laughing and quarrelling beside you, is of nature's profusion, of its own abundance. |
Your overwhelming donations of food, groceries, equipment, assistance and warm-hearted gestures during the recent flood prevention work were most gratefully received. |
A political fight between old rivals and bravery in the face of overwhelming force from both Ferguson, Mo., and Christy Mack. |
After the demonstrators threw rocks and paint bombs, police responded with overwhelming force, firing rubber bullets, water cannon and tear gas before launching baton charges. |
A small, ragtag band of idealists facing overwhelming odds decides to gamble on a course of action judged either foolish or brilliant, depending on the outcome. |
By mid-to-late evening, there was overwhelming evidence that Russia was using a mix of mercenary and conscript forces. |
Garden State voters from all walks of life are contacting their elected representatives in overwhelming numbers. |
For the overwhelming majority of people in this country, the likelihood of contracting it is fleetingly small. |
This is backed up by an overwhelming 96 per cent of British women who admit they lie, with almost half saying they tell little white fibs most days. |
How cowardly could we be if, by overwhelming numbers, we had just elected a black man to lead the most powerful nation on Earth? |
Recently she has focused on her travels to India and Italy to produce works which evoke the spirit of those places with an overwhelming intensity. |
Being monarch brings with it overwhelming duties and obligations, not the least of which is that your people must find you worthy enough to bow and curtsy to. |
The urge to laugh is almost overwhelming as the enticing conspiracy theory degenerates into ranting about reptiles and an alien race plotting to take over the world. |
The overwhelming majority of family businesses there did not have ancillary departments for labour relations, public relations, or market research. |
The paranoia he unleashed was so overwhelming that it seeped into every pore of society, including the Pendle witch trials. |
Successes by these Celtic troops against the Romans were usually gained in surprise attacks, in ambushes, and when overwhelming detached units by sheer numbers. |
But the overwhelming majority of the time the strategy worked, not just from one game to another but in effecting lasting change. |
All the indicators are that any free consultation of the community would have revealed an overwhelming consensus for a restoration of the Stuart monarchy. |
The former England boss has won a legion of admirers the world over thanks to his honest, forthright views and his overwhelming passion for the game. |
There is the timing, the comparisons to exes and an overwhelming feeling that nothing feels the way it should. |
He speaks of the discipline it takes to care for a baby and the overwhelming reward that comes at the end of every exhausting day. |
A few hours after the prolonged exposure to Duncan, Williams and her fetus died of overwhelming Ebola infection. |
When the camera shifts to what the actors can see, the audience gets dizzy views of the surroundings, thus augmenting the overwhelming panic that fuels this film. |
Against overwhelming odds, he led his army to victories across the Persian territories of Asia Minor, Syria and Egypt without incurring a single defeat. |
An overwhelming majority voted for punitive cash machine charges which will hit hardest their poorest customers, those living in rural locations and people on a pension. |
May I draw her attention to the last talkback in the local press, which showed an overwhelming opposition to using horses along the busiest road in town. |
The problem is that many of us cannot find this place of inner peace and stillness, and so the sacred is lost in an overwhelming avalanche of noise and confusion. |
Most stereotypes have a very slight basis in reality, but by overwhelming them with an avalanche of complete nonsense any meaning they have will be lost. |
And the overwhelming message that I took from my time on the helpline was that people worry about this holiday. |
They came to Everett Mall to face the overwhelming pressure, cutthroat competition and public humiliation only an event of this magnitude can provide. |
Since the overwhelming majority of us are connected to the electricity grid, gas mains or both, the scourge of indoor air pollution is not a killer. |
The overwhelming message carried by the mainstream is that corporate activities are largely benign and certainly not worth systematic investigation. |
Winning hearts and minds took a backseat to overawing malcontent factions with an overwhelming and, for all intents and purposes, enduring show of force. |
Even in the face of overwhelming odds James chatted to his mammy and daddy over the five days in hospital and one of the last things he asked for was a bar of chocolate. |
The trial judge found that there was overwhelming evidence that the husband was a man of straw with no financial capacity to conduct the litigation. |
His still-life images manifestly bear an overwhelming weight of meaning. |
Gay bookstores are caught in the backwash of an overwhelming tide of commercial consolidation that is swamping most small enterprises, gay and straight. |
Universities are respected in the community and they continue to be the preferred destination for an overwhelming majority of students going on to tertiary education. |
An overwhelming amount of subtleties and implications were going over my head. |
Is the overwhelming variety of horse boots confusing to you? |
We sheltered under the shade of the massive overwhelming oak trees whose bark was protected from vandalism by vicious spikes forced into the trunk. |
Tape is the overwhelming computer medium of choice for archiving. |
Time and again, juries refused to convict drug defendants, even in cases where there was overwhelming evidence of guilt. |
Yet by far the overwhelming majority of vacationers travel for pleasure. |
He mercilessly enmeshes us in the overwhelming complexity of his subject. |
He made a series of beers that included adjuncts, but instead of overwhelming the beer, they added subtle notes that drew out the beeriness rather than crushing it. |
The overwhelming majority of major-league fish are taken on big topwater plugs because the casting tackle reaches out with rapid fire to cover the shoreline tangles. |
The overwhelming majority of taxable sales are local, however, and will be for the foreseeable future. |
Not to show overwhelming strength is immoral, since it will induce evildoers to perform more evil deeds because they'll think they can get away with it. |
The other is meningococcemia, which occurs when the bacteria enter the bloodstream and cause overwhelming organ failure. |
It was the same overwhelming urge that triggered him to flee the market. |
It was not, however, a triumph of thoroughly disciplined cricket, of well constructed sessions of play or of an overwhelming superiority over the host nation. |
The band's debut album won overwhelming critical acclaim, with fans swooning at their lysergic mixture of psychedelic textures and motorik rhythms. |
I have, over the years, become horrified at the overwhelming number of uncatalogued Old and Middle Irish manuscripts contained in repositories throughout Europe. |
Angela says the response from parents has been overwhelming and many have become involved themselves, either musically or mucking in with stage management. |
I honestly don't know what kept me from falling asleep, although it might have something to do with the overwhelming uncomfortableness of the chair I was sitting on. |
The overwhelming atmosphere on two weekday afternoons was not of a hotbed of political tension, but of a quiet, friendly, politically unengaged mixed community. |
In the Gulf war, the United States first mustered an overwhelming force, prepared a multinational coalition, achieved militarily decisive results and got out quickly. |
I seem to have these spurts of wanting to update everything that's going on and then times when life seems like a bore or a little to overwhelming to update about. |
Also like Hillman, Clear Channel has a lot of money tied up and unreachable in property, and is bumping along atop a pile of almost overwhelming debt. |
Regardless of how strong the testimony is in favour of a given miracle, it can never come close to counterbalancing the overwhelming experience of unvaried laws of nature. |
We just have to nerve ourselves up, overcome the surprising yet overwhelming craving for some beta-blockers and a Marlboro Red, and do the best we can. |
Equally influenced by the nobility's strong tradition of partible inheritance, noblewomen shared men's overwhelming preference for naming immediate family members as heirs. |
While each of these has a field of application the overwhelming bulk of metal is shaped from the simple cast ingot by a series of deformation processes. |
The massive volume of letters we received in response to our campaign shows an overwhelming depth of community spirit, far more powerful than anything racists have to offer. |
Their overwhelming priority is to protect the purchasing power of incumbent creditors. |
Such an overwhelming slime pit of sagas would normally infect and ferment your average low budget B-movie, rendering it as unappetizing as moldy headcheese. |
After a stretch of dusty track, I climbed a slope onto a wooded headland, turned a corner and was immediately engulfed by the overwhelming solitude that is Lake Titicaca. |
Ned felt something tug at his heartstrings, sympathy overwhelming him. |