Looking for sentences with "old woman"? Here are some examples.
Sentence Examples
Before the modern paraphernalia, an old woman used to spend her summers at a shieling close to the summit.
She felt uncomfortable, shifting under the gaze of the old woman, which seemed to bore right through her.
Some fake old woman was trying to bilk his innocent friend out of some money.
The assaulted 20 year old woman was standing nearby in tears, still shook up and embarrassed after the incident.
An old woman is sitting on the front steps with a triumphant smile on her face.
She gave the old woman an impassive smile and stood up, shouldering her bag.
As I chatted to Paul over a glass of bubbly, we were shushed by a grumpy old woman.
Clive Francis, as the Aunt, created the illusion of an old woman by a twist of the body and the turn of the head and one believed in it.
I was expecting a very large old woman with a stick and bleached blond hair.
Seated next to me was a darling old woman who smelled of mothballs and whose red lipstick was slightly askew.
Days went by, and the women had plenty of meat, but the old woman always told her son that there was none.
A 24 year old woman presented with sudden onset shortness of breath and chest pain that was worse on inspiration.
Set in a village, the tale describes how a destitute fiddler dies after entrusting his sick child and fiddle to the care of an old woman.
The young woman and the old woman between them illustrate the chasms between hope and disillusionment, between naivety and experience.
In fact, the letter would most likely have been swept into the trash bin, unregarded by the frail old woman, were it not for the handwriting.
An old woman, having drank until she is unable to walk, is put into a wheelbarrow, and in that situation is solaced with another glass.
A 28 year old woman had frequent migraine headaches for 15 years with nausea and photophobia.
When soaking, bedraggled hikers clomped into Tuku at about 6am, an old woman manning a hot noodle stand, was appalled.
The door was opened by an old woman with caked on make-up and a frilly peignoir.
The rest of the breakfast was spent on idle talk of travel, and of the old woman telling me about Irish life.
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An old woman covered her bare shoulders with a woollen shawl as Estelle struggled with the butter churn by the doorway.
With one arm he swatted me aside, I tumbled into the cabents, the rotted doors snapping benith my weight, beside the old woman.
Laine was wondering if she would actually explode with anxiety when they strolled past two old woman, who gave them a strange look.
An old woman in a small Ontario town looks back on her life as chief cook and bottle-washer for a well heeled Anglo family.
The old woman kept her word, and so it is that the tide rushes in and out again twice each day.
The old woman is delighted by the safeguard of the inheritance of her uncle, the celebrated painter Paul Berthier.
It opens with an old woman relating a mythical tale of people trapped in an underground cave.
You'd much better not be swilling vodka, you fool, but taking pity on your old woman instead of falling at my feet.
After three solid poundings, the door slowly creaked open to reveal an elderly old woman.
Her biology lesson was taught by Mrs. Waller, an old woman who seemed to be going soft in her old age.
I blurted out to my kind friend that I had absolutely no interest in that cantankerous, melancholy old woman!
An elegant ding dong, dang dong rang throughout the house, and a small mouse of an old woman answered it curiously.
A 52 year old woman developed acute dyspnoea and hypoxia two hours after rapid drainage of a large left tuberculous pleural effusion.
A 51 year old woman was referred by her general practitioner with longstanding dyspepsia and reflux worsened by alcohol and bread.
Was that old woman she met earlier telling the truth, and that she really was warning Alli of a possible danger that could befall her?
A 33 year old woman gave birth early on Monday in Beijing to a set of quintuplets through Caesarean operation, eight weeks ahead of schedule.
As she ran on in desperation she cannoned into an old woman who she only saw after it was all too late.
Some just stood there, their mouths agape, stunned by what the old woman had just said.
We reported a case of an 86-year old woman with pure agraphia due to the left parietal lobe infarction.
Most people loved it, but one old woman was grousing away at all those hundreds of pounds being wasted.
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The old woman put a necklace around her grandchild's neck then kissed her forehead.
Cory introduced himself to the first person he spied, a wizened old woman on a stool at the door, meticulously cutting thin strips of leather.
The first time I saw Wiwin, she looked like a wizened old woman, with wrinkly, hairy skin and big, unblinking eyes.
An 81 year old woman who had had a total knee replacement 26 years ago noticed painless, knobbly swellings on either side of the knee.
Upon hearing them, the old woman wrapped Altair into an embrace similar to the one she'd given Ada, nearly squeezing the life out of him.
The crowd was focusing its attention on an old woman who sat next to a fire laid on the stone floor of the classroom.
On the final day in hospital, before they departed for home, a lone old woman arrived with a farewell gift of a bunch of bluebells.
More than 60 people came for faith healing, including a blind boy, a boy with a lame leg, an old woman with a headache and a man with piles.
Grumbling, the old woman retreated back upstairs, mumbling continually about the problems with today's youth.
On the far side, where a tall window overlooked the garden, an old woman lay in bed, propped by pillows to a half-sitting position.
Braedon helped out Hannah quite often, since the old woman was riddled with arthritis and unable to perform even the most basic tasks unaided.
We saw one old woman climbing a date palm barefoot, knife between her teeth, and she laughed demonically at our clear astonishment.
An old woman churns butter, while a woman in the foreground prepares a fowl for roasting and a third man spits a chicken at the far right.
The rocket crash results in much wartime symbolism, with locals rallying around an old woman who stoically accepts the demolition of her house.
Olga is a lonely but spirited old woman whose children live abroad and seldom visit.
An old woman of the area was at death's door and a neighbour went to fetch the parish priest who lived at Barratogher.
Hopi legend says that the spirit of an old woman resides here, tattletaling on any misbehaving tribes.
A 32 year old woman comes to you complaining of recurrent frontal headaches.
He spent the day sporting with the lady of the castle and the old woman, while the lord of the castle was out hunting the enormous boar.
Sophie is transformed into an old woman by the spell of a crone called The Witch of the Waste.
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Enter an old woman pushing a cart of salvaged garbage, TV's, fans, cardboard, etc.
She's an old woman pulling out a maple sapling by its roots and trying to recall a song she once knew about mandrakes.
He picked up the flowers as if on a sudden impulse, and he winked at the old woman, as if he had some shining joke to share with her.
A 67 year old woman with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis had a recurrence of right sided trigeminal neuralgia.
A compassionate old woman, the deep lines of time scored into her bird face, stares down at me, the last thing I need.
I'm an old woman, I can't be expected to wait on you hand and foot for the rest of my life.
He rapped on the door once, and it opened to reveal a wizened old woman carrying a cord with knots in it.
She is nothing but a stupid, old woman with an extremely thick skull, through which nothing can penetrate.
I was about to do a happy dance when I remembered I was supposedly having a conversation with a confused old woman.
This calculatingly false old woman is presenting us with a travesty of Romantic passion, just as she overwhelms the natural with the artificial.
A 72 year old woman undergoing laparotomy for a large gastrointestinal haemorrhage required a blood transfusion and clotting factors.
Franz Werfel said of an old woman that she told her beads as though she were knitting garments for the poor.
He zeroes in on the face of an old woman, showing that the weak and elderly are victims too.
A very old woman, bent in half and tottering on crippled legs, slowly and painfully pushed her own empty wheelchair.
As I was leaving I walked past the nurses' station and saw the confused old woman from earlier on.
Here the servants of the customer, an old woman who was too frail to look after her affairs, forged her signature on cheques drawn on her account.
The shouts of an old woman dressed in ragged clothes surprised us.
In the midst of all her bombast, I suddenly saw her as the sad, lonely old woman she was.
And in Italy, the 16th-century body of an old woman was dug up in 2006 with a brick in her mouth.
Mademoiselle was all ablush with delight at the discovery that she was not an old woman after all, but on occasion could still look as girlish as she felt.
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The old woman showed great wisdom in asking the question that she did.
The property belonged to an old woman whose chain of seafood restaurants was popular with men in the government.
The speakers laughed, the reedy cackle of a dying old woman.
For the sake of a few pounds this man has seriously injured an old woman and we are appealing for help in tracking him down before he strikes again.
Directly across the car from me, next to an old woman with a gaudy cabbage rose print babushka over thinning white hair, is a young man I cannot take my eyes off of for long.
A real tear-jerker is the scene where Madelon, an old woman who has already lost her son and a grandson in the war, offers her last grandson as a soldier.
The old woman boasts that they would change their minds if only they got a look at her backside because one buttock, as she has mentioned twice already, is missing.
The old woman pulled her face into a mask of almost no expression at all.
An 85 year old woman was referred to the department of maxillofacial surgery by her general dental practitioner with a three week history of sore throat.
Thankfully, the landlady, a stately, old woman with a reassuring gaze was still awake at this ungodly hour and benevolently helped me into a small room on the first floor.
I especially enjoyed the comic bit where the sleazoid Sayer confronts Viktor with an obviously senile old woman whom he purports to be Simone's abandoned mother.
Everyone rose and followed the old woman toward the harbor without a sound.
It is a brutally devastating story of an old woman forced to live out her days with haunting memories of her past as she monitors a men's bathroom.
Joe spiffs himself up and heads with Pip to Miss Havisham's, where he is so intimidated by the old woman that every time she asks him a question, he directs his reply at Pip.
Instead of the crazy old man character there should be a crazy old woman.
She's a motherly old woman with grey hair and weathered, wrinkled skin.
So he went back home and asked his old woman whether there was any bread.
There was one other guest by the pool, an old, old woman in a one-piece with a skirt, wearing a sunhat tilted to shade her from the last of the pounding Florida sun.
Without another word, the old woman in the yellow chinchilla coat tugged at Francois's gemmed leash and trotted off, clutching her coat together with one hand.
I imagined buses crashing, ferries sinking, autobahn pile-ups, the start of round three of hostilities with Germany, trapping her in that country until she was an old woman.
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Why should an old woman at midnight in a deserted back alley adding a few drops to the Niagara of urine that flows through Casterbridge gutters cause such a pother?
In the kampong, she lives with an old woman who was her mother's neighbor.
Now, at almost 60, she has grown into a crotchety, cantankerous old woman who, nonetheless, has a deeply sensitive underside and a great affection for the children she minds.
Ms Reynolds, a 25 year old woman, primiparous with one miscarriage, presented to her general practitioner when eight weeks pregnant complaining of nausea and vomiting.
The old woman servant in the house, and her conversation with the heroine, constitute one of these artistic embellishments that turn a good story into an even better one.
A 23 year old woman was referred by her general practitioner with multiple, unsightly lesions on her right pinna, which occasionally discharged pus.
I formed the plain view about you that you were a malicious and evil-minded old woman, determined to make the lives of your neighbours an utter misery.
The company is like the panicky old woman wondering how she lost a penny in her purse while giving exact change in the express line at the grocery store.
Then mad old woman drugs John again, and he throws himself off a cliff.
The Soucouyant is an evil fire, a kind of witch, that robes itself entirely in the skin of an old woman to hide its true identity from neighbors.
The old woman ate greedily, and drank still more plenteously of the sweet wine.
The 53-year old woman, who has been rushed into the hospital suffering brain damage, is now up to undergo surgery in the traumatology cliniic.
I am a 37 year old woman living with HIV, and I would like to thank Sister Namibia magazine for letting us know our rights.
Shirley Geff from Irvine, California, watched as an old woman sitting in front of the schoolhouse played an Appalachian Mountain dulcimer.
One night, when the old woman was asleep, he crept out of bed and took her walking-stick downstairs to his workshed.
It was a decoction of datura that wrung the truth from the old woman, by sending her into a trance from which she never recovered.
Huddled in one corner was a fat old woman in a stained wadmol dress, fast asleep.
He then began to vociferate pretty loudly, and at last an old woman, opening an upper casement, asked, Who they were, and what they wanted?
The police car arrives and aggressively questions the old woman.
The old woman shuffled out from the back room with a handful of coal and a bowl of crowdie for the boy.
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He had come to town as a child with the old woman who had adopted him, a cronelike granny straight from a storybook.
The fragrance of the white carpet of flowers under the flowering sewali shrub spoke of its origin and reminded her of the old woman Kali.
Out came a little old woman in tap shoes, clacketing along the floorboards.
There is a legendary old woman called Mother Goose who wrote nursery rhymes for children.
A girl of fifteen, perhaps, was plaiting pandanus-leaf to make a hat, and an old woman was sitting on her haunches smoking a pipe.
An Aunt Sally was originally a figurine head of an old woman with a clay pipe in her mouth, or subsequently a ball on a stick.
The old woman was surprised when the soldiers stopped to look at her camouflage quilts, since menfolk are rarely interested in needlework.
His helping the old woman with her shopping was deemed highly altruistic by everyone, especially since her home was a mile away.
She is described as a beautiful old woman and by her aspect people saw that she belonged to the subterraneans.
When night came, and the village was quiet, some old woman brought me a leafful of rice.
I've left my key in my office in Manchester, my family are at Bournemouth, and the old woman who does for me goes home at nine o'clock.
The old woman left the concert because she was disgusted with the comedian's dirty jokes.
If you are cajoled by the cunning arguments of a trumpeter of heresy, or the praises of a puritanic old woman, is not that womanish?
When she saw smoke coming from the kitchen, the old woman came in on the dead run to remove the burned loaf of bread from the oven.
An English folk tale tells how an old woman, a supposed witch, cursed her landlord and all his possessions when he demanded the unpaid rent for her cottage.
The girl, as she passed, seized one end of the basket and helped the old woman to raise it to her head, where it rested solidly on the cushion of her head-kerchief.
I had a grim sense of amusement on finding that the old woman was not deaf, for she went out, and presently came back with a gourdful, which I eagerly drank.
A 27-year old woman from Hungary was admitted on Tuesday to the special decompression chamber at the Famagusta hospital after being diagnosed with the bends.
He assures her that she will die an old woman, warm in her bed.
I was in here four times, and went out to try to get on, but couldn't, affor I comed in sixteen years ago, and my old woman was in affor she died.
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Wagh was the party's MLA from Pachora, and has been booked by the Sarkarwada Police in Nashik District yesterday for allegedly raping a 22 year old woman.
According to police, Mirza Noor, a 40-year old woman, was crossing the road near Kak Pul when a truck bearing registration number TLG 27 hit her and she died on the spot.
Why, blast, I mind when I wor boardsman o' the Rose of Sharon. The mate, I f 'rget his name, went hoom unexpected-like one night and found a man in bed 'long o' his old woman.
A 35-year old woman was diagnosed 8 years ago with hypertension Intravenous pyelogram showed bilateral hydronephrosis involving the left side more than the right side.
In the back of the meetinghouse, on the same side as the defense, sat an old woman with a black kiddhoge over her head and a young woman holding a baby wrapped in a blanket.
Examples from Classical Literature
She is an infinitely old woman, for the most part birdlike, chirrupy, and wonderfully alive.
There's no sense left on any person in a house where an old woman will be talking for ever.
An old woman and her son were cooking their polenta, but no herds were in sight.
It would be like visiting the old woman who swept the cobwebs from the sky.
If the old woman has got any arrant at all, it's likely it's to your mother and me.
Frank never makes acquaintance with a new old woman, but she gets the face-ache.
Ugly and cross as the dog was, he fawned on her, and the old woman had left him to her care.
She sat rocking herself to and fro in her sorrow, while the old woman threw the fern seed, picked, alas!
A little behind her vertumnus is seen in the guise of an old woman, leaning on a stick and extending the left hand.
Beside the old woman, on a dark wood frame, there was a fire screen made of the pennant of a Highland regiment.
The old woman sang the song for me as melodiously and beautifully as any young person.
In one part of the room an old woman was kneeling down scrubbing the floorcloth.
The old woman feared there might be some among them to whom the King might take a fancy, as he had done to Ludre and fontange.
The old woman encouraged him, and said he was still a young man in comparison with her.
He knows how to arrange it so that the old woman must go to the wine cellar.
The scorn of that old woman at Houghton, had been the bane of her existence.
But after a quarrel, when the laundress had bullied her, the old woman was not sparing in her allusions.
A curious story was told me by an old woman in the cottage hospital at Cushendall.
He shrugged disgustedly, ordered the wicker basket from the meat wagon and had the old woman carried out.
The old woman wanted a fish, so she asked Taper Tom if he would trade the fish for the golden goose.
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What way will I live and the girls with me, and I an old woman looking for the grave?
Seated by the stove was a pathetically old woman, with pendulous chin and rheumy eyes.
But the little old woman laughed a kindly laugh and said, Not much comfort an a toom meal-barrel in the hoose.
The latter ate his supper with gusto, talking all the while with the old woman.
Perhaps it is merely a corruption of the Irish cailleach, old woman, learned from the Irish costermongers in London.
Coupeau had a cudgel, which he called his ass's fan, and he fanned his old woman.
She felt that she was an old woman, and 'second bests' her lot in the coming years.
That old woman I've trusted with him seems honest as the day, and does her duty by the varment well.
Again the old woman began to bustle about, and to open the drawers of her commode.
Thus an old woman sleeping in a shed is awakened at daylight by a tiger snake having fastened on to her wrist.
A woman with an unweaned baby, an old woman, and a healthy German girl with bright red cheeks were sitting on some feather beds.
Compared with other birds, she looked like an old woman, humping her back and coughing.
Among the latter, sitting as we boys used to say on her hunkers, with hands clasped about her knees, was the old woman.
On the way to the chapel, Lukas came to a crossroads where he met an old woman.
At length they reached the Carpathian Mountains as the old woman had told them.
While I was at Stornoway, an old woman had just died in the workhouse considerably over a century old.
From lodge to lodge they passed, and finally they came upon an old woman, pitted and scabbed, lying alone and dying.
Then he entered the hut and ordered the old woman to disenchant his brother.
It was a very old woman with a wrinkled face and the inturned lips of the toothless.
There was an old woman named Nokomis, the granddaughter of the moon, who had a daughter whose name was Wenonah.
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And, Jason, unless you will help an old woman at her need, you ought not to be a king.
And as he did so, the old woman, Johann the keeper's mother, stood in the doorway.
One morning the old woman made a johnny-cake, and put it in the oven to bake.
The King desired that the Prince should keep the name given him by the little old woman in grey and so he was known as dolor.
This old woman is still alive, and at present resides at Craig of Douglas, in selkirkshire.
One old woman still retained the labret, but it was only a shadow of the former labrets in size.
The dear old woman who asked that lived here, and we searched through the labyrinthic courtyards to find her, but failed.
Behind the closed window, all day and every day, sits an old woman at her lace pillow.
I can remember the old woman during her lifetime, and the boggart is just like her.
When I came into the kitchen early last evening, there was an old woman sitting bolt upright in the courting chair.
So they gave the old woman a dish full of gold, but she took only one ducat.
In Doctor Reefy's office, Elizabeth, a tired gaunt old woman at forty-one, sat in a chair near the stove and looked at the floor.
That white hair would brand Marian anywhere as an old woman.
From the singing of an old woman in Buckie, Enzie, banffshire.
An old woman with much vigor of speech offered them barley sugar for sale.
Then the old woman went back to the King and said to him, 'Your Majesty's orders have been fulfilled.
Ruth faced the old woman with wrathful sparks in her brown eyes.
Grant, who are always quarrelling, and that poking old woman, who knows no more of whist than of algebra.
She became a half worn-out old woman worker and lived with the grandson above a junk shop on a side street in Cincinnati.
The girls came upon the old woman in one of her busiest moments.
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The caller had gone away, and the old woman and the girl were left alone.
What a captious old woman will my sister make, if she lives to be one!
This was told to Chios by an old woman with whom the minstrel lodged.
There was a pattering noise and an old woman rat poked her head round a rafter.
Here, Robin, change your raiment with me, and we will see if my lord knows an old woman when he sees her.
I am going out now to warn Jim and the old woman to be in readiness, and to see about the horse.
The old woman faced round and looked keenly at him from her little red-rimmed eyes.
The old woman had gone down into the Typee valley the day before, and was now with three chiefs, her sons, on a visit to her kinsmen.
In it was a good-natured-looking old woman with a dropsy, or an asthma, or perhaps both.
She conquered a crusty old woman, who was soured to all the world.
We will bake first,' said the old woman, 'I have already heated the oven, and kneaded the dough.
Had he been an old woman, she might probably have repelled the freedom, which she now took in good part.
I know, of course, that he had killed a poor, defenceless old woman.
The old woman was a gnarled and leathery personage who could don, at will, an expression of great virtue.
He came upon an old woman forking manure in the barnyard, and reined in by the fence.
Why should this dried-up old woman ask him such a question as that?
Thereupon the old woman led her behind a large cask, which quite hid her from view.
Tell Thedora that she is a rubbishy, tiresome, gabbling old woman, as well as an inexpressibly foolish one.
Well, the old woman told me the girl's mother was an Englishwoman.
No more than the life of a louse, of a black-beetle, less in fact because the old woman is doing harm.
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This he tied round him with his sash, and, disguising himself as an old woman, he took a sabre, which he hid under his dress.
I spoke looking her straight in the face and I made that exquisite, aristocratic old woman positively blink by my directness.
So had the old woman in the four-poster looked eighty years ago.
One George Harris, and Eliza Harris, and their son, and Jim Selden, and an old woman.
But the old woman remained impenetrable and her attitude bothered me by suggesting that she had a fuller vision of me than I had of her.
And this frumpish old woman sailed out of the chamber in a great fume.
Under the porch, a girl of nine or ten sat knitting, and an old woman reclined on the housesteps, smoking a meditative pipe.
Gudrun became an old woman, and it is said that she lost her sight.
I sometimes fancy that the old woman is the happier of the two.
Out of the shadows an old woman, bent and shriveled, leaned toward us.
In the old woman of Moscow who declines to die, yet concerning whom they are for ever expecting telegrams to notify the fact of her death.
Just then he saw, hobbling along, a wrinkled, ragged old woman.
It's a very slimpsy affair altogether, that bear rug, and the old woman is sorry it came to life.
I can still see the tall old woman, with her brown cape and hood.
The presence of the mother of God were no protection,'' answered the old woman.
She's a stoop-shouldered old woman with a covered basket on her arm, in a black veil, dressed in mourning.
Entropion, with nebulous and vascular cornea in an old woman of seventy.
The old woman was sitting in the same place in which I had seen her last, in the same position, with the same mystifying bandage over her eyes.
Silently, but with the quickness of a tigress the old woman was upon her back, one clawlike paw grasping the wrist which held the dagger.
Silk of the kine and poor old woman, names given her in old times.
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Loki, in the shape of the old woman, pretended to be very friendly.
But the old woman who remembered the matzo did, more than anybody else.
An old woman it was who looked at her through faded blue eyes, sunken deep in a wrinkled and toothless face.
Gerda called still louder, and an old woman then came out of the cottage, leaning upon a crooked stick.
He was still absorbed in contemplating his good fortune, when a knock came to his door, and on opening it he found an old woman standing outside.
A good old woman, Euryclea, daughter of Ops, the son of Pisenor, went before him with a couple of blazing torches.
You cant think how thin she has grown, and she mopes like an old woman.
Even the old woman in the shadowy corner had ceased her mouthing.
I now asked the old woman in unwished-for Serbian for onions.
Accordingly the Chief Inspector answered that all this had been done directly the old woman had come forward with her deposition.
First Tane, the boy, had left the house, and then, a little time afterwards, the old woman and her grandchild.
She took the old woman in her arms and kissed her wizened cheeks.
This knight is gentle and would as soon think of harming an old woman as thee.
An old woman explained to Coppenole that Quasimodo was deaf.
At first the child was horror-struck, but when he turned to the little old woman for sympathy he found a grim smile upon her thin lips.
Perhaps this lad's mother also was a feckless old woman, and devoid of character?
Visions of a workhouse infirmary for her child had haunted the old woman in the basement breakfast-room of the decayed Belgravian house.
Blake, didn't you understand him to intimate that it wouldn't be necessary for you to hunt the old woman down?
It was obtained from the recitation of an old woman in berwickshire.
On Mercedes' instigation she executed an ambitious and wonderful breakfast cap for which the old woman returned her twelve dollars after deducting commission.
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An old woman we met in the shop then kindly took us along with her for a quarter of a mile, to a lady friend of hers, who occasionally let rooms to gentlemen.
Saxon's amazement increased, as, article by article, the old woman displayed the airiest, the daintiest, the most delicious and most complete of bridal outfits.
As he threw the door open an old woman ran out in front of him and tried to bar his passage, but he thrust her back, and an instant afterwards we were all upon the stairs.
While they were talking, Robin had been nimbly changing clothes with the old woman, through the window, and in a jiffy he stood forth complete, even to the spindle and twine.
So soon as I hear that such or such a man gives himself out for a philosopher, I conclude that, like the dyspeptic old woman, he must have broken his digester.
She is an anxious, spare, yet vigorous old woman, clean as a snowdrop.
He had found out from a boy that there was only an old woman in charge as caretaker, and she only came there on fine days, from the hamlet near, to open and shut the windows.
Less than one half of this weighty evidence would have been sufficient to convict any old woman, poor and ugly, even though she had not been a Jewess.
If the old woman lives to the age of Methuselah, he won't die.
As the hole was narrow and dark, the cow held back, and the old woman was slapping and pushing at her hind quarters, trying to spank her into the drawside.
And in this same last or shoe, that old woman of the nursery tale, with the swarming brood, might very comfortably be lodged, she and all her progeny.
When an old woman like myself blushes, it is a very bad sign.
So the old woman continued, 'The most beautiful woman in the whole world is the daughter of the Queen of the Flowers, who has been captured by a dragon.
In the hut sat a very old woman, who was the Dragon's grandmother.
She was a terrible old woman with those straight, white wolfish eye-brows.
The old woman seated herself on the trunk of the fallen tree, threw aside the hood that shrouded her gray locks, and beckoned her companion to draw near.
But the girl lived with an old woman who did not want her to marry anyone, for she was so lazy she wished the girl to remain with her and do the cooking and the housework.
But beside him stood an old woman, with a ragged mantle over her head, leaning on a staff, the top of which was carved into the shape of a cuckoo.
When the old woman had told him of the child's death she had also added that the white woman, though grief-stricken, had confided to her that the baby was not hers.
You haven't got a venomous old woman in a wig to act with now.
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And how he provides now for an old woman who nursed his mother, and never tells anyone, but is just as generous and patient and good as he can be.
As for our landlady, she is a dirty little old woman who always walks about in a dressing-gown and slippers, and never ceases to shout at Theresa.
She is only a wicked old woman, wielding a mighty power for evil through machinations that have kept her own people and all Barsoom in religious ignorance for ages.