The subject came up by the bat mitzvah, herself, so no one could change the subject. |
No, the child becomes bar or bat mitzvah, literally one who is of the obligations. |
Mikey encouraged his parents to attend a cousin's Shabbos bat mitzvah in Teaneck less than a month ago. |
A shochet is responsible for covering the blood of the animal, so if someone else fulfills this mitzvah, then the shochet has been deprived. |
And then one day, just before his bar mitzvah, they put insoles in his shoes, and suddenly the guy was a whole new person. |
When I look at the family portraits that were the inevitable last course at every wedding and bar mitzvah, she sparkled. |
In fact, in his case, it happened in full sight of a large crowd on the stage of a synagogue during his bar mitzvah ceremony. |
In such a case, it is a great mitzvah for a Jew to donate organs to save another person's life. |
Giving charity is a positive mitzvah, a personal religious obligation no less than prayer or Torah study. |
Several modern scholars rule that this mitzvah includes an obligation to prevent someone from losing their health in the first place. |
Hanging towards the back was the gorgeous dress I had worn for Sara's bat mitzvah, which reminded me that her birthday was coming up. |
With the mitzvah of counting the 49 days, known as Sefirat Ha'Omer, the Torah invites us on a journey into the human psyche, into the soul. |
Ruchama Rivka was always very excited when it came time for the mitzvah of counting the Omer. |
His comments made me think of Jesselyn's bat mitzvah videotape, which her mother keeps. |
It is a great honor to be given an aliyah when the Torah is read in the synagogue, and it is important to fulfill this mitzvah with dignity. |
Using his bar mitzvah cash at the tender age of 13, the lankily hip youngster bought himself a turntable and mixer. |
I am using the articles as a study guide for my daughter's bat mitzvah in September. |
This year, our two oldest children, ages 13 and 12, became bar and bat mitzvah. |
Goldberg is doing Rothstein a favor by giving him the opportunity to perform the mitzvah of tzedakah, or charitable giving. |
The bar mitzvah reads his Torah or Haftorah passage in shul and can then be counted as a man for purposes of a minyan. |
My nephew and I will not share the same holidays and he will not have a bar mitzvah for me to attend. |
I have no real formal music training, like every other punk who gets a keyboard for his bar mitzvah. |
He spent the day in his native Long Island, N.Y., celebrating his daughter's bat mitzvah. |
The bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah is an important coming-of-age ceremony in Judaism. |
The mitzvah of kindling the Chanukah lights begins with sunset. |
The brouhaha that caused made the furor over his support of the Iraq War look like a bar mitzvah. |
We have a bar mitzvah this weekend, and we are going to rejoice with that family, wherever we are. |
Do not spring your new pup on the extended clan at Cousin Heddy's bat mitzvah four hours after you picked up your pooch from the breeder. |
I was filled with incredible hatred against the rabbi, the ceremony, and the whole bar mitzvah ordeal. |
You have to reach a fashion parade, a festival, a congress, a preview, a wedding, a baptism or a bar mitzvah? |
Many Conservative and Reform congregations have instituted a similar ceremony, called the bat mitzvah, to celebrate the coming-of-age of girls. |
There is certainly a risk attached to it, that of believing that the material act is sufficient for the fulfillment of the mitzvah. |
And it is in the mitzvah, the divine commandment, that this relationship of love with God is permanently renewed. |
Unlike most young bar mitzvah boys, Citrin has led a full life. |
Drake's Bar Mitzvah Dance No 13-year-old has ever had as much swagger as Drake, then simply Aubrey Graham, at his bar mitzvah. |
But my bar mitzvah rabbi survived the camps, camps he could have probably avoided because of his Aryan looks. |
In August, Horowitz became an Internet sensation when his bar mitzvah performance went viral. |
He'd come to your child's bar mitzvah, but his interest in synagogues seemed anthropological. |
Last week I wrote about Sam Horowitz, the bar mitzvah boy who went viral via his Las Vegas style dance routine. |
Rabbi Wolpe is right that a bar mitzvah is a life stage rather than an event. |
Michael Jackson Bar Mitzvah Shawn Goldberg did his best Michael Jackson impersonation at his 1984 bar mitzvah. |
Doctors gave him little chance of making it to his bar mitzvah. |
Well, as I've stated many times, there's always a bat mitzvah. |
I really had every intention of making wonderful memory books to commemorate my daughter's baby years, her first steps, teeth and report cards, her bat mitzvah, her rock band. |
They are only obligatory if it is possible to fulfill them, so the first principle to recall is that it is a mitzvah for people to have children only if they can. |
If you are looking for musical entertainment on the occasion of events like birthdays, weddings, bar mitzvah, street parades, or others, he offers a format tailored to your needs. |
In Judaism, the number of seeds in a pomegranate is said to be the exact number of mitzvah, or spiritual duties required of a devout Jew. |
Well-meaning, well-acted coming-of-age yarn about a British nerd whose bar mitzvah coincides with the 1966 World Cup final. |
A group of women more useless at laundry than a bacon rasher at a bar mitzvah. |
The Ba'al Shem Tov sought to combine rigorous scholarship with more emotional mitzvah observance. |
The press was not there to report on it, and Ernst Zundel was left looking like an uncomfortable guest at a bar mitzvah, wearing ill-fitting headgear that made it impossible to take him seriously. |
Our masters have always taught us that Sekhar mitzvah, mitzvah, that the reward for duty duly accomplished is to be found in the very possibility which God gives us of carrying it out. |
He submitted an aunt's bat mitzvah certificate. |
After my bar mitzvah, we basically stopped all religious affiliations. |
Bob memorized his haftarah for his 1957 bar mitzvah from a record but promptly erased it from his memory to make room for baseball trivia. |
And then, on the day before my bar mitzvah, we learned that another boy was having his bar mitzvah, and that in addition to chanting the haftorah, he would be allowed to read a short portion from the torah itself. |
In the Sephardi community, boys wear a tallit from bar mitzvah age. |
Richard Goldstone, a former South African judge, has been effectively banned from attending his grandson's bar mitzvah which is to be held in Johannesburg next month. |
On March 1, the actress returned to the same synagogue in South Kensington as Samantha's official date for the bar mitzvah of her half-brother Joshua Ronson. |
Traditionally, bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah ceremonies are held in synagogues, where 13-year-olds demonstrate their proficiency in Hebrew and symbolically enter adulthood. |