The electron and muon neutrinos are easier to produce and detect than the tau neutrino. |
The neutrino was known from the start to be an extraordinarily light particle, perhaps massless, since its rest mass could never be detected. |
The detector was designed to work on the long-standing solar neutrino problem. |
Solar neutrinos are produced when two protons fuse together to form a deuterium nucleus, a positron, and a neutrino. |
And if we hit a proton with an electron, we get a neutron and an electron neutrino at the other end. |
Scientists became alerted to the existence of the third, tau neutrino in 1977 with the discovery of the tau lepton. |
Opera researchers are concentrating their efforts on the oscillation between the muon and tau neutrino. |
Because of its weak interaction with atomic nuclei, the neutrino travels freely through any material object and is very difficult to observe. |
At this energy level, only up and down quarks, the electron and the electron neutrino exist. |
The discovery of the neutrino was predicted on the basis of the principle of conservation of energy. |
In 1931, he predicted the existence of the massless neutrino to explain away mathematical problems with beta decay. |
Is our current understanding of the solar internal structure wrong and as a consequence is overestimating the solar neutrino fluxes? |
In the weak interaction of radioactivity it has been known for many years that the neutrino turns into an electron or that an up quark transmutes into a down. |
The subset without element, the neutrino, is represented by the obstructed circle Ø that, in mathematics, symbolizes the empty set. |
Plastic scintillators, placed between the bricks, are needed to produce a flash of light upon absorption of an ionizing particle, specifically, neutrino. |
Sophisticated and powerful neutrino scanners had tracked the hyperspatial movements of the flotilla long before they reached their ultimate destination. |
Why is the solar neutrino flux less than half its expected value? |
It cannot accommodate dark matter, and the origin of light neutrino masses is problematic in many theories. |
From the neutrino one knows this already experimentally, even if the standard model fails here. |
Day by day they wait for a neutrino speeding through the earth to collide with a heavy hydrogen nucleus. |
A heavy neutrino has yet to be observed, and may well, as Pauli described it, be unobservable. |
So the normally stable proton can decay into a neutron, a positron, and a neutrino if continuously fed enough energy through constant, extreme acceleration. |
They compared the observed shape in space of 160,000 galaxies to models of galactic distribution that incorporated various masses for the neutrino. |
I made every last one of them, from the hunky handsome proton to the waifish, Starbucks-named neutrino. |
Therefore, the additional neutrino flow detected at Super-Kamiokande must be made of up muon and tau neutrinos. |
Occasionally, a neutrino slams into an electron within the liquid and generates a flash of light. |
Sterile neutrinos are a hypothetical type of neutrino that is predicted to interact with normal matter only via gravity. |
The neutrino could account for the missing energy, but a particle with little mass and no electric charge was difficult to observe. |
A more recent proposal involves mass differences between neutrino mass eigenstates. |
Some future neutrino detectors may also be sensitive to the particles produced when cosmic rays hit the Earth's atmosphere. |
Neutrinos only interact via the weak nuclear force, which has very short range, points out Boris Kayser, a neutrino theorist at Fermilab. |
But the neutrino, an extremely abundant but almost massless particle, may have the right properties, and may even be its own anti-particle. |
The most common type of neutrino forms within the cores of stars like our sun. |
Japan hosts the J-PARC laboratory and the Super-Kamiokande underground neutrino detector which made pivotal measurements of the oscillations of neutrinos produced by cosmic ray collisions with the atmosphere. |
Lederman won the Nobel Prize in physics with two other scientists for discovering a subatomic particle called the muon neutrino. |
An electron neutrino may masquerade as a muon neutrino for a while, then revert. |
Schwartz shared the Nobel Prize in 1988 with Columbia professors Leon Lederman and Jack Steinberger for their discovery of the muon neutrino. |
For two years, IceCube scientists watched for neutrinos after gamma-ray bursts, focusing on the muon neutrino subtype. |
Created is the image of increated, this image is visible thanks to the chromodynamic quantum one which describes a material universe built by 4 bricks: the quark, the antiquark, the electron and its complement, the neutrino. |
These charges characterize like this the elementary particles: the quark in carries a, the antiquark two that is associated, the electron three that is associated, the neutrino not carries anyone. |
If the neutrino is its own antiparticle, large CP violating phases are possible, which could lead to an explanation of the baryon asymmetry of the Universe. |
A candidate for production of a top quark pair in CMS, where both top quarks decay into a W and a b quark, and both W particles decay into a muon and neutrino. |
Researchers on the OPERA experiment at the INFN's Gran Sasso laboratory in Italy announced on the 31 May the first direct observation of a tau particle in a muon neutrino beam sent through the Earth from CERN, 730 km away. |
Other notable achievements at LEP include establishing that there are three types of neutrino, and setting the lower limit for the possible mass of the Higgs boson. |
The changes in chlorine-36 and manganese-54 decay rates observed by the Purdue team, including the dip prior to the flare in 2006, mirror the changes in neutrino flux detected by other experiments. |
Experiments at SNOLab will be capable of making contributions to our understanding of neutrino physics that are comparable to, or greater than, the important discoveries already made by the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory. |
An experiment confirmed the existence of the tau neutrino, last of the 12 fundamental subatomic building blocks of matter. |
A neutrino with a magnetic moment, and one capable of changing from one kind to another, would also have to have a small rest mass. |
He believes his two values, 4 and 20 eV, come from a mixture of two kinds of neutrino with two different rest masses being involved. |
Enrico Fermi, years before the actual discovery of the neutrino, successfully incorporated that inferred particle in his theory of beta decay. |
Appealing chapters comment on distances through space, the shape of the Milky Way, asteroids and sunspots, quasars, neutrino astronomy, and the expanding universe. |
Frederick Reines and Clyde Cowan would confirm the neutrino on 14 June 1956 by placing a detector within a large antineutrino flux from a nearby nuclear reactor. |
Pocar explained that their experiment involved taking a neutrino photograph of the Sun because of which they confirmed the theories about the sun. |
A research team from the United States, Japan, Korea, and Greece has unveiled four sets of particle tracks that it attributes to the long-sought tau neutrino. |
As the decay process produces an electron neutrino, some of the proposed explanations for the observed rate oscillation invoke neutrino properties. |
An ice-bound neutrino detector offers the key advantage of expandability. |
The experiment was particularly ingenious because, as the neutrino hardly interacts with matter, some way of indirectly measuring its helicity had to be devised. |