Despite his mystical belief in his luck, despite his arrogance and ruthlessness, Sulla never aimed at permanent tyranny. |
While on his quest for the 12 talismans, Jackie discovers that each one has unique mystical powers, which are bestowed upon its holder. |
Many players believe that the shuffle has some kind of mystical properties which change player advantage. |
Thus, one of the things that I've been working on is a sort of metaphysical, mystical energy tantra, where the rush of energy is held inside you. |
Rich, elegant, fragrant and mystical, it provides a most satisfying dining experience. |
Not surprisingly, given our growing national devotion to mystical malarkey, Irish people are flocking to this supernatural health centre. |
These boards make it possible for the Mammonists to perform their mystical rites that much faster. |
The constitutional banishment of the swastika has only increased its mystical power among skulking skinheads. |
The notion of searching and finding one's bashert, or soul mate, seems a little less mystical in this cool-eyed context. |
This is the traditional, threefold mystical way of purgation, illumination and union. |
The ending, when everyone finally goes to Canterbury, ties things up in a satisfactory, almost mystical fashion. |
There were many beautiful and strange statues of mermaids and dragons and other mystical creatures. |
It emphasized sin, regeneration, and grace, and had a mystical, millenarian content. |
Round the camp fire, someone joked that killing a goat was trepidatious, hubris in such a holy and mystical place. |
The company's CEO then made the mystical decision that the ski industry really needed a ski binding built to the same specs. |
These medical philosophers argued that bodily ills were caused by occult and mystical influences. |
The primary meaning may be mystical, but paradoxical triplicity is very much in the spirit of the poem. |
And so it is that this triptych of narratives involves prophetic individuals seeking a mystical connection with the world through creation. |
Journalism wasn't some mystical black magic that my grandmother couldn't do for some extra cash. |
This gives them a mystical identification with the entirety, and deep forms of bliss. |
It's an unfaltering elixir of dynamic guitar, mystical vocals and energy you don't see nearly enough in electronic music. |
John the Evangelist thus becomes the perfect type of the mystic, and also the perfect mystagogue, teacher of the mystical path. |
This recognition accounts for the current interest, in Western countries, in mystical experiences and Eastern religions. |
Over the ages, the weeping of tears has been a sign of the mystical experiences of saints and repentant sinners. |
A common belief among ancient cultures was that the laws of numbers have not only a practical meaning, but also a mystical or religious one. |
The temptation is to read it as a sort of mystical or religious experience. |
Besides catalyzing their mystical and religious inclinations, he also provides assistance of a more practical sort. |
At the core of all religious traditions is a mystical experience, an experience of unity, of oneness, with the divine. |
Many of my most profound mystical experiences were in drug-induced shamanic states. |
It's important for us to be critical in judging the mystical products of our religious traditions. |
Theology is the mystical contemplation of God by the creatively receptive consciousness of the mind and heart. |
At the time, Micheal and I differed on certain fundamentals behind our work, especially in the area of religious and mystical experiences. |
He described an interesting sociological research project, to create standards for what mystical religious experiences are. |
Patients with temporal lobe seizures sometimes have intense mystical and religious experiences. |
Varieties of religious experience often appear under other labels such as mystical, ecstatic, numinous, anomalous, and paranormal. |
Regular contact with the beneficent mystical forces will surround you with a protective aura. |
It does so by exploring the extent to which there were shared worlds of formal scholarship and of mystical understanding. |
While wordless understanding seems a bit mystical and precious, it may not be as strange as it seems. |
However, this enthusiasm for the mystical potential of human technology is misplaced, illogical, and spiritually dangerous. |
Before we enter the mystical realm of organizational symbolism, first let me define the terminology. |
There's also the mystical, spiritual side of Ayurveda, which sees all intelligence and wisdom as flowing from one source. |
Taoism is a Chinese philosophical tradition that emphasizes the spiritual and mystical connection between human beings and nature. |
This emphasis links Buddhism with the mystical traditions of ancient India, such as yoga. |
For many mystery cults, salvation was to come from a person's association, through a mystical rite, with a hero who had conquered death. |
Finally, a naturalistic worldview is one that has no supernatural or mystical element to it. |
To those on a quest for spiritual evolution or transformation, they promise entry into an esoteric world of ancient mystical wisdom. |
These are people who have a naturalistic worldview, free of supernatural and mystical elements. |
As belief in magick grew great and strong, its followers became more secretive and strict about the lore and beliefs of these mystical ways. |
Many scholars have, in fact, described New Age ideas as a revival of esoteric and mystical religion traditions rooted in humanity's ancient past. |
It has been certified by nanas of umpteen ancient cultures to contain mystical curative properties. |
For centuries, the meaning of the mysterious and mystical Egyptian hieroglyphs baffled the greatest minds in the world. |
Whenever a far-away or long-dead culture can be invoked, a mystery or an entire mystical philosophy can be generated. |
Alan Nowell says the interwoven patterns depict monks performing ancient mystical dances. |
His interests were wide and many but by the turn of the century his main interests were esoteric, mystical, and occult. |
If hypnosis is not an altered state or gateway to a mystical and occult unconscious mind, then what is it? |
She demonstrates her ability to transform common pop into unusual, mystical notes. |
Through painting he sought to uncover mystical inner forces that animate nature. |
Summer, at that age, has a mystical quality, where time appears to have no end. |
Look, I appreciate that, in some deep mystical sociological sense, it was all our fault. |
Dating back 100 million years, the diamond is rare, tenacious and mystical as no two are ever alike. |
Joyce himself believed the progress of his writing was, in some mystical sense, bound up with his daughter's illness. |
Miller is also the local undertaker and seems to have both an intuitive and mystical sense of how critically important his work is. |
Music really is a mystical force, a deep psychological wisdom that has the power to heal what is happening to human beings on this planet. |
This someone or something is usually either God or the mystical forces of nature. |
For example, they were familiar with certain metals, including gold, which inspired mystical reverence as the perfect element. |
With such strange and mystical forces at your command, you will possess all the skills and wisdom you need to defeat the Dark Lord. |
It's my way of tapping into the eternal mystery of life, that mystical force that rolls on despite the petty attempts of humans to change it. |
The woman was dead, a walking, talking pale corpse seemingly brought back to life by the omnipotent mystical forces of necromancy. |
Trees as one of the oldest symbols of life have from the ancient period been associated with the mystical forces of nature. |
Instead of conveying any specific religious message, the whole piece projects a genuine sense of mystical awe that is irresistible. |
She thought of the universe as being full of mystical forces including gravitation and magnetism. |
He just wanted to try to explain the body without resorting to some mystical soul. |
According to the teachings of the world's major religions, this mystical soul, or spirit, somehow lives on after death. |
One thing this seems to imply is that that soul is not the mystical animating spirit of the person, so much as their conscience. |
The way to mystical freedom is by way of letting go of conventional concerns and achieving union with the Dao. |
Does one then conclude that mysticism and the mystical experience is universal in its experience? |
This is not the mysticism as an acceptable form of religion that is based on an intellectual mystical union. |
It's easy to get mystical and New Agey about this sort of thing, for there's nothing easier than creating mysticism where there is mystery. |
The fact that the players may be from foreign leagues and offer unpronounceable surnames merely adds to their mystical allure. |
The trees, caves and boulders have a mystical atmosphere, with signposts few and far between. |
I will never get another chance, and I hear it will even change my life, in some unspecified but profound mystical fashion. |
She took in a deep breath and wondered if she looked like a mystical sorceress with all her hair waving wildly about her. |
Used in shamanism, witchcraft, and even poisonous murder, nightshades have a history of both mystical danger and scientific caution. |
Further, only a ninny can suppose that the intellectual and mystical are opposites. |
The doctrines of Vedanta were based on the Upanishads, and gave logical and organized form to their mystical speculations. |
With both sense experience and mystical experience contradictions between reports prevent us from taking all of them to be veridical. |
The deep and mystical quality of the dance and its inner rhythms have been captured. |
Long a hide-out for bandits, rebels and visionaries, the caatinga also earns a reputation as a mystical badlands. |
Leading members of the society visited India and other parts of Asia to study mystical teachings and seek out occult phenomena. |
In reworking the Hasidics' writings, he refashioned them into a vehicle for his own mystical and romantic ideas. |
People continue to be afraid and uninformed or misinformed about the mystical side of Judaism, both in terms of Kabbalah and Hasidism. |
His desire for power is so great that he castrates himself in order to attain invincible and mystical powers. |
An integration of inner and outer duality is possible now to create a unity or mystical union of opposites. |
This movie scene shows sacred rites and chants corresponding accurately to the mystical Hebrew folklore of 16th-century Prague. |
You will, among other things, be an extremely tolerant person, even mystical, even other-worldly. |
It is mystical and ascetic, with the sisters observing vows of poverty, chastity and silence. |
There's certainly an affinity between the Buddhist idea of sunyata of emptiness, and the Western mystical teaching of nothingness. |
To accentuate water as the essence of life, several synchronised swimmers perform a calming and mystical aquatic ballet. |
The mystical fathers of the church also teach of what can be called a fourth type of icon-the hypostasis of God, the image of His being. |
What is the difference between the hypostatical union, and the mystical union that is between Christ and believers? |
According to mystical traditions, the living human body is coextended by a duplicate. |
In his analyses, the rubric becomes a sort of mystical triangle whose terms seem perpetually to transmute into one another. |
Many from the metaphysical church described a mystical and often immanent deity. |
In an obscure way, one seems to imagine a phenomenally empty physical space into which phenomena are then projected in a mystical way. |
The commemorators have done their utmost to evoke and represent Africa, a mystical and glorious Africa, one of beauty, splendour and delight. |
When Francis spent time alone it was usually to find a more intimate, mystical communion with God. |
It is a rendition beyond compare of timeless truths and of mystical dimensions. |
The latter is mystical, fideistic, evangelical, and Roman, into pilgrimage, procession, chant, and punctilious liturgy. |
The pivot of this change was the Enlightenment, a time when the rational took ascendance over the mystical. |
Perhaps a soul is a physical entity, some sort of mystical pixie dust residing inside the heart of the human. |
The men believe the twins hold mystical powers that make them invincible in their battles against the Myanmar military. |
The founder of this ancient and mystical order stated that one can gain invisibility with the use of clouds. |
We need to bring together the devotional and mystical and scriptural pieces. |
Fushida became very excited by this natural phenomenon, viewing it as a mystical sign portending the success of the sneak attack. |
For John, mystical theology is a gift of grace by which a prayerful person stands before and has some kind of experience of the presence of God. |
Some religions give primacy of value to mystical union, some to works of charity, some to justice, and some to ritual observance. |
Worshippers claimed that it transported them back to the mystical glories of the candlelit cathedral. |
Dyer's mystical demonism accounts for the ambivalent, exhilarating, and uncanny dimension of his architecture. |
In The Approach, a mostly white painting with edges of yellow-gold, a mystical luminosity is supported by a gnomic title. |
Our children's children will marvel that so many people wasted their God-given lives hammering mystical pegs into psychological holes. |
Your people and you attribute mystical and even godlike qualities to a beast? |
It was wonderfully meditative, and as I sat there cross-legged, gonging away and soaking up the mystical reverberations, I got to thinking. |
What cosmic, mystical reason could there be for such evil and ugliness and destruction to exist? |
Behind the promotion of enterprise culture lies a mystical idea of productivity and economic growth. |
Letting go of the ego, the persona, the rational mind is a central experience in mystical traditions. |
The most mystical of shades, purple, has been preferred by kings, queens and emperors throughout history. |
This divine origin is particular to the sacred, mystical, and theological insight of the people of Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi. |
Bell's drawings, etchings and monumental clay sculptures possess a kind of mystical godliness. |
Dubbed mind expanders, these drugs are said to raise self-awareness and summon feelings of religious or mystical connection. |
Seen from the air in the lemony light of dawn, the place has an almost mystical quality about it. |
Dracula and period movies provide the ideas for romantic blouses, skirts and dandy jackets in mystical darks. |
The Jedi are primarily mystical, though they can, of course, deploy their knowledge of Right to achieve intellectual understanding. |
He makes some quite acid comments about the seventies mystical counterculture which make for very amusing reading now. |
Sure, he is a driven man, pushed by the mystical forces that inform the devout. |
The most mystical of shades, purple has been preferred by kings, queens and emperors throughout history. |
I wanted to be a princess in a mystical land that was filled with magic and fairies and evil witches. |
Like Meridiana, her attitude to nature is mystical, and she practices witchcraft. |
The lights in the room danced as if some mystical creature had enchanted them. |
Such a view of the world was inclined toward mystical and allegorical meaning of reality and truth. |
It is also fitting that she chose such an allegorical, almost mystical way to present such a brutal act. |
Under teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, reincarnation of important lamas is done through divination or mystical means. |
The mystical cult centre of the Yezidi is the Sephira Yesod or Yezod, the sphere of the moon, which is especially concerned with transformation. |
The entire scope of Yiddishkeit will benefit by looking more closely into the mystical understanding. |
Based on Lawrence Thornton's novel, Hampton strives for a part human, part mystical response to a brutal regime, bent on repression. |
The contrast between the rational and mystical aspects of life is often epitomized as the conflict between the Apollonian and the Dionysian. |
In Pisces, collective thinking approaches the most mystical level possible. |
I could find a mentor and follow them around, learning the arcane and mystical art of pointing. |
After that, I began to notice, little by little, this marvelous and mystical place where I have lived for years. |
He became an art student in Dublin, and in 1894 published Homeward, his first volume of mystical verses, with the encouragement of Yeats. |
On the other hand, there is a mystical advantage to standing at the Western Wall, the spot where all prayers ultimately ascend to heaven. |
The sale of magic beans and dolls and other mystical, Eastern tchotchkes had made me suspicious. |
Street savvy but compassionate, mystical but agnostic and above all, brilliantly idiosyncratic, Fly is a rambling poet of sorts. |
From bellow to Woolf, Matt Seidel on the mystical workings of just 24 hours. |
Even so, there was a mystical note missing until they brought on the 87-year-old Rev. Dr. Joseph E. Lowery for the benediction. |
Even after nearly 50 years, Ehrenreich is reluctant to describe the experiences as mystical. |
But he read their blank verse cadences as cadences, and as poets writing within a Protestant tradition who were trying to also revive a mystical tradition. |
When he looks at you like that, you feel like you're standing at the verge of a bottomless abyss, a void so deep that it has its own mystical gravitation. |
Eastern mystical philosophies such as Buddhism promote an attitude of acceptance of suffering and difficulties which are an inevitable part of life. |
It's not something you need to be initiated into with mystical rites. |
You may share a special and mystical relationship with a soul mate. |
The rest of the time he looked less like a hero with mystical powers and more like a well-intentioned English teacher with a penchant for fell-walking. |
In contrast, Masoch's fictive world is mythical, persuasive, aesthetically oriented, and centered around the idealizing, mystical exaltation of love for the punishing woman. |
What I was looking for was a very ethereal, mystical, disembodied sound. |
And there are times when the creative process is irrefutably mystical. |
And yet this seems very similar to perhaps mystical experiences or experiences of the mystics who wanted to lose themselves in the oneness of God, to become one with God. |
He has to be captured or eliminated in order to put an end to this almost now mystical aura that he has of being invincible, unfindable and unpunishable. |
This was an unusual project for Rembrandt in that he rarely illustrated books and rarely represented this kind of mystical, visionary subject matter. |
Some days I think anything is possible and the world is this mystical wonderful place and we all have a magical part in making life the way it is. |
In praising the mystical strain in postmodernism, with its emphasis on the elusiveness of truth and presence, she likens it to the apophatic theology of the Pseudo-Dionysius. |
The UN's authority is instead one of those ineffable mystical mysteries. |
The untamed beauty of Canada is mystical at its core, but it is the way it is interpreted in his sketches and paintings that takes the breath away. |
He was a Rosicrucian, a brotherhood combining elements of mystical beliefs with an optimism about the ability of science to improve the human condition. |
If the angel invokes faith, it must share equal time with the vaguely mystical powers of magic, and the explicit artificiality of science fiction. |
The boom of the bell and the drum calling everyone to pray at 4.30 in the morning had a powerful sonorous sound with an eerie mystical feel that was palpable, not imagined. |
This view posits the possibility of one divine reality under and beyond all religions, and often emphasizes the mystical path or the mutual pursuit of good works. |
Sufism emphasises the more mystical and ascetic aspects of the religion. |
Surfer was the comically subversive tale of a group of ski bums visited by a mysterious stranger who skis magically and imparts mystical knowledge. |
Thus, when you mix the hypnotic qualities of dance music with the mystical range of Indian tablas, you open up the doors for interesting experimentation. |
Here, the calm, mystical music already glimpsed in Les enfants is allied with an avowedly Debussian orchestral palette, to produce a luscious work of sensuous religiosity. |
She practices yoga, keeps a macrobiotic diet, and is a devoted student of Kabbalah, a mystical form of Judaism, which predates organized religion. |
A medical system that excludes from consideration notions of the mystical, occult, spiritual, or religious will never be entirely satisfying to many. |
And that was considered to be something mystical and spiritual. |
That the space program remains so important to the hearts and minds of Americans seems explicable only through the mystical nature of space exploration. |
The mystical spin on real-life political tragedy may have worked in the original novel, but here, defying tyrants while being away with the fairies just doesn't work. |
The book's mix of code-breaking, art history, religion and mystical lore has helped it sell 25 million copies since it was published two years ago. |
Beyond this there also lies a mystical or spiritual meaning. |
Bagua Zhang derives its name from Ba Gua, the mystical symbol of the eight states of transformation upon which the Chinese book of divination, the I-Ching is based. |
Experience the ancient mystical city of Ho Chi-Minh and its Eastern traditions, Buddha temples, towering pagodas and colorful oriental river markets. |
Witnessing the mystical wonders of the tallest peak of the world through the windows of our 1900C Beechcraft is a different experience altogether. |
The mystical warrior balled up his fist, summoning a sphere of black energy, which was surrounded by purple lightening, and flung it into the air. |
Under that plump moon and the glowering gaze of the Matterhorn, we understood why the Swiss feel an almost mystical sense of oneness with the pile of rock. |
The particular quality of beauty has long been imagined and revered as the mystical bridge with which humans can traverse the worlds and access the divine. |
I offer James's recourse to metaphors of the mystical as an additional, radical instance of the detonative effect of James's philosophical discourse. |
It is a blend of calming sandalwood, frankincense and myrrh, which give it a mystical, resinous quality, and exotic jasmine and rose for romantic sensuality. |
Reality seems to blur as you experience a spate of synchronic, even mystical moments. |
That was only as it should be, for they saw in that amber-colored spiritous water an almost mystical being, one who had extraordinary power over the affairs of men. |
Is this a mystical gift bestowed upon me in a meditative trance? |
Calvin tried to work with a concept of mystical real presence that avoided the empirical absurdities of transubstantiation with regard to the Eucharist. |
Christmas is a season of marvelous and mystical experiences, and maybe it seems churlish to let science and history intrude. |
They interviewed people on their way of life, emotions, the history of Nestinari and most of all their souls and their spiritual ritual and mystical powers. |
Together they unravel and expose the island's medicine woman who delves into the dark secrets of obeah, an ancient mystical practice similar to voodoo. |
His visionary experience also stands between the mystical and the metaphorical, rather than straightforwardly purporting to be supernatural as in the case of Yeats. |
These two women have access to non-rational, mystical ways of knowing, interpreting, and healing, ways that allow them, like the novel itself, to transcend binary logic. |
Their ideas, vulgarized, tended to inspire and reinforce that obsession with the occult and the mystical which became noticeable in St Petersburg society. |
Egypt's magical and mystical other-worldly presence captivates our curiosity with an appeal that crosses all boundaries of time, geography and culture. |
We have the Shogun of the Underworld, who like Ichi is blind and has learned to compensate for his sightlessness with abilities seeming to border on the mystical. |
The monomyth always begins with the hero in the normal world, but that world soon shifts to a mystical one. |
Alongside the legal discussion about women's hair-covering is the aggadic and mystical imagery. |
Consequently, what one might call the chiliastic, mystical, or transcendental experience is central to Perennial utopias. |
The terrain itself has a mystical appearance, with sharply peaked mountains and fjords cutting into the land from the coast of the Labrador Sea. |
Crispian is still singing about mystical revolutions and the band still produce a hard-edged, psychedelic rock. |
Spanish Erasmists, proto-Protestants, and illuminists all raised their own challenges to the need for the mystical path. |
In development for over four years, the game opens up the mystical world of Middle-earth and creates the opportunity for endless adventure. |
Apart from these twelve gods, Greeks also had a variety of other mystical beliefs, such as nymphs and other magical creatures. |
Combustible bouquets were used by the ancient Egyptians, who employed incense within both pragmatic and mystical capacities. |
She experienced a mystical ecstasy that became profoundly influential on Spanish culture and art. |
These include models of the Church as institution, as mystical communion, as sacrament, as herald, and as servant. |
Thomas Merton called John of the Cross the greatest of all mystical theologians. |
He notes that the beliefs saw the meaning of life as otherworldly mystical experience. |
For example, why is it that supernormal phenomena so often accompany mystical experiences? |
Synaesthesia can occur particularly powerfully during mescalin and LSD intoxication, and is often given mystical significance. |
She reported that many of the interviewees described the workshop having transcendent, almost mystical properties. |
The summer solstice ceremony held by druids and New Agers confirms it as a cathedral to mystical paganism. |
Yeats hoped that the mystical system revealed in A Vision would influence more than his own poetry. |
The unusual textures impart a mystical quality to this work. |
It's said that Sumer and Tiamat are mystical and spiritual places, the home of the ancients who come from the heavens. |
But, because of some mystical synergy, occasionally Chanukah lines up with Thanksgiving, thus Thanksgivukkah. |
A mystical reading sees philosophy as a process that clears the way to direct illumination, to a metalinguistic, metarational experience of God. |
If you can't make it to the mystical mudbath don't worry, I'll be your eyes and ears so you know what's really going on. |
Cavell is extensively quoted in Secular Mysteries but rarely summarized, and the result is that he can appear aphoristic or even mystical. |
Saint Dionysius offered apophasis and kataphasis as oppositional yet complementary elements in his mystical theology, often termed Via Negativa. |
Balthasar's appreciation was probably influenced by Adrienne von Speyr's more mystical apperception of the heart and soul of Mozart. |
In loco parentis' is a rather archaic Latin term, but the literal translation is not so mystical. |
Also, both the homunculus and golem appear to be extreme, mystical adaptations of medieval alchemy. |
Vacillatory series of mystical Sufi poets and writers always love her and believe that love is a property called meta-material. |
Could it have been the last in some line of mystical beasts, so rare that to eat it was to score a line through some taxonomical branch? |
In other words, these people enjoyed the inner benefits of a self-induced mystical encounter without ingesting any mind-altering drugs. |
Taking an almost mystical role in the stories is Na-a-it-ka, now known as Ogopogo, a serpent-like creature in Lake Okanagan. |
As well as the ultra-evil operatic Sally Bones, a counter tenor sings the mystical Jalal the Paw and a bass sings the dog Cludge. |
He began to subscribe to a kind of mystical fideism, dismissing both positivist criticisms of religion and rational arguments in favor of it. |
In Tibetan Buddhism tradition, mandala are mystical maps for the visualization process with cosmic symbolism. |
Last time I saw him he was doing some mystical Rasputin gobbledegoo in Hyde Park. Pathetic. |
Ealstan's master of herblore droned on and on about the mystical properties of plants. |
This emphasis on the indescribability of God in intense religious experience is consistently found in the more mystical religious traditions. |
The music of Bangladesh features the Baul mystical tradition, listed by UNESCO as a Masterpiece of Intangible Cultural Heritage. |
However, the aid in which these foxes give is often overshadowed by the social and mystical implications of being a member of such a family. |
Other groups of artists expressed feelings that verged on the mystical, many largely abandoning classical drawing and proportions. |
It includes her sixteen mystical visions and contemplations on universal love and hope in a time of plague, religious schism, uprisings and war. |
An alternative theory is that Blake is referring to a mystical concept within his own mythology related to the ancient history of England. |
The mystical shell of Hegelian dialectics is ontological monovalence, manifest inter alia in the absence of the concept of determinate absence. |
Russell said he returned from the war a changed man, one with a deeply mystical and ascetic attitude. |
Quartz is the most common material identified as the mystical substance maban in Australian Aboriginal mythology. |
Both the religiously dis-identified and the religiously committed report mystical experiences. |
Stevens's songs have a mystical, faintly psychedelic flavour, and are mostly sung in his native Welsh language. |
One conduit for this were the ascetics, called resi, who taught mystical practices. |
Apples appear in many religious traditions, often as a mystical or forbidden fruit. |
These are based in elements that would be considered religious, mystical, or psychic phenomena in the British vernacular when they were written. |
Catherine of Siena and John of the Cross wrote mystical theology. |
However, jasmine is also often used as floral offering for spirits and deities, and also often present during funerals which gave it its mystical and sacred properties. |
During a chance meeting with a mystical Bunyip elder, TY discovers that his fellow Tasmanian Tigers are still alive, but trapped in another world called Dreamtime. |
Blake retained an active interest in social and political events throughout his life, and social and political statements are often present in his mystical symbolism. |
Ron is a dyed-in-the-wool surfcaster, the sort of man who speaks about the mystical beauty of long nights as a lone sentry beside the sea waiting for the fish to arrive. |
Hermetic Qabalah is a Western esoteric, occult and mystical tradition. |
Leon does not stand alone in wishing that Teresita had stayed in the borderlands, forever an immaculate saint, social crusader, or mystical curandera. |
After returning to London in 1835, and using a small legacy to purchase a house in Marylebone, Palmer produced less mystical and more conventional work. |
He's also sent to eliminate O'Blivion's daughter, but in a trancelike, mystical scene, she deprograms him by revealing the actual nature of his disease. |
Numerous critics have commented on the mystical elements of Four Quartets, with particular attention to apophatic mysticism, or negative theology. |
To the degree that my universe intersects with the Angelverse, I view Angel as far more than a creature tormented by blood cravings, past horrors, and mystical forces. |
The notion is thoroughly characteristic of the mystical level, and the Aufgabe of making it articulate was surely set to Hegel's intellect by mystical feeling. |
I'd seen those promo clips of a vampy ballet dancer pirouetting around foggy Montego Street and was expecting something mystical, enchanting and other-worldly. |
Pete Campbell would be just another irritating office brown-noser, a prep school Sammy Glick, except that he too has a screw loose and a mystical rapport with firearms. |
This manuscript contains a large body of later mystical poetry attributed to the poet, but scholars have recognised twelve poems that belong to the 6th century. |
While multiple rabbis were credited with having created golems, they were always made for secular purposes, typically to demonstrate mastery of ancient mystical texts. |
The mystical communion of all faithful men is such as maketh every one to be interested in those precious blessings which any one of them receiveth at God's hands. |
Chinmoy used a wide variety of sponges, brushes and colours to paint in a unique spontaneous mystical style with a lot of vigour, strong movement and rhythm. |
The latter reflect d'Urfe's problematic notions of Neoplatonism by sanctioning in writing an oblational and submissive love, and not a mystical union of the Platonic kind. |
There is a mystical component to some of the new age spiritualities that is different from, but connected to a more eastern philosophy of religion than western ENRfu. |
Pearl also shows the poet's understanding of mystical theology. |