This is a murderous organisation which seeks impossible objectives by the most violent of means. |
Again, absent the use of a gun, knife or poison, jurors rarely accepted arguments for murderous intent. |
She hobbles out of the curtain with a murderous look on her face and her fist cocked and ready to throw another punch. |
He is not some murderous criminal to be brutally dealt with, Uncle Charles. |
His support for the most murderous policies of the ruling elite is nothing new. |
I can see why that might work in, say, a song about murderous jealousy, but that doesn't seem to be what this song is about. |
Il Tabarro was a subtitled drama about forbidden love and murderous jealousy. |
The country's military dictatorship is a repressive, democracy-crushing, bloodthirsty, murderous bunch of thugs. |
In principle one might expect to find that war was a matter of continuous, violent, and mutually murderous activity. |
The murderous vendetta lasted years and involved disputes over a razorback hog and various other affronts to family dignity. |
Science and technology were applied to the most murderous ends known to humankind. |
If that's not enough for you, then you might take a look at the domains of gynarchy and mysticism of murderous amazons. |
That fierce, murderous eloquence does make me wonder whether the rhetoric of modern Islamists is comparable. |
To this day he remains chained, madness close to his mind and murderous intentions deep within the recess of his soul. |
Things actually become worse when Emily befriends an imaginary friend whose erratic behavior eventually turns murderous. |
Frank Horrigan pursues every clue, every scrap of evidence as he fights to pin down Leary and foil his murderous plan. |
Not surprisingly, a series of brutal and murderous events left islanders deeply distrustful of outsiders. |
If I ever snap and go on a murderous killing spree, it'll be because of this guy. |
Determined to avenge her, Marv pursues a violent, murderous course that takes him to the heart of the city's power structure, and seals his fate. |
He attributed these tendencies and his cruel, murderous history to his abusive childhood. |
The edulcoration notwithstanding, documents from the early period of Arab rule often depict a brutal murderous conquest. |
They suffer discrimination, racist abuse, violent assaults and murderous attacks. |
After that the schedule turns murderous starting with back-to-back home games with New England and Philadelphia to complete the first half. |
And both Leo and Angie were sending murderous glares to him but the perverted guy seemed ignorant. |
Expect the Sonics and Clippers to take a step back amid murderous January schedules. |
He is like an old Bolshevik, wringing his hands over the murderous policies of his Stalinist progeny. |
You don't pussyfoot around and make excuses for a murderous dictator who ignores U.N. mandates for 12 years. |
Second, my best friend and crush is being stalked by crazy, murderous psychos. |
Where is the ethical norm that stipulates resistance against murderous force without any concern for one's own security? |
With a mouthful of this murderous fruitlike dentition, tyrannosaurs had a whopping bite, which might have made up for their reduced forelimbs. |
What we are seeing in the world today is a product of this murderous imperialist policy. |
The ill-natured Marx, the venomous Lenin, the murderous Stalin all had a deep-seated loathing of all those who disagreed with them. |
Then, it was all murderous cloak-and-dagger stuff conducted far from the light of day, with scant regard for the law or human rights. |
Instead he plays Arthur as a terrifying yet avuncular figure, apt to switch from jovial bonhomie to murderous rage with lightning speed. |
What could twelve murderous, incestuous, patricidal, wrathful, neurotic deities possibly find to loathe about Pan? |
If you were living under that kind of vile, murderous dictatorship, would you not want someone to come in and save you? |
Who would have thought that such a kindly, sweet lady would write such murderous tales? |
Morning rush hour traffic was murderous at the best of times, and with something like this going on it was not moving at all. |
The glances it gets on these rustic streets are more murderous than any it might garner from the fashionistas in Milan. |
After a few careless moves in the opening Black develops a murderous attack. |
Panting, he looked down at her and searched her face for any sign of murderous anger or heartfelt anguish. |
Why not call the police brutal, sadistic or even murderous when they act that way? |
Others are just private murderous mafias that thrive in the atmosphere of lawlessness that prevails in large parts of the country. |
He was restraining the furiously raw murderous rage boiling in his soul and the sewers of the ghetto all the while. |
He notes that Carew, though a murderous Machiavel, never betrayed his sworn allegiance as the rebel chieftains did. |
Like an alternating current, the atmosphere of the reef flickers between urgent desire and cold, murderous cupidity. |
In her hands she held an axe, the thick handle made of reddish wood, and the head a rusted silver, with a sharp, murderous blade. |
Their people will have an opportunity for democracy and freedom instead of being under the regime of this murderous butcher and his family. |
Event after event causes Philip to wonder whether Rachel is a scheming murderous or grossly maligned woman. |
It is set during the early Qing Dynasty, and Gordon Liu plays a man on the run after murderous Manchu oppressors kill his family. |
The urchin got up a second time with the murderous expression of a dog scenting blood. |
It was a clearly planned killing with murderous intent executed with brutality and determination. |
These horrible acts of violence must be understood within the context of an increasingly vile and murderous narco-state. |
The choice was therefore to leave a murderous dictator in power or to remove him by force. |
The look of murderous, seething fury on my face must have finally sunk into his thick bovine head, because he turned and left. |
If necessary, the murderous self-murderer can even make do without such second-hand justifications altogether. |
Those of us who have tried one or more fads diets may appreciate the murderous sentiments. |
The technique is not unlike nailing the murderous Al Capone for tax evasion. |
These young men are usually influenced by something to make them take their first baby steps in the murderous world of a serial killer. |
Her brother Ephes has murderous tendencies towards anyone who dares to touch her. |
The prison governor's side whiskers, cross eyes, and murderous expression reminded me of the turnkeys so aptly described by Melshin. |
Second, racism is a foul, potentially murderous and often actually murderous thing. |
Most of them were muddles, rather than deliberately murderous delinquencies. |
The country was soon essentially ungovernable, with various warlords in murderous control of their own fiefdoms. |
This man is as smoothly eloquent as he is violent, murderous and sexually rampant. |
History is littered with despots and psychopaths, murderous dullards, evil geniuses, deadly incompetents, calamitous brutes of all descriptions. |
Brand himself is a cold fish and a nervous character, who conceives a murderous hatred for his junior officer. |
It was random, it was indiscriminate, it was murderous, and it was close to home. |
There are despotic and murderous regimes all over the world and cultures whose affinity for evil and hatred defies comprehension. |
This new book usefully reminds us why that was, and just how vicious, corrupt and murderous the pre-1949 regime was. |
Accidentally provoking a murderous rage had always been a fatally easy thing to do. |
An ex-con takes a job as a ballast driver and encounters a world of dangerous conditions, murderous rivalry and corruption. |
The Rat Man's guilt, arising from these oedipally murderous feelings, led him to deflect his hostility onto himself in the form of suicidal thoughts. |
The longer his thoughts dwelt on the matter, the more murderous they grew. |
A murderous dictator may not be anyone's idea of a great business partner. |
In trademark whiteface and Buster Keaton regalia, Viglione pummeled his drums in a murderous rage, while Palmer's full, rich voice created a palpable drama. |
I really ought to hope that the murderous pair repented before they died. |
It was filled with murderous conquests, hate, rebellions, and revolutions. |
Nothing could be further removed from the ritual formalities of the continent, or the grimly murderous processes of trapping, gassing, poisoning or shooting. |
Picture a Julius Caesar recovered from his murderous assault to confront a repentant Brutus, who must painfully work out the consequences of his actions. |
The judge once dated a psychotically murderous mutant amnesiac. |
Turning on the shower until the water was steaming hot, and the spray felt like needles, Deb stepped inside, and let the murderous, revengeful feelings scour her. |
The terrorist acts that day were breathtaking in their murderous audacity. |
The murderous Machiavel, as Shakespeare called him, has never ceased to be an object of hatred to moralists of all persuasions, conservatives and revolutionaries alike. |
It will always contain dictators, autocrats and murderous opportunists who will seek power and its spoils without regard for the death and suffering of others. |
But his buffoonery was a side issue to his brutality and murderous tastes. |
And just as Woyzeck culminates in murderous tragedy, so does Blood Money cast its gaze unblinkingly upon the darkest elements of human experience. |
He didn't seem to be anyone dangerous or murderous, to tell the truth. |
As an advocate for hard times and the impending global apocalypse, I'm disappointed whenever a potential murderous despot loses his insane grip on the world. |
As a high-ranking servant of a murderous despot, he lied often. |
He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime. |
Still, the doctor is not convinced, but he does offer his story of a murderous ventriloquist whose dummy seemed more alive, and violent, than he was. |
Set in medieval Japan, Across the Nightingale Floor follows the captivating tale of Takeo, whose village is brutally destroyed by the murderous warlord, Iida Sadamu. |
Only Bart knows that he has a far more murderous motive in mind. |
He was also, of course, heavily implicated in the brutally murderous system of forced labour without which the entire German war economy would have collapsed. |
She's afraid I'm going to crack and go on a murderous rampage. |
In fact, if humanity's past record is a reasonable guide, globalism may represent the single deadliest threat to mankind in our long, murderous history. |
He had jumped out to a quick lead in the first game against Puertas, who was dealing with a minor leg muscle pull sustained in his murderous semi-final against Walker. |
And it's ignorant, unhistorical, an act of murderous pessimism. |
Son of Banquo, Fleance escapes Macbeth's murderous rampage and flees to England where he helps Macduff mount the insurrection that unthrones Macbeth. |
The photographs tell us that why we should brood over the murderous innocence of some water bodies when we have plenty of untrodden spots around us. |
But after watching it again for the first time in 30 years, Williams has changed his mind and revealed he is plotting a shocking sequel, with plenty of murderous revenge. |
So murderous was Funeka's left hook that Mofu was left prostrate on the canvas for some moments as medical personnel and concerned handlers feverishly revived him. |
The boy and his accomplices failed in their murderous conspiracy. |
It is not made clear just why Sebastian snaps to the degree he does, but he suddenly becomes a murderous, kill-crazed loony, offing his co-workers one by one. |
At Verdun, scene of the most murderous battle of the war, a massive ossuary was built to commemorate those 300,000 soldiers whose bodies had never been found or identified. |
But on those first days and nights, I was overcome with murderous rage. |
Life has not improved for the millions of rural poor still caught up in the struggle between the guerrilla, the ill-famed army and the murderous paramilitary groups. |
But this hasn't stopped leftists from fantasizing conspiracy theories in which the murderous Communists are transformed into the innocent victims of the conspiracy. |
In reality, pathologically murderous tyrants are fairly irredeemable. |
The murderous roar mocked their fragile armor of skin, flesh, bones. |
For 24 years these words carried with them a chilling, murderous portent. |
The street urchins lived in fear of some strange murderous cult. |
They are murderous, they are frustrated and they are deadly. |
Even murderous goons and heartless goombahs were stirred to noble deeds. |
Rather it is the supporters of war who have to dehumanise and hate in order to justify wielding their mighty and murderous weapons of destruction. |
One of the recurrent characters in his works is, in fact, a murderous gunslinger at the ready, pistol pointed toward an unseen target outside the frame. |
Katharine and her dad worked on an episode of The X Files called Schizogeny, involving an orchard that appears to have murderous powers. |
From 1121 the system fell into murderous political intrigue and Egypt declined from its previous affluent state. |
And the star landed the role of murderous Blackbeard in the latest Pirates of the Caribbean film, On Stranger Tides. |
Thankfully, there is no reason to think he committed any further murderous assaults within that period. |
Given Siri's Miss Marple-like tendency to sniff out wrongdoings and murderous misdemeanours, he was never going to be the type to sit quietly. |
While Harley had been in no way responsible for Pelton's murderous attack upon Yesler, public opinion held him to account. |
That same November, when Parliament confirmed Margaret's political office, her war with Angus descended into a murderous farce. |
They would soon view them as little more than murderous from a humanitarian perspective. |
In this 13-episode season, the Doctor is joined by a spunky sidekick, Rose, whom he saves from murderous plastic store mannequins. |
It is not murderous venom that courses in black veins but loving tolerance for the stranger, which is the central moral imperative of the Gospel. |
Caught in the murderous rain of arrows, most of the Scots didn't reach the enemy's line. |
If you can't recall most of the madness surrounding those murderous meshuggeners, you are not alone. |
Here, student, some man or woman kills living beings and is murderous, bloody-handed, given to blows and violence, merciless to living beings. |
But I expect the murderous thoughts of landlords brandishing Allen keys are a minor consideration for a group turning over pounds 8bn per annum. |
Even women in Britain were not safe from the murderous impulses of members of the Wehrmacht. |
De Ojeda managed to escape and ran to the bay where he told a passing expedition of the murderous natives. |
The invasion has the support of the Scottish nobles, who are appalled and frightened by Macbeth's tyrannical and murderous behaviour. |
The Roman Empire survived the debasement of the denari by successive Caesars to pay their murderous Praetorian Guards not to revolt. |
It remained a 'live' codeword after the murderous events at The Mulberry Bush and The Tavern In The Town. |
Moscow immediately claimed that the murderous schoolhouse siege was the work of Chechen radicals aligned with al-Qaeda. |
And if anyone thinks ASEAN is beclouding murderous human rights violations in Myanmar now, just wait until Myanmar itself takes the chair of ASEAN next year. |
Who'd have thought a murderous alcoholic slaphead could be difficult. |
We followed the bouncer through a murderous adventure in his home town of Mangel, a backwater full of colourful and seriously unhinged characters. |
The 36-year-old joined famous faces who have previously vamped it up as the show's murderous showgirls Velma Kelly and Roxie Hart, and prison warden Mama Morton. |
In fact, Peters had to pen in the date himself to mark the visit to the murderous mother in the hospital since he misentered it under March 16 instead of the fourteenth. |
When murderous Wally Blount arrives in town, Mike has to stop him and Prosit, a German villain, from stealing a hidden horde of gold deep in Indian territory. |
He arrives in a filthy, villainous, murderous and plague-ridden Croydon. |
Walter delves into the pages, immersing himself in the story of a tormented detective called Fingerling and his murderous encounter with a vamp, Fabrizia. |
Economist Peter Leeson believes that pirates were generally shrewd businessmen, far removed from the modern, romanticised view of them as murderous tyrants. |