Our first morning cruise brought us a close encounter with an impressive male orang-utan. |
By chance, we spot an orang-utan in a solitary tree. |
A part from the large mammals like the elephant, the rhino and the orang-utan, a huge number of insects, birds and bat species live in the rainforests. |
She will not have the intelligence of a human being or an orang-utan of the same age, but she will be able to learn by herself, and, unusually for a robot, she will have her own imagination. |
We need to look for a solution together to save the orang-utan. |
It was found that the chimpanzee and the orang-utan both moved their limbs out sideways from their bodies. |
There, a centre run by Biruté Galdikas, a famous primatologist, rehabilitates orang-utan refugees. |
This is now the main cause of deforestation there and it is likely soon to become responsible for the extinction of the orang-utan in the wild. |
The orang-utan escaped by pulling a tile from the roof of the enclosure yesterday afternoon, then climbed through the hole to make a break for freedom. |
Stephanie Quayle has made sculptures of langur monkeys, who look out the window into the street, black mandrills and an orang-utan. |
The extension of palm oil and soy crops is often done to the detriment of primary forests, climate change, certain species such as the orang-utan, and under unfavourable circumstances for the local populations. |
This female orang-utan is able to tie and untie even complex knots. |
Nobody really taught her how to do it and no other orang-utan does it. |
If the Indonesian tropical forest goes, so will the orang-utan. |
Chris fulfils an ambition by meeting a giant anteater, as well as getting close to an orang-utan and a wild jaguar. |
In Indonesia, illegal logging has destroyed more than half of the country's forests, and is driving species like the Sumatran rhino, tiger and orang-utan towards extinction. |
She operated and saved the life of an orang-utan raised in chains, former dancing bears and 20 slow loris rescued from the black market pet trade. |