Its knowledge base will depend on the way in which it recruits, trains, and promotes its staff and also on its cooperative ethic. |
These are among key milestones on the way to creating a world-class prosperous region by the end of the decade. |
Dates are annotated on the papers, and the piece might best be considered a Zen meditation on the way cigarettes metronomically mark one's hours. |
The charity insists the changes are no reflection on the way wardens carried out their duties. |
It was parked at the end of the street and he drove it round the block, intending to park it outside his house, but was stopped on the way. |
My body was shaking all over as I left the room, and I prayed to God I wouldn't trip on the way out. |
He never thought anymore about the past life regression speech Toshi gave him on the way to L.A. the day after he met Jordan. |
Chelsea FC, that London footballing institution, is well on the way to being Russified in the wake of the buyout by a billionaire. |
I went to the ladies, and on the way back my boot got caught on one of the steel steps. |
At every set of traffic lights on the way queuing drivers blocked the cycle lanes and priority boxes. |
Finally on the way home we saw a shopping trolley perched on top of a stop sign. |
The salvation of sinners does not depend on the way we state the truth, but on the almighty power of God. |
Without further ado he resigned from all positions and went it alone, collecting a wealth of frictional experiences on the way. |
He followed behind the ambulance on the way to the hospital and then came and fetched me. |
First, the flight trajectory will obviously depend on the way in which a bird will enter its nest site. |
We also got a batch of smiley badges made up, and gave them to everyone at the door on the way in. |
We know you've got the Smash Hits tour coming up, and then a new album on the way. |
Every window in the train had been smashed and they'd obviously had a bit of a Larry Dooley on the way down. |
The time is ripe over here for a revival of the song the British Tommies liked to sing on the way to the trenches. |
No one has ever received a long-lasting happiness from securing a larger pay cheque or from beating the traffic rush on the way home. |
We took the main road from Inverness that goes right along the Western side of the loch, stopping at all the lay-bys on the way down. |
I got lost driving back home, ended up on the way to Barking rather than Baker Street. |
My wife and I went on our honeymoon last month and saw this ring during a layover in Paris on the way to the Seychelles. |
Daniel befriended a girl on the way who had friends that would let him stay in their apartment. |
These we passed on the way up, an ascent made easy to Nab Farm by a metalled track. |
I hoped fervently that we would be taking a different route on the way out. |
Passing a few girls on the way there, she seemed to be dressed the most classic, other girls wearing much more modern and revealing dresses. |
It's a bit like listening to a pre-recorded guide through headsets on the way round a museum. |
Beers not cocktails are the order of the day but you might pick up a nice bit of rough on the way out. |
Do a slightly messy job to prove you didn't buy salmon fillets at the fish shop on the way home. |
Life there seemed so rich and full, and I was enjoying it all so much and on the way up, as it were, in my career. |
It's now time for the people of the town to get behind them and help them get back where they rightly belong, but let's have fun on the way. |
This, the original, was an enormous hit in its native Hong Kong and has already spawned a prequel, with a sequel on the way. |
Anyway, on the way home I found the perfect bid of beading to frame a picture I painted on cardboard. |
Mongeham Post Office, on the way to Deal, sells all you may require including the local Ice cream by appointment to the Queen Mother. |
His most memorable moment of the trek came not at the very summit, but on the way up. |
With downed power lines in three states, more than 3,000 electrical linesmen and contractors from utilities all over the country are on the way. |
So, I cried on the way home for lunch, got Don on his cell phone, and bawled my little eyes out. |
At about two years old, his three-foot girth spills out onto the flagstone path, causing visitors to pause on the way to the arbour. |
It will also depend on the way we conceptualize him and where he fits into our own global narrative. |
He got out as quickly as he could, and threw the prescription into the litter bin on the way to the off-licence. |
Apparently there is another llama on the way so once that arrives that will make them a herd or perhaps a flock. |
News of the armistice had reached the troops but the actual order to cease fire was still on the way to the front. |
The Italian crew will row their flagship, the Disdotona, on the way back from the Henley Regatta, accompanied by two Venetian racing fours. |
Kicking herself already, she grasped the battleaxe she had bought on the way to Tuqsan. |
I'd arranged to meet Kevin for the gym again, so stopped off at his on the way round from the station to pick him up. |
A painter's preparatory sketches and drawings are his work in progress on the way to the ultimate creation. |
The music has gone through various stages of evolution on the way to current sound. |
Lots of Yak trains on the way, Yaks being the only means of carrying large loads up to the villages and base camps of the various mountains. |
I don't think I've known referees to fall out or have a barney about decisions but sometimes, on the way home in the car, it can be a bit quiet. |
Great place to nip into on the way to Hollywood and load up on flaming sambuca's at the bar with the lovely barmaids. |
I barked my knees and shins several times on the way, but before long I found myself standing at the viewing area. |
Thus Mary romps barelegged in the park, and, on the way to the block, leaps on Leicester, her legs around his waist, to implant a farewell kiss. |
The teenager sitting in front of us on the way out was so rude, I was ready to give him a thick ear myself. |
I remember eating dinners from a Thermos flask in the back of my mum's car on the way to something. |
And scumbags and moral dilemmas abound on the way to an apocalyptic finale for our flawed hero. |
The grungy banditos had to escape Blythe, but they were afraid of getting pulled over on the way out of town. |
The sirens of an ambulance screamed on the way to the hospital, alerting everyone that a tragedy had occurred. |
Attempting a sweep, the ball ballooned off his left forearm but it was difficult to tell whether it brushed the glove on the way past. |
If I'm hungry after a night on the ale, I'll have a bag of pork scratchings or stop at the fish-and-chip shop on the way home. |
On the train on the way there, we saw a man with a ball and chain attached to his leg. |
Then, on the way back across the border he was caught with marijuana, but never charged. |
I'm ashamed to say it now, but in a moment of weakness I scoffed them as the plate swept past me on the way to your table. |
Everyone was on the private plane and on the way to New York by eight o'clock. |
If you can breathe through a snorkel, then you are well on the way towards one of the most enriching wildlife experiences of your life. |
You take the club back too far inside the target line on the backswing, then swing it outside the line on the way down. |
However, many of the larger internet providers are not really as up to speed as they should be on the way mobile telephony is developing. |
For me this means shirts, shoes, undergarments, and a quick scan of the jackets on the way out. |
The staff were wonderful, friendly, approachable, the porters made me laugh and were teasing me lots on the way to the theatre. |
Indeed, the large bulk shipping carriers are queued up for weeks waiting to load basic ore and other items on the way to China. |
People who skip breakfast often find themselves eating a pastry or a sausage roll on the way to work in an attempt to stop feeling hungry. |
After she'd debriefed him, she had gone to Noelle's classroom, dodging the hall monitors on the way. |
Odessa are well on the way to completing their eagerly awaited debut album, which is due out early May. |
Their uniforms are washed and tumble-dried every night, but on the way to school they find everything they can to get as dirty as possible. |
His codified syllabi for tap and jazz made a major impact on the way these forms were taught internationally. |
He traveled to tank towns tackling local favorites and met fighters he had previously fought on the way to the title. |
They fell asleep with their mouths open on the way home, innocent and tuckered out. |
The company was well on the way to automating the whole process, from ordering online and cutting the panels to delivery of the final product. |
Her has learned from his uncle the black art of doing the deal and has made a bob or two on the way. |
My great-great uncle's funeral was held in Winchester, this little bitty town outside of Giddings which is on the way to Austin. |
She claims she has been slapped, punched and called names on the way to school. |
The instructor who assisted her on the way down said that she did a textbook abseil. |
I had a chat to coach Darren Abram on the way home and on Wednesday told him to count me in. |
Also on the way out, according to Mr Woodbridge, are the co-ordinating wallcoverings with a different top and bottom divided by a border. |
She had missed her monthly and Elizabeth was now very sure that a baby was on the way. |
There is a very talented tier of young executives hungry for success and on the way up. |
Based on the way I'd seen him handle lighting a barbecue my wariness wasn't unreasonable. |
We confirmed with Catherine that when Liam was caught short on the way home he would use the stream to urinate in. |
It just takes a bit of misdirection on the part of the passer, and it helps to get the pass on the way as the screener is turning around. |
We had to change at Mineola on the way out, but we got to ride on one of the new bi-level trains, which was enjoyable. |
A major new leisure complex could be on the way for Burnley if plans to develop waste ground get the go-ahead. |
We are already well on the way to being addicted to internet gambling, according to some press reports. |
A thousand different accidents and mischances could happen to divert me on the way. |
Truly there is nothing more snobbish than the tabloids when it comes to passing judgment on the way the other half lives. |
A hard frost is forecast tonight, while more snow and sleet is on the way tomorrow and Friday. |
The council later said it had not been warned snow was on the way, but this winter it is taking no such chances. |
The weather always picks up in the New Year and makes you feel Spring is on the way only to become nasty during February. |
Today is sunny and yesterday was warm and I think spring might actually be on the way. |
You can also hire bikes and cycle round the island taking in the breathtaking views of Arran on the way. |
He's married now with two adorable twin girls and a third baby on the way and I'm thrilled for him. |
She was married with a baby on the way and she was in love with a man other than her husband. |
She had two toddlers, another baby on the way and a part-time job in publishing. |
I had a loving husband, a new job, a baby on the way, and the horizon was looking as bright as it could be. |
More than double that number turned up on Friday night, proving that its not just club football is on the way back big time. |
With one daughter already and another baby on the way, she is desperate for a bigger place in which to raise their family. |
To date two couples have married, three couples are engaged, a baby has been born and another is on the way. |
Adam rolled his eyes, before steering her out of the library, picking up her bag for her on the way out. |
Picking up her bag on the way out, she ran outside to catch the bus to school. |
She finished applying her makeup at top speed and snatched her little white purse on the way out, pausing just long enough to lock the door. |
Our rubber boots went squish on the way down and sounded something like a plunger being removed from a toilet bowl on the way up. |
He took the chance and ran, picking up his bags on the way out of the door and leaving his keys behind. |
But it will be a small miracle if they manage to retain their collective sanity on the way. |
By this time it would have been about half past one, and we slowly made our way back to the hotel, stopping at a few bars on the way home. |
We had to wedge it between some bags in the boot and hope it wouldn't turn to crumble on the way. |
The treasure hunt was spread over a 65-km. route with several surprises and games on the way. |
My scooter had packed up on the way to work in the morning, and I had had to leave it in a quiet cul-de-sac and return for it later. |
By that time, Tracy had radioed the Los Angeles County Harbor Patrol and a rescue boat with divers was on the way. |
There were more on the way when I moved into range, and they joined battle as I was leaving. |
Two months ago, his campaign looked like a sinking ship and today he's probably on the way to the nomination. |
I have just this minute signed the contract and it is now on the way to the solicitors. |
The morning after, on the way to our minimoon, I put on the CD of Holly Cole singing I Want You and bawled my eyes out. |
Even Alexander the Great had to recompense an Athenian who was robbed on the way to Olympia. |
For example, the initial stage could provide the translunar insertion burn, then stay attached on the way to the moon. |
They had travelled south from York to seek fame and fortune, and seemed well on the way to finding both. |
While not the finished article, the Scottish bid team believe they are well on the way to giving the same assurance. |
An articulated lorry had shed its load right outside the cop shop in Kirkdale I noticed on the way home. |
However in the semi-final it was plain for all to see that he is an inside runner for he moved right over to the rails on the way to the bend. |
There are another 6,200 UN peacekeepers on the way, who will supervise disarming of the rebels and pro-government militias. |
Others may well be shocked or slightly sickened by the film's determination to be as filthy rude as possible on the way to raising a laugh. |
My car broke down on the way home, within a hundred yards of an entrance ramp to the interstate. |
As his train pulled out of Wigan on the way back to London he noticed something which led to this justly famous passage. |
Unfortunately we got stuck in a lengthy traffic jam on the way back, and the drive ended up taking us five and a half hours. |
There are signposted vantage points on the way which give splendid views showing how the Ice Ages carved and shaped the landscape. |
Ungainly but smooth, this theme gives the audience something to whistle on the way home. |
If your career is on the way down, panto is a celebrity safety net, one last greasepaint refuge where you can still revel in audience adulation. |
This weekend, I started reading it again, and rattled it off in a couple of sessions, mainly on the train on the way to Cork and back. |
As for animals, on the way up this mountain, in fact we can see it from here, there's a small white boxy thing that you said was a rat trap. |
And on the way back, a huge branch from one of the trees fell right on top of our car. |
Camacho easily outboxed him on the way to winning the fringe National Boxing Association super middleweight title. |
I stopped off at Na'ama Bay, the heart of the resort, on the way, and it seemed a nice enough place, with no hassling touts to trap the unwary. |
Overhead a rogue seagull stands on the wind, silent, but a sign there's wild weather on the way. |
Joe ran over to the clinic to cancel his patients and rearrange his vacation schedule, and picked me up some breakfast on the way back. |
More cider, m'lud, was consumed on the way, and the merry band of brigands even picked up a passenger who was fishing at Fiddown. |
Unions know which way the wind is blowing, and while they remain opposed to a break-up, they realise that structural change is on the way. |
When they come through here on the way to Europe they have a gay, free, happy air. |
His air bag deployment automatically signaled his location to an emergency response unit, and help is on the way. |
He really can't hold his drink well though, half a shandy and he started pouring his little heart out to me on the way back to the hotel. |
I jumped to the ground and headed for the cargo hold, examining my ship on the way. |
Thus the legal process for recalling the current village committee director was on the way. |
The only reason I remembered the weird ones was because I killed myself laughing when I re-read the list in the car on the way here. |
On top of everything else, an Alberta Clipper is on the way for late Tuesday night and Wednesday, bringing a period of accumulating snow. |
It need not be so thick you could cut it with a knife, but it should be well on the way. |
He has a talent for being a down-and-out guy and he has a natural bent for comedy, as Russ reminded me on the way out of the theater. |
Last week I was carrying a crate of records down the stairs on the way to catch a cab when I lost my footing. |
With a new sewerage system on the way for Kiltimagh, a number of large housing developments are at the planning stage. |
I fell twice on the way home, soaking my mittens and the knees of my leggings. |
Tripping up the steps on the way to receiving your first Oscar only reinforced your likability. |
After a long day at the beach, our toddler had a major meltdown in the car on the way home. |
What if he wanted a snack on the way home and accosted a woman on some pretext? |
They say he tried to extort more money from them on the way out of Syria, but Mousa engaged him angrily in Arabic. |
With another baby on the way, it's a good thing Grandma Kris Jenner is nearby to babysit. |
I did not carjack or shoot anyone on the way, just so you know the pre-Grand Theft Auto baseline. |
Walking past a chalet on the way home, I heard the moaning of people humping. |
The Belleek Forest Park with its attractive riverside walks is well on the way to being a major addition to Ballina's tourist attractions as a natural amenity. |
A droll, unassuming man with a handsome gray beard, Baker has the manner of an avuncular, absent-minded professor who has left something behind on the way to class. |
And in the not-too-distant future broadband could have as much effect on the way we live our lives as the introduction of the motor car had a century ago. |
Twice a day I drive past it, on the way to work and on the way home. |
We have ripped out al of the awful rabbit warren of rooms and are hopefully on the way to converting it back to the former glory that it once was. |
With more episodes on the way, this marks the first time a Netflix Original series is not releasing an entire season in one chunk. |
I threw my job in to go freelance when I had a baby on the way. |
The couple had a daughter last year and have another baby on the way. |
I rushed downstairs, grabbing a drink on the way out along with my bag. |
I then tried to weasel my way into the audience's affection, assuring punters that if they laughed at all my gags everyone would get their money back on the way out. |
Tinea cruris, the infection that causes jock itch, is on the way. |
However, eight balls later, a little extra lift from Zoysa was enough to snare India's maestro, the ball brushing his glove on the way through to Kaluwitharana. |
What if, for example, in three months time, he is jolling along Florida Road on the way to his favourite restaurant, and he runs into Judge Hilary Squires? |
She is a smart, weirdly attractive, professional woman on the way up. |
I noticed the wedding presents still on the sofa so I took them upstairs, then on the way back down I slipped on the last step and jolted my back. |
A Bodhisattva is a person who's not yet become a Buddha but is on the way. |
A teenager who suffered a brain haemorrhage when he fell from his bike on the way to catch a train has been reunited with the railwayman who helped to save his life. |
Why is it that we can't pick up the morning paper or listen to the news on the way to work without hearing about a new indictment of a top ranking officer? |
The hedgerows are in bloom, too, and, on the way to Minehead, there are several fields filled with oilseed rape, an early crop, flowering into lemon yellow already. |
The next day I saw him again on the way back from the beach. |
As Cezanne country whizzes past on the way home, I settle in and start to dream, colours blurring in the warmth of the mid-afternoon champagne whoosh. |
I squeezed my eyes shut, attempting to swallow the pain, but if it was going to go down, it seemed it was going to just burn my taste buds on the way. |
And that casts a new light on the way The New York Times goes about the business of reporting the news on a day-to-day basis. |
I didn't even care when, in my lifelong battle with being a klutz, I dropped the scoop of ice cream off my ice cream cone on the way back to the car. |
He seemed to get a little turned around on the way but managed to reach what might have been presumed to be his destination. |
He died in a car crash on the way to the hospital where she gave birth to her son, Samuel. |
Pictures and spectral data taken on the way down show a terrain made of ice ridges and hills, cut through by drainage channels, rivers and lakes of liquid methane. |
An alphabet soup of optical technologies is available, including CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD-RAM and DVD-RW, with even more on the way. |
We left quite late last night and we walked past the plant on the way out. |
In business presentations, voice, particularly its pitch and resonance, can have a small but important impact on the way information given by a speaker is received. |
Another was Reg Sellers, an Anglo-Indian leg-spinner who toured England with the 1964 Australians, playing a Test in the town of his birth, Bombay, on the way home. |
Who knows, they might even get to stop off at the last outpost of empire, the Falkland Islands, on the way home? |
The road seemed a lot different on the way back, rocks he hadn't seen before made him stumble over and over, tree limbs scratched at his forehead and arms. |
But this time, the signs are very promising that change is on the way. |
His comments on prematurity also cast light on the way in which he appraised the Claimant's evidence and the benefit he ascribed to the proposed housing provision itself. |
Like the best Shakespearean tragedies, each player is set up carefully, so that each one causes as much damage as possible on the way down to rock bottom. |
Coming from a footballer in his prime, however, with two small children and a third on the way, the expression undergoes a vigorously literal restoration. |
The plane lost height very quickly with three stops on the way down. |
It would be my last if I am assassinated on the way out of the Town Hall. |
Stopping on the way I cast a fly to a snapper which quickly grabbed hold, this was followed by a blue runner then a small barracuda which after one jump threw the hook. |
Early this afternoon, my business associates were on the way to an appointment at a primary school when they encountered something quite horrible. |
In the car on the way, there was a story on the radio of a goring in Pamplona. |
I have to say that the airline, Lan Chile, did get its computer to acknowledge me on the way back, all the way from Buenos Aires to Sydney, worse luck. |
So for now, the movies are about more, even if many of us will grumble about Les Miz's running time on the way out of the theater. |
Calmer patches on the way to Claife and Adelaide drew the fleet together before Five pulled away from Kiffs and Zephyr in the lumpy waters of Millerground Bay. |
One of my earliest memories is looking down through a bay of picture windows at the Tillamook factory and watching milk curdle on the way to becoming cheese. |
Musician Chris Picco was on top of the world just a week ago, happily married and with a son on the way. |
In fact the whole group of migrant workers could be sacked on the spot, because, he had learned, another 400 Hungarian workers were on the way to take their place. |
She took ill and died suddenly while on the way to Castlebar hospital. |
Hurtling through the sky on the way to heaven knows where is an altogether new hazard. |
Linguistic ability seems to have firmly been ingrained in Narang's family for his wife teaches Hindi and his son is well on the way of being a Sanskrit scholar. |
And when I passed the refreshment stand on the way out of the theater, I could not help but think of skittles. |
There are many mandapams on the way for people to take rest. |
Based on the way they sprang into action on Friday, his family had more than an inkling of what might be ahead. |
She wants their company on the way home, since there has been both a fair and a market day at Chaseborough, and there may be drunken men in the country lanes. |
The family stopped off for a short holiday in Hawaii on the way home. |
He passed one of the youth gangs on the way, muttering into their phones and thumbing at their keyboards, coordinating their crimefighting activities. |
It was only in the car on the way home that I twigged that of course the prices will be going up at the beginning of January so it would not be cheaper at all. |
But I got over it quickly, reached the pub, met my beaut girl and had a lovely evening, stopping off at Thresher on the way back for a couple of up-market bottles. |
We bedded down in the forest that first night on the way back. |
The walk on the way home was filled with merriness and contentment. |
I don't remember leaving, or going to the 24 hr shop on the way home, or making cheese and ham toasties in the flat but I'm sure I enjoyed that too. |
One parent was particularly upset after her four-year-old daughter stepped in dog mess on the way to school and then rode her bike over some the next day. |
So far, the government has stockpiled only about 50,000 doses of tamiflu, with another 50,000 on the way. |
The bellhop led them to their rooms, pushing their luggage on the way and carried it into the separate rooms, 412 for the girls and 413 for the boys. |
Jesus' words touched her heart and set her on the way of transformation. |
It is starting to get dark, and we make tracks back to the car, Sally accidentally performing a spectacular cartoon trip over an exposed branch on the way. |
When they reached the steep traverse off the ridge that had been their only difficulty on the way up, Douglas Hadow again began to have trouble keeping his footing. |
I trawled through bookshops, I searched for the perfect cup of coffee, I bought records by Ella Fitzgerald from the second hand record shop on the way to the Grafton Centre. |
Our photographer was dispatched to get a picture of the distressed bird lover, but on the way back, what should he see but 30 ducks waddling towards him. |
Forecasters said the milder weather should be on the way for the weekend, with snow showers probably turning to sleet and sunny spells across the region by tomorrow. |
The major countries are trouncing the minor countries, which really makes one wonder about the countries that have been eliminated on the way to these finals. |
The gaggle of demanding Park Avenue big shots who shared the elevator with me on the way down were underwhelmed. |
A visit to the beauty salon is a very intimate and confidential exercise and the trustworthiness of the therapist reflects on the way the business is perceived. |
My cold seems to be finally on the way out, not a moment too soon. |
Most walkers will continue south along the ridge towards the next main fell of Allen Crags taking in three more subsidiary tops on the way. |
However, her son is said to have been born on the way, at Lumbini, in a garden beneath a sal tree. |
We had half board at our hotel, Santa's Hotel Tunturi, and were lent Arctic-proof snowsuits, boots and mittens on the way. |
At the meeting he made a stimulating speech, and on the way home asked for advice. |
Anything more than that places you well on the way to those manic monologuists regularly seen wandering the streets in full flow. |
They headed to Tenochtitlan and on the way made alliances with several tribes. |
Last week, 18 people making the same trip died of hypothermia on the way. |
The location of Sovici was of strategic significance for the HVO as it was on the way to Jablanica. |
The French fleet, pursued by the British round the north of Scotland, lost ships and most of their men in shipwrecks on the way back to Dunkirk. |
In April 1689, James VII had already arrived in Ireland and a letter was on the way promising Irish troops to assist the rising in Scotland. |
Sixteen Lions visited South Africa on the way home and played three matches against South Africa. |
At the moment we are well on the way to mass hysteria and fear of being frightened. |
Already, more than 100 birdwatchers have flocked to Durness, in Sutherland, and more are on the way to see the Daurian starling. |
Wendy Prentice died instantly and her friend Wendy Beveridge died on the way to hospital after the smash in Beaumarches near Toulouse. |
Rudi and Paul nished and Paul nished R up on 'e Last Train from Belsen' and were reunited with their sister Eve on the way back to EHolland. |
Somewhere on the way to adulthood, we're taught to dissynchronize the free expression of anger. |
Orwell set out for Spain on about 23 December 1936, dining with Henry Miller in Paris on the way. |
We had five quid between us to get home and grab a Maccies or Wimpy at Lime Street on the way. |
The burger and beer gut he once sported during his Westlife days could creep back if he carries on the way he's going. |
Reyes had a daughter on the way and didn't want her dealing with a dad who was constantly in trouble. |
In order to reach Alaska and make it back to Japan, the participating JASDF F-15s will have to refuel on the way to and from this excursion. |
The Codex Amiatinus was meant to be a gift to the Pope, and Ceolfrith was taking it to Rome when he died on the way. |
A Chinaman with a burp gun entered the bunker, captured the five and took them to the base of the hill on the way back to enemy lines. |
It's on the way home that they let their hair down.' Well, only as much as you can let short-back-and-sides down. |
Tikrit is seen by commanders as a key stepping stone on the way to reconquering IS's northern hub of Mosul, Iraq's second city. |
Newlyweds Stella and Stanley have a baby on the way and a rackety sort of life style on what we might call a work-style working class estate. |
Oliver Cromwell visited the city twice on his way to battle, once on the way to the Preston and also on the way to the Battle of Worcester. |
These changes have put pressure on the way we traditionally have met our significant others. |
He stopped at the store on the way home and bought two whole chickens, and some bisquick and found a farm stand that had sweet corn. |
But a funny thing happened on the way to becoming a beltway Boy. |
They agreed to stop off at Roanoke on the way back after raiding the Spanish in the Caribbean. |
Margaret, by now seven years of age, sailed from Norway for Scotland in the autumn of 1290, but fell ill on the way and died in Orkney. |
They are ordered to wear gloves on the way home from work or to carry wipettes in their cars and trucks. |
The presentation came off like a pit stop on the way to the afterparty. |
I was keeping an eye out for the smokeys who were no doubt hiding and waiting for unsuspecting tourists on the way in from Jacksonville. |
When Jane visits Miss Bingley, she is caught in a rain shower on the way and comes down with a serious cold. |
Hawthorne met future president Franklin Pierce on the way to Bowdoin, at the stage stop in Portland, and the two became fast friends. |
Did you get ick all over my things? Should I walk myself through a car wash on the way home? |
Stopping on the way, at the junction of the Snake River, he posted a claim to the region for Great Britain and the North West Company. |
The ships then sailed east to Madura, but were attacked by pirates on the way. |
Yusuf fled to Toledo, and was either killed on the way, or after reaching Toledo. |
When Hulagu died on February 8, 1264, Berke marched to cross near Tbilisi to conquer the Ilkhanate but died on the way. |
And between the intervals of eating fruit, we will geologize on the way home, with this little bit of paper to show us where we are. |
The Roman style of history was based on the way that the Annals of the Pontifex Maximus, or the Annales Maximi, were recorded. |
The Vikings extended their journeys all the way to the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea, and on the way they raided Galicia. |
On the other hand, the continued use of the shuttles is only a stopgap on the way toward truly 21st-century space vehicles. |
The two emperors returned to Aquileia for the winter, but on the way, in January 169, Lucius Verus died. |
France was already on the way out of Mexico when he intervened, and his fullhanded shove only accelerated the retreat. |
Many attempt to make it across the Timor Sea illegally, often with human smugglers, in boats that sink on the way. |
Mumbaikars who passed him on the way were naturally excited to catch a live glimpse of the superstar. |
Initially the only calling points would be Rotterdam on the way to Amsterdam, and Cologne on the way to Frankfurt. |
Matthews later recalled that they'd needed to borrow money from a fan to pay the toll on the Severn Bridge on the way back to Cardiff. |
A tragedy struck the club on 20 January 1969 when players Roy Evans and Brian Purcell were killed in a car crash on the way to a game. |
Whether counting cards, seducing dangerous women, cruising the strip or starting bar brawls, there's lots of excitement on the way to the top. |
Annually, salmon spawn in Haida, feeding on everything on the way upstream and down. |
Interesting, it covers the ways that sureties were appointed to their duties, and hence it is informative on the way contracts were created. |
Same thing with the plastic bag, which has grown so ubiquitous, it's well on the way to turning Earth into one vast dumpsite. |
Once ready to reproduce, males travel long distances in search of a sounder of sows, eating little on the way. |
It is well on the way to achieving this having won the National Science and Engineering Week Best Community Event 2012 award. |
However, at Exeter on the way to London he was met by Boulton who persuaded him to return to Cornwall without registering the patent. |
Since I was pressed for time, I picked up burgers at a drive-through on the way home. |
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