Looking for sentences with "on the contrary"? Here are some examples.
Sentence Examples
It suggests that, on the contrary, it is this very world picture that prevents progress and entraps people in a culture of impotent resentment.
To put energy into pH regulation to reverse acidosis would not help in this situation, but on the contrary would aggravate the energy problem.
But again, this has not been substantiated, on the contrary it was flatly refuted by one of the people we spoke to.
So that modern monopoly is not a simple antithesis, it is on the contrary the true synthesis.
Elitism, on the contrary, is the denigration of art and its consequent maintenance as the preserve of an affluent and educated minority.
Indeed on the contrary, far from being purer, it is more comprehensive in every sense of that term.
To suggest, on the contrary, that all scientists are uniformly motivated by anti-human sentiments bespeaks an extreme and unwarranted pessimism.
It was clear that, on the contrary, the ex-colonies jealously and for the most part successfully guarded their independence.
So it wasn't any contact with civilians, on the contrary, with diehard terrorists who were booby-trapping every corner, every alley, every door.
The necessarian on the contrary employs real antecedents, and has a right to expect real effects.
We say, on the contrary, that the papal pardons are not able to remove the very least of venial sins, so far as its guilt is concerned.
At best they were footnotes on the contrary theme, at worst outright obfuscation.
The positive case argues that, on the contrary, colonialism played an economically progressive role.
The most crucial distinction is that Chinese is ideogram, but nushu is, on the contrary, a phonogram that represents local dialect.
The attack, on the contrary, showed a streak of disharmony and inconsistency.
The costumes of the gentlemen guests, on the contrary, were rather dull and too modern-looking.
Elizabethan tragedy, on the contrary, doesn't demand so much explanatory criticism.
And here comes a certified Great Thinker to tell you that what really counts is not dispassionateness but, on the contrary, passion.
It wasn't that he was afraid of blood, on the contrary, but too much blood, exposed organs, and raw flesh with that nauseous stench could already make him sick.
Churchill, on the contrary, they regarded with alarm, a loose cannon, a rogue elephant.
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The real difficulty on the contrary is that of precise measurement.
The naturalist on the contrary simply points out that, whatever the mind is, our continuing existence is proof that it has done its job of keeping us around.
When his father tells him that he thinks his son is mad, Zeno triumphantly informs him that, on the contrary, he has a certificate from the doctor attesting to his sanity.
He said that predatory pricing is a short-term strategy that does not deliver sustainable price competition but on the contrary it is designed to reduce competition.
Frogs were not symbols of death but, on the contrary, of rebirth and renewal, because of its remarkable metamorphosis of egg into tadpole and from tadpole into frog.
At this sight the pagans who before had cursed now, on the contrary, believed, and blessed the Lord, and put away their former reviling.
It is the undertaking to decide that question for others, without allowing them to hear what can be said on the contrary side.
It was, on the contrary, the device to secure for the whole of mankind the maximum of benefits it can derive from it.
It is also argued that other fields of study, like History and Sociology, on the contrary focus disproportionately on the West.
So far from warranting any inference to the existence of a God, would, on the contrary, ground even an argument to his negation.
Or is it, on the contrary, an institution that persistently threatens, like a fast-growing riverweed, to choke the channels of public administration?
This step had no success, but on the contrary there sprang up from that day forth an estrangement between the Emperor and myself which steadily increased.
In the Low Countries on the contrary, Dietsch or Duytsch as endonym for Dutch went out of common use and had been gradually replaced by the Dutch endonym Nederlands.
Others, on the contrary, may combine some types into broader categories.
In July and August, on the contrary, the plants in these plantations had lower carotinoid content in comparison with the plantations in conventional control zone.
Peter, on the contrary, threw back his head and guffawed thunderously.
Examples from Classical Literature
The short ballot, on the contrary, means putting up one or two men whose names shall not encumber the ballot.
The cell, on the contrary, is hermaphroditic, for it contains within itself the necessary elements for reproducing itself.
I did not find the jolting of the cart at all disagreeable, on the contrary, it had quite a somniferous effect upon me.
He, on the contrary, maintained that the Alcoran could have no other meaning, than what he had attached to it.
This ought to have completed the idyll, but it seemed, on the contrary, to put an end to it.
Aspartic acid, on the contrary, had presented to him molecular dissymmetry, like asparagine itself.
Nothing on the contrary is more certain than that at stamford bridge there were few or none of either arm.
Existence should be contemplated, not in indetermination, but on the contrary in determination and rest.
Bayliss, on the contrary, was either in the seventh heaven of bliss or the subcellar of despair.
The ventricular extrasystole on the contrary is commonly seen and readily recognized.
The jak, on the contrary, is planted near every house, and forms the shade of every garden.
Control of casein or lactose, on the contrary, is not nearly so practicable.
Mr. Wallace, on the contrary, at once raised the Lamarckian spectre, and declared it exorcised.
The occultist, on the contrary, masters his attention, and controls his imagination.
The Rhine, on the contrary, had the option of running down by Vaduz to Rheinach, and has adopted this course.
The labour of the menial servant, on the contrary, does not fix or realize itself in any particular subject or vendible commodity.
The softening of the thrombus, on the contrary, is always a source of danger.
In English Universities, on the contrary, there is too little of academic freedom.
In this he was mistaken for, on the contrary, acupressure was beginning to be forgotten long before twenty-five years had elapsed.
Rachel, on the contrary, seemed to have been mesmerised into temporary lifelessness.
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If, on the contrary, he does feel the peculiar, unclassic attraction of the author he may or may not enjoy the uncanonical books.
Karl Karl'itch, on the contrary, was the personification of uncompassionate, inflexible law.
The Thibetan women, on the contrary, are very fond of cleanliness and order.
They cared very little about defending a state of things which their predacious instincts led them, on the contrary, to attack.
Asceticism, usually taken as evidence to the reverse, is on the contrary, confirmative.
In monocular vision, on the contrary, the movement is uniformly upward and involves a progressive increase in error.
In the East, on the contrary, the apocalyptic expectations were immediately weakened by the montanist crisis.
We are, on the contrary, fumbling and wallowing about where the Greek pondered and philosophized.
Iras, on the contrary, was Dion's playfellow, and I have long destined her for his wife.
The dromedaries of Mr. Fairgrieves collection were, on the contrary, taller than the bactrian camels.
Miss ballantyne says that he was not ill-tempered, but on the contrary, kind, especially to children.
When introduced by the intraperitoneal route, caffein is, on the contrary, distinctly less toxic.
Radical empiricism, on the contrary, is fair to both the unity and the disconnection.
Now, it would seem on the contrary that they devote all their efforts to disillusioning us.
The seduced, on the contrary, falls completely under the power of the seducer.
She, on the contrary, only found in Musset a child, and what she was seeking was a dominator.
But try as he would he could not get drowsy, on the contrary he felt wide awake and animated.
Moeller, on the contrary, represents each body as a perithecium, and our examination confirms Moeller's view.
His greatest fault was that he would not run out on a base hit, but on the contrary would walk to his base.
In edematous pneumonia, on the contrary, all the feed that can possibly be digested and assimilated must be given.
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It is easy, on the contrary, to work the glass in such a way as to prevent any irregularity in the radiograph.
There, on the contrary, we encountered the only two swamps at all difficult.
No, on the contrary I have a strong hankering after decency in my womenkind.
Hermon, on the contrary, was overflowing with manly vigour, and the strongest among the ephebi in the wrestling school.
The creation of the episcopate, on the contrary, was the work of the second century.
The pains are not exacerbated at night, but, on the contrary, are often more severe by day.
In singing, on the contrary, the expiratory pressure is much more powerful, yet the expiration must be much slower.
In a stew, on the contrary, you boil down this soup till it permeates the fibre which long exposure to heat has softened.
In a reducing atmosphere, on the contrary, ferrous oxide readily forms and attacks the clay, forming a dark grey vitreous mass.
Ling Chu on the contrary had a penchant for buses and seemed to enjoy them.
But the fear and confidence of the coward or foolhardy or madman, on the contrary, are base?
His passions, on the contrary, were violent even to slaying against all who leaned to Whiggish principles.
Mild or sweet ales, on the contrary, are less attenuated by lengthened fermentation, and abound in saccharine and gummy matter.
In the occipital lobe, on the contrary, the gyri were complete in number and of regular arrangements.
As on the contrary, if a man be proud, froward, passionate, what house is good enough?
The third, the artilleryman, on the contrary, struck Katavasov very favorably.
The animistic soul, on the contrary, unites determinants from both sides.
The arctic hare, on the contrary, has probably come to us from the north.
The pragmatist, on the contrary, articulately defines their meaning.
The aster, on the contrary, has a special talent for variation.
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During the periods of calm, on the contrary, the left side also is atonic.
The Black Friar, on the contrary, led Agnes out of herself altogether.
I think you are wrongly informed, and know positively that, on the contrary, it is very fine weather in that direction.
Cant., on the contrary, arranges them by hundreds and townships.
Latreille, on the contrary, classed them near the mollusc, chiton.
The civet, on the contrary, has a mane, but no rings on the tail.
He was not cast in the stern poetical mold of fashionable Indian heroism, but on the contrary, was grievously given to vulgar jocularity.
The Oriental civilizations on the contrary were sacerdotal in character.
Sancerre, on the contrary, answers all the conditions of the text.
The ebionite churches, on the contrary, grew poorer each day.
Ehrlich's dry process, on the contrary, is entirely free from error.
The girl is, on the contrary, of extraordinarily good disposition.
Finley, on the contrary, bore the expression of gentleness entirely.
But, on the contrary, icterus has rarely been noted in scurvy.
Is it not perceivable that it had, on the contrary, a staling quality?
The husband on the contrary changed to view like a kaleidoscope.
Storrow, on the contrary, was a small man, quiet in manner, conversational in argument, and an encyclopedia of definite information.
Heurtebise, on the contrary, required the country for his mental health.
The intentions of the first may be upright, as they may on the contrary be culpable.
They might say of her, on the contrary, that she is underdone.
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Master Blifil, on the contrary, had address enough at sixteen to recommend himself at one and the same time to both these opposites.
Where at present it vulgarizes with wholesome growth in the future, it may on the contrary truly democratize.
Surely it will never, on the contrary, be suffered to degenerate from man to fiend?
To Wordsworth, on the contrary, they seemed directly to dignify human nature, as tending to tranquillize it.
We know, on the contrary, that he has so much of both, that he is glad to get rid of them at the idlest haunts in the kingdom.
Anna Pavlovna's circle on the contrary was enraptured by this enthusiasm and spoke of it as Plutarch speaks of the deeds of the ancients.
I believe this, on the contrary, the strongest Government on earth.
Ensign Spooney, on the contrary, was a tall youth, and belonged to the Grenadier Company, and he tried on a new bearskin cap, under which he looked savage beyond his years.
His sister, on the contrary, had been alert to come out, and I strolled with her half an hour, seeking the shade, for the sun was still high and the day exceptionally warm.
Saxon, on the contrary, delighted in the logomachy, though little enough she understood of it, following mainly by feeling, and once in a while catching a high light.
His noble bearing disposed some people in his favour, while others on the contrary seemed pleased at the sight of a gentleman who had come to beggary.
An end, on the contrary, is that which itself naturally follows some other thing, either by necessity, or as a rule, but has nothing following it.
The modern laborer, on the contrary, instead of rising with the progress of industry, sinks deeper and deeper below the conditions of existence of his own class.
D'Artagnan, on the contrary, quite full of his plans of conciliation and courtesy, approached the young men with a profound bow, accompanied by a most gracious smile.
She communed, on the contrary, on the spot, with her uneasiness.
I had imagined, on the contrary, that on coming in he would at once break into his habitual thin, shrill laugh and fall to making his insipid jokes and witticisms.
Each, on the contrary, imparted strength and poignancy to its opposite.
Monte Cristo on the contrary, preserved a graceful suavity of demeanor, aided by a certain degree of simplicity he could assume at pleasure, and thus possessed the advantage.
If, on the contrary, the insurrection should pervade a whole State, or a principal part of it, the employment of a different kind of force might become unavoidable.