Infliximab cross links tumour necrosis factor bound to T cells, thus inactivating or destroying it. |
Neuronal inflammation and necrosis leads to severe pain or postherpetic neuralgia, which increases as the infection travels down the nerve. |
The present work presents a mechanism leading to cell death, necrosis at the tissue level. |
The nodes were tan-pink and had confluent areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. |
At autopsy, these animals presented acute tubular necrosis, esteatosis, carditis, and diffuse alveolar damage. |
In the liver, varying degrees of centrilobular necrosis and steatosis and a mild portal inflammatory infiltrate were seen in the SARS patients. |
Avascular necrosis of the capitate bone is a rare clinical entity, and it is usually a sequel to serious trauma. |
Mitosis, size of tumour, necrosis and pleomorphism are thought to be prognostic factors for aggressiveness of solitary fibrous tumours. |
Livers were removed and the depth of necrosis was measured using Vernier calipers. |
Liver cell necrosis is indicated by highly elevated serum liver transaminase levels. |
As the disease progresses, necrosis and liver cell death may lead to fibrosis. |
Single cells will be found in nephritis, acute tubular necrosis, kidney transplant rejection and salicylate poisoning. |
This shows an infiltration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes with foci of necrosis, thrombosis, and hemorrhage. |
Vasopressin should be infused through a central catheter because peripheral extravasation could cause tissue necrosis and gangrene. |
Circulating concentrations of the cytokine tumour necrosis factor are increased in cachectic patients with chronic heart failure. |
In addition, the signals that lead a cell to necrosis or apoptosis remain to be elucidated. |
Further investigation of mechanisms of atypical liver necrosis after concentrated acetic acid ingestion is needed. |
Alternatively, infiltrating microglia near a focus of radiation necrosis may be mistaken for a malignancy in a treated glioma. |
Eosinophils in vitro exhibited different stages of apoptosis, ending with secondary necrosis distinct from in vivo eosinophil cytolysis. |
Polymorphonuclear leukocyte infiltrates were present in the glomerular tufts, and many glomeruli displayed segmental necrosis. |
The venom consists of proteins, polypeptides, and enzymes that cause necrosis and hemolysis. |
A second-degree burn involves the epidermis, the dermis and usually forms blisters that may be the result of superficial or deep dermal necrosis. |
There was extensive but patchy acinar atrophy and parenchymal fibrosis, but no evidence of fat necrosis, pseudocyst formation, or calculi. |
At autopsy the adrenal glands often show hemorrhagic necrosis, an example of which is seen here. |
Defects of the hip's cartilage can be caused by osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, avascular necrosis, and trauma. |
She had undergone a right hip replacement because of avascular necrosis of the femoral head associated with use of corticosteroids. |
Biopsy from a peritoneal granuloma showed caseation necrosis and acid-fast bacilli. |
Histologically these lesions contain caseous necrosis and will eventually be absorbed or become calcified. |
In viral and autoimmune hepatitis, the collapse is recognized as bridging necrosis. |
Fibrin deposition was found in areas of fibrinoid necrosis within the glomeruli and in the interstitium. |
These 4 specimens were extremely fibrotic, exhibited marked necrosis, or were small lesions that were difficult to scrape. |
Unlike the hypersensitive necrotic reaction, this stem-tip necrosis can be a serious threat to soybean production. |
I was once called to give an opinion over a case of femoral necrosis with suppuration following coxalgia in a young boy. |
A homograft with keratoplasty may be considered depending on the extent of the necrosis. |
The venom has vasoconstrictive properties that can lead to cyanosis and necrosis, with poor wound healing and infection. |
In these respects, MRI is superior to ultrasonography or plain-film radiography in detecting tissue inflammation and necrosis. |
Multiple areas of tumor necrosis, cystic degeneration, and old hemorrhage were present. |
Cohesive or substitutive growth patterns and mitoses and necrosis should be absent. |
As with anterior packing, tissue necrosis can occur if a posterior pack is inserted improperly or balloons are overinflated. |
Histology revealed a highly cellular, primarily diffuse and focally serpiginous growing tumor with pushing borders and extensive necrosis. |
Epinephrine's vasoconstrictive properties can be a problem if extravasation into tissue occurs, and may result in skin necrosis. |
To the best of our knowledge, skin necrosis of this nature by cetrimide has not been reported in a neonate. |
Multifocal calcifications associated with tumor cell necrosis were also seen. |
The biopsy materials generally showed granulomatous or suppurative inflammation with ulceration and necrosis. |
There were also multiple areas of hemorrhagic necrosis with transmural extension. |
If the wound shows no signs of infection, necrosis, or residual contamination it can be closed by suture or a split skin graft. |
However, severe side effects may occur, including bilateral necrosis of the hip and gastric ulceration. |
Because cartilage derives its nutrition by diffusion from the perichondrium, necrosis and consequent structural deformity occurs. |
The sinusoidal pattern may have been due to sepsis or necrosis in adjacent tissues. |
The differential diagnoses of the swelling, as visualized on MRI scan, were either a post-traumatic seroma or some form of fat necrosis. |
In severe exposure, necrosis of the respiratory epithelium leads to formation of a pseudomembrane, bronchial plugging, and bronchopneumonia. |
The patient may present with corneal necrosis, dystrophy, ulceration, and abrasion. |
Centrally within the larger foci of squamous metaplasia, necrosis may be seen. |
Both receive vaccines against vibriosis and the infections pasteurellosis, myxobacteriosis and viral nervous necrosis. |
These burns tend to be deep, as the corrosive agent continues to cause coagulative necrosis until completely removed. |
The plasma then finds the nearest grounded tissue and produces coagulative necrosis. |
A hyperemic rim marks the boundary between the area of coagulative necrosis and intact liver. |
Although no necrosis was present in the diagnostic lymph node, an adjacent lymph node showed total coagulative necrosis. |
Even minor amounts of myocardial necrosis would thus be classified as myocardial infarction. |
The H-MESO1 xenografts used in these studies were grown s.c. in a mouse host, and some necrosis was evident as the tumors grew. |
The combination increases the risk of soft tissue necrosis and osteonecrosis. |
Liver biopsies from the jaundiced patients were similar, with duct necrosis, ductular proliferation, and portal inflammation. |
Complications of this procedure include depigmentation of the skin, eyelid notching, madarosis, severe postoperative pain, edema, symblepharon, necrosis, and regrowth. |
Large abdominal periaortic and mesenteric lymph node masses, measuring up to 10 cm in diameter, grossly showed necrosis and sclerosis on sectioning. |
It may change colour sequentially from a red-purple to a dusky blue before progressing to necrosis and formation of bullae and eventually becoming haemorrhagic. |
In the meantime, new diseases like furunculosis, infectious pancreatic necrosis, infectious salmon anaemia and cardiomyopathy syndrome are surfacing at regular intervals. |
Under light microscopy, necrosis in both epidermis and dermis with extensive polymorphonuclear leucocyte infiltration in deep dermis were seen in all three groups. |
He noted a strong association of this vascular phenomenon with tumor necrosis and showed it to be negative for calcium with von Kossa's and alizarin red methods. |
Skeinoid fibers and coagulative tumor necrosis were not seen. |
This finding suggests that most wounded cells reseal their membrane defect and that a relatively small fraction of wounded lung cells undergo necrosis. |
Pathologically, inflammation of the spinal cord meninges is coupled with varying degrees of underlying spinal necrosis, demyelination, and microglial influx. |
One patient, a 74-year-old woman with AD, had thrombosis of her superior sagittal sinus producing bilateral parasagittal regions of extensive hemorrhagic necrosis. |
When taken in larger doses, it becomes a potent hepatotoxin, generating fulminated hepatic and renal tubular necrosis which is lethal to humans and many species of animals. |
Supporting evidence for malignant transformation included high cellularity, increased mitotic activity, cellular pleomorphism, hemorrhage, and necrosis. |
Thus, signs of soft tissue edema, erythema, ulceration, bullae, or necrosis should prompt the inclusion of necrotizing soft tissue infection in differential diagnoses. |
The incidence of osteonecrosis or avascular necrosis has fallen as a result of new advances in immunosuppression and lower corticosteroid regimens. |
In internal necrosis the separation of dead bone from living proceeds in the manner already described, and the sequestrum is contained within the sequestral capsule. |
The pathogenesis of necrosis in toxoplasma encephalitis is unclear. |
Doing so can compromise blood flow to the nipple and lead to complications, such as necrosis of the skin along the incisions or nipple or aureole necrosis. |
Central irregular hyperechogenic areas, blurred margins and central necrosis were most frequent in bacterial, tuberculous and cat scratch disease. |
Gymnasts' wrist injury includes distal radius stress fractures, scaphoid stress fracture, avascular necrosis of the capitate, ulnar carpal abutment, and dorsal impingement. |
No areas of necrosis, mucinous change, or hemorrhage were identified. |
Patients with deep abscess, extensive bone or joint involvement, crepitus, substantial necrosis or gangrene, or necrotizing fasciitis may be candidates for surgery. |
There are large numbers of HRS cells with sarcomatous variants and a hypocellular background due to fibrosis and necrosis. |
Clinical alterations, such as ear or scrotal necrosis, were noted when observed. |
Camporesi EM, Vezzani G, Bosco G, Mangar D, Bernasek TL, Hyperbaric oxygen theraphy in femoral head necrosis. |
We also identified other surgical complications, including seroma, surgical wound infections, hematoma, and flap necrosis. |
Risk of avascular necrosis following short term megadose methylprednisolone treatment. |
Ambient ozone modifies the effect of tumor necrosis factor G-308A on bronchitic symptoms among children with asthma. |
Acrocyanosis, which was present on admission, had progressed to distal necrosis of the toes in both feet and part of the right hand. |
A synovial biopsy taken from the knee detected granulomatous inflammation with caseation necrosis. |
Autopsy showed enlargement of lungs, liver, and spleen with many abscessed areas of suppurative necrosis. |
Large cystic spaces, areas of hyalinization, and focal necrosis were identified. |
Other lesions included multiorgan congestion, necrosis of renal tubular epithelium, and moderate hemosiderosis in the liver and spleen. |
The venoms of some vermivorous species contain proteolytic enzymes which cause local necrosis at the site of injection in vertebrates. |
The histopathology examination showed a well-differentiated SCC with a wide range of tissue necrosis. |
Following laparoscopic ileocecectomy, pathology demonstrated haemorrhage, inflammation, oedema and full thickness necrosis of the caecal wall. |
Thus, relevant mid-term complications, such as humeral head necrosis, malunion and nonunion may not have been detected. |
The unmet need for antitumour necrosis factor therapy in ankylosing spondylitis. |
One has to deal with higher chances of infection on one hand, and higher complication rates, such as avascular necrosis, on the other hand. |
Connor, of Renfrew, also suffers from avascular necrosis, meaning he can't run around the playground in case his fragile hip breaks. |
Soon afterwards he had a double hip replacement because of avascular necrosis, a condition where the blood supply to the bones dries up. |
Avascular necrosis occurs when blood vessels that supply the bone constrict, cutting off blood supply and causing bone death. |
Bullous formation with epidermal separation can extend to erythroderma, and necrosis is observed in later stages. |
Tumor necrosis factor-induced c-myc expression in the absence of mitogenesis is associated with inhibition of adipocyte differentiation. |
The Medical Examiner's autopsy showed microscopic evidence of focal myocyte necrosis on 2 of 34 slides. |
There was no evidence of small cell change, necrosis, or brain parenchymal invasion or chondromatous metaplasia. |
Frequent findings included bone marrow hypocellularity, reticulin fibrosis, necrosis, and plasmacytosis. |
Serum levels of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-6 in ocular cicatricial pemphigoid. |
Politics is the art of the possible, not tricky-dick Nixon necrosis, Assad asininity, Gaddafi grave grovelling or Saddam spite. |
Histology results were consistent with areas of fibrosis and fat necrosis from prior methylene blue sentinel node injection. |
Clusters affected by bunchstem necrosis are identified by necrotic rachis tissue, with shriveled berries distal to the necrotic tissue. |
Adjacent brain tissue showed areas of coagulative necrosis, thrombosis, and fresh haemorrhage. |
Maintenance of ATP favours apoptosis over necrosis triggered by benzamide riboside. |
Histopathologic analysis confirmed oocysts in the small intestine and showed intestinal pathologic lesions of hyperplasia and necrosis. |
Stabilization of the bioactivity of tumor necrosis factor by its soluble receptors. |
Secretion of tumour necrosis factor alpha and lymphotoxin alpha in relation to polymorphisms in the TNF genes and HLA-DR alleles. |
Interleukin-6 and tumour necrosis factor alpha are inflammatory cytokines and the main inducers of the secretion of CRP in the liver. |
Focal necrosis may be seen, and mitoses and apoptotic bodies are usually numerous. |
Macroscopically, pleomorphic sarcomas are nodular or multinodular, tan-white to gray tumors that may be associated with necrosis and hemorrhage. |
Arteries and arterioles under the necrotic areas showed fibrinoid necrosis of the vascular walls. |
The epithelium is nearly always ulcerated, showing fibrinoid necrosis at the surface. |
A number of nonmalignant lesions can accumulate radionuclide, such as fibroadenoma, fibrocystic change, and fat necrosis. |
Intranasal drug abuse frequently leads to sinonasal complications, particularly sinus, nasal, and palatal necrosis. |
Flaps survived completely without necrosis or dehiscence, especially at the ventral site. |
In places, the tumor cells appeared anaplastic, with numerous pathologic mitoses and large areas of necrosis. |
Progression of striped jack nervous necrosis virus infection in naturally and experimentally infected striped jack Pseudocaranx dentex larvae. |
Focal necrosis of the adrenal gland was identified, together with glomerulitis and syncytial cell formation in the kidney. |
Multiple areas of necrosis may give leiomyosarcomas a cystic or multicystic appearance. |
Therefore, the major histologic findings were hepatic necrosis, nephrosis, and splenitis, with intranuclear inclusion bodies. |
Acute tubular necrosis was present, which was consistent with a nephrotoxin. |
These venoms produce not only extensive necrosis and hemorrhage that result in considerable tissue damage, but also coagulopathy and shock. |
Induction of hypoferremia and modulation of macrophage iron metabolism by tumor necrosis factor. |
Human tumor necrosis factor alpha gene regulation by virus and lipopolysaccharide. |
The organs of the body that had suffered colliquative necrosis and putrefaction suddenly came to life. |
In these cases, various combinations of suppurative and granulomatous necrosis were identified. |
Differential oligodendroglial expression of the tumor necrosis factor receptors in vivo and in vitro. |
The 533 nm KTP wavelength causes vaporization of prostate tissues with a 1 to 2 mm zone of coagulation necrosis. |
Ganciclovir chemoablation of herpes thymidine kinase suicide gene-modified tumors produces tumor necrosis and induces systemic immune responses. |
Gelsolin down-regulates lipopolysaccharide-inducedintraamniotic tumor necrosis factor-a production in the midtrimester of pregnancy. |
Some appendages and paragnaths exhibited segmental cuticular degeneration and necrosis. |
Local haemorrhage and necrosis of the skin and underlying tissues, during anti-coagulant therapy with dicumarol or dicumacyl. |
Animal models have demonstrated necrosis of skeletal muscle, periosteum, perichondrial tissues, and evidence of meningitis and encephalitis. |
Abdominal CT indicated the presence of an edematous pancreas without any evidence of necrosis or ascites. |
One was due to tumor invasion and necrosis, which ruptured an emphysematous bleb. |
Necrotic pseudoxanthomatous nodules are composed of an area of central necrosis, surrounded by histiocytes and hyalinization. |
Higher magnification showing coagulative necrosis with loss of nuclear detail in hepatocytes. |
Histopathologically, fibrinopurulent bronchopneumonia with multifocal areas of necrosis and pleuritis was seen in the lungs of infected animals. |
There were scattered apoptotic cells, few binucleate cells, and multifocal areas of necrosis within the mass. |
An antibody to lymphotoxin and tumor necrosis factor prevents transfer of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. |
Demyelination occurring during anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha therapy for inflammatory arthritides. |
Placental findings also include fibrinoid necrosis, atherosis of decidual vessels, and intimal thickening. |
Histopathology demonstrated irregular lamellar bone with hypocellular fibrous stroma, but no obvious atypia, mitotic activity or necrosis mimicking fibrous dysplasia. |
Intimal fibroplasia, lipohyalinosis, and fibrinoid necrosis were absent. |
Ultimately, he required bilateral video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for decortication of the empyemas, at which time extensive left lower lobe necrosis was noted. |
Tumor necrosis factor-alpha production, inducible nitric oxide synthase, and endothelial nitric oxide synthase protein expression were analyzed in visceral adipose tissue. |
Anchorage-independent transformation has been observed in clone 41 cells treated with TPA, epidermal growth factor, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and other tumor promoters. |
Sometimes, biloma formation can be caused by bile duct necrosis. |
Typical histologic lesions including small areas of necrosis and occasional capillary microthrombii within skeletal muscle and other organs are commonly reported. |
The pathological post mortem diagnosis was acute pancreatitis, fat necrosis in pancreas with liver autolysis without any malignancy base Pathological report. |
Nature of the autofluorescent material in cerebrocortical necrosis. |
The brain was edematous, and small foci of necrosis were found. |
Purification and characterization of an inhibitor for tumor necrosis factor and lymphotoxin obtained from the serum ultrafiltrates of human cancer patients. |
Renal meronts and gametocytes were confined to the distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts, and were associated with renal tubular necrosis and tubular obstruction. |
If not adequately and timely treated, such extravasations can lead to tissue necrosis that is sometimes of sufficient severity to require surgery including amputation. |
Caseation may occur in microscopic foci within the granulomas, or areas of necrosis may coalesce, forming a cold abscess, particularly when the immunity is high. |
The most severe and consistent microscopic lesion in mallards was myocardial degeneration and coagulative necrosis consistent with acute heart failure. |
Section of brain showing ischemia induced changes like loss of basophilia due to necrosis of the small neurons of the granular layer of brain in ischemic control group. |
Prospective assessment of body weight, body composition, and bone density changes in patients with spondyloarthropathy receiving anti-tumour necrosis factor-alpha treatment. |
Intraductal papilloma with 'comedo-like' necrosis, a diagnostic pitfall. |
Direct laryngoscopy revealed an extensive oedematous supraglottis with severe necrosis involving the laryngeal inlet, base of the tongue and right tonsillar bed. |
The Johns Hopkins group reported that muscle biopsies from 38 of 225 patients with myopathy showed myofiber necrosis without prominent inflammation. |
Widespread necrosis of mesenteric, omental, or other intra-abdominal fat is a relatively uncommon disorder, reported in several mammalian species, including humans. |
Moaddab and Eskandarlou report a case of chest wall necrosis and empyema resulting from attempting suicide by injection of petroleum into the pleural cavity. |
Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand induces monocytic maturation of leukemic and normal myeloid precursors through a caspase-dependent pathway. |
Foci of necrosis, hyalinization and calcification were identified. |
Kienbock disease is avascular necrosis of the scaphoid bone. |
Use of phentolamine to prevent necrosis due to levarterenol. |
A biopsy specimen taken 3 months later showed grade 3 hepatitis with bile ductular reaction, bridging hepatocytic necrosis and fibrosis, and regenerative nodule formation. |
Endoscopic tumor appearance is classified into ulcerated melanotic nodules, submucosal masses with ulcerations, and mass lesions with necrosis and melanosis. |
Cellular pleomorphism, mitotic figures, and necrosis are absent. |
In recent years, it has also been explored for the treatment of the ischemic necrosis of the caput femoris, aphtha, bedsore and wound healing, and so on. |
Consequently, by using embolizing material to selectively embolize blood vessels in the hepatic artery, selective necrosis can be more effectively induced at the tumor site. |
Sectioning reveals variably cystic and fibrous areas filled by clear viscous fluid, while necrosis, hemorrhage, and purulence are only expected in secondarily infected cysts. |
Hematoxylin and eosin staining revealed no necrosis or mitotic figures. |
Pathology results showed necrosis and suppurative mixed inflammation. |
A transbronchial biopsy of the lesion indicated chronic inflammation, fibrotic proliferation of the interstitium, anthracosis, necrosis, and mucus collection. |
Mitoses are usually demonstrable, and necrosis may be present. |
Mitogen activated protein kinase p38 controls the expression and posttranslational modification of tristetraprolin, a regulator of tumor necrosis factor alpha mRNA stability. |