Looking for sentences and phrases with the word moreover? Here are some examples.
Sentence Examples
It is deemed to continue, moreover, until the conclusion of enforcement proceedings in which the amount of any damages owing is calculated.
This assumption has moreover been used to portray Native American writing as derivative and imitative of Western literary traditions.
Under his tough tutelage, moreover, I learnt a good deal about how to handle the world.
Aghion, moreover, covers all the relevant topics in sufficient depth to escape any suspicion of reductiveness, at least as far as I am concerned.
The emphasis, moreover, is almost completely on unions as ancillaries in managing the workplace not the economy.
This extravagant praise, moreover, takes the form of far-fetched metaphors, antitheses, hyperboles, superlatives, elaborate syntax, etc.
The physical setting of the monument, moreover, suggests little or nothing of the sacred.
Much of the DNA that we possess, moreover, seems to perform no useful function at all.
A loop is not a circle for it lacks symmetry, and moreover, it can have several centers.
The images of the beloved saints, moreover, served as conduits of salvific grace.
Use of the first person, moreover, gives this book the tang of an in-house, partisan staff study rather than a dispassionate analysis.
There has been some dispute, moreover, about just how secret a secret agent Ms. Wilson was.
There is, moreover, a further point not taken by any of the experts on Italian law which seems to me to have a bearing on the question of seisin.
She will, moreover, have invested a vast amount of time and energy in creating her novel.
There is, moreover, a close connection between claims based on misuse of powers and those based on proportionality.
The industry, moreover, has now convinced almost all governments and world bodies to back the bitterly disputed technology.
The usefulness of any feeding programme, moreover, is greatly diminished if it is not carefully targeted.
The university itself, moreover, is also unable to launch a serious defence of the proposed centre.
The subject believes that death is inevitable and moreover believes implicitly in the efficacy of the sorcerer.
It shows moreover that most ordinary people are not innately selfish and greedy.
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Trade in weapons, moreover, not only overrides any kind of law on whom to trade with, but also on what to sell.
These are aspects, moreover, that represent an extremely narrow range of information and opinion.
I don't sleep very well at the moment, moreover, because there is a mouse in the upstairs flat.
The original Georgian furniture, moreover, was largely sold off in 1879 in a legal dispute.
The problem, moreover, with value added is that the calculations can be made to hide a multitude of sins.
They can moreover ask any staff member questions relating to the subject matter and purpose of the inspection.
The population of the valleys was, moreover, distinct from that of the towns.
These individuals are, moreover, well aware that accidents are bad for business.
The latter is, moreover, typographically complex, including boldface sentences, underlinings, italics, and different typeface sizes.
Earth's mass, moreover, measures Earth's inertia or sluggishness if we tried to stop or change its movement through space.
The focus moreover is on small farmers, particularly the intensive smallholders who are most likely to be affected by GM crops.
Now, moreover, with the nation in an economic downturn, is not the time to assert the urgency of passing referendum legislation.
It represents, moreover, one of the best sourcebooks for researchers in cognitive science.
Obedience cannot, moreover, be a matter for isolated preoccupation, in the search for models for our imitation.
The ladies' committee, moreover, received praise for its sterling work in distributing leaflets and obtaining signatures on petitions.
Until late 1999, moreover, almost none of the oligarchs had done much to restructure or improve the assets they had acquired from the state.
And becoming good moreover requires a difficult struggle for self-mastery, just like any form of training.
It also means, moreover, that in disputes about biblical authority nobody has the high ground morally or hermeneutically.
In this case, moreover, the proposed form of the subsidy is entirely otiose.
However, rereading what I consider rather histrionic bile, and, moreover, reading it carefully, is something I can put off for days.
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The allegations of a partnership, vulnerable as they are for these reasons, are, moreover, only part of the picture painted by the proceedings.
The raw materials that chronologers deployed, moreover, came from an immense variety of sources.
To be subject to such tyrants is, moreover, a peculiarly terrible fate, since one cannot escape servitude by running away.
Their use in Britain, moreover, was often confined to the performance of a single task.
It is, moreover, written with an attention to syntax commensurate with the author's historical perspicacity.
Under this standard, moreover, those who might have been willing to compromise don't have to.
No amount of scientific progress, moreover, has separated the world from our apprehension of its innate destiny.
It implied, moreover, that the strikers were pitiful wretches whose problems should be addressed through social uplift or charity.
It is only in Europe, moreover, that the connections between modernization and secularization are relatively strong.
Wilson and Johnson, moreover, had contrasting views of the Anglo-American relationship.
I have, moreover, sought to alert the reader to key debates and points of controversy.
A republic will confirm our traditional pluralist commitment to democracy and moreover foster our sense of self-identity.
The sanction, moreover, would only be applied in cases of formal conversion to another religion.
She noted, moreover, that these laws sometimes provide good grounds for claims about the existence of the causal entities postulated by a theory.
As visitors approach the art galleries, moreover, the building will calm them.
Even now each state, moreover, seeks to get ahead of other states as it deals with its military and defense problems.
You should moreover bear in mind that your immediate senior managers at that time belonged to the same professional discipline as yourself.
He did it moreover, not in the literary language of his court, Persian, but in the domestic demotic of his family, Chagatay Turkish.
Since his health was poor, moreover, he appointed a deputy to perform most of the routine presidential duties.
It seems, moreover, that the national media are preparing to launch a campaign to diabolize their unions.
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It is moreover expressed by a disannulling of the commandment, the commandment of the priesthood, and of sacrifices and rites belonging to it.
Under Delacroix's brush, moreover, allusions to disease are paradoxically conveyed through energized forms and dynamically vital strokes.
They are moreover the common enemies of both parties, that is, of bossdom in both parties.
Scripts, moreover, are not the only way that information can be stored.
In this early work, moreover, Crawford still relies on traditional phrasing and contrapuntal imitation, so the listener has that rock to hold on to.
In the original the opening strophe, which is altogether more regular than the average and is, moreover, one of the few that have also complete caesural rhyme, is as follows.
He will, moreover, be nursing a case of injured pride this morning.
They are looked at, moreover, horizontally, not as singular, iconic buildings but as building complexes, foreshadowing Banham's interest in megastructures.
Capital, moreover, is perfectly mobile, in contrast to capital goods.
The GOP is uninterested in major new spending programs, and moreover, they have public opinion on their side.
In some statutes, moreover, a child is not considered eligible to be adopted by anyone except a married step-parent unless all his parents' rights have been ended.
Like most subjects in England, moreover, subjects in America observed coronations and royal birthdays at a distance, by means of local ceremonies.
The rise of so many subspecialisms, moreover, has tended to produce often mutually hostile in-groups unable and unwilling to relate to each other.
These measures would, moreover, sharply reduce revenue to money-strapped state governments, counteracting the Federal stimulus by forcing many of them to cut back on spending.
In spite of the logistical difficulties, moreover, we are doing some good.
Before they are thoroughly matured, moreover, they are apt to be insipid in flavour, and to cause dyspepsia and other forms of intestinal disturbance.
The decree on revelation, moreover, underscored the mystery of our encounter with the divine and hence the inadequacy of all our confessional statements about it.
The client relationship, moreover, is about to get a whole lot deeper.
Since most expatriates are Shiites, Kurds and Chaldeans, moreover, allowing expatriates to vote in this election might well be viewed as harming Sunni interests.
His early woodcuts, moreover, influenced a generation and evoke an epoch.
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These differences are moreover confirmed by the archaeological record.
A person can dress provocatively and, moreover, this can be inappropriate.
Amassing a collection of his own, moreover, might eventually ease his entrance into elitist scientific circles.
The British in the eighteenth century, moreover, expelled the French Acadians from Nova Scotia, and seeded the area with Loyalists shipped down east from Massachusetts.
This moreover reflects the fact that the rationale of warranties in insurance law is that the insurer only accepts the risk provided that the warranty is fulfilled.
Glass, at high temperatures, not only has the property of oxidating the metals, but, moreover, when the chemical affinity is satisfied, of dissolving the oxides.
The tiger, the panther, and the leopard possess mythical characteristics of the lion as a hidden sun, with which they are, moreover, sometimes confounded in their character of omniform animals.
The decision to refer the matter to the Security Council is a sign, moreover, that the world is united in its view that North Korea and Iraq are grave concerns.
A contest, moreover, that only attracts Sky and the other broadcasters because two giants amid a regiment of midgets attract a huge support at home and abroad.
These days the only things I combine are various sorts of books, something that is good for my liver and, moreover, ensures my reading never palls.
The script, moreover, while restoring some of the gloss to the Hughes story, leans more to spectacle than elucidation where his affliction is concerned.
At least by Chinese standards, moreover, transforming your pooch into a panda can eat up a lot of time and money.
The government, moreover, rarely misses an opportunity to call for expanded state powers and restrictions on democratic rights on the pretext of combating the neo-Nazis.
The nation, moreover, continues to enjoy the preponderant influence among national actors in determining what issues do and do not dominate the organization's agenda.
He is afflicted with macromania, and as he, moreover, is imbued with the tendency of all advocates to believe that everything can be effected by dialectic dexterity.
Irish houses, moreover, were now often built in close association with souterrains, stone-lined, underground passages, sometimes as much as 100 metres in length.
Sometimes, moreover, the backstage discussions that occur in public bathrooms are at least partially concerned with a team member's morale or that of the entire team.
All sustained strategic bombing campaigns, moreover, depend on a disproportion between the economic resources of the attacking and defending sides.
The anti-ministerialists received aid, moreover, from an unlikely source, namely the government itself.
Europeans rarely entered the interior of Africa, due to fear of disease and moreover fierce African resistance.
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He writes, moreover, that Roman fetial law contains detailed prescriptions.
Where consociationalism and federalism overlay one another, moreover, the continuity of the latter depends on the stability of consociationalism.
Cithara was, moreover, the term favoured by the Greek translators of the Septuagint in their rendering of kinnor.
The recitation of the Rgveda and the Yajurveda, moreover, is suspended as long as the recitation of the Samaveda is heard.
The opening lines, moreover, are very direct, and are best declaimed, succinctly and unlyrically.
He could, moreover, no longer be tempted to the Grubber, for all chocolate and sweets were taboo.
A world, moreover, in which education has already been heavily commodified by the introduction of PS9,000-a-year university tuition fees.
Walpole, moreover, left England not only more corrupt than he found it, but crasser and more Philistine.
The difference has been Bowman but, moreover, enhanced purposefulness and potency in the final third.
Sullivan's score, moreover, was too serious for the Savoy audiences' tastes.
In its own day, moreover, it was an innovation, soaring high above its very few predecessors.
Total armed forces manning numbers about 401,000 active personnel, including moreover especially conscripts.
The adventitious disappearance of those nearer the throne than the duke had, moreover, set tongues awagging.
His magnanimity in discharging his epistemic duty, moreover, magnifies the admirability of his response.
Belgium moreover has one of Europe's highest waste recycling rates.
Dracula's alleged attack, moreover, solidifies the link between them, and in her willingness to introject the Other Mina becomes open to the radical alterity of the Other.
If they be led by virtue, and uniformity sought to be given them by the rules of propriety, they will have the sense of the shame, and moreover will become good.
Since we want to make at least a weak statistical statement, we have moreover aimed to balance the sample genetically and areally, as far as this was possible.
Dietrologia, moreover, suggests looking behind the institutional screen to find the wizard at the controls, the notaries, social mediators, and padroni.
The finance will be utilized majorly to uplift the Connecticuts sewage plants and drinking water systems moreover to supplant aging infrastructure.
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Some discussion, moreover, of Eastwood's directorial evolution over the past decade from American mythmaker to myth-breaker could only buttress Burgoyne's case.
Having, moreover, put on her clean toy, rokelay, and scarlet plaid.
Allism is the position of those who think that all these entities actually exist, and moreover, everything we can speak meaningfully about in some sense exists.
Likewise and moreover, Howaji, is it a time to betalk ourselves merrily of dates, I request you, when the pasha's visit is to be made preparations for?
The Governor moreover demanded the fifth part of all the Brazeletta wood.
The recognition of disabledness has increased and, moreover, it has become one of the diversity criteria used by governments in making public policy.
I was not alone, moreover. I had a dizygotic twin, a female.
His queen, Margaret, moreover, died of sorrow for him within nine days.
Moreover some of these physicians often issue a certificate of death before making a check up and ascertaining the cause of death.
Moreover the misrule and riot that they keep in those houses is very great, for very wantonly they sport and dally together.
Moreover the public interest may be as much involved in the circumstances of a remarkable acquittal as in a surprising conviction.
Moreover the council additionally benefits from the Respark schemes which push commuters and visitors into the council car parks.
Moreover we declare that she had forfeited her pretended title to the aforesaid kingdom, to every right, dignity, and privilege.
Moreover the lesions are often widely spaced and not suitable for resection.
Moreover nobody believes that the present stepping-up of arms production is anything but an instalment of greater things to come.
Moreover a computer network that was designed to withstand a nuclear attack is not too easily closed down.
Moreover the survey was worded in such a way as to discourage any other reply, the alternatives being unlikely to attract votes.
Moreover these old industries now employ only a tiny fraction of the working population.
Moreover there is no evidence that public humiliation acts as a deterrent.
Moreover the shift to wheaten bread, in preference to what were perceived to be inferior, darker flours, was accelerated by the onset of the French wars.
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Moreover they are spreadly diffused and, in comparison with mainframes, they allow an easy direct access to system resources.
They have insulted me most beastly. Moreover, they are, everyone of them, black-satan filthmen.
Moreover it is not easy to see how Aias, wearing armour, could have been overtly bephallused.
Moreover most young people who have grown up with computers find this cyberphobia difficult to understand.
Moreover British Bases and Military shipping were not subject to except from by all Kenyan Authorities.
Moreover Esperanto is quicker to learn than other languages, usually in a third up to a fifth of the time.
He would then also be able to react adequatively. Moreover, he should track on the policy all possible paths between user and the ssh daemon for example.
Moreover it is philosophical suicide, since it self-refutes.
Moreover the latter one has no spots on the upperside of the hindwings.
Moreover infused water is great for detoxing as all the properties of the fruits are transferred to the water including the alkalising effects, said Ali.
Moreover it is clear that in Cicero's time judication in civil as well as in criminal cases enhanced a man's dignity, which was dear to every upper-class Roman.
Examples from Classical Literature
It was, moreover, the regular emporium of the tin trade, and a British trackway thus led to it.
And did you not, moreover, sing the praises of Aeschylus of Phlius in my ears and mine in his?
The action of the present Houses, moreover, is an affirmance of their right to eliminate the false votes from the true.
The air blast, moreover, by being diffused round the glass of the condenser apparatus, would somewhat mask the appearances.
And there was moreover in this company a caravel belonging to the Bishop of Algarve, which an esquire of his commanded.
They would, moreover, have prevented the alienation of many of their truest friends.
With amidol a pure delicate black is easily obtainable, and it is moreover a very simple developer to use.
Was he not, moreover, withholding his assent from the Act of annates, which would deprive the Pope of large revenues?
He declined, moreover, to assist in elucidating the telegram by 'looking here,' and poring over the lines beside a bloomy cheek.
And tell him, moreover, what you and the old female bridgeman have been about together?
When, moreover, the cells were destroyed by bruising, no fermentation ensued.
It was, moreover, a protest against the cabbage rose on the Hearth rug, that some may still remember with shuddering.
In Microscolex, Chilota and Yagansia, moreover, there is a further degeneration in the disappearance of the calciferous glands.
He was haunted, moreover, by a certain stanza of the ballad of chevy Chase.
It is moreover the most violent of all the corrosives hitherto discovered by chymistry.
It must, moreover, be noted that experience shows conception occurs rarer with women who cohabit with several men.
Sins of that kind affected the reputation of her mansion, and jarred, moreover, on her sense of comfortableness.
The consecution, moreover, runs in terms of persistence of quantity or of force.
How, moreover, can Magnitude, and a continuum arise out of that which has no Magnitude?
There is moreover a further puzzle which confronts us who are trying to delimit an American region or regions.
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He demanded, moreover, that the interests of the planters should be duly regarded.
He has, moreover, a hoard of debts, the result of the luxury of his sainted forefathers.
The present Duke had none of the spirit or sense of his ancestors, and was, moreover, a dipsomaniac.
He had, moreover, no intention of disowning his origin when once he could feel safe in assuming his true status.
The sedimentation process, moreover, raises river channels above the level of the nearby terrain.
The ductus venosus becomes moreover merely a small branch of the vena cava.
It conveniently stands thus, moreover, in direct contradiction to the term ectozoa.
The individual soul is, moreover, capable of inwardly ruling the complex of the organs of action, as it is the enjoyer.
Young leaves exhibit moreover a pronounced hyponasty or epinasty, which would naturally modify the diurnal curve.
This equatorial form is, moreover, what all the astronomers were expecting.
They showed, moreover, that the voice was thundered by being uttered from the abdomen like an eructation.
That one example, moreover, has been a success as unqualified as undeniable.
The Bouda, moreover, agreed to restore her human appearance, and began his exorcism.
It, moreover, included the whole basin of the Fayum, on the west of the valley.
Italy, moreover, could not have been federally united without the consent of Naples and the Church.
Captain Crutchely, moreover, had a filterer for the cabin, and through it all the water used there was habitually passed.
The two species, moreover, do not always agree in the position of the foliar resin-ducts.
As a Free Stater, moreover, he would be disinclined to give his services to the Transvaal.
He had, moreover, seen the Triller's gaberdine hanging in the monastery at Ebersdorf.
The world moreover was generable, and had been generated from the manifested energy of the Fire.
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Mr. guppy is obliged to her for the information and is, moreover, generally obliged.
It is moreover quite inartistic in its harking back to the story of the arrest after giving fuller details.
They were, moreover, to allow Hasdrubal's banished opponents to return to Carthage.
I'm the showman of the occasion, moreover, and I avert myself, leaving you to judge.
My standpoint, moreover, requires me to admit the validity of the hypothesis of Descent as an heuristic maxim of natural science.
He is, moreover, a man of high fashion, and of the first standing in society.
The vascular stroma of the hilus has, moreover, greatly increased in quantity.
Labriola, moreover, has a special merit, which marks him off from the ordinary exponents and adapters of historical materialism.
The distance run these twenty-four hours was eighty five miles, and the southwardly current had moreover given its assistance.
But its shape did not altogether satisfy me, moreover certain cracks could be seen.
In Dendrolagus, moreover, the squamous epithelium does not extend into the cardiac cul-de-sac.
The stems grow, moreover, exactly at right angles to the solid surface element to which the stolon is attached.
The street railway business was a good business, and Clarkson Traction appealed to Margrave, moreover, on its political side.
In this letter, moreover, among other points, it was inferable that his province was ready to leave the said missions of Zambales.
The action of digitalis, moreover, persists much longer than does that of strophanthus.
The whole of his deductions, moreover, rested upon the inductions of Kepler.
Frederick was a kill-joy, she said, and moreover she did not wish to ask an extra woman to dinner.
The foothold was, moreover, less firm than before, and his heavy brogues sank to the latchet in the yielding soil.
The truncus arteriosus is moreover only divided into two parts, one of which is continuous with all the systemic arteries.
There was not a summit, moreover, on the Left Bank of the stream that was not tipped with flame.
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And yet saith this Pamphilus, moreover, that they that are bond and thrall of linage should be made worthy and noble by riches.
Tishri, moreover, as has been pointed out, is a sacred month in a peculiar sense.
Was there not, moreover, an open door before his face inviting him to win for himself the honors of a mandarinate?
It is a trait, moreover, which finds expression in almost everything he wrote.
I am, moreover, to be perfectly frank, a transcendentalist on the subject of marriage.
Time, moreover, was likely to work against the existing system of the Transvaal.
Mr. Martinelli is the possessor of a beautiful voice and, moreover, is a fine actor and an excellent musician.
The maximal figure found by Zappert of 30,000 is moreover by no means to be considered extreme.
The rose-colored eruption is, moreover, wanting, and diarrhoea and tympanites are absent.
The Colonel had moreover a sense of security that unapprehended malefactors cannot feel.
Those descriptions of the discarnate state, moreover, which reach us through mediums are undependable.
Katharine, moreover, was unable to decide what she thought of Cyril's misbehavior.
All authors agree, moreover, in extolling the solicitude with which the mole cricket takes care of her little ones.
His last days, moreover, had been too crowded for him to ruminate over their taste.
But there is no articulation and no venation, and moreover the wings are not used for flying.
There, moreover, vespers were celebrated with more solemnity and less haste.
In the semi-obscurity, moreover, the obstruction of the ward seemed to have increased.
But I should be a wet-blanket altogether, and, moreover, I could not stand the Tutissimus.
And moreover I believe that man is none other than the Wild Hunter without his wolf pack.
But he has an exalted notion of the value of things, and, moreover, he is woodenly conservative.
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The Confucian ideals and sanctions, moreover, coincided with the essential elements of the old Shinto world-view and sanctions.
The change in torsion is, moreover, determined in reference to the paratonic action of incident geotropic stimulus.
Some, moreover, turned the plane of polarisation to the right, others to the left.
It is moreover quite possible that it occurs in the Polyzoa, some of the Arthropoda, the Platyelminthes and some other types.
Boche, moreover, pompously agreed to the arrangement in the landlord's name.
She was myself in miniature, and moreover the most witching, prankish, peppery elf that was ever made.
Progress in writing resulted in better histories, but moreover in new avenues for future praxis.
They were terrified, moreover, by the preponderance in number of their foes.
The rules of primero moreover demand that if there are but two players, a third and disinterested party shall deal the cards.
He was simply a Bulgarian doctor, and was, moreover, strongly suspected of Russophile proclivities.
Determining, moreover, the absorptive power of those powders, it is found to go hand-in-hand with their radiative power.
Stephen, moreover, always shrank from his uncle when acting professionally.
I had a view, moreover, to give her an high opinion of her own sagacity.
And moreover no ship navigated and sailed in the happy-go-lucky manner people conduct their business on shore would ever arrive into port.
Livingston, moreover, had dined just unwisely enough to be truthful.
The eye-minded person, moreover, has still another string to his bow.
The process is, moreover, confined to peripheral manifestations.
There is no door, moreover, that does not duly exhibit a basket in which the cheeses are hung up to dry.
His work, moreover, is not self-directed, for it has no inward spring.
He was inspirited, moreover, by the attitude of his friends.
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She felt, moreover, an expressible tenderness for his sorrow.
Bad smells and exhalations, moreover, injure the flavor of the meat.
His ear, moreover, was very sore and began to swell rapidly.
And, moreover, the Sahib forgets that the defendant himself was making this case.
Notre-Dame is not, moreover, what can be called a complete, definite, classified monument.
Religion, moreover, lent its sanction to the Davidic dynasty.
Like the fishes, moreover, they may be either solitary or gregarious.
The triads moreover speak of the three sons of Dysgyvedawg, viz.
I want you, moreover, to advocate our American doctrine of Protection.
And when they had gone over the house, he promised himself moreover the pleasure of accompanying her into the shrubberies and garden.
There is, moreover, no evidence that Gibson was then in service.
The first few pairs, moreover, had here to conten against pre-existing enemies, in the fox and some larg hawks.
These two nervures, moreover, have a peculiar screw-like diaphragm or vessel in the interior.
But, moreover, I think not to fall by the hand of Theodoric.
He escorted Chryseis on board and sent moreover a hecatomb for the god.
And remember, moreover, that it is often he who comes off victorious from the strife, absolved of all crime in the eyes of the world.
In all these houses gin, moreover, was sold at a penny the quartern.
It has, moreover, received the final stamp of scientific approval.
To this linear perspective is added moreover an atmospheric perspective.
These vapours, moreover, alone clouded the purity of the azure above.
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Willie, moreover, said he would go and consult his friend barret about it.
I am not only your friend, your brother, but moreover your genealogist.
Folks said, moreover, that he owned a vessel which hoisted a black flag.
She divined him, moreover, to be a blend of boldness and timidity.
The peaches, moreover, in obedience to a few gentle whispers from Rachel, were soon deposited, by the same hand, in a stew-pan over the fire.
The Pyncheon Elm, moreover, with what foliage the September gale had spared to it, whispered unintelligible prophecies.
It was plain to every eye, moreover, that he was a gentleman and no boor.
His coat, moreover, is as torn as his linsey-woolsey jonquil hose.
The same quality, moreover, is said to subsist in a thing in varying degrees at different times.
How should he broach the matter which, moreover, did not concern him?
And, moreover, his wife was in charge of his brother-in-law.
It was mere vain egoism, and it was moreover, if she liked, a morbid obsession.
Jim Crow, moreover, was seen executing his world-renowned dance, in gingerbread.
Those things, moreover, are 'simultaneous' in the unqualified sense of the word which come into being at the same time.
It has, moreover, no zygoma in the skull, and there is no caecum.
I was sure, moreover, by morning, that this was not from a failure of frankness, but because on every side there were fears.
The Sheriff was will to pluck a prodigal with the next man, and he was moreover glad to have a guest who promised to enliven the feast.
The hyson, moreover, had no force on board of any importance.
It ranged high, moreover, and only clipped away a bit of the roof.
The palace of the anti-popes, moreover, is turned into a caserne.
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The place, moreover, in the strangest way in the world, had, on the instant, and by the very fact of its appearance, become a solitude.
They were, moreover, rates from two places out to a Common Market.
He, moreover, assured that the state subsidy for some commodities would be rationalized not abolished.
Bows, moreover, may be broken on the steelyard in the weighing of them.
The canines of the lower jaw, moreover, are often incisiform.
In our opinion, moreover, it is contraindicated in convulsive affections.
He was pleased, moreover, to feel a new respect for Uncle Peter.
And moreover, how about three oyster beds, one above another, and thick strata of good honest earth between?
Then, moreover, the white locks of age were sometimes found to be the thatch of an intellectual tenement in good repair.