For the most part, teenagers can't help dropping into the angsty moody mode periodically. |
It's a moody album that has a definite dark edge which actually translates really well onstage. |
Blacks and shadow have great depth and detail with none of the moody lighting or fog effects lost. |
The postcard itself was a moody affair, a dark sepia scene of a cityscape that was gloom itself. |
It's dark and moody, yet one of the most impressive releases so far this year. |
He is a stupid, moody, moronic little kid who thinks he's all grown up, when he's just sad and lost and bitter. |
Clinic combines standard rock instruments with a moody, vintage organ creating a sound that's difficult to describe from a standard rock setup. |
Imagine a thin moody moustache is slithering across my upper lip rather than the manly unkemptness that I call my beard. |
He was said to be boorish and unmannerly and argumentative and moody and addicted to reading, of all things. |
He would be normal on some days, and other days, completely unresponsive and moody. |
It is a horde of hungry hunters, moody and snapping at each other, carrying one of their number, her blood making them even hungrier. |
I was considered a moody brainiac back in high school, and I poured a lot of my angst into a journal. |
We were broody and moody together when I was 15, and I still know all the words. |
He staged moody still lifes composed of nom noms that pop stars enjoy snacking on backstage. |
Imagine the moody dronings of God Speed You Black Emperor, or Spaceman 3 and then add beautifully moody and sullen vox courtesy of Aurelio Valle. |
One moody image shows a twilit landscape with what look like oil refineries dark against the sky. |
He was a loving, caring man, the court was told, but could become moody and aggressive. |
You tend to be moody but need to come from a centred and balanced space to deal with finances and business opportunities. |
Ian preferred moody songwriters who slowly strummed guitars and wallowed self-indulgently in their own impenetrable deepness. |
The sky overhead was overcast with great gray clouds, and the atmosphere was actually kind of moody. |
Teens are sulky, and moody and think WAY to highly of themselves for the most part. |
There is the moody Macanudo Fumoir for those who like to smoke cigars, and the buzzy Claridge's bar for those who like to drink. |
Depending on the mood and intention of the photographer, a cloudy sky can be printed dark and moody or light and airy. |
Spring comes soon, and the eldest son suddenly turns moody and peevish, unwilling to eat or go to school. |
The 12 songs here reveal a band that's cocksure but never cocky, moody but never melodramatic and musically adept. |
His problem was rather the reverse, namely that he became aggressive, ill-tempered and moody. |
Philip was a serial philanderer who did not bother to conduct his affairs very discreetly, which infuriated the moody and jealous Joan. |
Both are suitable for film, and the authors are incredibly photogenic, full of soulful, moody presence. |
Has your student gone from predictably polite and compliant to moody and disagreeable? |
I fought my feelings back, attributing them to pregnancy hormones making me easily moody. |
So one fine day, the moody tusker decides that he wants to take over the rat holes near his lair and starts killing the rats one by one. |
A constipated body can lead to a constipated mind, and makes some of us feel moody and irritable. |
Mr. Rochester was a princely and heroic master, and, despite his ireful frown and brusque, moody manner, Jane felt at ease in his presence. |
These sumptuous, moody drawings seem to be records of post-apocalyptic, charred remains. |
If you like the moody and folky sound coming out of Glasglow these days, you can't go wrong with Y'all Get Scared Now Ya Hear. |
It's a moody blend that makes me think of bands like the Rheostatics or other folky, 70's inspired bands. |
You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please. |
Abetted by moody cinematography and crackerjack editing, it moves like a shot. |
By refining the image in the darkroom, a photographer can make the same image appear dark and moody or light and airy. |
They tend to be immature, moody, self-centered and evasive of responsibility. |
Occasionally the docu tries too hard to capture a kind of poetic lyricism via moody, often unnecessary underwater shots and such. |
He plays not only his usual double bass but also a viola da gamba which strangely matches the moody quality of the Russian tunes. |
Despite my trying to remain jovial and positive Gerald was miserable and moody. |
I allus thought the critter was a crayfish, but meant to evoke Scorpio, the moody, dangerous Water Sign. |
Many times one gets the impression he would rather live life as his schizoid alter ego, a sulky, moody 12-year-old trapped in a man's body. |
This style is evident in her surreal, moody landscapes and still lifes, which the artist describes as balanced and serene. |
More than other parrot species, Amazons are well known for their strong or often moody characters. |
Direct from Dublin, it's a blend of fancy footwork, furious fiddling and moody lighting and stage effects. |
If he doesn't eat, his sugar is low, then he tends to get very argumentative, moody and bad-tempered. |
The locale is timeless, exotic and mysterious, and the light moody and evocative. |
Small dashes of bright primary and secondary colour taint the heavier earth tones, but recede into the moody hues of the whole at a distance. |
She is overawed by the moody magnificence of Glencoe, and entranced by the beauty of Edinburgh. |
Though the Liars' cuts are supremely inaccessible, moody pieces, their chaotic, indecipherable babel plays against Oneida's monolithic tower. |
But why not get moody first in the lounge where a slinky torch singer holds court over a baby grand a la Dietrich or Garland. |
And she closed the door somewhat forcefully to leave Charles in his moody meanderings. |
Sounds particularly great in the car, when tootling round the Peak District on a moody afternoon. |
If a common man were to dare to be as moody, as contemptuous, and as misanthropical, the world would laugh at him. |
He was miserable and moody, frustrated and just plain rude, insulting anyone who gave him the slightest reason. |
One of the bar staff is a moody old trout but all the guys and manager are great. |
In his moody and romantic photographs, images of roads and beautiful young girls emerge out of an inky blackness. |
For the next two days she was moody and irritable, and each night she drank herself to sleep. |
He's really not a bad catch at all, she thought, but of course, he's moody and mean too. |
They bend backwards to please guests some of whom are very grumpy, moody and complain about anything. |
It was probably either a misunderstanding or she was moody for another, unrelated reason. |
The Christmas season was upon us and all I had was my disowned sister and moody boyfriend. |
She's childish, sullen, moody and volatile, prone to outbursts of jealousy, weeping, rage and laughter. |
He also didn't seem paralysed, and while he was oddly moody in his last weeks, nothing seemed physically wrong. |
Come to think of it, she was extra moody yesterday after she came back from lunch with Casey! |
I didn't know why I was so moody and inclined to anger towards Will, but I couldn't help it. |
He was moody lately but somehow he just could not shrug off the black cloud that was hovering over him. |
She was moody and grumpy while her parents made their best efforts to be cheerful. |
Ruth is always moody when she's cleaning, it make me wonder why she took this job in the first place. |
Rewinding to the beginning of her own story, we find an averagely moody teenager not doing well at school. |
She says that she is very moody and goes from laughing to swearing in seconds. |
The smell in the wards and the moody patients made him keep his distance and caused him to lose his appetite for lunch. |
There was lots of moody piano, haunting baselines and dark, jazzy, horn-filled grooves. |
The great voice talent, moody score, and zippy sound effects work well together. |
The single large figure sprawls diagonally across the canvas in dark, moody browns and blues. |
However, this is a great album, very dark at times, and moody and atmospheric throughout. |
Dark and moody, these compositions provided the blueprint for his first main solo project. |
The poem touches on loss, and has its own moody tinge, but an unmitigated sadness is not the effect. |
They're equally comfortable with energetic rock as they are with slow, moody and melancholy tunes. |
We begin in a dark, moody place, and proceed to brood for three-quarters of an hour. |
The lighting also adds to the stage show feel with scorching searchlights and moody spots, used to great effect for the real deep blues numbers. |
But I was going through a reclusive and non-communicative phase, and his efforts to talk to me, to establish genuine communication, were met with a stony and moody silence. |
A moody ballad by an Australian crooner has notched 134 million views on YouTube. |
She merely offered him a moody look, eyes dark, expression dour. |
I love her, but at the moment she's moody, distant and unreachable. |
We broad-reached into Broadhaven in the glow of a moody golden sunset. |
King is also said to be a moody, irascible, and emotional cuss. |
Despite the dark tint and moody atmosphere of the show, the set lights up in fluorescents and strong blues and yellows, and the colors come through strong. |
He is moody, brilliant, sulky, a cheat, and intermittently sublime. |
In the sunken seating and lounge area at the back of the bar, stained oak floorboards, recessed spotlighters and black walls create a moody, atmospheric ambience by night. |
But his stock-in-trade is moody, gargatuanly stringed incidental music for hysterically overblown movies like Moulin Rouge and Plunkett and MacLean. |
The sound effects are ok and the music is all ambient techno style which is nice and moody but maybe a bit dull when the action starts hotting up. |
I can be extremely moody when in close contact with one other person. |
He tolerated me and loved me when I was being moody and difficult. |
He uses everything at his disposal to maintain a moody, atmospheric tone. |
The true horror of this moody paranormal Korean feature is not the external fiends that haunt Jung-Won, but rather the inner demons that he possesses within. |
Brown has put together a highly melodic and moody trip hop disc. |
Too experimental and moody for the purists and too conventional for the risk seekers, it barely registered. |
We may think it has to do with some moody pall over his administration right now. |
It has pairs of large moody mandalas on each wall that loom and seem to spin, exuding a strong energy that creates an extraordinary zone of centeredness, stillness and power. |
Originally from Sacramento and now based in New York, this fivesome makes moody rock textured with all manner of influences from dub reggae to funk. |
You can be moody and swing to extremes, be aware and remain balanced. |
I love teen angst movies with moody, atmospheric modern rock soundtracks. |
But there are times and places when a natural landscape, without any artificial illumination, looks just as rich and moody in the afterglow of sunset. |
Doc Susan McAlester and moody Jim Whitlock believe that a protein found in the sharks' brains can cure Alzheimer's Disease. |
He was moody all day, answering questions monosyllabically and refusing to join our games. |
In his tenure with the film series, Barry's music, variously brassy and moody, achieved very wide appeal. |
Downey's own roots genius turns his musicological attention to California songwriters for this moody, slightly eccentric cover collection. |
The smell of creosote blends with that of a small grassfire in the distance, and the moody afternoon sky is endless. |
Grannen is an album of by the band Frigg that dares to defy modern stereotypes of Finnish music as slow-paced, moody and melancholy. |
Francis Ford Coppola wrote this particular cinematic version of the Great American Novel, and it's heavy on moody pauses and echoey dialogue. |
And a tough neighborhood, it was, too. irate Mars, and sexually explicit Venus, the kerfluff of a moody moon, and self-important stars. |
I grew, day by day, more moody, more irritable, more regardless of the feelings of others. |
Aqualung are known for their moody indie sound, but this track really doesn't do them any justice at all, I'm afraid to say. |
Igwig, a South American green tree lizard, later showed his displeasure by turning a moody brown and was taken into RSPCA care. |
Drenched in moody blue light after dark, the two-storey glazed pod at the top of the ramp resembles a flying saucer hovering over the hill. |
I grew moody, silent, and unsocial, but studied on doggedly and incessantly. |
Her first husband was a moody Italian named Salvatore Russo. |
He poured his heart out to them, so as he never could in any other company, where he hath generally passed for being moody, or supercilious and silent. |
His moody, underexpos ed shot of a greylag goose on the bank of the Thames, set against the Sh ard, is proof that the beauty of nature can be captured anywhere. |
Joan's sophomore set is sublime, whether it's the moody piano lament of Honor Wishes, the angry political rant of Furious or the intimate soul-searching of To Be Lonely. |
Once there, according to an Angel Eyes spy, Kenzie stood, drinkless, outside the girls' toilets looking mean and moody and utterly desperate to be noticed. |
His moody, underexposed shot of a greylag goose on the bank of the Thames, set against the Shard, is proof that the beauty of nature can be captured anywhere. |