She said the pond would support a variety of species, including the nationally protected great crested newt and water vole. |
The tail sweep of a tuna, a newt, a crocodile, or a whale is the leverage act of the backbone pushing water with the expanded tail. |
Rare species include the Pacific pond turtle, the California red-legged frog, the California newt, and the California tree frog. |
They claimed the land was a home to protected species, including the great crested newt, the reed bunting and the short-eared owl. |
Following amputation of a newt limb, there is a rapid migration of epidermal cells over the wound surface. |
This was done masterfully by newt Gingrich in the debate before the South Carolina primary. |
However, the most interesting species is the Iberian ribbed newt, which lives in the irrigation pools. |
He tried to pass healthcare reform but newt Gingrich and the GOP-controlled House and Senate shot it down. |
If there were witches, who could blight your crops, make you sterile, and turn you into a newt just by an incantation or two, then of course we should hunt them. |
Kaiser's spotted newt currently has no international protection to ensure that such trade does not lead to further endangerment of the species. |
The robot newt must also be able to move smoothly through straight as well as curved sections of pipework. |
Amphibians such as the rough-skinned newt and several frog species, including the Pacific tree frog, and the bullfrog live in these wetlands. |
But some populations of garter snakes eat the newt willingly. |
It would appear that the areas in question were listed on the basis of the presence of the great crested newt and of calaminarian grasslands. |
My CNN colleague newt Gingrich was Republican Speaker of the House when the Defense of Marriage Act was signed into law. |
As you might guess, newt is decidedly one of the people to which these agencies cater. |
During courtship, the male newt displays for his prospective mate by vibrating his tail in front of her in a distinctive fashion. |
Others include the water vole, pipistrelle bat, grey partridge, aquatic warbler, sand lizard, great crested newt and the natterjack toad. |
Does the Commission agree that the revival of a rail freight line in this area is inconsistent with the European Habitat Directive, under which the adder, great crested newt, common spadefoot and crane are protected? |
Regarding species listings, CoP15 decided to list: Kaiser's spotted newt, five species of tree frogs, the unicorn beetle, rosewood, holywood and several Madagascar plant species, among others. |
Illegal collection of Kaiser's spotted newt for the national and international pet trade is one of the main threats to the survival of this species. |
Animals such as the dormouse, the rare Barbastelle bat, skylark and the great crested newt all live in the West Midlands. |
The common frog is our most frequently found amphibian, followed by common toad, smooth newt and great crested newt. |
The six amphibian types living in Wales are the common frog and common toad, natterjack toad, palmate newt, great crested newt and smooth newt. |
They include the common frog, common toad, natterjack toad, palmate newt, great crested newt and smooth newt. |
Turns out that rough-skinned newts have toxins in their skin to which the bullfrogs have no natural defense because they didn't evolve alongside this species of newt. |
Living in these wetlands are amphibians such as the rough-skinned newt, and reptiles such as the northern alligator lizard and western painted turtle. |
The deletions included acorn, adder, ash, beech, bluebell, buttercup, catkin, conker, cowslip, cygnet, dandelion, fern, hazel, heather, heron, ivy, kingfisher, lark, mistletoe, nectar, newt, otter, pasture and willow. |
Contract notice for Implementation of natural inventory fire-bellied toad and crested newt in the natura 2000 site near promna plh300030 refuge. |
The tadpoles also exude noxious substances which deter fishes from eating them but not the great crested newt. |
In 2016, the newt was found at another new site, and at least one previous site. |
Researchers cannot yet say how widely the species will spread because this is the first newt species found in the wild in Australia. |
Smooth newts are also potential transmitters of chytrid fungus, because a close relative of the newt carries this disease. |
Government authorities decided not to attempt to eradicate the newt nearly two years after the newt was first detected in Australia. |
In August 2008 a discovery of a great crested newt colony led to a delay in the start of the project. |
The great crested newt,for example,has loads of warts on black skin with an orange or yellow belly. |
The common frog, the common toad, the natterjack toad, the palmate newt, the great crested newt and the smooth newt. |
It is an offence to capture or kill a newt in Ireland without a licence. |
The species of amphibian native to England are the great crested newt, smooth newt, palmate newt, common toad, natterjack toad, common frog and the pool frog. |
Until around 2000, the smooth newt was classified as Triturus vulgaris rather than Lissotriton vulgaris, and will be found under that name in most books and many websites. |
They claim that high levels of uncertainty should favour a quick decision to act, because by the time the impacts of the newt become apparent it will be too late to eradicate. |
The species of amphibian native to Britain are the great crested newt, smooth newt, palmate newt, common toad, natterjack toad, common frog and the pool frog. |
Then he weaseled out, ran to Newt and tattletaled on the other coup leaders after he realized his coup partners wouldn't back him for Speaker. |
Newt Gingrich has been scoring points ridiculing the idea of algae as a fuel of the future. |
Instead, renegade Newt threw haymakers at also-rans like Michele Bachmann, but was still smart and agile enough to come out ahead. |
Newt Gingrich had an aggressive agenda, as we remember all too well, and even Denny Hastert filled most of the slots. |
Newt Plays Clumsy Defense by Howard Kurtz Gingrich had an off night as he chafed under criticism, while Romney threw no punches. |
Romney and Ron Paul will have Virginia to carve up between themselves because Newt and Santorum failed to make the ballot. |
Kit took a job cleaning houses and fell for a big, brawling man named Newt McPherson. |
But when the blowback from his own party hit fever pitch, Newt backtracked to Rush Limbaugh. |
Oh, sure, Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich called for slashing foreign aid, the foreign-policy equivalent of Amtrak. |
They see him as having eclipsed Newt Gingrich, whose fortunes have sagged since his brief, shining moment in South Carolina. |
Eddie Haskell Santorum is supposed to get the evangelical vote what with his Christian-right backing, not the scalawag Newt. |
Ron Paul is self-limiting, Newt Gingrich is self-aggrandizing, and Rick Santorum is self-righteous. |
Newt could self-destruct before that, but waiting for such a meltdown is not a strategy. |
A weekend face-off in Texas between Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich puts a spotlight on allegations of harassment and infidelity. |
Newt thrived and Romney bombed, which could make this debate a game-changer. |
He ambled into the main auditorium, telling me he was exhausted, while Newt Gingrich wrapped up a snooze of a speech. |
Newt Gingrich had similar personnel problems, and his grandiosity makes her look humble. |
Newt Gingrich was on the griddle for much of the evening, easily defending his ideas and deflecting criticism. |
Mitt Romney, who has reverted to the not-a-follicle-out-of-place hairstyle, never really got up the gumption to hit Newt. |
In the resurrection of Newt Gingrich, endurance and shamelessness played equally important roles. |
Newt Gingrich As the President speaks, we will be experiencing one of the coldest winters in recent history. |
Are the media about to bury Newt Gingrich for the third time, shoveling extra dirt on his campaign casket to just to make sure? |
For his part, Newt Gingrich has clearly been honing his persona as condescending, arch, snide Big Thinker. |
Sondra Ziegler, a 39-year-old volunteer, also gives Newt a pass for past affairs. |
During the primaries, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum popped off with sour, ill-informed comments on race-related issues. |
Newt Gingrich interrupts an interview to turn the conversation into a discussion of his favorite zoos. |
Three weeks from the caucus, Newt, Romney and Paul are in the top tier with Perry and Bachmann clawing to get back in. |
Newt Gingrich and Jon Huntsman did their damnedest to find out Monday. |
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich won ovations calling for a federal ban on sharia law. |
All these knuckleheads who want to run for president, like Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin, and Newt Gingrich. |
Sheldon Adelson kept Newt afloat long after the voters stopped caring. |
Lloyd Grove on how Newt kept his cool and Romney got giggly. |
Did an angry Newt Gingrich triumph over a slumping Mitt Romney? |
Other notable attendees included Newt Gingrich and Nicole Kidman. |
The saga of Newt Gingrich's ethics suddenly resembles a brawl between blindfolded boxers who flail away so wildly that each lands a haymaker on his own jaw. |