I can even understand some of the reservations concerning superhero adaptions and how certain heroes, if not all of them, appear onscreen. |
People love to hate Martha because she has this reputation of kind of being hard-nosed and not all that warm and fuzzy. |
Many, but not all, of these alien species persist as ruderal or agrestal weeds. |
Our dealings with our pasts are not all judgemental, not all concerned with moral disapproval or approval. |
These racists believed that not all races of humans had descended from Adam and Eve. |
Many abstract nouns are uncountable, but not all uncountable nouns are abstract. |
Considering how much they ate, it is a wonder wealthy Victorians were not all huge. |
However, not all open source materials are acquirable through subscription. |
Although not all Skeptics are agnostics, as an agnostic himself Dr Groves sees no evidence for accepting or rejecting the idea of any belief. |
Until the Whitlam years, there was little acknowledgment that not all families have two parents. |
But it's not all about compensation, Mr Kelly said, as most people just want a fair hearing and justice. |
Still, his whippy backhand and energy in the chase ensured that not all of Henman's errors yesterday were unforced. |
People are having fun in this town, it's not all poverty and abject misery. |
Of course not all train journeys are mere holiday excursions laid on for the benefit of time-rich tourists. |
A modest duck pond becomes exciting when one realizes that not all waterfowl are Mallards and Canada Geese. |
Kerry's whereabouts must be known and accounted for most, if not all, of that time. |
Cheerleaders are not all airheaded and incredibly concerned about the material world. |
It has also correctly labelled as disease free most, but not all, of the well people. |
Even with the best will in the world, however, not all mentoring programmes work according to plan. |
But not all of the critics who have attacked the President for being dishonest are peddlers of these way-out notions. |
By accident of birth, most, but not all American leaders, were born in the United States. |
But the campaign to Africanize cyberspace is not all about the bottom line. |
A good general rule is that most Wiccans are Neo-Pagans but not all Pagans are Wiccans. |
She added that Play Days would not be in competition with the kindergarten, which provides care in the mornings or afternoons and not all day. |
Of course, not all destinations are accessible by bus, and you can't always cram two kids and the family dog onto a Greyhound. |
They're black-and-white striped with a simple red-and-gray star at the top of each one, and they're made of acrylic, so they're not all itchy. |
While from the outside it seems like a massive battle is brewing, not all Republican leaders agree. |
The truth of the matter is that anonymity is not all that important. |
Unfortunately, not all of it is true or applicable to your particular situation. |
Klein paints a rosy picture of the charter schools, while admitting that not all outperformed traditional public schools. |
But it's not all about putting the jiggle back in home improvement. |
Part of that is attributable to differences in life choices and family circumstances, but not all. |
Entering someone's house at gunpoint and taking over their living room for 90 minutes is not all that friendly. |
As with other accoutrements of the high-end lifestyle, not all backup generators are created equal. |
And they may be swaddled in astrakhan when you see them, but not all fashion bloggers have had it easy. |
There's not all that much to love about rainy days unless you're a droughty farmer or rainmaker, but we're neither, yet we love rainy days and get lots of them. |
But not all health care providers agree that charcoal should be used outside of a medical setting. |
Yet, not all places were quiet and devoid of activity on Tuesday. |
While all of the above-mentioned strategies take into account expectations for future market returns, not all of the strategies account for investment risk tolerance. |
However, it's not all that's on the menu in local watering holes. |
The reason, according to Richmond High principal Darlene Macklam, lies in the fact that not all the school's students are enrolled in the academic stream. |
Editors may be more skeptical of authority today, but they do not all believe the Harlem boys were railroaded by a frenzied press and a zealous prosecution. |
This was a late request and by the time the Senate adjourned not all 100 senators had had a chance to sign off on it. |
Cosby is still scheduling performances for early 2015, and not all of his December performances have been cancelled. |
Today is National Chip and Dip Day, but not all crunching is created equal. |
Paudert is sure to acknowledge that sovereign citizens have the same rights as all Americans and that they are not all dangerous. |
I knew Andrew had lost weight, he was weeing a lot, and was very tired and weak, so he had some but not all of the signs of diabetes mentioned on the site. |
However, not all awful, astoundingly dumb political memes are created equal. |
Downie's contribution is not all quarter-tones and ululations, though. |
In a strict sense, all drainage basins are hydrologic units but not all hydrologic units are drainage basins. |
While the subduction zones around the Pacific are seismically active, not all earthquakes generate tsunami. |
The axis of the rift area may contain volcanic rocks, and active volcanism is a part of many, but not all active rift systems. |
A single female may release 100,000 to 3 million eggs but not all will be fertilized. |
The ocean floor is not all flat but has submarine ridges and deep ocean trenches known as the hadal zone. |
Some degree of gene flow is normal adaptation and not all gene and genotype constellations can be preserved. |
Many fungi have important symbiotic relationships with organisms from most if not all Kingdoms. |
As may be expected among people of different cultures, not all Native Americans or American Indians agree on its use. |
The flow of genes from Neanderthal populations to modern human was not all one way. |
However, not all plants are implemented this way, resulting in inconveniences in the locality. |
By changing processes and procedures, it is possible to mitigate some, but not all, of these effects on anthropogenic climate change. |
Georges Cuvier came to believe that most if not all the animal fossils he examined were remains of extinct species. |
Threats and offers have many perlocutionary effects, not all of which determine their effect on freedom. |
After the failed 1848 revolutions not all the Great Powers supported the Romanians' expressed desire to officially unite in a single state. |
Fritigern brought most if not all of his fighters to the battle, and appears to have led the force the Romans first encountered. |
Note that not all the Norse arriving in Ireland and Great Britain came as raiders. |
Not all Sami viewed the schools negatively, and not all of the schools were brutal. |
How victory is achieved, and what shape it assumes, is studied by most, if not all, military groups on three levels. |
Chest hair may appear during puberty or years after, though not all men develop it. |
However, not all of these Councils have been universally recognised as ecumenical. |
There are 150 letters in what is generally called the Bonifatian correspondence, though not all them are by Boniface or addressed to him. |
This MRCA may well have contemporaries who are also ancestral to some but not all of the extant population. |
But these stages are not all good, but rather are mixtures of good and bad. |
The components of the empire were not all uniformly loyal, nor were the local cultures all fully integrated. |
Nevertheless, the ethnic groups traditionally inhabiting most, if not all, European countries are considered to be indigenous to Europe. |
Furthermore, not all national languages have been accorded the status of official EU languages. |
However, a derogation stipulates that not all documents have to be translated into Irish as is the case with the other official languages. |
Many constructions in these languages share at least one property with the canonical European passive, but not all. |
Most, but not all of these changes have become part of modern Standard German. |
The Great Vowel Shift occurred over centuries, and not all varieties of English were affected in the same ways. |
Though not all scholars working on such languages use these terms, they are by no means obsolete. |
Finer distinctions of tone may be indicated by combining the tone diacritics and tone letters shown above, though not all IPA fonts support this. |
Not all brand names are proper names, and not all proper names are brand names. |
Most if not all languages have some means of forming the comparative, although these means can vary significantly from one language to the next. |
Most, but not all, of the county was covered with the ice sheet during the last Ice age. |
Schori's election was controversial in the wider Anglican Communion because not all of the communion recognizes the ordination of women. |
The fifth was published in 1597, while the final three were published posthumously, and indeed may not all be his own work. |
This is true of most, though not all, religious communities founded after the year AD 1000, as well as the Augustinians, who date from earlier. |
This figure undercounts Lutherans worldwide as not all Lutheran churches belong to this organization. |
Many, but not all, of these allow legal abortions in a variety of circumstances. |
He notes that the concept of custom generally denotes convergent behaviour, but not all customs have the force of law. |
While most entrepreneurial ventures start out as a small business, not all small businesses are entrepreneurial in the strict sense of the term. |
However, not all scientific and technological advances in the second half of the 20th century required an initial military impetus. |
Bramah was a very prolific inventor, though not all of his inventions were as important as his hydraulic press. |
Although not all NHRIs are compliant with the Paris Principles, the number and effect of these institutions is increasing. |
And not all structured finance products receive a credit rating agency rating. |
Also, not all of the senses are inactive during sleep, only the ones that are weary. |
This expensive software is not all it's cracked up to be. It still has a lot of problems. |
Nature took its course, and Marie did give birth to a bundle of joy, but she soon discovered that motherhood was not all bliss. |
However, not all issues are so difficult as to require an ecumenical council to resolve. |
However, not all postmodernist films are diasporically or exilically accented, while all accented films are to some extent postmodernist. |
The journey, however, is not all peaches and cream, and thick skin is as much of a necessity as footspeed and arm strength. |
But the very fact that you are doing it hidingly means it is not all right. |
The Yorkshire and the Humber region of government office covers most, but not all of the historic county. |
Nine manuscripts survive in whole or in part, though not all are of equal historical value and none of them is the original version. |
Of course, not all veterans are scribbling away madly during those hourslong sessions. |
The Empire contained many kinds of villas, not all of them lavishly appointed with mosaic floors and frescoes. |
Still, it is important to remember that not all Englishmen were in his favour, and the burden of taxation was widely felt. |
Nevertheless, not all historical comparisons made at this time drew on contemporary military dictators. |
Thus, not all of the council area has city status, and there is no official city council. |
It should be taken into account that not all will have Gaelic descent, especially in the case of Scotland, due to the nature of the Lowlands. |
Have they not all of lorddom at their heels, do they not hold the strings of Britain's purse? |
An important note is that not all people who were persecuted as communists actually were. |
First of all, not all member states of the Council of Europe have signed and ratified it. |
Many Salvation Army corps have brass bands that play at Salvation Army meetings, although not all. |
However, even at a later date, not all witches were assumed to be harmful practicers of the craft. |
Yet, shanties were of several types, and not all had necessarily developed at the same time. |
So far, of active drivers, Kevin Harvick and Jimmie Johnson have won all three legs of the Triple Crown, but not all three in the same year. |
Once the boat is acquired it is not all that expensive an endeavor, often much less expensive than a normal vacation on land. |
At the same time, not all autonomous entities are considered to be dependencies, and not all dependencies are autonomous. |
Companies may indicate with a number of different strategies, though not all of these meet legal requirements in all jurisdictions. |
Most, though certainly not all, national capitals are also the largest city in their respective countries. |
These stones include inscriptions in Latin and ogham script, not all of which have been deciphered. |
But not all the exchanges were as model as the sergeant. Some of the exchangees showed a rigidity and reluctance to adapt. |
All of the principal councils are fully divided into communities, but not all such communities have established community councils. |
Besides his collected music criticism, Shaw has left a varied musical legacy, not all of it of his choosing. |
This distinction is usually associated with the structural Marxism school and not all scholars agree that it exists. |
Thus not all phenomena of evolution are explained by natural selection alone. |
However, not all Schengen states or all of the territory of Schengen states are part of the customs union or VAT area. |
There are a number of aids available to pilots, though not all airports are equipped with them. |
That is to say, all airports are aerodromes, but not all aerodromes are airports. |
The third industrial revolution is spreading from the developed world to some, but not all, parts of the developing world. |
Most, if not all, modern states have honorific orders and decorations of some kind, and those are sometimes called orders of knighthood. |
Formerly, many, but not all, Knights elevated to the senior Order would resign from the Order of the Thistle. |
Copper is an essential trace element in plants and animals, but not all microorganisms. |
Other researchers have criticized such claims, pointing out, for instance, that not all abdominal pain is caused by lead poisoning. |
However, not all of the park is coastal, and there are even forests and marshes on the edges of the park. |
As with most if not all Students' Unions, a yearly election takes place in which a number of sabbatical officers are elected. |
The method is also somewhat inefficient since not all of the smoke will be inhaled. |
Some of the battles appear in other Welsh literature, though not all are connected explicitly with Arthur. |
Many, though not all, mangrove swamps fringe estuaries and lagoons where the salinity changes with each tide. |
Orchid bees are the only group of corbiculate bees whose non-parasitic members do not all possess eusocial behavior. |
However, not all rainfall will produce runoff because storage from soils can absorb light showers. |
Encyclopedias of at least one volume in size now exist for most if not all academic disciplines, including such narrow topics such as bioethics. |
Additionally, over 300 protocarnivorous plant species in several genera show some but not all of these characteristics. |
Most, if not all, of the larger theatres are subsidised by local authorities or the North West Regional Arts Board. |
But not all hauntings are at a place of a violent death, or even on violent grounds. |
This can lead to difficulties where not all adjacent occupiers maintain their fences properly. |
Mailing lists are not all sweetness and light, though. Joining a mailing list is a little complex. |
With this background and experience we feel justified in stating that not all talcs contain, or are associated with, asbestos. |
What but love, kindness, and all affection is her tendance upon poor Emily. To her, is she not all meekness, all love, all forbearance? |
This may be the year of the threequel, but not all the franchises will be successful, predicts Mr. Gray. |
Each side can appreciate some but not all aspects of decentralization. |
A closer look at Conservative candidate training techniques reveals that its not all been yoghurt knitting and yoga in a yurt in Notting Hill. |
Shall not all the letters of the Torah have little whiptails, to swim into our inward parts, there to implant themselves and grow? |
Over the following decade, it became apparent that not all screening challenges could be solved with wire cloth or polyurethane screen surfaces. |
But not all of us can put our feelings into a catchy and soulful song. |
But not all CBC members share the criticism voiced by their chair. |
The ex-votos are not all contained within the cluttered room. |
And Niki also warned that the razmataz of showbiz is not all glitz and glamour. |
Co-bedding and kangaroo care show that not all advances in modern medicine need involve yards of tubing and beeping machines. |
Distal embolic protection wires can also be employed, however, not all embolic capture devices are compatible with all atherectomy devices. |
Unfortunately, not all the refusniks understand the complete legal picture governing checkpoints. |
However, not all these reported features have been verified. |
The nature of the Anglican Communion is such that not all churches or dioceses must agree on all issues in order to share a common faith and baptism. |
Even today, written English differs subtly from spoken English because not all emphasis and disambiguation is possible to convey in print, even with punctuation. |
But not all excuses for pulling a sickie are equal, it seems. |
However, not all of the words in a focus domain need be accented. |
Here's a carcase. I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, I'll go to it laughing. Such a waggish leering as lurks in all your horribles! |
But not all moneylenders are unscrupulous backstreet wide boys. |
Most if not all of the shops have lost their cloth awnings, which served two purposes, protecting goods from sun damage and keeping window-shoppers dry. |
They are formed by using the past participle either with the auxiliary verb to be or to get, although not all varieties of English allow the use of passives with get. |
Thus while all East Enders are cockneys, not all cockneys are East Enders. |
There are also some properties that some but not all auxiliary verbs have. |
Unlike some xeriscapes, Fairway Crossings is not all rock and cacti. |
Although not all animals were found positive for hemocultures, it was possible to isolate parasites at all three sampling times, over a year of infection. |
In this light, the current volume is a work of ecocriticism, although not all the contributors would wish to define themselves first and foremost as ecocritics. |
First, not all languages make use of the categories of subject and object. |
However, not all of this maize is consumed directly by humans. |
This is often indicated by a rock with a surface which is dark and has a metallic luster, not all magnetic mineral bearing rocks have this indication. |
The ordinary of such an archdiocese is an archbishop, however, especially in the Anglican Communion, not all archbishops' dioceses are called archdioceses. |
Several, but not all, of the characteristics are also found in Dutch. |
It is also possible that not all the underkings were deposed. |
A common source for answers to these questions are beliefs in transcendent divine beings such as deities or a singular God, although not all religions are theistic. |
Polities do not need to be in control of any geographic areas, as not all political entities and governments have controlled the resources of one fixed geographic area. |
Before natural gas can be used as a fuel, most, but not all, must be processed to remove impurities, including water, to meet the specifications of marketable natural gas. |
However, not all bodies of water can carry all species of algae, as the chemical composition of certain water bodies limits the algae that can survive within them. |
Many, but not all, oysters are in the superfamily Ostreoidea. |
Where the terms are distinguished, freeways can be characterized as expressways upgraded to full access control, while not all expressways are freeways. |
The problem is, not all UMIs result in Q-waves on the electrocardiogram. |
It also allowed consideration of yet a few more to continue not fully decided, which led in some cases to adoption in one or more jurisdictions, but not all. |
Despite the symbols associated with the clubs, not all Rangers supporters can be automatically classified as unionists, nor all Celtic supporters as nationalists. |
However, not all of these possible combinations actually exist. |
Most networks had been concerned about the August 2011 deadline as not all parts of the country were equipped to receive DTTV by the scheduled date. |
Zooplankton tend to be somewhat larger, and not all are microscopic. |
Nearly 100 alkaloids have been identified in the genus, about a third of all known Amaryllidaceae alkaloids, although not all species have been tested. |
The Mirabilia section is thought to be not part of the original work, but to have been composed shortly after, and is attached to many, though not all of the manuscripts. |
Members of the Rastafari Movement's Mansion Nyabinghi are specifically noted for having a large population of Pacifist members, though not all of them are. |
In multilingual societies, not all speakers need to be multilingual. |
It supported a large part, but not all, of the coal industry in Wales. |
Many, though not all packhorses are also trained to be ridden. |
However, not all aspects of the green revolution were beneficial. |
Some courts have held that copyright protection effectively applies to works, whether they are obscene or not, but not all courts have ruled the same way. |
The variety of rocks used in polished tools and other artefacts is evident in museum collections, not all of the sources of the rocks having been positively identified. |
They developed a close friendship, described by James's biographer Leon Edel as resembling a father and son relationship in some, but not all, respects. |
Besides, the main decisions of the Congress were made by the Four Great Powers and not all the countries of Europe could extend their rights at the Congress. |
Passports issued overseas did not all have a Machine Readable Zone but these was introduced gradually as appropriate equipment was made available overseas. |
However, according to BSI, not all PAS documents are structured as specifications and the term is now sufficiently well established not to require any further amplification. |
All compounds are substances, but not all substances are compounds. |
If not all voters use all their preference votes, then the count may continue until two candidates remain, at which point the winner is the one with the most votes. |
Very often, the bales have to be subitted to several transshipments and stowings, for which reason the bales do not all arrive at destination in good condition. |
However, not all elements of his thought form a consistent whole. |
Most if not all jurisdictions in the United States require solemnization in addition to a marriage license for there to be a legally valid marriage. |
Some but not all adjectives keep the e for all of the forms. |
Since not all bananaquits nest near wasp nests, Wunderle and Pollock were able to compare the nesting success of pairs nesting near or away from polybiine colonies. |
There is widespread agreement among commentators that this was partly due to the composer's poor choice of librettists for some, though not all, of his operas. |
If ye plunder his kill' from a weaker, devour not all in thy pride. |
Most but not all US judges have professional credentials as lawyers. |
The early kingdom included the land of the Middle Saxons, later Middlesex, most if not all of Hertfordshire and may at times have included Surrey. |
Although being born with a full head of hair is not all that extraordinary, Iskander's quizzical apophthegm could be taken as the quintessence of magic realism. |