Elegantly dressed models from Bangalore set the ramp on fire with their enticing catwalk. |
After a poor performance in Cork the previous weekend the home side were always going to come out on fire. |
His wife smelt something burning and went to investigate, only to find him in the act of now setting the room on fire. |
As the blaze raged on fire chiefs decided it was too dangerous to tackle directly. |
If it is partly the aim of a literary festival to enthuse new, young readers, these two readings don't look like setting them on fire. |
When Dickinson glanced rearward he saw a Japanese plane on fire and losing altitude and speed. |
They started on fire and an accurate cross kick from scrum half Barry Corbett put right winger Jon Cole in for an early unconverted try. |
Defoe is a match winner and is on fire following his first international goal for England. |
But sometimes, as I said, you do find someone decent to chat with, and you get on like a house on fire. |
And I was half expecting everyone to be their normal selves, and instantly get along like a house on fire. |
The two of them had got on like a house on fire though, as they shared the same sense of humour, though they didn't have much else in common. |
It is possible to redistribute land to the landless without setting the country on fire. |
Often the entire base of the bamboo clump is set on fire to facilitate the easy removal of dead bamboo. |
This is the latest in a spate of vandal attacks on fire crews and buses in the area. |
On June 10, 1991, the University's mink farm was set on fire after a timed incendiary device was detonated. |
Word is now that they're lighting buildings on fire, but I can't confirm that. |
He feels like his body is ripping apart, like he's on fire from the inside out. |
And so we poured gas down every cavernous hole we found, and then exploded them with torches, setting the caves on fire like raw infernos. |
It was something more appealing than long-legged, lissome damsels setting the catwalk on fire. |
Property and even human beings were randomly set on fire and shops looted during the violence. |
By vandalistically setting everything they had left behind on fire, they left a terrible blemish. |
The crowd was literally on fire, as couples jived as if there was no tomorrow. |
In short, low-carb wines, spirits and beer are apparently not going to set the world on fire. |
While Shell officials tried to investigate, a group of unidentified saboteurs set the pipeline on fire, Shell said in a statement. |
But immediately after the elections violence broke out and several houses were set on fire and people were attacked and killed. |
It has since been targeted by vandals and has been set on fire on numerous occasions. |
The blast at the consulate tore a hole in the ground six feet deep and nine feet wide and set trees on fire. |
My stomach was on fire, my head throbbed, my muscles ached, my throat burned. |
If our house was on fire, the camera is one of few things that I'd risk smoke inhalation and multi-degree burns to save. |
In one of his drunken stupors, he lights their house on fire and burns it down. |
There are three major fires burning up there with smoke going high into the sky, and just beside us here, an oil tanker is well on fire. |
To her horror, it was already on fire and she worried about the huge wooden poles that supported the enormous tent. |
Closely following it was a blast of heat which scorched clothes, ignited buildings and set even the individual blades of grass on fire. |
Shrubbery around the find was badly scorched from the attempt to set the bodies on fire. |
My rifle was on fire, my tunic was on fire and the bandolier of ammunition I had slung round me was on fire. |
All the books in the apartment had been piled up and set on fire, she said. |
This album is going to get my blood moving and then it will also set my blood on fire. |
Hundreds of scrolls were tucked neatly away on wooden shelves or piled in heaps next to the walls so they would not catch on fire. |
Next door is on fire. Poking my head out of the window, I discover great billows of smoke pouring from the old house next door to my building. |
The island looked disastrous, with billows of smoke rising to the skies, the houses on fire. |
No one is home but Jane, who thinks that the city is on fire because she is tripping on Benzedrine. |
A second mobility scooter which was parked outside nearby flats was also set on fire at 1.28 am on Monday. |
At least one bank was set on fire, as protesters answered tear gas canisters and rubber bullets with stones and Molotov cocktails. |
Soon everything was on fire and she watched helplessly as her skin blistered and burned. |
It landed behind the truck and exploded, blowing out the back tires and part of the canvas ripped, catching on fire. |
In another story a princess stays in her room even though it is on fire because she was not allowed to go out unchaperoned. |
York were on fire and skipper for the day Sean Bass picked up an awkward pass off his toes. |
If your house was on fire, what one item would you grab as you dashed to safety? |
His head felt like it was on fire, and his whole body hurt with a dull ache. |
Pensioner Anthony Tanner was left highly distressed after a vandal tried to set his house on fire with a burning newspaper. |
I skidded to a halt sending sand flying high in the sky as I saw the huts on fire, smoking to the clouds. |
Kina could see the sky now, brooding black yet on fire with random flashes of light. |
It was a debate that set the pages of the Bolton Evening News on fire and sparked letters of outrage by the bucketload. |
If the oil slick isn't too thin, and if it's contained with a fire-resistant boom, workers can set it on fire. |
He claimed her neighbour's house was on fire and said she had to grab her valuables and leave. |
She had realised her house was on fire when she touched a door handle and discovered it was hot. |
The intrepid dad ran outside to find his van was on fire and flames were spreading to the front of his home. |
A terraced house was on fire, with smoke and flames pouring from the ground and first floor windows. |
He recounts the time a journalist asked him what three things he would save were his house on fire. |
A log in that unsightly pile writhed as if it were already on fire, though the flames had not quite reached it. |
A next door neighbour, who called the fire brigade, said at first she thought it was her house which was on fire. |
When they looked outside they realised one of the houses was on fire and screams were heard. |
With another soldier, he helped remove a sideboard from a house that was on fire at the request of the woman who lived there. |
Paddy Murray was on fire and rattled over five exquisite points in a blistering opening half. |
The troupe was literally on fire, as they turned, swayed and bent showing amazing skills. |
Vic Rangers set off like a house on fire and really took the game to Albion in the first ten minutes. |
He was on fire in the opening 20 minutes but he was also guilty of a lack of finishing touch. |
Trevor Smullen, in the other corner, was also on fire, landing five points from play. |
They are on fire, a team full of confidence and ability and belief in each other. |
Pat Harte was on fire for the entire sixty minutes and scored some crucial points during the game. |
The second flight made an S-turn and strafed the deck and set the ship on fire. |
A heat lightning storm blew up that night, and the lightning set a tree near their house on fire. |
When your opponent sets up a straw man, set it on fire and kick the cinders around the stage. |
After harvesting the stubble would be set on fire which also killed new mallee shoots. |
She watched James swing down from the saddle of his chestnut horse, whose coat was literally on fire with the colors of sunset. |
When I was eleven, Gerald's shirtsleeve caught on fire while he was frying eggs sunny side up. |
And my eyes don't feel like they are on fire with the chlorine getting in them. |
Bucks came back like a house on fire in the second half with dribbling wizard Clement Mazibuko doing wonders with the ball. |
Rovers opened like a house on fire, but for all the speed and accuracy they showed, they could not find a breach in the Blues' defence. |
They have started the season like a house on fire and are averaging six goals each game during a run of seven consecutive victories. |
Bury opened up like a house on fire and the contest was well over when they led 22-0 in the opening quarter. |
He seemed to be getting on with Lara like a house on fire, but from what he could tell she wasn't really into dancing frivolously with him much. |
We set off like a house on fire, our first set saw us force a goal line dropout putting them under real pressure and we scored. |
The Pirates brought in a whole host of new signings in the summer and started off like a house on fire under new manager Ian Atkins. |
They may also lie on beds of nails, walk on fire and undertake other penances to build character and atone for sins. |
The gas inside the fuel lines caught on fire, and then ignited all the gas in the gas tank in one large explosion. |
But Rosa's rebellion, her refusal to move back, her decision to be steadfast and immovable in the faith set a community on fire. |
Apparently, the first floor failing clothing store owner, in an act of desperation, set a phone book on fire and took a little walk. |
She was dealt felony charges for incitation to riot and setting a puppet on fire and saddled with a four-hundred-thousand dollar bail. |
Suddenly, the apartment is filled by a foreign noise that at first induces me to believe that my crazy neighbour has set the building on fire. |
Flying into Guatemala City before dawn, I saw a volcano on fire, glowing lava streaming down its cone, reddening the darkness. |
It felt like my insides were on fire and were running around screaming inside my body! |
The Vauxhall was driven into a crash barrier made up of the tyres and either went on fire or was set alight. |
We made a U-turn, a taxi hit us, then the car went on fire but it didn't explode. |
The last time the emergency plan was activated in Mayo was on April 1st, 1999, when a Belmullet factory went on fire. |
No reason cited yet, so far, but 350 barrels of fuel basically went on fire in that area. |
A few weeks ago in Newry someone was irresponsible with fireworks and it resulted in an oil tank at the back of a property going on fire. |
When my house goes on fire or when I have a car accident, I want to know that you people will be there for me in an instant. |
And a coach which goes on fire with passengers in it is a horror which should not happen. |
An oil pipe was cut with an angle grinder and apparently the sparks caused the oil to go on fire. |
Then building after building went on fire, tiny sparks of heat filling the air. |
Since it was abandoned after it went on fire, a legacy of lethal radioactive substances remains. |
Following the incident, the emission of sparks from the line caused the area around the line to go on fire. |
A worried mother contacted him after her child had received a leg injury when his coat went on fire. |
He said his own radio had been burned when their vehicle had been set on fire. |
We have had fires galore and one family was burnt out when someone set a wheelie bin on fire in their porch. |
Under the watchful eye of the local fire department, we set the test facility on fire. |
It set the entire area on fire, burning down trees, grass, animals, and anything else that got in its way. |
Since then her home has been set on fire and her car torched once, stolen twice and broken into three times. |
Hundreds of young men attacked the newspaper's office on Wednesday, set it on fire and burned copies of the paper. |
If the tree canopy goes on fire, go to the far side of a firebreak and try to prevent sparks starting a fire in your area. |
Susan finally notices her stove is on fire and grabs the fire extinguisher. |
She spent four summers working on fire towers in western Idaho and eastern Oregon. |
We suggested to set the houses on fire to get them out but he was afraid to lose plunder. |
From the time a fire first breaks out to flashover, when everything catches on fire, can take as little as three minutes. |
Set on fire, these items release formaldehyde, polyvinyl chloride, and dioxins. |
It was his own addiction that led him to set himself on fire while freebasing cocaine. |
The full forward line were all on fire last day out but lived off crumbs with a poor supply of ball. |
By total accident, I dropped the pot holder in the oven and it caught on fire! |
Heavy smoke from a burning power plant poured over the city of 500,000, and other buildings were also on fire. |
It caught on fire and we galloped our horses to the woods, and then heard a huge explosion, followed by the sight of orange flames. |
And, as we all know, these hot new names who are going to set the world on fire sometimes turn out to be damp squibs. |
Forty tonnes of acrylic plastic sheeting were on fire with a ruptured gas main underneath which could not be isolated. |
There is tiramisu in my hair, but more pressingly, my trousers are on fire! |
We've seen it in all its glory, we took pictures of it when it was on fire and are now here to say our last goodbyes to the ship. |
Masked gunmen roamed the streets, setting police cars on fire and controlling some bridges. |
The Spirit washes over us, enlightens us, breathes into our souls, descends without our bidding, sets us on fire. |
But they were on fire and we missed nine lay-ups which really hurt us. |
The Longshoremen were on strike, the cabs were on strike, and dumpsters were set on fire by masked youth battling police on front lines filled with tear gas and stun grenades. |
Although no one could figure out where exactly he disappeared to under cover of the darkness, the neighbourhood woke up in alarm at midnight to find Pehlad's house on fire. |
And then the printers, manufactured by new Dunder Mifflin parent company sabre, began to catch on fire. |
A pile of straw right by the menagerie lit on fire, and reached the tent in seconds. |
My friend M went to see this guy and they got on like a house on fire. |
I was so busy wanting to make a good dinner for Marie that I didn't realize that I was holding the pot holder so close to the flame until it caught on fire. |
If we did get our hands on her, we'd probably get on like a house on fire. |
The Germans set a boxcar on fire, which set off a chain reaction of massive explosions that continued until dawn, which revealed a sky smirched with smoke and ash. |
It doesn't have a camera and the features won't set the world on fire, but it is easy enough for your granny to use and small enough to slip into a clutch bag. |
He was in the process of cutting up some kind of machine with a blow torch, several parts of it were on fire and a plume of oily smoke hovered over it. |
Investigations are not yet complete who exactly set the coach on fire. |
Five seconds into the take-off a warning bell sounds to inform the captain that there is a problem with the number two engine and that it is on fire. |
Burning Man Jay Kirk, GQ On his first tour of duty in Afghanistan, Sam Brown was set on fire by an improvised explosive device. |
Naturally, I am expecting to get along with her like a house on fire. |
Regular cleaning reduces the risk of equipment going on fire. |
Enter 21-year-old Vermont native Natalie Russo, whose line of eyelash jewelry is setting the Etsy world on fire. |
A note pinned to the fridge has a hen and a pan on fire drawn on it. |
At the Global awards ceremony, musical artists set the crowd on fire, especially Benin singer angelique Kidjo. |
He doused himself with two plastic bottles of flammable liquids, and he set himself on fire. |
Meanwhile, Caroline Bates nearly set the catwalk on fire with her 50s-inspired creations featuring huge flower prints on A-line skirts worn over taffeta petticoats. |
The roll of paper towels was toppled over and on fire, the flames merrily making scorch marks on the counter and soot stains on the underside of the cabinets. |
And so she did, watching in quiet disassociation as the sun began to rise over the distant trees, lighting the sky on fire with a symphony of reds and oranges. |
She throws gigantic, destructive parties, and purposely lights his ottomans on fire. |
Ten hours after the fire broke out, the charred ferry was listing to one side as smoke poured out from a load of dried coconut on fire in the cargo area. |
Since January, five people have set themselves on fire in Tibetan areas of adjacent Qinghai province. |
Leigh started like a house on fire against a big physical side, with Parr, Browning and Ranson working well as a unit and Lloyd, Thorpe, Peet and Wilkinson running well. |
Weapons that make you feel like your skin is on fire could probably be ramped up to the lethal zone. |
Mr Whyman said initial investigations suggested the violence, in which a chemist's shop was looted and set on fire, did not appear to be pre-planned. |
Hundreds of people later gathered, resulting in a five-hour stand-off against police as missiles were thrown, shops and businesses looted and public houses set on fire. |
Setting the heather on fire usually means stirring up a bit of excitement. |
They had indeed poured oil on fire by their inflammatory speeches. |
In this spectacular climax, part oneiric and fantastical, the house on fire becomes, in its pyrotechnical wizardry, a final recalcitrant figure to Australian suburban space. |
Later, the shelf caught on fire and nearly burned the whole building down. |
We simply printed out some blue squares, hung them from some metal clips and wire dangled off a tree in my back yard, set them on fire and then chromakeyed out the blue. |
And the way she kept giving her boyfriend occasional, lustful glances sent her nerves on fire, and she just wanted to hit the woman in front of her. |
We stood in the middle of the road, and looked at the machines, the torn-up swath sixty feet wide, at the trees on fire, the smoke rolling, the mud, the whole mess. |
The dispute took its toll on the state opening of parliament with the number of troops on parade halved yesterday to 520 as soldiers were deployed on fire duties. |
Miraculously he never burned himself or set the house on fire. |
For that to happen the Boks will need to start like a house on fire. |
Giggling nervously, one girl lit a match and set a twig on fire. |
A silage harvester went on fire on Tuesday, May 18 at Clone, Aughrim. |
At DoD he ran around with his hair practically on fire denouncing cuts to the defense budget in out-sized, apocalyptic terms. |
She then lit a match, setting the goo on fire, and brushed up the ashes. |
When there was an actual consulate in Benghazi, back in 1967, it was stormed by a mob and parts of it were set on fire. |
Counterfeit airbags and brake pads have become more of a problem, as have electrical devices that catch on fire. |
The initial result was negative, but much of the area was still on fire and too unstable to search. |
Artists and Churchill, in the right circumstances, got on like a house on fire. |
I met her in January 2005, and we've gotten along like a house on fire. |
It was still sizzling and even through the oven mitt, the pan was on fire. |
It appears the cause was an overheated extension power strip connected to an air conditioner, which caught on fire and ignited a carpet and a couch. |
In search of wasteful government spending, Eric Cantor sets his pants on fire. |
The front nearside wheel arch was on fire and the bonnet ablaze. |
That this formal, blatantly uncharismatic man should set the electorate on fire, without the benefit of a media coach or a new suit, has rivals stunned. |
One of the coaches was doused with kerosene and petrol and set on fire. |
But it hasn't stopped them setting the new media world on fire. |
He tried to light up his matches to put his shoes on fire and explode. |
More than a 1,000 Nepalis hit the streets and rioted in Kathmandu, throwing rocks and attempting to set a mosque on fire. Police intervened to protect the mosque. |
She kept wondering what she would do if the equipment went on fire. |
Fire walkers do not walk on fire but the fire bed, which is made up of the red-hot glowing embers of the wood. |
Other guests who tried to use the fire escape discovered to their horror that it was wooden and was itself on fire. |
This 360-degree view safety camera systems for fire truck can also be installed on fire trucks that are already in use. |
Dumping fertilizer on top of whatever mysterious goop was in the storage tank created a combustible mix which caught on fire. |
He is a young fellow, not long out of adolescence, who faunches to set the world on fire but isn't sure how to go about it. |
When I saw my house on fire, the flabbergast overcame me and I just stood and stared, too shocked to comprehend what I was seeing. |
In the evening she reveled in the flaming sunsets, with their spectacular orange glows that seemed to set the whole world on fire. |
Those two met last Saturday at the party, and because they were both into juggling they got on like a house on fire. |
Once the riverfront was on fire and the escape route cut off by boat, the only exits were the eight gates in the wall. |
So I tell her just a little, how an entire date with Ethan can leave me cold, but one single glance from Gabriel can set my blood on fire. |
This XK engine had been designed at night during the war when they would be on fire watch in the factory. |
They redeemed themselves with this show. The first song or two was meh, but they were on fire after that. |
As they retreated, Iraqi forces carried out a scorched earth policy by setting oil wells on fire. |
The song was originally sung by away fans poking fun at an Aberdeen fan set on fire on a train while wearing a homemade sheep costume. |
During a concert in Cleveland, Duffy accidentally set the left side of her hair on fire. |
The story was later expanded to include false reports that the British had set the sea on fire using flaming oil. |
Clarkson accidentally set the caravan and its neighbour on fire while trying to cook chips. |
All those offering resistance were killed, and the old people were gathered into a church which was set on fire. |
As there was no space in the other ships, its cargo was lost and Cabral ordered the carrack to be set on fire. |
When Jimi Hendrix set his guitar on fire at the 1967 Monterey Pop Festival he created one of rock's most perfect moments. |
On 7 July, several cars were set on fire and street barricades were erected to prevent the police from entering the area. |
Valens' men shot arrows from the second floor to defend the cottage and in response the Goths set the cottage on fire. |
However, Giovanni would die in China during the early mission on October 15, 1517 when the ship he was on accidentally caught on fire. |
At Bawean one of the ships, the Amsterdam was purposely set on fire, and the crew divided over the other three ships. |
There was also unrest in the city of Meerut itself, with angry protests in the bazaar and some buildings being set on fire. |
Among the materials that are dug because they are useful, those known as coals are made of earth, and, once set on fire, they burn like charcoal. |
Accordingly, some of them rely on fire ecology for their continued survival. |
Do you remember when you jumped into the water after the flowers? I fancy it was then you really set the Thames on fire. |
The baronet will never set the Thames on fire, but there seems no harm in him. |
How have we seen Churches and States, like a dry unliquored coach, set themselves on fire with their own motion! |
She told officers that 22-year-old Ramon Gomez doused her with amaretto before attempting multiple times to set her on fire with a lighter. |
A TERRIFYING raygun that can make enemy fighters feel like they are on fire has been developed by scientists. |
White and two city building code inspectors found that the flue pipe to the stove was too close to a wall that caught on fire. |
Besides MSRTC buses, many private vehicles including private buses, were set on fire at various locations on the Kolhapur highway. |
Crews wearing breathing apparatus found a wicker laundry basket, its contents and the bathtub on fire in the bathroom. |
Unless it's Pete Doherty on fire while freebasing behind the wheel of a Maserati I don't care. |
A DOPEY guard dog has driven firefighters barking mad by setting himself on fire twice in one week. |
Two cars were set on fire and dozens of rounds of plastic bullets were fired at police injuring a number of officers. |
A grey Kia Cee'd car, which gardai believe was used in the attack, was found on fire a short distance away in Platin, Co Meath. |
I looked outside and just up the road there was a police car with its wheel on fire and it quickly spread. |
That was the French DJ Charles Schillings, who set the house on fire, literally, with his arsenal of music. |
Be it safe, be it foolhardy, Snapchat appears to be on fire. |
As a young boy, coming face-to-face with Le Grice, who had just set Lomax's buildings on fire, Papps loses sphincteral control and soils himself. |
In other words, we were reporting that the man's pants were on fire, but neglecting to mention that he was wearing a spiffy new ball cap. |
As you sink your teeth into a chilli pepper, your lips start to tingle and before long you may feel like your whole mouth is on fire. |
According to the fire brigade sources, unknown miscreants set a mini bus on fire in the area of Nipa Choragi area of Karachi. |
With Alexis Sanchez on fire, the Gunners could pile on the misery today, as long as their travel sickness doesn't kick in again. |
The climbing frame at the Louis play area in Riversley Park was set on fire on Thursday night. |
Then he panicked and took her body somewhere and burnt it on fire! |
As a coordinator, stuntwomen, and stunt double Jarvis has been blown up, thrown off cliffs, and lit on fire. |
They set two concrete mixers, an earth digger and a container on fire, then fled the area. |
Stores were looted and at least one local business was set on fire. |
Assignments periodic checks on fire safety and safety at work in office buildings and industrial buildings in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais Region. |
Police officials called heavy cotangents of the force to control the unruly mobs who set on fire several houses in the locality. |
By sheer chance, one of the wheels of the Concorde ran directly over it, causing a rapid chain of events that would set one of the jet engines on fire. |
Sold by street vendors and named Waferers in England and Gaufriers in France, the then wafers, soon to become waffles, were catching on like a house on fire. |
As they will set an house on fire, and it were but to roast their eggs. |
A small detachment of Hanno's force was assigned to set the Cavares camp on fire, but the majority of this force reeled in on the stunned Cavares. |
In the Gulf War, while retreating from Kuwait, the Iraqi army had set many oil wells on fire in an attempt to disguise troop movements and to distract Coalition forces. |
With the engine on fire he had to punch out and hit the silk. |
Piling burnable debris in a wooden tinderbox and setting it on fire seems somewhat intentional to me, particularly if it may not be the first time. |
Several Shias were then killed and dozens of shops outside the seminary were set on fire in the latest incidence of spiralling sectarian violence in the region. |
The post Tow truck set on fire in Sotira appeared first on Cyprus Mail. |
A POWER cut was caused by an electricity pylon that set on fire. |
Unidentified attackers on motorcycles stopped a bus and set it on fire north of the capital San Salvador, killing 11 people and injuring at least 12 others. |
So had makers' names on fire extinguishers and fire alarms, even the loo paper dispensers in the gents', the ashtrays in the bar and the Toshiba televisions. |
While freebasing cocaine in 1980, comedian Richard Pryor doused himself with liquor, set himself on fire and ran down his suburban Los Angeles street. |
Brandishing a pair of nunchakus, an Oriental weapon, Chambers, watched by a laughing Storey, covered the cowering victim in WD40, before trying to set him on fire. |
Though the Dutch set the village on fire, they failed to conquer the Morro, and its batteries pounded their troops and ships until Hendricksz deemed the cause lost. |
Atar came back from France and he is on fire with Maccabi Haifa but he has history with the coach, who felt he was not serious enough and decided to exclude him. |
The burn pile is one of the simplest and earliest forms of waste disposal, essentially consisting of a mound of combustible materials piled on open ground and set on fire. |
After fixing his brakes, Clarkson arrived last with his trailer on fire. |