This leads to a more prolonged exposure of the esophageal mucosa to gastric fluid than normal. |
Gastroesophageal endoscopy provides the best assessment of the esophageal mucosa. |
Gluten causes the intestinal mucosa to lose its villous structure and absorptive capacity. |
The discoloration can also occur in nasal, bronchial mucosa, fingernails and toenails. |
Many drugs enhance the damage that gastric fluid does to the esophageal mucosa. |
Lesions of the oral mucosa may be seen on the gingiva, buccal mucosa, palate, tongue, and lips. |
For examination of the mucosa, dentures or other dental appliances may need to be removed. |
Barrett's mucosa was reported if glandular mucosa was present in a biopsy sample from the oesophagus. |
There are no specific clinical signs on general examination, but inflammation of the rectal mucosa can readily be seen at proctoscopy. |
He described gastric mucosa extending into the tubular oesophagus as the result of a congenitally shortened oesophagus. |
The fourth pattern was diffuse, which involved all the gastric mucosa except the fundus. |
Lesions often start in the oral mucosa and may precede other cutaneous lesions by several weeks or months. |
The surgeon closes the oral mucosa and muscle layers using braided absorbable suture in a horizontal mattress fashion. |
Numerous acanthocephalids are also attached to the mucosa of the cecum and the cecal-colic junction. |
More severe inflammation of the mucosa is readily evident as erythema, intramucosal hemorrhage, exudate, or ulceration. |
Ileal and jejunal duplication cysts that contain ectopic gastric mucosa are also rare causes of false positive studies. |
Anyone without achlorhydria secretes hydrogen ions from gastric mucosa whether fed orally, by a nasogastric tube, or parenterally. |
The use of adsorptive agents decreases the amount of the toxic agent available for absorption by the gastric mucosa. |
This unusual reactive lesion of the gastric mucosa has only rarely been described and has been termed Russell body gastritis. |
Late stages show damaged and regenerating crypts intermixed with normal mucosa. |
The epithelium, often with villi, crypts, and glands, simulates the normal mucosa of the gut. |
Paneth cells are commonly found in the mucosa of the entire small intestine and the proximal large intestine, including the appendix. |
Typical findings include spiculation of the mucosa, spasm, abscess, or evidence of frank perforation. |
Lesions of the mucous membranes appear as whitish, reticulated, lacy plaques of the buccal mucosa, which may be painful. |
While the mucosa of the gallbladder appeared unremarkable, an expansile neoplasm had infiltrated the full thickness of the wall. |
The diverticulum may possess aberrant islands of gastric mucosa, pancreatic and duodenal glands. |
The epiglottic cartilage may be rudimentary, with duplication of the mucosa substituting for cartilage. |
The mucosa was thickened, white, and fleshy in appearance with a small area of superficial ulceration. |
The thyroid and epiglottis are connected by ligaments and membranes and lined on the inner aspect by respiratory mucosa and muscles. |
Local anesthesia is applied to the nasal, oral, and laryngeal mucosa by either an atomizer, gargle, nose drops, or pledget. |
Sedation may be necessary for appraisal of the rectal mucosa in an anxious child presenting for the first time. |
In this particular case, it seems that inspissation of tube feedings may have resulted in direct pressure on the mucosa of the small bowel wall. |
Biopsy of the wall of the mucocoele taken at the time of surgery showed chronically inflamed respiratory mucosa. |
This motion must represent contraction of both the outer longitudinal muscle layer and the powerful longitudinal muscle of the mucosa. |
Tuberculous granulomas are initially formed in the mucosa or the Peyer's patches. |
The most common pattern of oral disease reveals a reticular network of white hyperkeratosis on the buccal mucosa. |
Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy displayed Candida esophagitis and a localized swelling of the fundic mucosa. |
On CT of the chest, irregular mucosa and narrowed tracheal lumen were observed. |
In portal hypertensive gastropathy, the mucosa is friable and bleeding occurs when the ectatic vessels rupture and manifest as mucosal oozing. |
Thick sections should be avoided to prevent the oxyntic mucosa from becoming darker than desired. |
In our study, the histologic type of the inlet patch included oxyntic mucosa and cardiac mucosa, with oxyntic mucosa being the most common type. |
In the inlet patch, oxyntic mucosa was the most common histologic type, followed by cardiac mucosa. |
Unlike carcinomas, metastatic sarcomas generally occur deeper and may not ulcerate the mucosa. |
Beneath the mucosa, there is a loose connective tissue layer called the submucosa. |
Dietary coriander and onion prominently stimulated the activities of the disaccharidases sucrase, lactase and maltase of intestinal mucosa. |
Between the mucosa and muscle layers lies the submucosa, which is rich in blood vessels and connective tissue. |
These diverticula are considered false diverticula because the mucosa herniates through the esophageal muscular wall. |
The cyst wall is then everted and approximated to the edge of the vestibular mucosa with interrupted 2-0 absorbable suture. |
The nonneoplastic gastric mucosa showed inflammatory lesions in some patients. |
Signs of dehydration include increased thirst, fatigue, dry oral mucosa, and decreased urinary output. |
The worst inflammation and fibrosis in chronic gastroesophageal reflux occurs in the mucosa just above the cardia. |
The relative inaccessibility of the mucosa to self-examination often delays diagnosis, resulting in late detection and poor survival. |
This contraction wrinkles the thick mucosa at this level so that the fully occluded lumen takes on a stellate configuration. |
The physical examination showed pallid mucosa and a palpable mass in the epigastrium and mesogastrium. |
Oral intake of tobacco by chewing also increased the excretion as nicotine can be absorbed from oral mucosa. |
Multiple smaller polypoid masses, ranging from 0.2 to 1.1 cm, were present in the mucosa, submucosa, and serosa of the surrounding duodenum. |
Inlet patch is a congenital anomaly of the cervical esophagus consisting of gastric mucosa. |
The antral mucosa showed pancreatic acinar cell metaplasia and intestinal metaplasia. |
The tongue and mucous membranes lose their glistening appearance and the buccal mucosa becomes sticky. |
The gag reflex is elicited by stroking the pharyngeal mucosa with a cotton-tipped applicator or tongue depressor. |
The reddish columnar mucosa is in sharp contrast to the pale-pink mucosa of the esophagus. |
Schatzki's ring is a web arising from the mucosa at the squamocolumnar mucosal junction. |
The duodenal mucosa showed severe villous atrophy but no subepithelial collagen deposition. |
In some areas the mucosa lining the cyst had a slightly villiform appearance, whereas elsewhere it was flattened and simplified. |
These included redness in conjunctiva with prominent bulbar vessels, congestion of nasal mucosa and dermatological ailments. |
In the patients with carcinoma, the biopsy specimens were taken from noncancerous mucosa adjacent to the cancer. |
Additionally, the bronchi, trachea, and larynx demonstrated generalized erythema of the mucosa with overlying thin yellow mucus. |
The larynx, trachea, and bronchi exhibited extensive squamous metaplasia of the mucosa with reactive atypia. |
The probe was led through the working channel of the bronchoscope and placed in gentle contact with the bronchial mucosa. |
Microscopic examination of the gastric biopsies revealed the presence of cellular infiltrate in the mucosa and submucosa. |
Some of the mineral dusts can directly translocate into the bronchial mucosa without the help of macrophages. |
In humans, the presence of asthma is associated with an increase in DC numbers in the bronchial mucosa. |
Both benign and malignant tumors showed ulceration of the overlying mucosa. |
The small intestine had a 1.7-cm, firm mural nodule with intact mucosa but showed infiltrative growth into the mesenteric fat. |
Specimens from the lateral sides of the middle turbinate mucosa were examined as a control. |
In addition, cool mist moistens secretions, soothes inflamed mucosa, and decreases the viscosity of mucous secretions. |
It is important to remove any mucous covering the mucosa to allow adequate visualization. |
The buccal mucosa is the most common site of involvement in the oral cavity. |
It's no better at pain relief and no easier on the gastrointestinal mucosa than other drugs in its class, they say. |
The nicotine inhaler system uses a cartridge and mouthpiece that offer vaporized nicotine that is absorbed across the oropharyngeal mucosa. |
It can have an irritant effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa, and in large doses will act as an emetic. |
A continuous film covers the mucosa of the lungs, extending from the alveoli to the larger airways. |
Almost all fats are absorbed into the lymph system from the intestinal mucosa. |
Preparations requiring enemas may result in mechanical damage to bowel mucosa. |
The gastric mucosa had distended glands that extended to the pseudomembrane with a volcano-like appearance. |
Target organs in this respect include nasal or oral cavity, lung, oesophagus, stomach mucosa, duodenum or skin. |
Several specialised cells in the gastric mucosa contribute to the control of acid secretion. |
Solitary lymph nodules may be present in the mucosa and in the connective tissue around the cartilage. |
The chronic exposure to silver compounds both in medical and industrial settings can lead to permanent bluish-black discoloration of oral and nasopharyngeal mucosa. |
In a Japanese study of mast cells from nasal mucosa of individuals with perennial allergic rhinitis, quercetin significantly inhibited antigen-stimulated histamine release. |
She also had lacy, white reticulations on her buccal mucosa. |
Thus, the patient should be examined for the characteristic lacy white patterned and erosive lesions of the oral and genital mucosa to rule out lichen planus. |
He also had painful aphthous ulceration of his oral mucosa and genitalia. |
Buccal mucosa was scraped by a sterile spatula and smeared on the slides. |
An abundance of yeast disturbs your gastrointestinal mucosa, a protective barrier that helps prevent undigested food particles from passing into your bloodstream. |
Mucous membrane involvement is common, primarily of the oral mucosa and conjunctiva, but may also include the nasopharynx, larynx, esophagus, genitalia, and rectal mucosa. |
Clinically, the patient had an extensive ulcerating tonsillar tumour involving the right-sided soft palate, posterior buccal mucosa and posterior tongue base. |
They reported lymphocyte and plasma cell counts in the uvular mucosa of a control population that were half those of the nonapneic snorers in our study. |
Examination of the intraoral tissues includes inspection and palpation of the lips, buccal mucosa, tongue, floor of the mouth, gingiva and palate. |
Healthy mucosa of non-secretors shows little staining for these blood type antigens, but instead, demonstrates significant quantities of the I antigen. |
It appears well evident that the above mentioned compound is rapidly absorbed by the nasal mucosa into the systemic hematic circulation without first-pass metabolism. |
The other tumor involved the hard palate and buccal mucosa extensively. |
Rarely, the oral, esophageal or ocular mucosa may be involved. |
Some of the nodules were located in the submucosa beneath areas of mucosal ulceration, but did not show communication with or disruption of the mucosa. |
Histologically, the lesion consisted of sharply demarcated well-differentiated gastric antrofundic mucosa with chief cells, parietal cells, and mucus glands. |
Sections from the ileum showed the polyps to be composed of multiple closely aggregated lymphoid follicles in the lamina propria of the ileal mucosa. |
Biopsies of the polyp and random colonic and ileal mucosa were performed. |
Endoscopic biopsy of the distal duodenum is still the gold standard for diagnosis, showing marked changes in the intestinal mucosa with loss of villi and crypt hyperplasia. |
The skin and mucous membranes should be inspected for cyanosis, pallor, ecchymoses, telangiectasia, gingivitis, or evidence of bleeding from the oral or nasal mucosa. |
The larvae develop into the cysticercoid stage in the tissue and migrate back into the lumen of the small intestine, where they attach to the mucosa. |
Partial or total gastrectomy was performed in all patients, except in patient 6, who underwent removal of a submucosal nodule covered by apparently normal mucosa. |
By acting directly on alpha-adrenergic receptors in the mucosa of the respiratory tract, pseudoephedrine produces vasoconstriction leading to nasal decongestion. |
Lesions on children classically involve the buccal and gingival mucosa. |
Interestingly, pseudomembranes with Aspergillus fungal organisms were also identified within necrotizing pseudomembranes of the tracheobronchial mucosa. |
Toothbrushing lasted for approximately five minutes after each meal and included brushing the teeth, the dorsum of the tongue, and the palatal and mandibular mucosa. |
These margins involved the medial piriform sinus mucosa, the aryepiglottic fold and corniculate cartilage, and the interarytenoid mucosa. |
Histopathologically, the cystic structure was lined by proventricular mucosa presenting in folds and sulci. |
On ureteroscopy, the ureteral mucosa on the right proximal segment of the ureter appeared edematous and erythematous. |
The overlying mucosa can show umbilication at the site of the draining duct and yet remain normal. |
The energy was delivered submucosally to the tongue or buccal mucosa as indicated. |
Enzymes in the pancreatic juice flow into a long pancreatic duct that merges with the common bile duct and opens into the duodenal mucosa. |
Denture stomatitis affecting denture wearers is an inflammation of palatal mucosa characterised by creamy white pseudomembranes. |
In pathological terms, gastritis is defined as inflammation of the gastric mucosa. |
The diverticulum usually contains oxyntic cells from gastric mucosa that cause an ulcer giving rise to intestinal bleeding. |
Phase II study of the effects of ginger root extract on eicosanoids in colon mucosa in people at normal risk for colorectal cancer. |
All 3 gorillas exhibited multiple clear fluidfilled vesicles up to 2 cm in diameter that affected the mucosa of the lips and gingiva. |
They then develop a localised ulceration in the gingiva or mucosa of the cheek or lip, which spreads rapidly through the surrounding tissues. |
The use of xenogenic small intestinal sub mucosa as biomaterials for Achilles tendon repair in a dog model. |
An anterior osteotomy was made with a 701 fissure bur and completed with fine osteotomes to avoid disruption of the lingual mucosa. |
As no pathognomic clinical features exist, diagnosis is made by biopsy of intestinal mucosa. |
Symptoms often include constipation, toxic and allergic reactions, irritation of the intestinal mucosa, and malnutrition. |
A ZD is a herniation of the pharyngeal mucosa through an area of natural weakness between the fibers of the inferior constrictor muscles. |
Meckel's diverticuli that contain gastric mucosa lead to repeated gastrointestinal bleeds. |
The endoscope is advanced to its most orad limit and then slowly withdrawn so that the mucosa can be thoroughly examined. |
The sinonasal tract, lined by ciliated respiratory mucosa, gives rise to three distinct papilloma morphologies. |
Sutureless rabbit bladder mucosa patch graft urethroplasty using diode laser and solder. |
For long segment strictures, buccal mucosa graft augmented dorsal onlay urethroplasty is preferred. |
Stomach specimens from normal control rats showed normal histological structures of the mucosa, submucosa as well as the muscularis. |
In tyrnpanosclerosis, a hyaline degeneration of fibrous tissue in the ear may involve the tympanic membrane or the middle ear mucosa. |
MiRNA levels in these never smoker OSCCs were compared to that in nonpathologic mucosa in never smokers. |
This will reduce the degree of exsudation and inflammation of the nasal mucosa as well as the conjunctiva. |
This tumor probably originated in the mucosa overlying the turbinate bone, and it expended laterally to involve the maxillary antrum. |
Together with ONFs, they make bundles of nerve fibres that run from the nasal mucosa to the olfactory bulb, where the sense of smell is located. |
Oral mucosal transudate is obtained by swabbing the buccal mucosa and tongue. |
The results of the GSH level in the gastric mucosa were expressed as nanomoles per milligram tissue. |
Tracheal stenosis is a potentially life-threatening complication that occurs as a result of damage to the endotracheal mucosa. |
It is also extremely dry at cruising altitude, and this causes sore eyes, dry skin and mucosa on long flights. |
When people with celiac disease, eat these grains, it triggers a reaction that damages the mucosa of the small intestine. |
There was no cytogenetic damage to the therapied or non-therapied regions in the buccal mucosa cells, as determined cytomorphologically. |
Secondary disease causes ulcerated lesions of caseating foci within the mucosa and submucosa. |
If the drug flows toward the tear duct, systemic absorption through nasal mucosa can occur. |
Moreover, some reports indicate that the villi and microvilli of intestinal mucosa can affect the secretion of digestive enzymes. |
It occupied the area of the left parotid gland and extended medially to involve the entire left buccal mucosa. |
Anthracotic pigmentation in the bronchial mucosa is a bronchoscopic finding of pneumoconiosis, or evidence of heavy atmospheric soot. |
In stage 1 there is stomatitis, erythematous mucosa, vesicles, mucosal ulcers, melanotic mucosal pigmentation and mucosal petechiae. |
The existence of atypical melanocytes on the mucosa surrounding the tumour supports the ectopic melanocyte theory. |
About 500 mg of the tissue of the uterus near red isthmus, including the mucosa, muscularis and outer serosa was powdered under liquid nitrogen. |
The submucosa contains the larger blood vessels that send branches to the mucosa, muscularis externs, and serosa. |
This pigmentation in the tracheobronchial mucosa is surrounded by calcified or noncalcified lymph nodes. |
Effects of a-ketoglutarate on energy status in the intestinal mucosa of weaned piglets chronically challenged with lipopolysaccharide. |
Rhinoscopic examination disclosed a slightly red polypoid tumor covered by mucosa. |
Temperature gradient along the nasal mucosa is under physiological control. |
In most of the ML cases, the nasal cavity is affected, but the localization of Leishmania spp in the laryngeal mucosa is unusual. |
The absorption of digested nutrients, water, and electrolytes is possible because of projections of the mucosa and submucosa into the lumen of the digestive tract. |
Colonoscopic biopsies revealed severe inflammation localized in the submucosa and mucosa histopathologically, cryptitis and diffuse active colitis with local ulcerations. |
Ghrelin is a peptide hormone that binds to growth hormone receptors and is primarily secreted by the acidophil cells in the gastric fundic mucosa. |
On examination, there is clear absence of teeth on the lower-right side from the canines back and presence of healthy oral mucosa with laxity to move the submucosa medially. |
The cause of diarrhea in celiac sprue is multifactorial, resulting from impaired absorption by the duodenum and jejunum, and net secretion by jejunal mucosa. |
It is possible to treat with these the mucosa of the urethra, of the mouth, throat, nose, and most probably of the urinary bladder and the larynx phototherapeutically. |
However, this organism has never been convincingly proven to cause actinomycosis in humans, nor has it ever been isolated from human mucosa or other human sources. |
In each case, the tonsil was grasped in routine fashion with a tenaculum, and the TWF was applied to the mucosa above the superior pole of the tonsil. |
We then calculated the mean number of these cells in the epithelium, subepithelial layer of the lamina propria, and the deep paraglandular layer of the mucosa. |
Saforis oral suspension is a formulation of L-glutamine in a proprietary delivery vehicle designed to increase uptake of glutamine by the oral mucosa. |
In an attempt to trigger the afferent phase of the sneeze reflex, we first applied a cotton swab and later a silver nitrate stick to the patient's nasal mucosa. |
The incision of the mucosa over the premaxilla is traced a millimetre or two from the furrow that marks the bottom of the barely-defined vestibule. |
If there is functional gastric mucosa in a Meckel's diverticulum, uptake is seen in the diverticulum at approximately the same time as the stomach mucosa is visualised. |
The role of mucus in the protection of the gastroduodenal mucosa. |
The distribution of adenomyomatas containing uterine mucosa. |
Transmission occurs through inhalation of airborne variola virus, usually droplets expressed from the oral, nasal, or pharyngeal mucosa of an infected person. |
The protoscolices are then released as scolices, attach to the host intestinal mucosa of the small bowel, and develop into adults within 32 to 80 days. |