It is not right to make a fortress of Christ's church, which is a house of prayer. |
I know there will be a good many people who will say I'm not right, but for what it is worth, I tell you I'm not wrong either. |
Whether the slow pick-up from a standing start is down to this, or gearing or carburation problems, it's just not right. |
Most of those who are cheering England on, wearing a replica football shirt or flying a St George's flag are not right wing nationalists. |
It is not right when a person assumes you're a Satanist because you wear a pentacle. |
The songs that you are singing are not right and do not glorify God in any way. |
I know this will probably blow over soon enough but it was not right for her to do this. |
My mom has this guy who she's like obsessed with to mondo degrees, who's just not right for her. |
Progress was being made in that gravitation was described for the first time by the metric tensor but still the theory was not right. |
It's not right that those who are die close to you are your own age or younger when you're but a mite of a sweet boy. |
It is not right for a physician to turn a research patient into a source of personal profit. |
I have a field marshal's baton in the backpack, it is just that the season is not right to take it out. |
That their way is not right or proper or any way within the boundaries of normal behaviour hardly matters. |
Joining the single currency when the economics were not right would foster a backlash when things went wrong, as they assuredly would. |
It is not right to do what Mr Kamati did, by no means whatsoever, but I sympathise with him. |
The Martell Grand National is likely to be on the agenda in the future for Intelligent, but not right away. |
In the present scenario, where acute water shortage has become a reality, it is not right to pass the burden on to the people. |
To think that's an analog TV signal model that's going to continue the way it is now is not right. |
Carol is convinced that the nerdy, nebbishy suitor is just not right for her pal. |
I got along fine with my buds in a nonemotional context, but something was awry, something not right. |
However, when the plane settled in and the nose wheel came down, I first realized something was not right up front. |
It shouldn't be a confrontational approach but a polite request that something is not right. |
The first apportionments were made in respect of shipping cases I think, is that not right? |
Where she was not right was in justifying the higher rate poundage on lower rateable values in Scotland. |
We are lulled into at times a false sense of security and that's not right. |
He tells himself he has no business being in his position if he is not right in the head. |
He said his sister was not right in the head, and had gone crazy and carried out the killings. |
It is simply not right that a space program be merely a bauble of a billionaire when all of futurity beckons. |
Someone needs to lock that woman up, because she's not right in the head if she thinks that looks good. |
It is not right to think of intentionality purely in terms of the explanation of behaviour. |
He hangs around with Ben and Anthony though, so maybe he's not right in the head. |
I was just trying to point out that those songs are not right and are in no way glorifying to God. |
It's not that I've got a Strad or anything but it's not right to ask to use someone's fiddle is it? |
You have a place for everything and everything is in its place so you know almost instantly if something is missing or not right. |
If you spot anything not right be a darling and tell me in the comments. |
For instance, some gobdaw gets up and says it it not right to have people drinking on out streets and so we have by-laws covering what is or can be a very civilised practice. |
But for the good of all of mankind, the arrogance that God is partial to one particular grouping and hence they have a God-given right to be right is not right. |
It makes life so difficult for disabled people, it's just not right. |
It is not right to say that there is a presumption in favour of reinstatement with the burden on the defendant to show that it would not be reasonable. |
But it is not right to achieve this by putting more children on the breadline. |
If you have a gut feeling that something is not right, and you've noticed changes in your teen's behaviour, trust your instincts! |
It is not right that they rise a second time and that their votes be nullified. |
And I think that in some respects one can get hypnotized by the idea that you should be regulating it merely because it's not right. |
It's so easy in the first stages to compensate, to adjust, to make excuses and to ignore the niggling little worry that all is not right. |
Given the growing number of failing establishments that were downsizing their labor forces, the timing was not right to shove a wage increase down the throat of business. |
If the environment is not right, it can actually increase the gap between the haves and have-nots. |
However, it is not right for the debate at this stage to be delayed or for the creation of the cooperative society to be put off. |
When the cat's teeth are checked at a show and something is not right, this should entail disqualification, the same as it is for dogs. |
It is not right that someone who built the company and gave it value should have to go to the end of the line when creditors are being ranked. |
Know-how on its own achieves nothing if the quality of the parts is not right. |
It is simply not right that Canadians should be taking it on the chin day after day when others are certainly most capable of doing that as well. |
If the browser is too old or the monitor configuration is not right, the page will notify you of this by itself. |
If the fat is not right, either the irons have to be cleaned more often or the fat burns. |
While it was an important avenue for many producers, it was not right for everyone. |
But it is not right for the president to make such a remark openly because it has already given rise to a serious conflict among politicians and has had ill effects. |
Some say that it is not right for us to interfere in Austrian politics. |
But it is not right for the government to take such a lukewarm attitude. |
If something tires you out and makes you weary, it's probably not right. |
But what is not right is for the Minister to do that in such a way that it rides roughshod over the life plans that are made by thousands of people. |
He had a nagging feeling that all was not right with his youngest brother. |
When a man misses his great end, happiness, he will acknowledge he judged not right. |
Considering all of these factors, we believe that this law does not right a wrong. |
However, it is also used in legal writings as trade between private sectors, which is not right. |
It's not right to say that experimental fiction has been ghettoized — few ghettos are so elegantly art-directed — but its profile is as low as it is oddly shaped. |
Fostering is also a challenging job, and when the match between foster family and child is not right, it becomes even more difficult. |
It is not right to apply penalties of a backdated nature in the case of aid which was not subject to these conditions at the time of being granted. |
It is not right to bring people to a foreign country without making the necessary provisions for foreign nationals and local people to live together in peace and friendship. |
The vayne goeth aboue the artier, but not right lyne as other parts doe, but in anfractuosities, like unto a Woodbine. |
Financier as he was, he felt it was not right by a by-stroke or side-wind to alter what is a matter of high constitutional practice. |
It is simply not right that in a modern Scotland air guns are available without a licence. |
There's a concept of 'I am fasting, I am grouchy and sometimes I'm going to impose my grouchiness on everybody', that's not right. |
It's not right that an elderly earth sign relative can get their own way by being obnoxious, says the reversed king of pentacles. |
If it is not right, it is really no more than soothsaying. |
If the lower critical temperature is not right it will affect growth and immuno systems,'' said Mr Armstrong. |
Even though the provider offered to talk about ways to avoid this situation in the future, the overall climate was not right for the client's response. |
It is not right that while the national authorities take great care when spending national financial resources, they do not take equally great care when they spend money passed on to them by the European Union. |
You dip urine, take bloods, but something is not right. |
The Little Pebble should have sensed that things were not right with certain people who counciled him and should have reacted, but his inaction displeased Heaven and thus put him on a sidetrack. |
You will understand then, that it is not right for the world to be lost when it bears the road in its heart, nor that it be confounded in the darkness of ignorance while it is living within such light. |
In this year's DAS statement, the Court appears to cast doubt on the relevance of clawbacks for the DAS, arguing that recoveries do not right wrongs, nor do they dissuade the final beneficiary from making errors. |
It is, of course, easy to poke fun at earnest mothers and fathers who come together to study the psychology of the child, but it is not right to do so unless they lose their sense of proportion. |
If these PRESETS are not available for the actual registered lamp type, or they are not right and have to be adjusted, you have to swop to the PRESET ADJUST menu. |
The most important thing is that the medics and the physios are happy with me and they are not going to risk me if it is not right and I go and knacker it again. |
This is an abortion pill, too, and distributing it like this is not right. |
By going to see consultants like Mrs. Gervais, we are going to the horse's mouth to really find out what is not right and we thus really work on the problem in order to eliminate it. |
The families were told by the RCMP they would be able to return within two years if conditions were not right. |
Those members nitpick what is not right and what has gone wrong. |
It's not right that one person gets all the credit for the group's work. |
After the examination, Adam immediately sensed something was not right, and believed her symptoms suggested she had the dangerous eye condition called papilloedema. |
It is simply not right that fuel companies are sitting on soaraway profits while households wrestle with a desperate choice of whether to heat or eat. |
Sometimes we fail because of the external conditions are not right, but sometimes we fail because of internal factors, as in cases of akrasia or weakness of will. |
Reform of the welfare system is necessary, but the work capability assessment drawn up by the DWP and administered quite inhumanely by Atos is simply not right. |
This normally happens at a certain depth, about 70 to 80 miles below the Earth's surface, and so volcanoes are formed fairly close to, but not right next to, the trench. |