When prenatal environment is similar for monozygotic twins they will possess nearly identical finger ridge configuration. |
Another result concerning handedness of the progeny of discordant monozygotic twins suggests that lefties are one gene apart from righties. |
For the correlation analysis, 20 unrelated couples were formed by randomly matching one monozygotic twin with one dizygotic twin. |
And there are collages of smiling monozygotic brothers and sisters of different ages and races. |
When the nine-banded species of this mammal breeds it bears monozygotic quadruplets. |
However, these studies may have overestimated the effect of genetics if monozygotic twins share exposure to more environmental effects than dizygotic twins do. |
The results suggest that although monozygotic twins do differ epigenetically, they differ less than dizygotic twins. This is all very confusing. |
Because monozygotic twins presumably have identical genes, any dermatoglyphic differences between them must be due to differences in prenatal environmental experiences. |
Two well conducted and well controlled studies show that refractive errors are much more strongly correlated in monozygotic twins than in dizygotic twins. |
So if one monozygotic twin, for example, develops an ailment that the other escapes, the culprit is probably environmental. |
It is important to note that the Protocol does not intend to discriminate in any fashion against natural monozygotic twins. |
The incidence of monozygotic multiples is doubled in multiples conceived through the use of ovulation stimulation treatments. |
Around two-thirds of monozygotic pregnancies see the embryos share a placenta, but develop their own amnion, a membrane that serves as further protection for the embryo. |
The higher rate of autism in monozygotic as opposed to dizygotic twins, as well as the increased sibling recurrence risk and the presence of the broad phenotype in family members support this theory. |
A higher prevalence is noted among family members of people with schizophrenia, and there is a higher concordance rate in monozygotic than dizygotic twins. |
It is covered with printouts and newspaper clippings on clones, and especially the one sort of clone whose existence does not make anyone cringe: monozygotic, or identical, twins. |
This registry involves a large-scale sample of monozygotic and dizygotic twin pairs who served in the military during the Vietnam era. |
In this last capacity he was prone to gaffes and generally uninspiring. His main rival is Jarosław Kaczyński, the late president's monozygotic twin, former prime minister and leader of PiS, the main opposition party. |
If there is greater agreement or similarity in a characteristic with monozygotic twins and greater variability in dizygotic twins or in the general population, this speaks for the hereditary character of this characteristic. |
More than half of monozygotic multiple births are monochorionic, which may lead to a greater risk of adverse outcomes than for dizygotic multiple births. |
We note how de novo mutations may also help explain why the concordance rate for autism is so markedly higher in monozygotic than dizygotic twins. |
So far there have been only theoretical considerations against the experimental finding and dogma that monozygotic twins are genetically fully identical. |
Monozygotic twinning results in identical siblings, while the other developmental route including two blastoderms leads to fraternal or nonidentical twins. |