Serious instances had emerged where indigents were on the verge of losing their houses and the city council had to act. |
Since Dutch elm disease destroyed the elm 30 years ago, the large tortoiseshell butterfly has tottered on the verge of extinction. |
We're assuming that, on the verge of success, the organisation have done the only sensible thing and disbanded. |
I was beaming on the inside with happiness, on the verge of giddiness, as the clock ran down. |
A new report reveals that Tanzania's population of dugongs is on the verge of collapse as a result of accidental entanglement in gill nets. |
When fighting out an epic duel with Courier in the Australian Open a few years ago Sampras appeared on the verge of collapse from cramp. |
An extremely competent golfer, Alf was on the verge of turning professional at one time. |
Now, he seemed almost on the verge of tears, though Reana could only guess why. |
The ball was on the verge of going out of play, so the angle was rather narrow. |
Can I tell you, though, what else we saw were people who were on the verge of dying. |
By the late 1960s many believed the disease was on the verge of extinction. |
There were at least three hundred souls in the town who had been on the verge of starvation. |
But the species is dwindling fast and is feared on the verge of extinction. |
When he is on the verge of lunacy and death, Hester proposes to him that they shall flee to Europe, and for a moment he dallies with the idea. |
In all the industrialised countries the welfare state is on the verge of collapse. |
Our testing in Denver makes me believe we're on the verge of breaking through. |
The entrepreneur who is on the verge of dismal failure, grinds it out and builds a successful business. |
As we may well be on the verge of an explosion in metals prices, you should be making your investments accordingly. |
Most of the traditional handicrafts of the country have been neglected for a long time and are on the verge of extinction. |
Hidatsa, like many languages, is on the verge of vanishing and taking with it crucial linguistic and cultural data. |
The athlete will be training very hard and is probably right on the verge of overtraining. |
And Andy Cole is on the verge of joining Manchester City, which scuppers any prospect of him returning to Ewood this summer. |
He went off to a hydropathic centre, but by May his health appeared to be on the verge of serious breakdown. |
The country appears to be on the verge of becoming a failed state ruled by roaming warlords. |
She is a powerhouse of brooding, internal frustration on the verge of a meltdown. |
Sometimes, diplomats might be representing a country that is almost on the verge of war with the host country. |
It seemed the werewolf was on the verge of talking, but all that escaped its throat was a guttural growl. |
It does not make sense that animals that are on the verge of extinction are caught because of a minority of epicures. |
The finale, which, like the second movement, proceeds without pause, begins restively and roils like a volcano on the verge of eruption. |
In England the cavalier, once thought to be on the verge of extinction, is the most popular toy breed. |
Bowl followed bowl until his stomach inflated like a beach balloon and he staggered from the table on the verge of collapse. |
If you read this article, you'd assume that Russia was on the verge of ratifying the Kyoto protocol. |
Well, everything is reparable but I do think we've been on the verge of being somewhat naive about the former Soviet Union and its leadership. |
Fuel cell vehicles, on the other hand, are on the verge of commercialization, with manufacturers keen on mass-producing them within five years. |
We all know that we have a great team this year, and we are on the verge of accomplishing something very special. |
I actually found myself on the verge of boycotting the playoffs because of the refs. |
You wouldn't have thought these teams are on the verge of a World Cup semi-final. |
We are instead on the verge of spectacular advances in many fields that will likely be energy conserving into the bargain. |
What began as a steady walk by day's end was on the verge of turning into a run. |
Originally a trio called Cub, the brave lads backed out on the verge of being signed. |
As a result, many of the actors scream their lines as if they're on the verge of hysterics. |
Toward the end of the first day of the battle, the Rebels overran the Federal lines and were on the verge of victory. |
In fact, the black community is on the verge of becoming much more politically splintered. |
Rey and his crew skillfully brought the boat to a near-standstill, pointed into the wind and on the verge of stalling out. |
The financial crisis has now left many of these banks on the verge of insolvency with large portfolios of insecure loans and bad debts. |
It was a desperate attempt to save his marriage, which was on the verge of breaking up. |
During the two inglorious years preceding the Emergency, the country had seemed on the verge of a catastrophe. |
Though she had put on a brave front, he could see her eyes on the verge of tears. |
The battle came as the Northern Federal government led by Abraham Lincoln was on the verge of defeat. |
Knowing he is on the verge of the Claret Jug, Levet sends his tee shot wide right, and then badly bunkers his second. |
At 23, he is on the verge of completing a degree in history, politics and social studies. |
If they didn't buy all those fancy things, they wouldn't find themselves on the verge of bankruptcy. |
They may be on the verge of an appointment but there's no sign of an announcement as yet. |
When this song came out, most everyone listened to it on the verge of laughter. |
It was no irony that even as the pamphlets were being distributed, Congressmen were on the verge of coming to blows. |
Much heart-searching, often on the verge of tears, has gone into the writing of this chapter. |
Though there was enough food and water on board to sustain her, she was on the verge of a mental breakdown and wouldn't eat. |
It distressed us to be cataloguing the last mortal remains of so many species that are on the verge of extinction, or have gone forever. |
A 50 break with four colours left put Hunter on the verge of victory but he muffed his chance. |
A former Rossendale town centre bank that has stood empty for nine years is on the verge of reopening as an aquatic centre. |
With this truancy law at their disposal, teens and pre-teens are on the verge of absolute power. |
I have two teenage boys, one of whom is 16 years old, on the verge of passing his driver's test, and starting a part-time job. |
When it was named the state bird in the late 1950s, the Hawaiian goose was on the verge of extinction. |
The saloon-keeper, unless he is also an alderman, is apt to be in debt to the big brewers, and on the verge of being sold out. |
Conditions are so bleak in so many areas we seem on the verge of a social emergency. |
Officials at City Hall are convinced that after decades of stagnation, the city's moribund downtown core is on the verge of a breakthrough. |
If we were all veggies animals such as the cow, pig, and sheep would probably be on the verge of extinction. |
I can't stop myself, and I hear my voice straining, on the verge of cracking, but I can't stop that either. |
It is too early to say for certain whether we are on the verge of a major breakthrough. |
They decided to change the topic a little as I was chewing on some uneatable cabbage, on the verge of puking it all out. |
He would be seen carting home university prospectuses and claimed he was on the verge of being accepted to one of the top colleges. |
So, as Lara took guard, England were on the verge of the unthinkable, the first clean sweep of a series in the Caribbean by any visiting team. |
After much discussion, and me on the verge of coming unglued, the original route was agreed upon. |
Only if society is on the verge of collapse can a communist revolution succeed. |
And on the verge of conquering radio and selling nearly a million copies of that record, they kept their promise. |
The Angels and Dodgers, in fact, are on the verge of setting a record this year for the most combined attendance in one market. |
I did not bother to look at the beautiful details and decoration, I was so angry and on the verge of tears. |
A big, rumbling beat joins with a wobbly bass line so overdriven it sounds on the verge of collapse. |
Hence there's no shortage of scientists and economists who now adventurously proclaim we are on the verge of a new creation. |
She's on the verge of throwing them out when Hunter comes over and leads them out of the restaurant, chiliburgers in hand. |
It should have brought a pall of despondency to a wine industry that many claim is on the verge of glut. |
My voice is loud, but also rather high-pitched, and on the verge of cracking with all of the emotion surging within me. |
His delivery was choppy, halting now and then, as if he were choking up, on the verge of tears. |
He approached companies who were on the verge of bankruptcy before he bought them. |
By the time he made it there, he was absolutely exhausted and on the verge of a mental collapse. |
But his centuries-old livelihood is on the verge of collapse since the areca nut price has crashed beyond imagination. |
I have known people on the verge of surgery for cancer or bypass surgery who have been declared healed by their unbelieving doctors. |
I've never seen a make up lady on the verge of tears before but my puffed out peaky face was a challenge too far. |
Health bosses are believed to be on the verge of producing a new document outlining the fate of Ilkley's Coronation Hospital. |
The majority of rolling stock was hideously dated and on the verge of collapse. |
In 1860, on the verge of war, four million black slaves were held in bondage across the South. |
Nervous in the extreme, his voice quavered as he gave commands to his pupil, often so haltingly that he seemed nearly on the verge of choking. |
He seems to be on the verge of agreeing in this lavish, Waspish enterprise. |
The ones on the verge of bankruptcy, with large, unfunded pension obligations. |
If somebody tells me that they're on the verge of arresting me, my response would be, I haven't done anything to be arrested for, not, they don't have anything on me. |
He had come down and explained to the select committee that New Zealand was on the verge of developing a massive export market in manuka and kanuka products. |
Men may refuse the challenge of trying to right a ship on the verge of capsize, preferring to wait for an easier test. |
It was a brutally hot day, 103 degrees, and the city was on the verge of a racial explosion. |
The Romney campaign appears on the verge of pivoting and re-embracing the candidate's most important achievement as governor. |
It's as if these two sides of his character, the passion and the buffoonish clumsiness are interlocked, as if he's a pan that's continually on the verge of boiling over. |
And then she turned to her friend, who seemed on the verge of collapsing. |
But to say the capital teeters on the verge of collapse is both melodramatic and misleading. |
Ministers fear fuel supplies are on the verge of widespread disruption and have drawn up plans to deploy troops to guard refineries and introduce petrol rationing. |
I must admit that it is really hard, and I have almost been on the verge of putting one of the lovely little cancer sticks to my lips and light up. |
Unlike a lot of bands on the verge of a tour, they won't be going through the regular checklist of getting the van road-ready or packing sleeping bags. |
Coming out of 2,000 feet and decelerating through 180 knots, the jet yawed so much to the left that I felt it was on the verge of departing controlled flight. |
By the 1980s, Latvian language and culture were on the verge of extinction, and some drastic measures were needed to galvanise them after independence. |
The fab Four swam up out of the developing bath, youngsters again on the verge of everything. |
Shirley's breathing became so distorted that by the time he faded to just six breaths per minute and then lost consciousness, Shirley was also on the verge of blacking out. |
The multi-coloured Himalayan monal is an attractive pheasant hunted for its attractive feathers and crest, and is almost on the verge of extinction. |
Instead, though, I'll hang on to it, and use it as a warning to myself every time I'm on the verge of writing something in the heat of the moment. |
Looking from above, the Uffington White Horse is frozen as it has been for thousands of years, on the verge of crushing you with its front hooves. |
Yes, I was on the verge of lunacy, but it was only temporary. |
Dad's house isn't a crack house or on the verge of falling apart. |
After several days of torrential rainfalls, several barrier lakes near Chiufenerh Mountain in Nantou County were yesterday on the verge of collapse. |
But there are many more people balancing precariously on the verge of indigence. |
He looked at Gabriel, who almost seemed on the verge of tears. |
All joking aside, what was once considered an expensive gimmick is on the verge of going mainstream. |
These perpetual deficits are now on the verge of spiraling out of control, and only a blind optimist would discount the potential for a serious dollar accident. |
He was on the verge of tears, and he wrung his hands together worriedly. |
His eyes were cloudy, tears on the verge of falling down his aged face. |
He confesses and receives penances twice, once on the verge of execution, then finally is deemed insane and committed to an asylum at the close of his third trial. |
The crowd at the midnight showing of Veronica Mars was on the verge of wetting itself. |
Willard Mitt Romney stood on the verge of ultimate power as leader of the free world. |
Could the largest living icon of communism really be on the verge of penitence? |
At the time of the merger, Nissan was on the verge of bankruptcy. |
A lot of the buildings were damaged or were on the verge of collapsing. |
My voice has got so loud that it is on the verge of breaking. |
The girl began to whimper again, and looked on the verge of tears. |
Danna looked on the verge of tears as she nodded and tried to smile. |
In a press conference at their home ground, he announced the club was on the verge of signing a foreign striker to sharpen their attack in front of goals. |
Minutes later, they thought they were on the verge of the biggest pay day of their lives, perhaps dreaming of bundles of crisp notes in the post office beneath them. |
Her reliance on transparent papers, stencils, stamps, collage and tracings lightens the often horrific nature of her imagery by making it seem on the verge of dissolution. |
As the president neared the end of his remarks, a young woman beside him began to wobble, on the verge of fainting. |
Actually, movement conservatives who turn against Wall Street are on the verge of breaking important new conceptual ground. |
These changes are being made under the guise of fixing a country on the verge of collapse. |
By 1966 Festival was, however, on the verge of dropping them from the Leedon roster because of their perceived lack of commercial success. |
Wellesley's centre was now on the verge of collapse and wide open to an attack from the French. |
The concept of road trains has been around for a while but European boffins are on the verge of a breakthrough. |
The Castilian nobility and the cities were on the verge of an uprising to defend their rights. |
I smiled and then looked away, feeling a bit awkward and on the verge of a full-out sobfest. |
While my Weet-bix soaked, I learned why from morning radio. Premier Malcolm was thought to be on the verge of tendering his resignation. |
The minister further stated that certain PSUs are almost on the verge of a closedown and people are going to lose employment. |
Washington State is on the verge of passing new gun control legislation. |
The chance now of seeing a golden jackal in Greece is so rare, that some believe they are on the verge of extinction. |
He's on the verge of being the greatest player of all time and he hasn't a clue how to put the clubface on the ball right now. |
But for a company on the verge of liquidation, this is good news. |
Warnings are being given by the wildlife campaigners that cousins of the kangaroo, bettongs and rock-wallabies, are on the verge of extinction. |
However, Geoffrey still didn't assist Matilda even as she was on the verge of defeat. |
As the King left the country with a greatly reduced force, the kingdom seemed to be on the verge of civil war. |
Richemont's force attacked the English army from the flank and rear just as they were on the verge of beating Clermont's army. |
In addition, standalone reflector batons are often used on the verge of Irish roads. |
The French and Spanish successfully took several West Indian islands and appeared to be on the verge of completely expelling the British there. |
President Wilson was on the verge of cutting off the loans in late 1916, but allowed a great increase in US government lending to the Allies. |
The answer is that cities are run by politicians most of whom are morons or on the verge of moronicity. |
Lubricated and fueled by Elf, the nationalized purveyor of French motion lotion, the RE30B is on the verge of becoming perhaps unbeatable. |
He then returned to Pavia, where the Lombards were on the verge of surrendering. |
In the years leading up to the first World War, Scotland found herself on the verge of devolution. |
Every time I thought he was on the verge of telling us, he decided to say something else instead. |
His persuasive power was overwielded, and overshadowed by his intensity, which made him seem to them on the verge of spooky. |
Others argue the Luftwaffe achieved little in the air battle and the RAF was not on the verge of collapse, as often claimed. |
Charles, who in 732 was on the verge of excommunication, instead was recognised by the Church as its paramount defender. |
Today they are only maintained by the older generations and are on the verge of extinction. |
By the late 1790s, Whitney was on the verge of bankruptcy and the cotton gin litigation had left him deeply in debt. |
The Dundonian, who has already broken into the Scotland squad, is on the verge of a regular first team spot at Ibrox. |
Radical clerics were on the verge of ordering a citywide revolt. |
This impressive mammal seemed on the verge of extinction, a victim of enlightenment and manners and corporate groupspeak. |
Efforts are being made by the local population to protect the endangered Greater Adjutant Stork birds as they are presumed to be on the verge of extinction. |
During this period, he organised the tribes of Lusitania and Hispania and was on the verge of forming an independent province in the Sertorian War when he was assassinated. |
Key elements of RAF Fighter Command were on the verge of collapse when Hitler switched from bombing airdromes in southern England to attacks on London. |
Following the Thai military coup of 22 May 2014, the AFP global news agency published an article that claimed that the nation was on the verge of recession. |
Menelaus was dominating the battle and was on the verge of killing Paris. |
When the ambassadors withdrew, the GCC was reportedly on the verge of a crisis linked to the emergence of distinct political blocs with conflicting interests. |
According to Wiles, the crucial idea for circumventing, rather than closing this area, came to him on 19 September 1994, when he was on the verge of giving up. |
He was moderately successful in this endeavour and was able to score minor victories against the Danes, but his army was on the verge of collapse. |
Other species, including the remaining varieties of huia, the kiwi, the flightless rail, the takahe and the kakapo are all on the verge of disappearance. |
I've been going through a hard time myself lately but, when I rang her one night, on the verge of tears, I got the brush-off because she was off out to visit someone else. |
Patents for number of blockbuster bio-pharmaceuticals have either expired or are on the verge of expiration, which is majorly driving the growth of biosimilars industry. |
We have been on the verge of decriminalizing small amounts of marijuana for personal use up here in Soviet Canuckistan for the past couple of years, but have yet to do so. |
British troops stationed in America were often on the verge of starvation. |
Greiss has yet to record his first AHL shutout, however, and is on the verge of joining a fairly small circle of goalies who played that many games without posting a shutout. |
She was on the verge of achieving this goal when Olaf IV suddenly died. |
As the Italian East African Empire was on the verge of extinction in the autumn of 1941, East African Command was created by dismemberment from Middle East. |
He was a spit-fire! The typical little boy just on the verge of spilling out the dozens of words he'd accumulated, a cascade of sounds as he chattered from dawn to dusk. |
Brito sent an armed party to capture Trinidad, but, instead of armed resistance, they found only a ship on the verge of sinking and a crew near death. |