Violent suppression and opinion monopoly are used by all totalitarian political systems for the purpose of perpetrating their immoral rule. |
Today, however, the show is generally acknowledged as a landmark event that cracked the West's monopoly on contemporary art. |
That's the legal term used to describe a company that leverages a monopoly in one market into an adjacent area. |
Sovereignty resides in the people and no branch may claim to possess a monopoly of the sovereign powers. |
Conservative governments commercialised a public service, broke its monopoly on stamp sales and closed many hundreds of sub post offices. |
With cities from Shanghai to Beijing to Shenzhen vying for a piece of the action, Hong Kong is losing its monopoly on China trade. |
The planned expansion is expected to put the company in a competitive position if Gasprom's monopoly over natural gas transportation is waived. |
Personal medical services break the monopoly of the independently contracted general practitioner. |
Deregulation has the effect of causing many state-owned insurers to lose their monopoly on the local markets. |
Decriminalisation has all the disadvantages of increased use while allowing gangs to retain their virtual monopoly on production and supply. |
The Post Office has a monopoly on these services and customers do not have the luxury of choosing another supplier in the immediate area. |
He did at one stage manage to employ one quarter of that number, but even with the monopoly on army supplies he never broke even. |
In Pattaya, by contrast, the baht bus enjoys a de facto monopoly on the taxi service. |
From its harbours, Albuquerque's fleet brutally enforced the Portuguese monopoly of the spice trade. |
The firm has an effective monopoly on the supermarket trolley advertising business in Ireland. |
Further it said as a natural monopoly the rail network presents a rather different problem. |
As we've discussed, fiber is an area where it might make sense for a single network that everyone has access to, since it's a natural monopoly. |
The highway system is a natural monopoly if the way to get goods and services to various destinations is the automobile. |
After all, health care is not a public good or natural monopoly so one can't argue that government must provide it. |
It may even be that critical intellectuals have some special obligations, though they have no monopoly on thinking or wisdom. |
Chew's success demonstrates that professional historians have no monopoly on environmental history. |
The militias pose a long-term problem for security, since they violate the state's monopoly on the use of force. |
What seems to remain the same, however, is that men retain their monopoly of positions involving power and authority. |
Examples of distortions are monopoly rents, hidden subsidies, artificially determined floors and ceilings on input prices. |
European social democracy cannot allow populist discontent to become a monopoly of the right. |
Blogging is said to have changed modern journalism by challenging the cosy media monopoly with its grass-roots approach to issues. |
Last year, his attempt to corner the market in television football fell foul of British monopoly authorities. |
There's plenty of irony in seeing one monopoly accuse another monopoly of restricting users' choices. |
And the contestability of the market means that it cannot take that present back once it has acquired a monopoly. |
This medical monopoly has throughout the twentieth century continued to consolidate and strengthen its power. |
Women working at maquiladoras are the bearers of labor sought for alliance by monopoly capital in a new international division of labor. |
With a monopoly, you get to generate a large cash flow from rental of all the properties. |
We therefore consider there is a case for retaining the complex monopoly provisions and propose to do so. |
As with the pure monopoly, companies would join a cartel in order to try to protect themselves from the harmful consequences of competition. |
Journalists don't have the monopoly on plagiarism, nor are they the worst offenders. |
And so it seems blundering in haste and repenting at leisure is no one's monopoly. |
The profession must recognise that it does not have a monopoly of either wisdom or knowledge. |
And in 1598 the Privy Council confirmed this arrangement by granting them a joint monopoly. |
She has managed to destroy past impressions of her as an iron-fisted hater of consumers and worshipper of monopoly. |
The price of a bottle of Absolut Vodka at Systembolaget, the state-run alcohol monopoly, will fall from 230 kronor to 160 kronor. |
As a general rule, these companies were given a monopoly on trade in a region. |
On this view, the Commission represents the general interest and has the monopoly over legislative initiation. |
Well, if market power is no longer the advantage that flows from monopoly or near monopoly, what is it now? |
Its charter granted monopoly rights to trade in lands whose waters drained into Hudson Bay. |
This monopoly was naturally challenged and within a few years evaded by the development of a different recipe for compo. |
The state-owned company remains the monopoly train operator on the main lines, although secondary routes are put out to competitive tender. |
Regulations are driving small companies out of business, leaving the multinationals in a monopoly position in the supply chain. |
Certainly, massive health bureaucracies and well endowed research institutions do not have a monopoly on wisdom. |
But the religious-economies model predicts that religiosity will grow weaker if these monopoly religions retain their political favoritism. |
However, at this time there were already many established firms that produced train oil and thus held a certain monopoly. |
The idea that vertical integration increases monopoly power is highly suspect. |
Men have a monopoly in public speaking, landowning rights, and religious rituals. |
As a free marketeer, I hate monopoly of any sort, be it economic, cultural or social. |
It will remain a state-owned monopoly, providing healthcare free at the point of need. |
But as long as others are free to offer bribes, some will try to buy special licenses to bypass the monopoly. |
It is a well-known phrase that if there is one thing worse than a public monopoly, it is a private monopoly. |
The electricity grid in a local neighborhood is a good example of a natural monopoly. |
The fact remains that banks are able to charge usuriously high interest rates because the government secures their monopoly. |
The monopoly in politics, or bossism, may possibly be abolished by direct legislation or by proportional representation. |
Unfortunately, when one is in the hands of a monopoly supplier, the only things you can be sure of are increased bills and fat-cat bosses. |
Judge Marilyn Hall Patel is questioning whether the big five record companies are colluding to create a monopoly in their industry. |
By the beginning of the '60s, television was loosening newspapers' monopoly on the news. |
For a marketing manager, product differentiation becomes a key to gaining a degree of monopoly power in a market. |
Partly this reflects their monopoly of parish discussions, which means their musings go unchallenged. |
As it stands, bandits clearly hold the monopoly on firearms and evidently, supplies aren't limited. |
No one group has a monopoly on useful perspectives so an effective mix of views is important. |
He also considered conditions for equilibrium with monopoly, duopoly and perfect competition. |
The president was empowered to appoint ministers and dissolve the assembly, holding a monopoly of executive power. |
Thus, the imperfectly competing firms faced a more elastic demand for their services than would a monopoly railroad. |
But in a supposedly multicultural society like ours, it seems crazy that it should enjoy a monopoly. |
It is what monopoly legislation was meant to be about as uncontrolled domination by one participant in any market is undesirable. |
By 1888 he had created an effective monopoly through his company, which displaced smaller companies as well as white and black diggers. |
A pure monopolist is a single seller of a unique product which is the sole source of the firm's monopoly power. |
To allow this would be to drive a coach and horses through the traditional monopoly of the legal profession to appear on behalf of litigants. |
That reflects a relationship where the company is using its monopoly clout to drive some hard bargains. |
It is tyrannical because, while it asserts a global monopoly of violence, we cannot peacefully remove and replace it. |
This dynamic is amplified in some localities where large firms have attained effective monopoly power. |
The scope of the monopoly that a patentee gets is determined by the claims. |
In this manner, the imperfect market for players has been transformed from one of monopsony to that of bilateral monopoly. |
The characteristic feature of monopoly prices is the monopolist's defiance of the wishes of the consumers. |
When you talk about withdrawing your services from the sick, it's just like the monopolists using monopoly power. |
It would infuse the vitality of a free market and thus break the state educational monopoly. |
Clinical trials have no special monopoly on the high intellectual road and certainly not on the truth about suffering people. |
The conservative talk jocks have been purveying this canard to explain their monopoly of the spectrum. |
Their collective rights prevail over individual or corporate monopoly interests. |
Capitalist broadcasting could bring innovation where previously there had been the dead hand of a monopoly. |
Accordingly, the scope of the monopoly asserted by the patentees does not correspond to the technical contribution made by the patent. |
The commercial monopoly of the Dutch was highly advantageous to the character of the Javans. |
The Austrians have no monopoly on racism, but the success of Haider is not really about Austria. |
In 1891-92 Iran was roiled by protests against a tobacco monopoly granted to a British freebooter, a Major Talbot. |
But don't think for a second that the Fed has some kind of monopoly on a situation where rapacity pervades honest reason. |
Ditching old equipment while making a tidy profit is classic Bell monopoly reaming. |
The meeting was in agreement that action has to be taken to end the monopoly. |
We do not have a monopoly on wind-blown flats, but hot air coming off the Gulf is a common occurrence. |
The patentee may not obtain a monopoly for matter which he has not told the public about. |
The concept of peace is open, like freedom and justice, with no culture having any monopoly on its definition. |
Photosynthesis and primary production were the monopoly of bacteria and algal protists that populated the world's shallow seas. |
It broke a 40-year monopoly of the two openly capitalist parties over working class politics. |
They were too busy with the remunerative work of stationary engine building under their patent monopoly to trouble with speculative business. |
The repeal of the import duty would brush away at one stroke the danger of monopoly. |
Rampant competition among reprinters also helped to guarantee a relative absence of monopoly in the production of literature. |
I publish my own zine attacking the media monopoly, and I also write for the National Post. |
Neither side has a monopoly on either good ideas or glaring contradictions. |
In the seventeenth century, and before, power resided in the military, but the state did not have the monopoly of armed force. |
The UN has never pretended to have a monopoly on the peaceful resolution of disputes. |
Using this model, the Court determined that Article 10 was violated when Austria legislated a public monopoly on broadcasting. |
The communication, cooperation, and even conspiratorial planning between the components of the monopoly are unquestionable. |
We think of creative work as a purely human thing, and wrap invention in mystery and legal monopoly of copyrights and patents. |
The socialists, who have had a virtual monopoly in Greece for 20 years, proved to be more effective market liberalizers than the conservatives. |
So that modern monopoly is not a simple antithesis, it is on the contrary the true synthesis. |
The strength of this approach comes from the regulator being pro-active with an ongoing monopoly or antitrust policy. |
If Ebay, which has a virtual monopoly on classifieds is so hostile to decentralization, perhaps Ebay is vulnerable to the syndication model? |
Sure, we have our opinion on the issues, but we don't think we have a monopoly on morality or righteousness. |
The Holy Places, sacred to three great religions, must be open to all, the monopoly of none. |
Most representative, as well as most worrisome, is the fact that the state's monopoly on weapons is being seriously challenged. |
The nuclear-tipped missile challenged the monopoly of manned bombers in nuclear war. |
But America's monopoly on the weapon until 1949 saved Western Europe from Stalinism. |
It is Balkanized along state laws that end up protecting the monopoly utilities. |
Why the huge gap between the monopoly patent protected price and the competitive market price? |
Could it be something to do with Telecom's monopoly in the DSL marketspace? |
It is baffling to me why anyone would want to create a monopoly, a power to censor and prohibit, and ban the reporting of open justice. |
Meanwhile, one-party states achieved a monopoly on force, almost inevitably secured with mass murder. |
The successful test of Sakharov's bomb in August 1953 ended America's thermonuclear monopoly and earned the physicist his first medal. |
His monopoly, they say, was threatening to kill off any semblance of competition in a discipline that used to thrive on it. |
Small island states often make mistakes, but they have no monopoly on error. |
I felt that, as a person with the disease, I'd have a sort of monopoly on jokes about it. |
If one industry is in control and has a monopoly, what is the point in having an industry body that is self-regulating? |
The common treatment of the monopoly question is thoroughly mendacious and dishonest. |
In the past, monopoly providers worked together to prevent local or regional blackouts. |
First of all, common sense would dictate that this is a non sequitur, because the federal and state education collusion is a monopoly itself. |
If you want people to stop evading fares, stop using your monopoly to set prices so ridiculously high. |
Within weeks, as the betel crops of villagers throughout the region recovered, the people of Nganga and Pitoli lost their monopoly of the market. |
The British colonial government had built it as a watch-station, lest anyone should try to break the government monopoly by mining his own salt. |
Ireland, in short, has no monopoly on the use of memoir, fiction, biography or autobiography as a political tool. |
They had taken possession of Orissa and its salt industry in the year 1803 and organized the industry by introducing monopoly system. |
But ultimately, the onslaught of negative feedback forced the lingerie monopoly to remove the item from its inventory. |
In terms of its obligations under European Union accession, Bulgaria has to end the monopoly of the state railways, BDZ, and open the market to private railway carriers. |
It amounts to a bloated and inefficient government monopoly. |
In theory, but seldom in practice, their supposedly superior knowledge gave them a monopoly over the practice of physic and the authority to supervise the work of surgeons. |
The privatization of the tobacco monopoly brought about, in accordance with the theoretical predictions, a change in management accounting systems. |
Like many self-rule foes, Hussein dismisses plans for a regional government as a PYD bid to establish a political monopoly. |
The idea is the brainchild of Putin's minister of agriculture, Aleksey Gordeev, who proposes re-establishing a state monopoly on the production and sale of alcohol. |
The so-called ultramontanes believed that the state should serve as the secular arm of the Church and enforce its monopoly of the truth against all rival ideologies. |
Where it is clear that the patentee did not intend to obtain protection for particular variants, it is not open to the court to extend the monopoly to cover them. |
The only way to break their hold is to remove their monopoly on supply. |
Market concentration is economic power based on the level of monopoly or oligopoly that Chaebol affiliates hold in the markets of their respective areas of business. |
Its unhappy record of arrogant insouciance and incompetence as a monopoly service provider has given its new rivals a record of leaky credibility against which to run. |
During Elizabeth's reign they succeeded in seeing off the challenge of the Hanse, but protests against their monopoly persisted and the advocates of free trade gained ground. |
It is the essence of monopoly that the monopolist has the power to set the price of his product, which is effected by altering the amount that is supplied. |
Prescription only would result in a monopoly by veterinary surgeons. |
And at the same time it would create a nice comfortable monopoly on waste disposal all the better for jacking up fees and squeezing rate payers till the pips squeak. |
Still, in order to ensure that the derogation from common law would not be excessive, it was deemed appropriate to limit the duration of the monopoly. |
The fact that the demand curve is downward sloping indicates that consumers are sensitive to prices offered by any one competing or monopoly operator. |
These ideas had a wide influence on the creation of the Franc Germinal and on the law granting the Banque de France its monopoly on issuing banknotes. |
The full-forward line maintained their monopoly on scoring with two more points from Kilkenny and Carty to put Aghamore five ahead after eleven minutes. |
It is a natural monopoly and best owned by the state, he thought. |
Whether the object of destruction by the medical monopoly be homeopaths, midwives, chiropractors, or internet prescribers, the purge is conducted in the same manner. |
Ben-Gurion kept his word, and the Orthodox monopoly was anchored in other developments, as well. |
I think we've seen the peak of the right wing gasbag monopoly. |
For nearly two thousand years, religious groups have held a monopoly on how to teach morals to young children. |
To believers in creation, the Darwinists seem thoroughly intolerant and dogmatic when they insist that their own philosophy must have a monopoly in the schools and the media. |
The left has been ceded a monopoly on caring about black people, and monopolies are dangerous. |
Through the power of monopoly and sharply cutting royalty payments, Chesapeake Energy is now sitting on mountains of money. |
The instant version of news was the monopoly of the television channels and the long winding analysis was firmly the domain of the weekly and the fortnightly. |
There is something wonderfully incongruent in the Royal Mail celebrating its monopoly powers by increasing the price of a first class stamp yet again. |
This situation will change in 2001 when that monopoly is lifted, allowing other phone operators to install equipment and offer their own local services. |
Architects have no unique insights into these questions and have no monopoly on the answers but, as citizens, they have as much to offer as anyone else. |
First, congressionally charter Blue Cross-Blue Shield as a monopoly to provide basic coverage to all Americans, except retirees. |
At this stage in history, the merchant class, desperate for money to finance their adventures, struggled with the monopoly of the moneylenders and overcame it. |
But Railtrack is a natural monopoly and if it is to work in the interest of the people, rather than shareholders, then it must be owned by the people. |
Clerics must now share their ethical monopoly with the ballot box. |
First, the original monopoly power inhered in land ownership. |
The church has had a monopoly on birth, death and marriage rituals for centuries, but life's great moments don't need a dog collar to make them special. |
Poorly designed policies can delay corrective steps and create monopoly. |
I think that any visual statement has to communicate at multiple levels intellectually and emotively and there is no country with a monopoly in that area. |
The Wright brothers showed that heavier-than-air flight was possible, but that did not entitle them to a monopoly of heavier-than-air flying machines. |
The rejoinder, of course, is that while we all have our individual estimations of the skills and predilections of each enforcement level, none has a monopoly on virtue. |
The utility was given monopoly status, in return for releasing control of electric rates and a number of other parameters to its regulatory commission. |
In some respects, the agrarian views were even more extreme in Canada, and the distrust of monopoly elements and speculators on the grain exchange even more deep rooted. |
In practice juries were rarely interested in establishing whether a forestaller was aiming to create a monopoly or whether any degree of monopoly had in fact been created. |
The presence of monopoly rents tends to foster rent-seeking behavior. |
Property can be just as much a rent-seeking device as monopoly. |
Along with the US, it could become a monopoly consumer of services and even repatriate revenue that doctors in developing countries earned from treating local patients. |
The electricity sector is heavily regulated, and the service is mostly provided by monopoly public sector utilities that fail to meet the demand, causing frequent blackouts. |
This represents only one of the aspects of the ecclesiastical monopoly over written culture and Latin, the only language that could be used for writing. |
America has no monopoly on nation-building or reconstruction experience. |
Phones had to be rented from the giant government-regulated monopoly that controlled all telecommunications in the United States. |
While he declined to comment on specific remedies, he did say he thinks trustbusters can seek a punishment that covers new efforts to extend the company's monopoly. |
The Company lost its monopoly on Indian trade in 1813, and its charter for Chinese trade was removed in 1833, after which it ceased to be a trading concern. |
Maybe we should just revert back to the days of the ma bell monopoly and start leasing our phones again? |
In the Po Valley, with its large capitalist farms, socialist leagues finally managed in early 1920 to win a monopoly control of the hiring of labour. |
The new machines carried the day and the exclusiveness of skilled workers, who had established an almost dynastic monopoly of some crafts, was broken down. |
If they are untroubled by the castration of the system of checks and balances, they give the bureaucracy a monopoly of power and make it unaccountable to the people. |
But as long as the political monopoly of the slaveholders was broken, enfranchised blacks would have the power to prevent the re-emergence of aristocracy and inequality. |
Of course, this country has no monopoly on ridiculous elections. |
In the context of a liberal democratic society, this is a preferred approach to either party having a monopoly of power or the government regulating all aspects of employment. |
Germany had a virtual monopoly of the production of artificial dyestuffs, in which the record of the Badische Anilin and Soda Fabrik at Ludwigshafen was outstanding. |
It is good that authors should be remunerated and the least exceptionable way of remunerating them is by a monopoly, yet monopoly is an evil for the sake of the good. |
If this competition were to be removed then the private companies would have a monopoly on the collection service and would therefore be free to charge as they pleased. |
The rabbinate, which is a government-paid body, has a monopoly over family life. |
On the face of it, it is a little undiplomatic for a Foreign Office Minister to suggest that the British have a monopoly on rational and civilised behaviour. |
The enquiry could find that a monopoly situation exists among the manufacturers, wholesalers or even veterinary surgeons, which prevents or distorts competition. |
In the past, monopoly was formed when the government granted a franchise to certain companies so that they could invest in new products and provide essential services. |
To call the Canadian publisher harlequin a monopoly in the romance genre might be an overstatement, but not by much. |
As the country's former monopoly supplier of telephone services and the meat in the sandwich of the country's biggest stock fiasco, Eircom will always struggle to get a break. |
It is axiomatic that all monopoly groups, emerging from time to time, will remain the continuous target of the people so as to keep India free of despotism. |
The production and export of nutmeg was a VOC monopoly for almost two hundred years. |
A natural monopoly suffers from the same inefficiencies as any other monopoly. |
So while he bought up rival companies and created a monopoly, he kept his prices low and campaigned vigorously for regulation. |
The monopoly was generated by formal meetings of the local management of coal companies agreeing to fix a minimum price for sale at dock. |
And lest you be deceived, primary elections are no partisan monopoly. |
The public broadcasting companies held a monopoly on radio and television for a long time in Sweden. |
Instead of the power of monopoly, consumers lose to the power of confusopoly. |
It will not do to say that the Irish have a monopoly on stupidity, yet there have been times when I thought they nearly cornered the market. |
The bank has a monopoly on the issue of banknotes in England and Wales, although not in other parts of the United Kingdom. |
After the turn of the century, the United Kingdom's industrial monopoly was challenged by Germany and the United States. |
Mercantilism grew, and monopoly trading companies such as the East India Company were established, with trade expanding to the New World. |
The growth of monopoly power retarded economic progress by hampering the growth of entrepreneurship and innovationism. |
The Merchant Adventurers, the company which enjoyed the monopoly of the Flemish wool trade, relocated from Antwerp to Calais. |
In the 18th century all surviving interests in the monopoly were bought out by John Baskett. |
James provoked further opposition by attempting to reduce the Anglican monopoly on education. |
In 1909, Churchill made several speeches with strong Georgist rhetoric, stating that land ownership is at the source of all monopoly. |
The economic monopoly of the metropolis was the main reason why many countries decided to become independent from Spain. |
The Ottoman Empire had failed to raise revenue and a monopoly of effective armed forces. |
This monopoly, which lasted for a considerable time, helped Newcastle prosper and develop into a major town. |
The mythological origins of the oil fields at Yenangyaung, and its hereditary monopoly control by 24 families, indicate very ancient origins. |
Common market structures studied besides perfect competition include monopolistic competition, various forms of oligopoly, and monopoly. |
Although it is an Indian religion, Sikhism rejects claims that any particular religious tradition has a monopoly on Absolute Truth. |
He was provided with a house on the river at Blackfriars, then just outside the City and hence avoiding the monopoly of the Painters Guild. |
Performances outside the patent theatres were instrumental in bringing the monopoly to an end. |
In 1843 the Theatres Regulation Act finally brought the patent companies' monopoly to an end. |
The passing of the Theatres Act 1843 removed the monopoly on drama held by the Patent theatres. |
Sky's monopoly was broken from August 2006 when Setanta Sports was awarded rights to show two out of the six packages of matches available. |
Anarchists note that the state possesses the monopoly on the legal use of violence. |
In radio, DR has a near monopoly, currently broadcasting on all four nationally available FM channels, competing only with local stations. |
The Danish government had maintained a strict monopoly of Greenlandic trade, allowing only small scale troaking with Scottish whalers. |
At one stage the trade was the monopoly of the Royal Africa Company, operating out of London. |
But, following the loss of the company's monopoly in 1689, Bristol and Liverpool merchants became increasingly involved in the trade. |
The discovery of new maritime trade routes by Western European states allowed them to avoid the Ottoman trade monopoly. |
Since 1621, the Dutch West India Company had operated as a monopoly in New Netherland, on authority granted by the Dutch States General. |
The BBC's broadcasting monopoly was made explicit for the duration of its current broadcast licence, as was the prohibition on advertising. |
The income from the salt trade was lost in 1594 because of the establishment of the ducal salt monopoly. |
He maintained an effective monopoly on Soviet relations from 1956 on, which was crucial for his continued popularity. |
By contrast Malta, with one of the world's highest voter turnouts, has a single legislature that holds a near monopoly on political power. |
Whisky retail sales in Finland are controlled solely by the state alcohol monopoly Alko and advertising of strong alcoholic beverages is banned. |
The right to issue banknotes was extended to other banks after 1716 when the Bank of Scotland's monopoly was allowed to lapse. |
His government had a company, Fu Ning Company, which had a monopoly over commerce and industrial activity in Ningxia. |
It was believed that they maintained a monopoly on ironworking, and that their empire had been based on that advantage. |
It was only in 1981 that the government allowed free broadcasting in the territory, ending state monopoly on radio. |
Passenger services are operated by Eurostar, who has a practical monopoly on tunnel passenger services. |
Consequently, when Gustav Vasa or Gustav I broke the monopoly power of the Hanseatic League he was regarded as a hero by the Swedish people. |
From the 8th until the 15th century, they held the monopoly of European trade with the Middle East. |
With their new monopoly, Fulton and Livingston's boat, named the Clermont after Livingston's estate, could make a profit. |
Portugal maintained a commercial monopoly of these commodities for several decades. |
The Arabs also had no desire to allow the Portuguese to break their monopoly on access to spices. |
In August 2013, work began on a new pipeline between Moldova and Romania that may eventually break Russia's monopoly on Moldova's gas supplies. |
Economically, Gustav Vasa broke the monopoly of the Hanseatic League over Swedish Baltic Sea trade. |
Consequently, when Gustav Vasa or Gustav I broke the monopoly power of the Hanseatic League he was regarded as a hero to the Swedish people. |
An illicit trade continued with foreigners after the Danes implemented a trade monopoly. |
Still the influence of the world economy on the USSR was limited by fixed domestic prices and a state monopoly on foreign trade. |
As free trade thrives on exports of commodities, monopoly capitalism thrived on the export of capital amassed by profits from banks and industry. |
Later his brother Prince Pedro, granted him a royal monopoly of all profits from trading within the areas discovered. |
In 1443 Prince Pedro, Henry's brother, granted him the monopoly of navigation, war and trade in the lands south of Cape Bojador. |
Portugal enjoyed a virtual monopoly of the Atlantic slave trade for over a century, exporting around 800 slaves annually. |
The aim of Portugal in the Indian Ocean was to ensure the monopoly of the spice trade. |
The annual monopoly system was abandoned in 1597, and the royal monopoly resumed. |
Genoa replaced Venice in the monopoly of commerce with the Black Sea territories. |
Existing revolts over the government salt monopoly and severe floods along the Yellow River provoked the Red Turban Rebellion. |
His accounts of salt production and revenues from the salt monopoly are also accurate, and accord with Chinese documents of the Yuan era. |
The main source of revenue of the government was the monopoly of salt production. |
The Emperors of China strove to keep knowledge of sericulture secret to maintain the Chinese monopoly. |
For example, Walter Raleigh had been granted a trade monopoly by Queen Elizabeth, for the export of broadcloth and wine. |
A notable event in 1935 was the granting of a monopoly on mineral mining to the Sierra Leone Selection Trust, run by De Beers. |
In addition, the Hanseatic League had a monopoly on the trade between Russia and Central and Western Europe. |
Afonso V appealed to the Pope for moral support of Portugal's right to a monopoly of trade in lands she discovered. |
With the bull the Portuguese had a monopoly for trade in the new areas in Africa and Asia. |
In 1469, King Afonso V of Portugal granted him the monopoly of trade in the Gulf of Guinea. |
He also received a monopoly of trade in guinea pepper for another yearly payment of 100,000 reais. |
It had a monopoly on commercial banking until a change in the banking law in 2003 led to the entry of several other banks. |
Later, cities like Bruges and Antwerp actively tried to take over the monopoly of trade from the Hansa, inviting foreign merchants to join in. |
Business monopoly in some sectors causes higher profit bookings and further raising of prices. |
The society in its current form was established by a 1552 Royal Charter from Edward VI granting the society a monopoly on Bristol's sea trade. |
The opposition attributed the results in part to the virtual Colorado monopoly on the mass media. |
With the English paying higher prices, they were significantly undermining Dutch aims for a monopoly. |
Where efficiency is defined by the total gains from trade, the monopoly setting is less efficient than perfect competition. |
Portugal enjoyed a virtual monopoly on the African seaborne slave trade for over a century, importing around 800 slaves annually. |
The monopoly ended in 2002 and several casino owners from Las Vegas attempted to enter the market. |
The exact route was kept secret to protect the Spanish trade monopoly against competing powers, and to avoid Dutch and English pirates. |
In 1765 the crown created a monopoly on tobacco, which directly affected agriculture and manufacturing the Veracruz region. |
They had a monopoly of the black pepper commerce in Portugal and some of them later moved to Antwerp in Belgium. |
This information later helped both the Dutch and the English to challenge the Portuguese monopoly on East Indian trade. |
Francis took several steps to eradicate the monopoly of Latin as the language of knowledge. |
The VOC enjoyed huge profits from its spice monopoly through most of the 17th century. |
In 1640, the VOC obtained the port of Galle, Ceylon, from the Portuguese and broke the latter's monopoly of the cinnamon trade. |
The military outlays that the VOC needed to make to enhance its monopoly were not justified by the increased profits of this declining trade. |
Methods used to maintain the monopoly involved extortion and the violent suppression of the native population, including mass murder. |
This monopoly would be valid for four voyages, all of which had to be undertaken within three years after it was awarded. |
The HBC negotiated a trading monopoly from the English crown for the Hudson Bay watershed, called Rupert's Land. |
Although they had opened an unknown route, Jan Pietersz Coen of the VOC claimed infringement of its monopoly of trade to the Spice Islands. |
With loss of revenue from land tax, the central imperial government relied heavily on salt monopoly. |