Only such a place, free from its terrorists and morally corrupt people would deserve a place in the comity of modern nations. |
But the popular notion that the ancients did not regard slavery as morally problematic is unpersuasive. |
The law holds that such blame and censure are only appropriate if the offender was morally responsible for his behaviour. |
If one accepts the view, one will have to grant that it is impossible to know whether any human being is ever morally responsible. |
They are, nevertheless, as socially and morally responsible as was possible at the time. |
There is a moral crime of the highest order being committed, and somebody is morally responsible. |
They called instead for a morally serious art, which would teach responsible behaviour by example. |
I think informed consent is an absolute farce legalistically, morally, ethically. |
The whole lecture has a morally subversive ring, and the savour of antinomianism about it. |
There would also be a loss of liberty or freedom for the morally wicked, since they would be punished or otherwise made to suffer. |
What it's meant is handing over to them a license to print money so that they are awash with profits at the same time as being morally bankrupt. |
What it provides, however, is a set of criteria by which a potential military action might be judged morally licit or illicit. |
Wilson Cruz is respectable as the sexually confused, morally stable, and guilt ridden member of the trio. |
To say a certain type of behaviour has evolved is not to say it is morally right. |
Readers may think I am wrong, but morally we must behave as though I was right. |
If they can do it in a way that they feel is morally and ethically right, that's fine. |
I believe a change would not only be right for the CIU, but also morally right. |
What I'm saying is, is it actually right, is it morally the right reason to legalise the drug? |
Even though we're all flawed, we expect public figures to be morally righteous. |
To free the soul and achieve immortality, the mortal body had to be rigorously disciplined to keep it morally pure. |
This is why our various ways of responding to other people's sufferings are morally appraisable. |
The very idea of the rule of law is partly derived from the conclusion that it is reasonable and morally good to limit arbitrary power. |
For them, the West was crass, materialistic and, of course, morally rotten. |
If we view all cultural artifacts as historically contingent, by what measure do we decide if one is morally superior to another? |
All that this assumes is that we have some grip on the idea of doing what is morally right, as opposed to what is wrong. |
However, if life is seen as something valuable and sacred, to destroy an embryo is unethical and morally wrong. |
This early conception of the lycanthrope as a victim of heredity left the monster in a morally ambiguous position. |
Once described as a one-man awkward squad, Bennett is nothing if not prickly and morally unforgiving. |
Look, I couldn't care less if the guy stealing my newspaper is morally conflicted. |
It should be noted at this point that tax avoidance is legally sound, but morally open to question while tax evasion is simply illegal. |
How can a spiritually and morally bankrupt person such as me find victory during my darkest, most hopeless hour? |
A nation that harasses, arrests and shoots emergency service workers is morally bankrupt and has no intention of pursuing a peaceful settlement. |
The death of any living creature to satisfy an urge based in a primitive and barbaric past is morally wrong. |
They are presently in a very weak position, morally and politically, on the issue of Third World debt. |
Structurally this makes perfect sense, as life gets denser and more morally complex as you go through your teenage years. |
Ahab, on the other hand, is a spoiler, whose obsession with the white whale sets him against this process, morally and materially. |
From cards to boats to horses, the townies of Oxford seemed only too willing to indulge the students in morally questionable pastimes. |
The mere fact of their class assures them that sausage and mash, or treacle tart and ice cream, are rightfully, morally, their preserve. |
These are short-sighted, power-crazed, intellectually degenerate, self-serving, morally empty imbeciles! |
They are cowards and turncoats who seek to work within a system that is morally bankrupt. |
I think virtually everyone in the contemporary world would find such a project morally monstrous. |
But if he wants to be so moralistic, shouldn't his ministers also behave morally? |
A lot of Bresson's work has been read to have spiritual transcendence, yet also can be read existentially, politically and morally. |
For them, serendipity seems a bit too much like gambling, and indeed, such chance gains are even morally suspect. |
What is the role of America in the world, morally, economically, militarily? |
Nurses have the duty to question and, if necessary, to report and to refuse to participate in research they deem morally objectionable. |
With a performance that never misses a beat, Eric Bana gives us a man who loses his way, morally and spiritually. |
In each case, some people were forced to financially support a cause they found morally repugnant. |
But, like the best journalists, Stephen keeps a distance from the action, physically and morally. |
It's an almost comically absurd exploration of where humans are morally and spiritually positioned at this moment. |
No longer stuck playing the perennial gentleman, he is now able to conjure up something far more morally ambiguous. |
To be conducted morally, the military actions that develop in a war must also be fought with a right intention. |
When you live in the shadows, it is no surprise a citizen is going to react morally and to be totally ashamed of his government. |
Barnett effectively demonstrates the impotence of the UN to react morally and ethically to genocide. |
Any science which helps us to understand and assess morally problematic situations has something to contribute to moral philosophy. |
It appears morally equivalent to blood sports such as bearbaiting and cockfighting that have been illegal for some two centuries. |
In this gynocentric world, signs of misogyny are watched for closely, and acts of misogyny are now morally and legally unallowable. |
Michael McDowell objects, as it will interfere with his plan to intern the hard-left and anyone morally unclean. |
To argue we should be allowed to act unreasonably is entirely muddle-headed and morally wrong. |
Not only have you joined the ranks of the morally obtuse, but you have done so with an arrogance that would astound a mullah issuing a fatwa. |
There shouldn't be any displacement or bodysnatching, although he isn't morally opposed to those kinds of things happening. |
Noir is supposed to be morally murky, but few films approach the level of depravity present here. |
Contacts from the resistance led me into the morally murky world of international weapons sales. |
Even liberals have argued for decades that it can be morally acceptable to break an unjust law. |
At their best, they are stories we can appreciate regardless of whether they are remotely true, morally uplifting, or practically significant. |
Corruption like all other vices is a moral issue and we feel that the public can avoid being accomplices if they are morally upright. |
This debt was created artificially, by usury, which technically is morally unlawful, which is therefore, lawfully a crime. |
Tarkovsky no doubt saw himself pursuing the spiritual in human existence against the soulless, corrupt and morally bankrupt Stalinist leadership. |
In August 2001 he addressed the issue in one of the most morally serious speeches ever delivered by a U.S. President. |
Equally, saving a life that will exist in the future seems morally comparable to creating a future life. |
Rather than being a perfectly virtuous moral agent, it seems to me that an uncaring, robot-like obeyer of duty is morally bankrupt. |
Our application of this framework involves a morally objectivistic legal idealism, based upon Gewirth's Principle of Generic Consistency. |
Is the situation different if one shifts to a deity who is not omnipotent, omniscient, and morally perfect? |
For example, if we are obligated to sustain all human life, regardless of organismal function, how can death ever be morally permitted? |
It also means, moreover, that in disputes about biblical authority nobody has the high ground morally or hermeneutically. |
The whistle-blower is a worker who becomes outraged morally or politically about a managerial strategy. |
It might be morally better to give the money to charity, but such contributions seem supererogatory, that is, above and beyond the call of duty. |
This book contains an emotionally riveting, devastatingly honest, and morally compelling answer. |
I believe that only a truly even-handed approach can lead to an honest, morally convincing, and effective human rights policy. |
Good for all, from the neutral striker to the overpronator to the morally suspect supinator. |
It wanted to humiliate the humiliators and to be seen to be morally in charge. |
We need to be morally upright, like chaste virgins before God, pure and clean. |
Matters come to a head when the star is expelled from the team, leading to a climax at once disturbingly intense and morally dubious. |
Considering Rousseau, with whom he quarrelled, as utopian, he hypothesized an art which was morally neutral and elitist. |
Alas, the wild youth, morally suborned by the coarseness of his adventures in America, abandons the innocent Ruth. |
Since nearly all coercion is morally suspect, and much of it legally punishable, successful coercers will not want to testify. |
The notion of personhood identifies a category of morally considerable beings that is thought to be coextensive with humanity. |
Getting married doesn't make you morally superior and it certainly doesn't automatically make you a faithful partner or a doting parent. |
Historically, Kant is the most noted defender of personhood as the quality that makes a being valuable and thus morally considerable. |
He knows that his collaboration in both wartime and personal events is morally questionable, and acknowledges this. |
The world heroine had rendered her causes morally imperative and essential to national military power. |
Does this impudent, dishonourable journalist think he is the equal of Tolstoy, physically, intellectually, artistically, or morally? |
There is nothing morally wrong with a profit motive except where it masquerades as moral philanthropy. |
Anything less will amount to a pay cut and that is morally and economically indefensible. |
However, that sort of position is logically untenable and morally indefensible. |
Part of me wishes that I could be like some of the loftier commentators and get all morally indignant about this. |
We can agree that the ship owner's action in inducing the optimistic belief was morally highly reprehensible. |
In both premisses and conclusions, these two strands of contract theory are, morally speaking, a world apart. |
Agent causation, it may be argued, is a condition of the possibility of morally responsible agency. |
They fight file-sharing sites not because they think it is morally wrong, but because they do not want to lose control. |
Rovers are expected to be clean minded, clean willed and able to control intemperance and lead morally upright lives. |
We are so ethically and morally challenged, that we are inured to the trampling of the truth. |
The manners of the epic poem ought to be poetically good, but it is not necessary they be always morally so. |
The confidence that nonbelievers can reason morally seems to be a precondition for a religiously plural democratic polity. |
By implication, authorities are immoral and culture is correspondingly morally corrupt. |
Just how did a single man sweep a nation with a morally corrupt and evil regime. |
Exposure to extreme violence turns them into machines driven by the will to survive in a corrupt and morally decadent world. |
Ostensibly, we are protecting minors from being morally corrupted by adults? |
Nothing is gained, however, by calling melodrama, or melodramatic violence, morally corruptive. |
Thus the plotting and counterplotting gets morally foggier when public relations gets into the government and industry arena. |
Why not just say that racism is stupid, counterproductive and morally wrong? |
By the 1940s freak shows were considered distasteful and morally unacceptable and the acts slowly began to disappear. |
We champion freedom not only because it is practical and beneficial but because it is morally right and just. |
If we believe that humans are morally culpable for sexual behavior then we must uphold that view. |
Unfortunately, while it is eminently pragmatic, that doesn't mean that it's actually morally right. |
The upper echelons of American society are hopelessly corrupted and morally decayed. |
Ward off gazumpers and make vendors feel morally bound to proceed, by keeping in touch with everyone involved. |
Few historians have written as well as Stargardt about the morally and physically debilitating effects of hunger. |
I address some of the issues that critics have raised, about how he makes people nervous with his morally declarative speaking style. |
So, for example, a deontologist such as Immanuel Kant might say that lying is always morally wrong, even when it results in a greater good. |
But, unless that turns out to be the case, I still think that the strategy has been both prudentially and morally correct in this case. |
He stated that one may lead persons morally astray without depraving and corrupting them. |
One interesting character is the morally ambiguous mastermind Mr Haddon, who pulls strings behind the scenes and gives Ellie most of her funding. |
The result was a work of such desperation I feel morally obliged to give it coverage. |
Tribal societies, unlike detribalized, fragmented cultures with their stress on individualist values, are extremely austere morally. |
He is in a dickens of a bind, it seems to me, morally, ethically, and legally. |
Their grief was palpable, for his great-heartedness had touched them financially, morally and emotionally. |
Well, since the editor of the magazine had incurred costs, I felt morally obliged to help him out, so I gritted my teeth and revised the article. |
He believes that the motive of benevolence, so dear to empiricist morality, is a species of mere inclination, and therefore morally neutral. |
In such a case, the person has failed to show benevolence for morally discreditable reasons, and so has behaved badly. |
When, in turn, we biologically engender a child with a partner, the two parents are equally invested and morally responsible for the child. |
The result is a surreal, hypnotic journey into morally ambiguous territory, led by an increasingly dubious tour guide. |
Before the war, the submarine was regarded as a morally dubious weapon, subject to international agreements. |
For a start, the whole idea of reciprocity and empowerment seems morally dubious to me. |
Characters are rootless, without orientation, almost unaware that their behaviour is morally dubious. |
They are engaged in tax avoidance, which is entirely legal, though you might argue it's morally dubious. |
Even those which are imaginative and intelligently put together are often morally dubious. |
He just enjoys exploring the morally dubious aspects of it, and exploring difficult situations. |
The eugenic and Social Darwinism programs are morally repugnant, but seem to be based on Darwinian evolutionary facts. |
Masquerades, extraordinarily popular entertainments in the eighteenth century, were morally suspect events. |
To do otherwise, they claim, would be tantamount to active euthanasia, and this they see as morally wrong. |
Thus instead of being useless or morally questionable, leisure becomes an exalted ideal, akin to virtue. |
Besides, the average oilman is too ethical and morally upstanding to work in such places only for profit. |
She says the activists involved in the action are morally and ethically bankrupt. |
The law school stresses to its students the importance of behaving ethically, morally and professionally. |
Labour leader Ian Male said last night that the increases could not be morally justified, although there were extenuating circumstances. |
Whether provoked or not, isolated incident or not, physically attacking someone is legally and morally incomprehensible. |
Bellicism is morally neutral and applicable only to the period before the offence or defence distinction came to be widely recognized. |
In action-oriented ethical thinking morally required goals are not given independently of agents' goals. |
Dualism is a tool of oppressors, fundamentalists and the morally righteous. |
The practice dates back to Medieval Europe, an era the Klan idealizes as morally pure and racially homogenous. |
At the same time, if moral guidance is itself morally repugnant, then self-contempt is equally as abhorrent. |
Would it be morally permissible for her to become pregnant with the aim of aborting the embryo immediately? |
If the absolutist wishes to maintain his objection, he must point to some morally relevant difference between positive and negative killing. |
It is the perspective of abstract ideality that, just because of its abstraction, is morally justified. |
This scenario no doubt raises questions as to whether it is morally right for a teacher to date a pupil. |
Not only was her action a breach of her visa but was highly unethical and morally questionable. |
Is this a morally questionable thing to do or are some lies necessary for the sake of social cohesion? |
They also had to be willing to engage in a morally suspect and legally questionable act. |
Justice Kennedy fretted that building a business on this was morally questionable, which is also true. |
It is a view which may be inconsistent, it may be morally questionable and even plain wrong. |
So we obsessively analyze this epic Homerian battle, trying to find a moment of heroism, a brief glimpse to help salve our morally guilty wounds. |
Secondly, as has been stressed before, it is legally and morally wrong to promote racism. |
Hidden within the morally outraged and civilly disobedient radical, in other words, was the soul of a wronged decision theorist. |
It is not the kindness of this prince's heart but the piercing realism of Machiavelli that has produced this morally preferable outcome. |
I also hold that the conditions under which animals are kept and hunted are morally wrong. |
And I'm morally certain that none of the knuckle-draggers who called in ever read Free Republic. |
Firstly it is illegal and also morally wrong to obtain copies of music or film or other entertainment without some form of payment. |
There may occasionally be a situation where a decision is ethically correct but morally wrong. |
We are labouring under the illusion that we are in control and free of constraints when in truth we are out of control and morally bankrupt. |
This is all very well, but it is quite a leap to say that it is morally wrong to pay people to do unfulfilling work. |
If you consider yourself so morally superior, get out there and allay the fears of the ignorant public. |
He may see himself as a regular sort of guy, but he is morally responsible for atrocities. |
David has some interesting things to say about the game, and the morally dubious world it allows you to enter. |
Watching the disintegration of a man's dreams is uncomfortable, however morally ambiguous he might be. |
Read my previous posts, the examples I cite as ethically or morally reprehensible business practices. |
Such interest, however, does not provide a morally satisfactory justification for violently repressing the Pullman strike. |
Giamatti doesn't want any part of the carousing, mostly because he thinks it will lead to more rejection, but he pretends he's morally repulsed. |
Liberal individualists argue that the individual is morally prior to the community. |
In the course of researching my book, I came to believe that, morally, over-eating is wrong. |
This is the position that anchors them morally, as all countries justifiably attempt to protect their ways of life. |
Ghana has been integral to the norm of the morally and psychologically daunting era of stratocracy rather than the exception, as one would have had it. |
How could someone so morally degenerate have such exquisite taste? |
As I have argued before on these pages, that rage is morally ambiguous. |
We have acted lawfully, respectfully and morally throughout this matter. |
It's interesting that everyone, prescriptivists and anti-prescriptivists alike, seems to think that hypercorrection is wrong, morally as well as logically. |
In his view, that meant accepting the inevitability of some 6 million men and women failing to find work, a situation that he found morally repugnant. |
Perhaps what would be worse than a barrister liking his or her client would be disliking the client, especially when the accused is charged with morally repugnant crimes. |
I was brought up thinking work is something you are morally obliged to do. |
A sense of national superiority to two sets of morally equivalent belligerents would contribute powerfully to the state's international isolation. |
Given their defense of involuntary treatment as not only justified but morally mandatory, psychiatrists seem weirdly reluctant to acknowledge their role in it. |
There are no straight-forward villains, merely morally ambiguous characters who are drawn into an increasingly complex world that is governed by events beyond their control. |
Entertainment can often just be a kind of narcissism where you go to identify with people who are morally irreproachable and physically beautiful. |
It is controversial which of these ideals, if any, are morally acceptable, and which, if any, should be coercively enforced as requirements of justice. |
Western culture is based on an idea of an integrated, coherent, solid-state self and on the related idea that we are all equally morally responsible. |
Ordinary, decent, fine and uncomplaining people are being daily ignored and morally undermined and beaten by a society that is concerned, in the main, with material things. |
His personal history is inspiring, as is his intellectual brilliance, knowledge of and detestation of fascism, communism and morally repugnant capitalism. |
Both see morally mandated personal development as a form of self-destruction, an immolation of one's desires and impulses for the sake of something extrinsic to the self. |
Selectees, none over age 39, had to be physically fit, mentally awake and morally straight, with saber-sharp military bearing and at least 15 months retainability. |
The problem with Fisher's framework is that it is not difficult to imagine a situation where a yesable proposal is presented to the Serb paramilitary forces that is morally indefensible. |
Their individual rationalizations for the thousands of murders they committed, with or without theatrical flourish, are both queasily believable and morally incomprehensible. |
I listed at the beginning the most usual procedures used to provide assistance in conception, but deferred discussion of the two methods that are most morally dubious. |
They are important, first, because of the personality of Osanloo, viewed morally, operationally, and politically. |
This man, your oppressor, is automatically morally defeated, and if he has any conscience, he is ashamed. |
The use of force to obtain justice is morally licit in itself. |
But if we did have a parrot such as the one Locke described, surely it would be as morally wrong to take its life without good reason as it would to kill a human being. |
I hope so, as it is clearly morally corrupt to give company heads millions of pounds when they have overseen a period of business resulting in job losses and cutbacks. |
A slow-motion gun battle ballet where the morally confused killer and less than law abiding cop exchange turgid glances and round after round of titanium hailstones? |
Since we all work equally hard, and with equal skill, the inequality is again due to differences in the bounty of nature, which we believe to be morally arbitrary. |
And the claims of liberal legalists that they can somehow be sterilized by the application of theory of rights are simply spurious and morally unserious. |
With its rhetorical poses and elaborate decoration, it was often criticised by later generations, who not only considered it bad, but also morally corrupt. |
Effectively, this states that council's actions are legally defendable but it does not address if they are morally justifiable or if other actions are permissible. |
Rule utilitarianism holds that a behavioral code or rule is morally right if the consequences of adopting that rule are more favorable than unfavorable to everyone. |
He presents them as such a conniving, scheming rogues' gallery of careerist and morally dishonest operators that one wonders how anyone could ever have taken them seriously. |
In response, they develop an identity based upon a narrative or belief story in which they, the little people, will be, if not literally, at least morally victorious. |
By contrast, Gallup found that a majority of Democrats believe that physician-assisted death is morally acceptable. |
Few raise their voices to remember the thousands who suffered at the hands of the morally rotten medics who worked for the Imperial Army war effort. |
What is morally odious is the cool and disinterested way in which the commentariat is discussing what might fairly be described as racial cleansing. |
It seems to me Ryan has renounced Rand's politically incorrect atheism, not her morally bankrupt philosophy of Screw Thy Neighbor. |
The difference might sound academic to the 83 percent of Americans who say polygamy is morally wrong. |
It is morally devastating and corrupts men by cumulative temptation. |
The only sensible and morally defensible route is to promote greater understanding and tolerance, and to educate the population on immigration issues. |
If a sidekick is flamboyantly dressed in pastels or tailored velvet, he must be morally corruptible. |
These are men who now have wives and children, and their silence so many years later shows how morally bankrupt they remain. |
I don't think it's impermissible for the judge to openly avow that that Constitution is morally praiseworthy, that the United States is morally praiseworthy. |
Luke's innocence and virtuousness are emphasized in comparison to Hans' rugged masculine physical appearance, his morally ambiguous occupation and mercenary ideologies. |
He details daily routines, the flexible yet morally grounded leadership style of a gifted Scoutmaster, and the often ribald creativity of camp games and songs. |
Just because conception takes place in a laboratory test tube, it is no less emotionally fraught for the couple concerned and no less morally taxing for the rest of us. |
How about morally indefensible, legally absurd, and nationally divisive? |
When you make up an entirely specious religion in a juvenile attempt to shelter your fashion choices behind the first amendment, what sort of morally bankrupt person are you? |
Both camps hope that the party can examine itself, and respond to the public's expectation for morally upright officials and improved government efficiency. |
Rick has no internal conflict about what is morally right and what is wrong. |
The L.A. Times team has written a searing, unflinching and unequivocal indictment of a morally criminal operation bereft of any apologies or doubts. |
After last week perhaps he could add that Scotland is a country whose leadership is morally lame and, therefore, indefensibly bad value for taxpayers' money. |
Mr Butterfield was not a blood relative of Lady Hulton, and was not a person for whom she or any other members of the Reynolds' family was morally obliged to provide. |
That Courtney has written a good one without tipping her hand as the creator is what drives us to both critique her morally and misinterpret her critically. |
No matter what your stance on gun control this would be morally offensive. |
To continue to deny them their full human and civil rights is not only morally reprehensible, but logistically unfeasible. |
There is absolutely nothing morally wrong with cross-dressing. |
And there are allies in both regions that we should continue to support not just morally, but materially and militarily. |
Their failure to adequately inform participants of the risks was morally blameworthy. |
The story was so appalling, the attack so brutish and morally offensive, that it provoked an immediate, furious response. |
If the Bay State OKs the morally complex measure, it would join Oregon and Washington in allowing Dr. Deaths to practice. |
Drabelle writes about all this, but only to brush it aside and insist that Bierce was some sort of morally rigorous truth teller. |
And Hill fully embodies Donnie, a morally bankrupt clown with shiny, capped teeth, suspenders, and a gravelly voice. |
Even if morality does reach down to our private lives, is it morally justifiable to punish someone in their public life for their private misdemeanours? |
This fallacy misleads people, and morally, I feel we shouldn't use this method in an argument, because it isn't justified to take advantage of someone. |
There is an element of simplistic categorization in portraying the upper class Raj and his family as decadent, and counterpoising Prem and his family as morally good. |
The misuse of Sandy funds is not only morally indefensible but potentially criminal. |
This is, of course, deeply morally unsatisfying, and it raises real questions about moral hazard. |
I text and drive looking over my shoulder, not because I think it is morally wrong. |
The idea behind the worry here is that although the agent can legitimately be deemed morally responsible, there are ineliminable alternative possibilities. |
This whole dynamic, in which the failed father becomes the outraged victim of a morally incomprehensible world, is clearly meant as a teasing provocation of its audience's cultural sensitivities. |
It is a morally corrupt institution run by a criminal bureaucracy. |
They weren't always on the side of good, and even when they were, they still regularly made morally dubious judgements, but they were always true to their natures. |
The theory advanced by her counsel was that she was not morally responsible, but what they had to decide was whether she was legally responsible for the deed. |
As rational beings, then we are duty bound to be morally upright. |
Indeed, if painlessly killing and eating the explorer were the only way for the family to survive, then perhaps this action would be morally condoned. |
The growing anti-Semitism Sebastian describes, within a few short years after the novel's publication, would lead to one of the most morally incomprehensible stages in human history. |
It is morally wrong for western powers to recolonise territory in this way, and their soldiers should refuse to engage in a war of recolonisation. |
Given that it is a film with no morally redeeming features it's quite a trick to bring your audience in like that and like I say I'm really not sure how they did it. |
Like many of the postwar commentators he represents, Doc considers women to be both the causes and the potential redeemers of a morally deteriorating society. |
That position is both morally insupportable and legally imprudent. |
It quickly came to mean, to deplore or to disapprove in an especially morally laden way. |
Therefore, if they are doing the dumping, then, obviously, dumping Ted must be not only the morally bankrupt but also the knuckleheaded thing to do. |
For example, if I find a way of legally swindling you out of a lot of money, I cannot claim that my action is morally acceptable just because it is legal. |
Someday, maybe, they'll be able to treat spiders and humans as morally equal, but for now they need to concentrate on more humane slaughter methods. |
The problem we've gotten into as a culture is that we feel like we don't have the right to break up with someone if they haven't done anything morally incomprehensible. |
It threatens us intellectually, ideologically, morally, psychologically, and diplomatically. |
We call upon military chaplains who are morally questioning this war to speak boldly and pastorally, conveying the concerns of this appeal to those who seek their guidance. |
Where so many people find government policies and their execution morally repugnant, we need a moral framework that can expect and honour conscientious dissent. |
Just because someone in a bad spot is forced to sign a legal disclaimer, that doesn't mean the people making the decisions are in the clear morally. |
In the long run, freedom works both morally and economically. |
Perhaps he was urging people to do more than is morally required of them. |
The Innocence Project has reduced it, morally and materially. |
Principled pacifism holds that at some point along the spectrum from war to interpersonal physical violence, such violence becomes morally wrong. |
The blacks are immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, physically, and socially. |
Some cultures limit or discourage access to birth control because they consider it to be morally, religiously, or politically undesirable. |
Generally, the former position argues that a human fetus is a human person with a right to live, making abortion morally the same as murder. |
Rather he is adopting the understandable but morally dubious principle that the end justifies the means. |
For, if racism against non-whites is morally wrong and unjustifiable, then how can racism against whites be morally right and justifiable? |
Our common room, thanks to a morally rectitudinous constitutional change some time previously, was known as the Nelson Mandela Room. |
Superpredators theoretically arise from dysfunctional homes, inadequate schools, and morally bankrupt communities. |
Then, within the space of a few months, there were more transients than there were locals, and the imbalance seemed morally wrong. |
The idea that the A-bombs were morally unjustifiable just never entered our minds, even as we pondered the future. |
What are stem cells exactly, and why do many people find their use morally troubling? |
After all Weil was arguing that had France been morally pure, it would have been possible for France to betray Czechoslovakia more effectively. |
Not only is it morally wrong for individuals to aggress against others, he writes, but it's wrong for groups of people to do it, too. |
In these books Augustine links literal creation ecclesially, morally, and anagogically to the Word itself. |
Employment of military hospital ships in support of the war on terror is militarily, politically, and morally appropriate. |
On the surface, the ovum sensor appears morally unproblematic, if not a moral boon. |
One may be epistemically justified in believing that an act is morally justified, and yet be mistaken in this belief. |
According to Peregrina Pereiro, during the 1980's, the peninsular narrative was depoliticized and morally relativistic. |
Clay engineered the morally indefensible Missouri Compromise. |
Despite the rhetoric and guilt-trips of those calling for a halt, they are morally and ethically correct to continue. |
Saruman, though, becomes morally diminished, and his character dwindles to the merely novelistically malevolent. |
Victim-blaming the poor for being poor, when the benefits system discourages risk-taking is morally irreprehensible. |
If we think that is an inconsistent double standard unfair to hospitals, then we are not yet morally intelligent. |
More to the point, in falling over itself to honour dignity it's all rather morally simplistic and in several instances, stagily contrived. |
Volitionists agree that we can assess agents upon the basis of their morally relevant attitudes, as the attributionists claim. |