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How to use old woman in a sentence

Looking for sentences with "old woman"? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Before the modern paraphernalia, an old woman used to spend her summers at a shieling close to the summit.
She felt uncomfortable, shifting under the gaze of the old woman, which seemed to bore right through her.
Some fake old woman was trying to bilk his innocent friend out of some money.
The assaulted 20 year old woman was standing nearby in tears, still shook up and embarrassed after the incident.
An old woman is sitting on the front steps with a triumphant smile on her face.
She gave the old woman an impassive smile and stood up, shouldering her bag.
As I chatted to Paul over a glass of bubbly, we were shushed by a grumpy old woman.
Clive Francis, as the Aunt, created the illusion of an old woman by a twist of the body and the turn of the head and one believed in it.
I was expecting a very large old woman with a stick and bleached blond hair.
Seated next to me was a darling old woman who smelled of mothballs and whose red lipstick was slightly askew.
Days went by, and the women had plenty of meat, but the old woman always told her son that there was none.
A 24 year old woman presented with sudden onset shortness of breath and chest pain that was worse on inspiration.
Set in a village, the tale describes how a destitute fiddler dies after entrusting his sick child and fiddle to the care of an old woman.
The young woman and the old woman between them illustrate the chasms between hope and disillusionment, between naivety and experience.
In fact, the letter would most likely have been swept into the trash bin, unregarded by the frail old woman, were it not for the handwriting.
An old woman, having drank until she is unable to walk, is put into a wheelbarrow, and in that situation is solaced with another glass.
A 28 year old woman had frequent migraine headaches for 15 years with nausea and photophobia.
When soaking, bedraggled hikers clomped into Tuku at about 6am, an old woman manning a hot noodle stand, was appalled.
The door was opened by an old woman with caked on make-up and a frilly peignoir.
The rest of the breakfast was spent on idle talk of travel, and of the old woman telling me about Irish life.
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Examples from Classical Literature
She is an infinitely old woman, for the most part birdlike, chirrupy, and wonderfully alive.
There's no sense left on any person in a house where an old woman will be talking for ever.
An old woman and her son were cooking their polenta, but no herds were in sight.
It would be like visiting the old woman who swept the cobwebs from the sky.
If the old woman has got any arrant at all, it's likely it's to your mother and me.
Frank never makes acquaintance with a new old woman, but she gets the face-ache.
Ugly and cross as the dog was, he fawned on her, and the old woman had left him to her care.
She sat rocking herself to and fro in her sorrow, while the old woman threw the fern seed, picked, alas!
A little behind her vertumnus is seen in the guise of an old woman, leaning on a stick and extending the left hand.
Beside the old woman, on a dark wood frame, there was a fire screen made of the pennant of a Highland regiment.
The old woman sang the song for me as melodiously and beautifully as any young person.
In one part of the room an old woman was kneeling down scrubbing the floorcloth.
The old woman feared there might be some among them to whom the King might take a fancy, as he had done to Ludre and fontange.
The old woman encouraged him, and said he was still a young man in comparison with her.
He knows how to arrange it so that the old woman must go to the wine cellar.
The scorn of that old woman at Houghton, had been the bane of her existence.
But after a quarrel, when the laundress had bullied her, the old woman was not sparing in her allusions.
A curious story was told me by an old woman in the cottage hospital at Cushendall.
He shrugged disgustedly, ordered the wicker basket from the meat wagon and had the old woman carried out.
The old woman wanted a fish, so she asked Taper Tom if he would trade the fish for the golden goose.
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