They are often happy with the ups and downs of life and feel okay with sadness. |
I do hope she's okay and not parked at the top of Beachy Head trying to find the right words for her note. |
The jokes occasionally veer into hackier than hack territory but any piece with giant robots and mobster lobsters from Las Vegas is okay by me. |
She had made up her mind last night that she would be okay with the fact that she was going stag to the dance. |
You have got to pretend everything is okay for your family and keep hoping for the best. |
You probably hallucinated your booming scene back home, because I've never heard of anybody from Victoria making it big, okay? |
Democrats and Republicans were praising Ronald Reagan because he had made it okay to fly the Stars and Stripes again. |
Is it okay to suggest however obliquely that whoever came up with these figures should have their heads examined? |
I researched my vet and found that although one nearby was okay, one only a short distance further had a stellar reputation. |
I think that we're still shy of saying it and, okay, bad experiences can still be had here and there. |
Well okay, the deception probably wouldn't have taken long to uncover, but it would probably be good long enough to go rob a bank. |
Well okay, the battery used to slip around a bit, but that was fixed by shoving a piece of folded paper into the back of it. |
The extra chapter is okay, but perhaps doesn't add substantially to the game's longevity. |
Their acting is okay but okay acting combined with so-so story make for some forgettable viewing moments. |
The films are okay, with most of the facts presented by people in tight Hawaiian shirts, laughing a lot. |
We've done an okay job so far, but there are a lot of things we want to do better. |
My sticky toffee pudding with butterscotch sauce and vanilla ice cream was okay. |
There's some okay political humour, with stabs at global warming, CNN and hydro prices. |
Even though the job scenario has been okay, you just know something was bound to go wrong somewhere. |
In fairness, Casey probably did an okay job of the song, but I'd fallen asleep ten seconds into it. |
One day you can release a product which you think is okay and then it can just take off. |
What I usually don't write about is what I find okay, mediocre, adequate, generic. |
Other callers are just calling in to say they are okay this year or thanking the volunteers there for their support in the past. |
I'd make sure my family and friends were okay and maybe start an orphanage in India. |
Daniel jumped out just long enough to make sure I was okay and then got right back into the fight. |
Nothing really, I just wanted to see if you girls are okay or not after what you have just witnessed. |
Once he was satisfied that she was okay he allowed her to go upstairs to bed. |
For example, some substances are okay out-of-competition but illegal during competition. |
We would be saying it's okay to treat human beings like commodities, and it's okay to elevate economics above respect for human dignity. |
For him the problem in Bulgaria is the widespread mentality that says it's okay to steal as long as you're not caught. |
Most even find that it's okay to go further than that, with permission from everyone concerned of course. |
It's okay to accuse your opponents of dishonesty when they routinely present quotations out of context. |
Those of a postmodern persuasion might argue that it's okay to present a fragmented field in a fragmented way. |
I commend Ms. Cleage for being honest about her desires and realizing that it's okay to consider her own needs. |
She proposes outlawing unreasonable force by removing the provision in the law saying reasonable force is okay. |
Obviously the militants feel that hurting kids is okay because of the job their daddy or mummy does. |
Its okay because your house is so big and your parents are never home so that its almost like you live outside of home anyway. |
I'm glad the repair job went okay but I wonder if all this detailed photography of the shuttle is a too detailed. |
She reads the news okay, but her interaction with guests is very wooden and her interviewing technique is weak. |
All this on a job that pays me okay, but really doesn't give me enough to live lavishly. |
Just because we did okay last year doesn't mean we cannot fail this time round. |
By and large it seems to be going okay and according to the returning officer we are on course and all the papers are due to go out this week. |
She was a little bad at directions and I still wondered sometimes if she could get back to the cottage okay on her own. |
But that was okay because it gave to apartment a homey, comfortable feeling. |
They seemed to take the news okay, but Shaune noticed that their relationship changed and that they began watching his every move. |
We've done okay this season and have tried to cover up our weaknesses as much as we can. |
A person who seems to be doing okay one day may the next day suddenly take a turn for the worse. |
A train arrived at Lawler station around noon, and my duty entitled me to make sure that everyone got off the train okay. |
I moved in a few feet, the catcher moved out a few feet and I made the throw okay. |
Kali commanded after getting the okay from everyone that they were strapped in. |
I expect we will be able to say more sometime in the next 6 months, and when I get the okay from Activision, I'll certainly let you know! |
I'll tell my parents once you get the okay from your mom so they can send in your reservation. |
The French voters are incensed, yes, but it seems to me that they're largely incensed because we didn't get a French okay. |
The family made an application for a grant and, on April 16, 2002, they were given the okay for the work. |
A judge has given the okay for police to detain the bombing suspect for another three days. |
The Charlotte Bobcats got the official okay from the Boston Celtics to interview Chris Wallace for their GM job. |
The single's success forced Berry Gordy to give the okay for an album to be produced. |
A misconception is that if they give the okay for organ and tissue retrieval, they won't be able to have an open casket or a funeral at all. |
Those policies are anathema to the slot scammer, so most will not go the route of getting the okay for taking credit cards. |
I waited for a moment before finally getting the okay from Miss Pross to start singing. |
There was another meeting with about 12 people there, and they gave it the okay. |
There are projects now where Bahamian politicians have given a verbal okay, so the investors have started. |
Light cardio is usually okay, but lifting weights or heavy cardio workouts should be saved for sometime after your breakfast. |
The stockade performed so many favours for the town and outlying farms that it was quite okay by the townsfolk. |
I have been okay doing straight-line running, but there is no point in pushing it too hard, too quickly. |
She wondered why three operatives from the CIA would come to her house, hoping that her father was okay. |
I had asked everyone if it was okay for me to bring my Ouija board the previous week, and even though they were all afraid of it, they said yes. |
It works fine, and looks okay from the inside, but is nothing much to photograph from the outside. |
It is okay to use artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and sucralose while you are pregnant. |
The second set of tyres was okay, but with the first and third set, my A4 was oversteering. |
She painted on a smile and a cheery disposition and let the world think she was okay. |
The next time you say something corny and someone calls you cheesy or a cheeseball, you take that as a compliment, okay? |
It's okay that I don't have any tattoos, piercings, or chemical dependencies. |
The council will not allow nudity or topless volleyball, but topless sunbaking is okay if the sunbakers stay in a certain area. |
The rest of the food was okay, nothing extraordinary, but it hit the spot and satisfied you in a way only eggs in hollandaise sauce can. |
People think, okay, you put in a chicane, but we haven't tested with that chicane so that could have been even more dangerous. |
Also, because A and B have superuser privileges, we have to wait for them to say okay to this sleep transition before it proceeds any further. |
It's okay to take birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy at the same time as depression medicines. |
But it's okay, we're allowed to live to excess this week, since on Friday night we will swear allegiance to a new, healthy regime. |
I mean, it's so okay to want the sturdy pardner who's there, more than there. |
Torture is okay as long as it's done for the sake of maintaining freedom and human rights. |
I'm slowly losing the slight hyper buzz I had going on this afternoon, but that's okay. |
Okay okay, I'm sorry, now can we go before Kenny starts hacking at my shins with his clodhoppers again? |
I think it's an idiotic idea but that's okay there are lots of stupid things in the world. |
Giving out 20 liters to 30 liters of gasoline in exchange for a bit of cold cash is still okay, because my boss may not notice it. |
The BCS trophies are pretty elaborate and fancy looking, while the plaque you get for winning the Mountain West conference is just okay. |
I'm also oversimplifying, but that's okay, because I'm not a phonologist or a phonetician. |
I just want to know is it okay to go commando to get rid of visible panty lines? |
If the Fed is aggressive, and if we don't have any major external disruptions, I think we're going to be okay. |
But if not, at least get over there, check out the competition, and link someone, okay? |
One of the comprehensions, dealing with the Irish Army involvement with the UN, he felt was okay. |
The first semester was okay, but after Christmas I started to pine for home, wishing I was closer, that I could just be there. |
When I was called into the pits on lap 43 there was a small fire but that was okay. |
When the opportunity came I would be fine, I'd be okay because I like to think that I take care of the fine detail in football. |
I like the Kent signing, think Valentin is okay as a platoon player, and am having hopefully not naive hopes that Perez is a player. |
We're doing okay in the league and are one of several clubs fighting for the final play-off spot. |
My father is okay but tired, though he manages to play the giddy goat with his grandsons, who think he's really funny. |
I've got one more stop to make, and then we can make formal introductions, okay? |
Wine coolers were okay, but generally all they had at these parties were spiked punch and beer. |
When I'm with her, I feel like it's okay to be studious or stupid, serious or flippant. |
Children who are corporally punished learn that it is okay to physically hurt someone when he displeases you. |
With women finding themselves pushing their way up the social ladder, husbands are now okay with playing the perfect foil. |
He was okay, but you've seen found pieces and discarded tat turned into art before. |
As a side note, were you the player with the four-flush in this situation, a call would be okay. |
I'll write a referral so someone from the emotional crisis center will come by, okay? |
When I emptied the chocolate into the bin the surface of the chocolate looked okay but underneath it was burnt to a crisp. |
All agreed that it was okay to be able to smell a woman's fragrance if she was close to them, but not if she was on the other side of the room. |
I wanted to hug him and tell him it was okay and that I was sorry I'd freaked out on him. |
Some women do a few sets of sit-ups, crunches, back extensions and so on at the end of every workout or every other workout, and that's okay. |
People send themselves to the Friend Zone so they can feel okay about being rejected. |
I'm allergic to cube farms, but my doctor said a corner office would be okay. |
But didn't go any further until he had taken some cue from her that it was okay. |
If you have full-time selectors whose job is to watch cricket 365 days a year, then it is okay. |
Why is it okay for dudes to flirt with all kinds of gals but when a gal does it they think we're hooches? |
As everyone knows, artists are supposed to live in garrets preferably in Paris, but Glasgow is okay too. |
It will take some time to get used to it and we need to get the right gear ratio, but I think we're doing okay. |
It's okay if one person gets an extra card, just make sure you shift dealers every game. |
Would she feel okay about making such sweeping generalizations if she were in any other line of work? |
There is no family history of sudden infant deaths and everything had seemed okay. |
He was an okay guy as far as basketball went, but in other areas of life, the guy was conniving and deceitful. |
No, you don't have to recopy it or write slowly so that it's perfectly legible just get it down, okay? |
Probably, producers thought that my being so open and acceptable to any good role that came my way was okay with them. |
Does the ability of someone like me to prostitute myself on my own terms make prostitution, generally, okay? |
When I complained to the landlord, he protested that they were all okay before I had moved in. |
There is a long road ahead to be sure, but the Carly Fiorina engine which many expected to backfire seems to be puttering along okay. |
At the moment I may not be too good at pumping out new material but I seem to find critiquing and editing old stuff okay. |
The capital city's okay, but has a grittiness to it which I hadn't expected. |
It's okay to explain yourself once, even twice but then just say no in a normal calm voice and ignore the grizzling. |
They said no, but, oddly, volunteered that it would be okay for him to work as a groundskeeper at a golf course, or for a government agency. |
I gave up, connected the computer and sent emails to all my US friends, praying they were okay and asking them to get in touch. |
An enjoyment of being safe and having hope and knowing that everything is going to be okay. |
She threw her arms around me and gave me a huge hug and told me that everything was going to be okay. |
The problem is that when we were poor we thought everything would be okay if we got rich. |
For once he just wanted to be hugged and kissed and held and be told that everything would be okay. |
They were so fast acting and that alone is enough to make you feel like everything will be okay. |
The record industry thinks everything is okay while the rest of us get on with our lives. |
I wanted Michael with me to soothe away my pain, to tell me that everything would be okay. |
All that mattered was that they were okay and that everything was going to be okay. |
At first I felt very bad and wanted to comfort him and tell him everything would be okay. |
The network problem must have screwed up a couple of sectors on the disk, but everything's okay now. |
Pete got out and went to the back of our van and the two were talking amicably and I thought everything was okay. |
We'll stop for a moment at the lake a few miles north of here to make sure everything's okay. |
Raymond turned to his son and gave a small nod, telling him everything would be okay. |
She handed him a towel and the phone, and then left to make sure her food was doing okay. |
If the film is a hit, it's okay, but if it is not, they are thrown to the dogs. |
Once I get that we'll be okay, but they will be loan players I would say because we ain't got a lot of dough. |
Inherently I know that I haven't done anything wrong, and that it's okay for me to respect my cousin's right to privacy. |
When I realized decluttering and organizing were two different things and that it was okay to just declutter, I felt a weight lift off my soul. |
They don't have a button on the waistband but since I rarely wear short tops that's okay. |
Celebrities who can rough it on the streets with the homeless are okay in my book. |
It went okay but as soon as I said I had to go he began hurling abuse at me. |
A traditional hull form might be okay for fishing but certainly not waterskiing. |
But that's okay, if I only get onto the Quebec team that will be pretty rad too. |
I'm swinging the club the way I want to, the putter is okay too, it's just that I'm holing nothing. |
Is seeing where everyone else is at this stage something we need to know we are okay where we are or wherever we're headed? |
If a glass of dry white retsina transports you and your palate back to the sun-kissed beaches of Greece, well, okay. |
When I went on deck to make sure everything was okay, the visibility just disappeared, in what I can only describe as an Arctic white-out. |
It's okay if they have other girlfriends in their past, but let their girlfriends have a boyfriend in the past and whoa! |
That's okay, I though you had to be a lot older and grayer and at least have a few grandchildren to be a real rebbetzin anyway! |
She moves slightly, which is the only sign that she's okay, and coughs a bit, obviously winded. |
The air con has been frosty, the food okay, the coffee a revelation, and the people pretty friendly. |
You guys did the right thing, and, at the end of the day, my kid sister's okay. |
Everything was going okay when they heard a voice over their radio receivers asking for directions to a parking bay. |
Wiring may look okay to the untrained eye, but electrical wiring that is arcing is dangerous and can start fires. |
They want all the assets, all the power, and they want us to just kiss it off and just say okay, you're free. |
It reassured me that everything was okay between us but I was still red with embarrassment. |
I think she was being totally disrespectful and that it's not okay for her to talk to me like that. |
However if the boards were taken away and if some of the lagging were to be removed, it might be okay. |
Then they come on and sing and you just think, yeah, nice song, they can sing okay, so what? |
I have no clue how our idiotic principal got that idea but yeah, okay, if he says so. |
I'm a week late with the rent, but my esteemed landlady said it was okay as long as I pay up next week, and give her a free guitar lesson. |
What we need to decide is whether it's okay to ambush people in the workplace. |
It's okay to save money with bulk buying and large packages, if you repack the food in smaller bags. |
And I stared at them, remembering how I had shivered in bed when I was okay, when I had repented myself. |
The Dublin band were late for the soundcheck, but their crew said to go ahead and set up and everything would be okay. |
The leap in price was daunting, and we hemmed and hawed for a year before saying okay, let's buy. |
The sound effects of the car's engines revving up and down is okay, but doesn't provide the high-decibel wow it could. |
The vegetable samosas were pronounced okay, with a greasy exterior letting down the contents. |
Captain Warren Hegg, who missed the Cheltenham and Gloucester Trophy game at Chelmsford with a ricked neck, reckons he will be okay for tomorrow. |
So, admitting that paralysis would occur, it's still okay if you're wearing a life jacket because you would float face up? |
I thought it was okay, on the whole, although the eyes are little out of true. |
What hope do we have when small children already role play and think it is okay to divide up based on cultural differences? |
From now on, if anyone rolls a double-one or a double-six, all moves are reversed for the next turn, okay? |
He hadn't answered her when she asked if he had been okay, just stood up and walked away. |
So let's practice distinguishing ejective from aspirated stops, okay class? |
Sure, the money was okay, and I got to keep stuff from the lost and found if it stayed there for three weeks. |
The problem is, I can't tell what's okay as part of rumspringa and what is illegal in the outside world. |
The more assimilationist you become, the more likely you are to fall back, to become indifferent, to say everything will be okay. |
It was okay for boxers of 50 years ago to be taciturn, but today the champion is expected to be an entertainer. |
Remember, there aren't many who will trust you for a while, so your moves may become more tactical than diplomatic for a while, but that's okay. |
Well, okay, it is true, since he has the tendency to be blunt and tactless at times. |
But I would rather you just took her to the san rather than play doctor next time, okay? |
Katie Price's song sounds okay, but Autotune, or whatever it's called, is a wonderful invention. |
The food is okay, a fairly-standard mix of sarnies, baguettes and chip-based meals. |
No. To me the idea that words or taunts can enrage somebody to kill and act out of anger, and our judicial system says that's okay, is barbaric. |
You have to wake up, because I need to see those wonderful baby blues, okay? |
Following the Boxing Day tsunami, Jo-Anne was quick to telephone to say they were okay. |
When the players look at it, okay they've maybe had to work their backsides off but he's won them the game and that makes up for it. |
I do remember teletyping you a message a few days before the last mission and finding out that you were still okay. |
She seemed okay with the direction of the conversation, but it looked as if something physically pained her. |
Fortunately, it came out okay, I was promoted and tenured the next year and nothing was ever said about this incident again. |
Take your car for a test drive around the block and make sure everything is okay. |
We're at home and as long as we keep playing and keep battling to the end as we have been doing then we should do okay. |
If this is easy to recognise for what it is then okay, but if not its effect could be diminished. |
If breaking the laws of physics is necessary to get the plot of the movie to work, then okay. |
If you really don't want to stay here, then okay, I'll call Dave and have him pick you up. |
We need to get into the top three at some stage and even if it is towards the end of the season then that is okay. |
If you have trained, you are in good condition and you acclimatise, then you should be okay. |
However, if the temperature and coolant level are okay, it suggests that the temperature sensor in the thermostat is faulty. |
Combined they work out okay, but a truly historical or legendary film might have been cooler. |
Most people who go to a medium or a spiritualist church have lost someone and want to find out that this person is okay. |
His wife is okay and bearing up at the moment and we are just very shocked by what has happened and don't really know what to say. |
If you enjoy drinking Merlots when everyone else is drinking Pinot Noirs, that's okay. |
My separately wrapped bicycle, tucked in at the side of the load as an afterthought, also seems to be okay. |
The stereo sound is merely okay, with passable channel separation and fidelity, allowing you to enjoy bad voiceover acting at its finest. |
Before their lips touched, however, he hesitated slightly and looked at Molly to make sure she was okay with this. |
Ronaldo is getting his knee sprayed on the touchline, but appears to be okay. |
Is it still okay to complain about how hard it is to find a reliable mechanic for your Jag, or should we all be trading them in for used Saturns? |
The best man or bridesmaid act as the team runner and make sure everything is okay heading into the big day. |
The corn, milo, and soybeans are okay now, but rain will have to come within the week or losses will start to mount. |
Any series that can combine absinthe, mannequins, mimes, and beheadings and pull it off is okay in my book. |
Well, I'm sorry, mister, but I've been a Frank Zappa fan since before you were even wearing diapers, okay? |
So far it's been okay, I kiss Greg under the mistletoe when I get a chance. |
In fact, young actors often model themselves on that, thinking that unacceptable behavior is okay. |
Okay, it doesn't matter, but don't go blabbing about this to the whole world, okay? |
I am having the plaster cast removed at the end of the week so I will be okay. |
Oh don't you start as well I've already had this conversation with Em and Casey today, yes I like Jonathan but as a friend nothing else, okay. |
Yeah, okay he didn't win as many matches as he would have wanted to, but he has set up a very good platform for the nest manager to start on. |
I checked it over and apart from a bit of swelling from where the ring was it was okay. |
Either way, if you make sure your glowlights, pristellas and bloodfins aren't tiny little ones, you should be okay. |
So unless I muck things up incredibly, I should be okay moneywise for the next few decades or so. |
Sunny days are okay, but if the water is sub 10-feet the bream can be shy and skittery and bites are difficult to hit. |
As we parted, she gave me a kiss on the forehead and told me everything would be okay if I just hoped. |
The undersoil heating has been on all night and even though there was a covering of snow this morning, it should be okay. |
It was okay, but I was struggling with severe understeer, so we tried some different set-ups during the afternoon. |
She buried her face into the curve of my neck and hugged me tightly, her soft voice murmuring that everything would be okay. |
Feminism made it okay for me to have that abortion, an act that saved me from twenty years of slavery to something I wasn't even ready for. |
But that's okay, because it's this very unexpectedness that gives the movie its impact. |
Some of them sound okay, some sound naff, but they're mine and I stand by them. |
For that money I'd choose a Mini Cooper S. It was okay on smooth roads, but not as predictable as you would like on rougher roads. |
Well, okay, but would the waiter have felt better if I'd snarled at him instead? |
You're okay for now, but I'll see if I can snitch a few things for you later. |
She casually and inexplicably decides that it's okay to fill her snoot with cocaine. |
When the water soaks into my shoes, I lose all feeling in my toes, but it is okay because I am not being beaten for being a little wet. |
That would be okay if I weren't trying to sock some cash away for a new set of wheels. |
I'm hiding all my glass stuff, you're not to tell anyone where the breakables are, okay Jamie? |
But that's okay, if the person behind you is driving a silver Vauxhall soft-top. |
To my complete and utter amazement, I felt okay, not just physically but emotionally as well. |
Then, the other day I was driving back to the office after taping my radio show, feeling a little tired and spacey but generally okay. |
And if it didn't work, then okay, try something different, no harm, no foul. |
I said I didn't want to replace Jack, but they said Jack was not coming back nohow, so I said okay. |
Their whole creed in politics, is that it is okay as long as you don't get caught. |
It's okay, you can go ahead and die now and not have to worry that you'll be buried in a cardboard box. |
If I'm reading splatterpunk it's okay, 'cause I'll start reading them a description. |
It is okay applied to orchard crops, vines and berry bushes and non-food-bearing shrubs and trees. |
Jess, remind me to never ever let you volunteer us for anything ever again, okay? |
Yeah, and I don't like people touching her, so buzz off, okay? |
Evan, the son she shares with her first husband, actor-director John Asher, is now 12 and doing okay. |
Your cousin will tan my hide if I don't make certain that you're okay. |
The fan told Leon that he could do a story on him and possibly help get his name out in the sports world to let people know that he is doing okay and still working hard. |
If I can find a gooshy old pair of Austrian slalom skis I should be okay. |
Look it's a long story and I don't want to talk about it okay! |
When did it become okay to use students as pawns in a twisted game? |
That's okay, neither did Nintendo until a janitor cleaning a locked closet on the third sub-basement of their offices in Tokyo discovered a stack of these games. |
I just hope it is not a case of prolonging the agony and I won't believe everything is okay until a deal is signed and sealed and I'm reading it in the paper. |
Sure, focussing on wellbeing over whimsy is okay sometimes, but it can't be our only option in a market with so much scope. |
I think it's okay to keep pet dogs on a leash and birds in a cage. |
She was still rather underweight at 100 pounds, okay, very underweight, but she ate healthily, exercised a normal amount and gained a ton of self-confidence. |
Even some prejudicial rejection can also be okay, if the person socially shutting you down is in a committed relationship or has an incompatible sexual orientation. |
Some people accidentally dropped their praline square into the melted chocolate, and tempting as it may be, it is not okay to fish for it with your hand. |
The overall picture quality is okay, but varies considerably from segment to segment depending upon the source material and year that the game footage was gathered from. |
I skipped through the first two tracks, thinking, hmm, yeah, that's okay. |
My husband rubs my back and makes soothing noises and tells me everything is going to be okay. |
I have to go run an errand, I'll be back in like ten minutes, okay? |
It's so unprofessional to have a sloppy list, so write another one, okay? |
The shirt was okay and I put on a pair of black and white saddle shoes. |
They didn't say anything about shoulders and backs, so I figured that spaghetti straps, halters, and strapless tops were okay, but I took an overshirt just in case. |
My grandpa has given the okay for your visit here whenever you can. |
I don't own any board games, but I'm quite looking forward to owning this one, particularly because I see it as my ticket to a semi okay Christmas. |
In fact, Transmormon closes not with hayward, but her father saying that he would not be okay if she were resurrected as a man. |
I did a little research and now, I mean, yikes, he's the guy that's okay with letting schools forcibly pin down autistic kids. |
Briggs suffered minor concussion in that game but could be okay this week. |
There is some unspoken protocol against intruding on a stranger's grief, but I could not help myself from gently tapping on her shoulder and asking if she was okay. |
His suggestions for portfolio inclusions makes me realise how little I know about this stuff, but I have managed a few samples so far which are okay. |
His eyes burnt and his throat hurt, but if he didn't speak it'd be okay. |
I handled that okay, but it just so happened that a farmer was running a tractor nearby and managed to produce a loud backfire just as we reached the stream. |
I know he's fine with my man crush on him because he told me it was okay. |
My mum, being her usual telepathic self, came over to check I was okay. |
I used it for their Disk clean up which was sort of okay, for the Registry clean up which was great, and for their disk defragmenter which I loved. |
I was old enough to take care of myself, the life insurance made sure that I was fine to look after the house and I had a decent job and I was okay. |
Anthony was very solicitous, making sure Deb and I were okay. |
We used to think if we could help somebody get a job they would be okay. |
I think it probably has an okay plot, but I'm just terrible at writing it! |
It's okay if you are a little scared of getting hitched, but if the very thought of a wedding makes you quake in your boots, it could amount to gamophobia. |
Through this show I am hoping that people will realise that it is okay to be who we are, we don't have to wear masks and pretend to be people that we are not. |
We made sure they were okay and then sent them home for the afternoon. |
The oysters florentine were okay, but not really good enough. |
They don't need an okay from the Ministry to proceed with any project. |
The food in Iraq is okay, but it mostly involves roasted meat on a spit. |
Attracting birds with tape recordings is okay by me in moderation. |