Even when the temperature falls to minus 30 degrees centigrade, it is still quite cozy living in such a cottage. |
It is possible to discourage guessing by allocating one mark for a correct answer and minus one for an incorrect answer. |
The director lights up the screen with genuine emotions, minus sentimentality. |
So we had a very satisfying jam, with bass guitar, theremin and a drum kit minus sticks and cymbals. |
The male guardians had been garbed in similar clothes to Nick, minus the cloth. |
If you're looking for good food minus a stuffy atmosphere, Cafe 1 will see you right. |
A definite minus for the front loaders, however, is the actual loading because you have to bend over to put in the clothes. |
He's married and lives here now but looks exactly the same minus the roller blades and semi-acoustic bass. |
The mercury plunged to minus 7C in parts of Cheshire last night, to minus 10 in the Vale of York and minus 12 in Sennybridge, South Wales. |
A shirt with a Chinese collar or high roll-neck, minus necktie, can spell casual elegance. |
The flight service says its count is accurate within a range of plus or minus 10 percent. |
I was working to stay plus or minus 300 feet from the assigned altitude because of the up-and-down drafts. |
Its nominal dates are 418.7 to 416.0 million years ago, plus or minus 2.7 million years at either end. |
Keep in mind that most power supplies inside the computers can reliably handle only plus or minus 10 percent in voltage fluctuation. |
Since the poll's error margin is plus or minus 4 percentage points, the race is virtually tied. |
By contract, he can demand a trade to any team, minus six he excludes, within 10 days of the World Series. |
You are left feeling feel betrayed, shocked, dismayed and maybe minus an ear lobe or fingertip. |
A plus sign indicates the presence of the insertion, and a minus sign indicates the absence of one. |
Output voltage depends on turns ratios which are limited to plus or minus one turn. |
But since equity equals assets minus total debt, a company decreases its equity by increasing debt. |
One profit measure was net farm income from operations, calculated as total revenues minus total costs. |
In other words, saving is the baker's real income minus the amount of bread that the baker consumed. |
First, the Civil War period saw Congress define net income as revenue minus expenses. |
He is demanding the total cost of the course minus the deposit amount as a refund. |
It's as though he's desperate to fool us into thinking we're watching a Hollywood action flick minus machine gun fire, explosions, and fast cars. |
Instead, five different drivers were chosen to drive the cars, minus bombs, to Dublin. |
Five hours, minus lunch, and his team loved him because he still managed to get a lot more done than average. |
Greg and I were in a band for a short moment with the members of Elefant minus Diego called Debutaunt. |
Easkey were minus five regulars David Rolston, James Cawley, Kieran Brennan, Shane Kennedy and Dessie Sloyane. |
I walked down the road, trying not to look like I'd been attacked, robbed and dropped on the other side of the city minus my short term memory. |
In the spring, Blackburn returned to an astonished Gloucester, minus his fingers, half of each thumb, and most of his toes. |
Lots of pink neon and bluish glass brick, it had the feel of a fancy health spa minus the weight machines or half the lightbulbs. |
Easkey were minus five regulars Kieran Brennan, David Rolston James Cawley, Shane Kennedy and Dessie Sloyane. |
Bills for winter heating came to 200 for gas during a particularly cold month last year when temperatures dropped below minus 20 degrees. |
The temperature was minus 10 degrees centigrade so we gathered around the campfire inside, talking, singing and getting to know each other. |
All the three months, the temperatures were minus 35 degree Celsius and below. |
The temperature outside was below minus 20 C, and after three nights, I got very sick. |
With temperatures plunging to minus 7 degrees centigrade, this new snow facility ensures a winter experience in this rainforest country. |
The average winter temperature is minus 7 degrees with an average annual snowfall of 74 inches. |
I smiled to myself as the wind blew tossing the leaves helter-skelter and making them dance like ballerinas, minus the tutus. |
At temperatures below minus 5 degrees Celsius in heavy snow, small debris and snow can pack around the warm saw motor and form a solid ice pack. |
These tough creatures, which can survive temperatures as low as minus 57 degrees centigrade, evolved from two different lines. |
Zero Kelvin is minus 273.15 degrees Celsius, theoretically as low as a temperature can get. |
The organizer has built a large refrigerator covering 1,500 square metres and temperature inside is kept below minus 14 centigrade degrees. |
This is a major problem as the winter temperature drops below minus 10 degrees at night. |
So rapid has been the increase in debt that the savings share of household income was minus three percent in the March quarter of this year. |
Deflation would be equivalent to an inflation of minus two percent pa, with prices generally decreasing. |
This brings Limerick West fractionally above the minus five per cent limit. |
Total domestic demand is estimated to have grown 2.8 percent in the US, 0.7 percent in the EU and minus 1.4 percent in Japan. |
Neil Kinnock is at minus 1, Chris Patten at minus 2, and Peter Mandelson at minus 49 percent. |
In the commercial space it was minus 19 per cent and in the SME space it was 13 per cent. |
Non-residential investment growth fell from 9 per cent to minus 5 per cent. |
The fixed income sector, a long-time top performer among all MPF funds, posted a slight loss, with an average return of minus 0.96 per cent. |
Zero and minus one John Dillon Street, are the unusual addresses for the pair of semi-detached town houses, both a modest 1,200 sq ft. |
What texts don't usually tell you is that charges both plus and minus attract uncharged things. |
On the plus side, this means our division has very experienced teachers with a community history. On the minus side, they're more expensive. |
The plus sign denotes amplification and the minus sign indicates no amplification. |
A plus sign indicates repeat additions and a minus sign indicates repeat deletions, virtually all of which occurred in the variable region. |
The opposite movement is achieved by placing a minus sign before the value. |
In this case, the plus sign gives an extraneous result, and the minus sign is the one that gives the right conclusion. |
One day he painted a plus sign and a minus sign on Karan's bathroom mirror. |
Although this represents a negative number, it is not written with a minus sign. |
A plus sign means the real thickness is greater than the number posted, while a minus sign means the real thickness is less the number posted. |
In this case, the mathematical model has a minus sign, whenever time appears twice. |
After coming up with the list, he analyzed opportunities by placing up to two plus signs or two minus signs next to each characteristic. |
It was 75 degrees outside but the bedrooms remained at a constant minus 10 degrees somehow. |
So, will we see a St Pat's day, minus the green white and orange themed banners and tricolors? |
This is particularly evident with disjunctive queries, which use the minus sign to exclude particular search terms. |
Refractive error is measured in dioptres, and myopia is designated with a minus sign. |
For notational convenience, the negative digits are usually written with a vinculum, or overbar, instead of a prefixed minus sign. |
Imagine a wooden door, they are the boards or slats that make up the door minus the paneled areas. |
Its value is the value of his unencumbered interest minus the value of the secured loan. |
Sounds like we're in for a war of attrition, minus the trenches and the mustard gas. |
With this new CD version I realised that he also appears on a third track, minus his shoes and sitting cross-legged playing the dholak. |
In May a wind sail mast smashed her in the face, leaving her traumatised and minus some teeth. |
See, if I wanted to go out and return minus all my valuables, I could do that perfectly well on my own with the help of a few snifters of sherry. |
It's real snow, produced by 16 snow guns firing cooled water into air chilled to minus two degrees. |
Children with poor attendance can end up with a minus number of points for persistent non-attendance and poor behaviour. |
A company's book value is its net asset value minus its intangible assets, current liabilities, long-term debt and equity issues. |
Deutsche Bank expects a price tag of 53 billion yuan, calculated on its enterprise value minus estimated debt. |
Am I ok wearing a knee-length pencil skirt and closed-toe heels minus the nylons? |
Ignoring minus signs, thereby taking the absolute value, gives a two-part curve. |
Current assets minus current liabilities equals the working capital available. |
She stayed here since they brought you in, minus the time she took to change into casuals. |
A minus sign in the notation indicates the line is catalectic, a plus sign indicates a hypermetric line. |
Temperatures throughout the region hovered around the minus five degrees Celsius range for most of the two week storm. |
Temperatures will struggle to reach zero in the daytime and are expected to plummet to around minus 10 degrees centigrade overnight. |
Thermal conditions are also extreme, with external temperatures ranging from plus or minus more than a hundred degrees centigrade. |
This is Romanticism's full flowering, minus the Sturm und Drang, and minus the ingenuity of an Edvard Grieg, for example. |
Intel had predicted a margin of 50 percent, plus or minus a couple of percentage points. |
The heady mixture of sleep deprivation, adrenaline, and substance P plus or minus caffeine makes for a euphoric, addictive cocktail. |
Due to the sub-zero temperatures, around minus 52C including the wind chill factor, the body burns more calories a day to maintain warmth. |
The problem is that when the second spouse dies their joint assets pass to the next generation minus just one inheritance tax allowance. |
A neighbour, who had found it in a skip, minus hands, glass, and other vital components, had left it in Martin's coalhouse as a present. |
Another heavy struggle for the clock, with one team finally imposing its will in a war of attrition, minus the stand-to and the morning hate? |
We used the jackknife version of cross-validation, where the training set consists of the complete network minus a single specified edge. |
At lunchtime on Saturday, Coldstones weather station was recording a wind chill temperature of minus 10 degrees. |
A couple of the lads were looking decidedly green around the gills, some didn't complete the challenge and scored minus points. |
Then the crew, minus the few who were to stand watch, piled into the jolly boats to go ashore. |
The smallest scale postulated is the Planck scale of 10 to the minus 33rd power for length and 10 to the minus 43rd of a second for time. |
Below the frost line, the soil maintains a fairly constant 50 degrees, plus or minus a little, depending on the location. |
She told me all about her life at the Academy, minus the song hunting parts, and I told her all of the goss from back home. |
Richard does a kamikaze run in minus 20 celsius and snowing weather, getting pelted with paintballs. |
As for watermelons, pick the ones minus dents or scratches and a light thump should yield a dull hollow sound. |
This suggests that the distribution of minus ends where microtubules depolymerize and thus, the pole itself, extends over a large area. |
The classical Windsor knot makes a comeback, in a modified form, minus that dimple below the knot, for a straight fall. |
The boat, which would normally be stopped by a kill switch, continued out to open sea minus the driver who was left to swim to shore. |
Concave lenses with minus or divergent power correct this refractive error and refocus the light rays on the correct point on the retina. |
The postman's bag was still crammed full of letters, but minus a number of registered parcels which contained the foreign currencies. |
Wielding batons, they looked like versions of Robocop minus the laconic wit and intelligence chip. |
The expedition in March will see the duo facing altitudes of up to 14,000 ft and temperatures as low as minus five. |
When the scale factor depends exponentially on time, the scale factor goes to zero when time t goes to minus infinity. |
For those who like a more sedate evening minus the cowboy whoops and lariats, Jockey Club may be the best place to be in. |
As a group, equities receive a double plus weighting, bonds a double minus and cash is labelled a zero. |
For the basic installation, the plus and minus 12-volt power leads are the only two other wires that need to be connected. |
Reluctantly we dragged ourselves away from bashing rock solid flowers frozen to minus 196 degrees Celsius. |
They get heat-stressed at minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit chasing lemmings across the tundra. |
Output 46 provides a signal with an adjusted resonant frequency, minus the inharmonic tones. |
The tests included temperatures as cold as minus 112 degrees Fahrenheit to simulate the conditions of open space. |
Think of perfectly ripened pineapple chunks, minus the labor of carving away the tough rind. |
This contains the plus, minus and equals signs, but not those for multiplication or division. |
I went through a somewhat similar situation with my sister, minus the rudeness on her part. |
Most visitors only try it at a luau, often minus the proper accompanying dishes. |
To emphasize the nature of rent as a surplus, George notes that wages plus returns to capital goods equal the total produce minus rent. |
This can only mean that Martine McCutcheon must own a Burberry mac too, hence minus points. |
Not to be confused with tartrate, creatine titrate works along the same lines as effervescent creatine products, minus the bubbles. |
The relative aspect is defined as the subject's aspect minus the solar azimuth. |
Read these impassioned pleas for the plus and the minus, then roll on down to the foot of the page and make with the voting. |
I had a friend who worked abroad minus his wife and ran off with a younger bird. |
Survival probabilities are multiplicative, so risk for a 5-day period was one minus the product of those five daily survival rate estimates, expressed as a percentage. |
Do adults still get ridiculously drunk on a heady mix of cheap Costcutter lager in chipped cups and tequila slammers in wine glasses minus their stems? |
The temperature dropped to minus 25 degrees centigrade early last Tuesday morning while survivors were waiting for the arrival of relief materials. |
Drivers were warned to look out for black ice as they headed for work today after one of the coldest nights saw temperatures plummet to minus 5 degrees centigrade. |
Push in the direction of the plus or minus icons to change the playback volume, toward the rewind or fast forward icons to track skip in the appropriate direction. |
This food comes minus the usual slicks of oil and unnatural colourings. |
Are there scholars earnestly studying opera libretti, minus their music? |
But an unquenchable thirst for victory allied to sheer stubbornness has got this Celtic side where they are and they weren't for ending this game minus all three points. |
Total shareholder return is minus 34 per cent over the past five years. |
Jesse was wearing the whole suit ensemble, minus the tie and the jacket. |
Instead of a boring long-winded explanation, let's just leave it by saying that the real GDP is the actual GDP minus the growth attributed to inflation. |
A metro poem has as many verses as your trip has stations, minus one. |
Heavy snow and ice blanketed the Balkans on Christmas Day, blocking roads and closing airports as temperatures plunged to near minus 20 degrees centigrade. |
With a gentle bump on the bottom, we arrive at minus 500 feet. |
For paints to achieve Green Seal certification, the VOC content in a liter of the product, minus the water, cannot exceed 50 grams in flat paints and 150 in nonflat paints. |
They had lost their first match by a point and then they were docked two points and so they were going into our game at minus two after one round. |
Second, proprietors' equities at the end of the year equaled proprietors' equities at the beginning of the year plus revenues and minus expenses for the year. |
The nutpick occurs with two different handles, one of which, Number 7, is a shortened version of Number 6 minus the bird, twining vine, and ivy leaves at the join. |
A minus sign in the result window indicates a negative result. |
It is a movement from minus nine per cent to plus 17 per cent growth. |
I turned around and was greeted by a Texas size smile illuminating a well tanned, slender face with what I'd categorize as a handlebar moustache minus the handles. |
Bester was just one of the heroes in a Bulldog team which took the field minus star fullback Tiger Mangweni who was a late withdrawal with a pulled hamstring. |
On the left, there is a horse-drawn carriage, minus the horses. |
They were carrying canes and doing a sort of tap-dance, minus the taps. |
The Electricity Commission levy will recover the cost of securing reserve capacity, minus the revenue from any electricity sold from the reserve generation. |
Corporations are taxed on their revenue minus their expenses. |
Day-time temperatures are frequently in the low twenties centigrade but, once night falls, they plummet to minus ten or even below that in a matter of minutes. |
In fact, all the minus grades had relatively low graduation rates. |
It has been found that the density of perennial streams relates directly to the available moisture, which is defined as precipitation minus evapotranspiration. |
Most haunting is a frostbite victim's stump of an arm, newly amputated after he had fallen asleep in temperatures of minus 40C while he was on a vodka binge. |
The change in Gibbs free energy equals the enthalpy change for the reaction minus the product of the absolute temperature and the change in entropy for the reaction. |
Ninety minus 20 because the winds are going in different direction. |
The temp is minus 5 degrees Celsius and the wind is in our face the rest of the day as we ski often where ptarmigans, moose and reindeer make the only other tracks. |
The survey had an error margin of plus or minus 3 percentage points. |
Yet it all seemed for naught, ancient stock-market quotations or chalked messages on hoardings of the last century, with plus and minus signs featured prominently. |
The margin of error was plus or minus 3.8 percentage points. |
On the minus side, being presented with such an array of dishes almost always results in the type of culinary blow-out which requires hours of penance in the gym afterwards. |
Specifying a plus or minus before a number allows relative positioning. |
It makes money on the interest homeowners pay on their mortgages minus the interest it pays on low-rate bonds that it sells to institutional investors and foreign banks. |
He stayed for six months initially and developed a machine that lifted the beet from the ground minus the stones that used to cause a lot of damage to the machinery. |
Ashikaga's capital adequacy ratio, a measure of a bank's financial health, had fallen to minus 3.7 percent at the end of September, Takenaka said. |
On the minus side, man-made fibres are less breathable than cotton and don't absorb moisture as well, so they can be less comfortable in the summer. |
The answers are thirteen over four and two plus or minus radical seven. |
Now Tyson, still minus a chief trainer, must conquer both Etienne's almost supernatural determination and the savvy cornerman Tyson wanted for himself. |
When an error was made, a minus sign was displayed instead of a plus sign. |
The rest of the travelers, minus Mai plus Hachiko, followed. |
With supply far outstripping demand, you can find your dream timeshare at perhaps half what the original buyer paid, minus a couple of already used weeks. |
The probe will hit the coldest layer of the atmosphere, the tropopause, at about 28 miles, where expected temperatures hover around minus 390 degrees Fahrenheit. |
There are no minus points for any cards that remain in the hands of the non-winning players, who are not able to make one or both of the required matched sequences. |
So leave it to these folks to create a ravioli dish, minus the pasta. |
That number was then timesed by 3 and the minus sign was added again. |
So why can't we devise a mathematical system that allows two plus two to equal seventeen, ten to equal zero and the square root of two to equal minus three? |
This is who Clint Eastwood has been all along, minus the pages or TelePrompTer or spokesperson. |
The pair had to be prepared for all eventualities, as although climbing during the winter season the temperature on the mountain can vary from minus to plus 20 degrees. |
In other words, everything must be kept to zero, not plus or minus. |
Okay, but this poll has a margin of error of plus or minus three points. |
Such systems use target zones that are relatively wide, that is allowing the exchange rate to vary by, for example, plus and minus 10 per cent around a central rate. |
The seating looked like what many modern trains use in their dining car, minus the tables. |
Think of the Foo Fighters minus the glossy production with an apocalyptic pop sensibility, and you come some way to understanding of what Rival Schools are about. |
Waterford Wedgwood's figures were minus 15 and minus 20 per cent. |
Pat Wilson took his place behind the drum kit minus his glasses. |
This prediction is uncertain to within plus or minus two days. |
To unearth what you need, put a minus sign in front of any terms you want excluded from your search. |
Don't be alarmed if your oven is off by plus or minus 50 degrees. |
A representative sample poll of 4,000 people has a plus or minus one per cent chance of correctly calling the outcome of a national or constituency vote. |
For example, if absorption of a gluon changes a blue quark into a red quark, then the gluon itself must have carried one unit of red charge and minus one unit of blue charge. |
The reason for the minus sign in Shannon's formula is that the p's here are probabilities, positive quantities between 0 and 1, whose logs are therefore all negative. |
As a reference point, the amount financed is the difference of the negotiated buying price minus applicable trade-in value minus customer down payment and rebates. |
Refuge Recovery is a lot like an aa meeting minus mentions of Him, God, or a higher Power. |
This corresponds to 8 years minus 2 days, and approximates within two days to 13 sidereal revolutions of the planet. |
As created in 1918, Inverness covered the county minus Outer Hebridean areas, which were merged into the Western Isles constituency. |
A polygon or polyhedron's Euler characteristic is just the number of corners minus the number of edges plus the number of faces. |
Instead they were transported by road, minus the wings that would be attached at Elmdon. |
The sum of expenditures and taxes minus total income is a loss, when this difference is positive. |
The final positions in 1890 were based on number of wins minus the number of losses. |
You'll hear something only when your shot has the ideal backspin of plus or minus two revolutions per second. |
According to the rules of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly the incumbent general secretary can only be replaced with a full consensus minus one. |
Public debt is the total of all borrowing of a government, minus repayments denominated in a country's home currency. |
The patent of Plymouth Colony was surrendered by Bradford to the freemen in 1640, minus a small reserve of three tracts of land. |
The potential for plant growth is net photosynthesis, the total gross gain of biomass by photosynthesis, minus the biomass lost by respiration. |
Blackmore in his 1882 novel Christowell, is now only represented by a cross minus its shaft, which is enclosed near the almshouses. |
They became shorthand for English style, like Staffordshire spaniels minus the tweeness. |
On Wednesday, the whole family, minus baby Shiloh headed out to the movies to watch The Waterhorse. |
Yet rather than mitigating Burckhardt's verdict, Karsten fully embraces it, minus the former's moralistic overtones. |
People in Kemerovo launched new year celebrations by dancing, regardless of the cold weather which was under minus 36 degrees. |
Hanratty is an Armagh star too, so he will be affected when they take to the field in the new year minus gifted Clarke. |
In person, Messina is a bit like Danny, minus the curmudgeon qualities. |
In a season blighted by barminess we had a match taking place four days before Christmas in temperatures of minus 10 degrees. |
On the minus side, it means an end to dirt-cheap light bulbs and grab-and-go bulb shopping. |
The coldest place was Strath Ardle in Perthshire where minus 12C was recorded yesterday. |
When comparing across samples, the margin of error for the difference is plus or minus 4 percentage points. |
I have Baldwins in my Irish ancestry so welcome discussions, minus the shillelaghs. |
Fayard said that minus such a regulation, it appears state law does not ban BYOB policies at such businesses. |
Mechanisms for focusing mitotic spindle poles by minus end-directed motor proteins. |
This method allowed every bird their special week with the free food and water minus chicken hawk nerves. |
By the time the station staff realised what was happening, the train had already left the platform with all its 13 coaches, minus the engine. |
I know because I drove over to Florence three weeks ago to go clamming on the previous series of minus tides. |
The amount owed is equal to the total of the agreed-to-pay amount minus the copay minus the risk pool deduction. |
The stripped down Santas braved temperatures of minus one wearing little more than their swimming costumes and their running shoes. |
For ease of reporting, a symmetrized uncertainty was calculated to be the average of the plus and minus uncertainties. |
The original MATA plan, minus the one-way streets, was used as a basis for the current effort to help ease the city's traffic gridlock. |
Wolves head for Blackburn minus Razak Boukari and Slawomir Peszko, who are both crocked. |
Many Tory MPs want Mr Osborne moved due to a disastrous Budget, repeated U-turns and a poll putting his approval at minus 32 points. |
For night shots minus a flash, the oversampling technology used by PureView allows an incredible amount of light and takes clear images. |
Wind chills reached in excess minus 40 degrees, said Mel DeForest, manager of underground construction services for Points Athabasca. |
Even minus his pencil moustache, and outfit, superhero Magnus, 44, doesn't disappoint. |
Cubans don't have the ballyhoo, so they rig up a houndfish minus head and tail, which they troll backward. |
It's a sparkling ice wine from Ontario, where they harvest the grapes in climatic conditions of minus seven to minus ten degrees. |
Likewise, within the paired kinetochores, one kinetochore represents the plus face, while the other represents the minus face. |
The net loss to the society due to the tariff would be given by the total costs of the tariff minus its benefits to the society. |
The profiles featured in The Serial Killers also formulaically begin with a printed disclaimer about the programs' disturbing content, minus the narrator. |
Through a simple sum of the former three rates, minus year-on-year per capita GDP growth, I constructed a misery index that comprehensively ranks 89 countries based on misery. |
Note that parentheses are allowed and the unary minus is permitted. |
Both tracking polls used rolling averages of results from two nightly national samples and carried a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 4 percentage points. |
A temperature plunge from 20c to minus 20c is just not fair and left me trying to figure out whether my two children's rosy cheeks were down to sunburn or windburn. |
The consonant system was still that of PIE minus palatovelars and laryngeals, but the loss of syllabic resonants already made the language markedly different from PIE proper. |
It imparts a garlic flavor and aroma in food, minus the spiciness. |
Net capital outflow is equal to the amount that domestic residents are lending abroad minus the amount that foreigners are lending to home country. |
The Schengen zone already includes 15 nations, the 15 oldest European Union members minus Britain and Ireland, plus the nonbloc nations Norway and Iceland. |
Jeremy Bentham, the founder of utilitarianism, described utility as the sum of all pleasure that results from an action, minus the suffering of anyone involved in the action. |
Second,find the net migration for country A and please keep in mind this is simply the number of immigrants minus the number of emigrants, not the actual rate. |
The real interest on a loan is the nominal rate minus the inflation rate. |
The men there would have settled for a Coleman stove and a hot-mess line, but the greatest contribution to their spirits, plus or minus, was mail call. |
It seems to me that this administration ought to be given an F, if we are talking about grades here, on its war on drugs, an F, in fact, an F minus. |
The pH is then equal to minus the logarithm of the concentration value. |
Cryoneurolysis uses a small probe that is cooled to minus 10 to minus 16 degrees Celsius, creating a freezer burn along the outer layer of the nerve. |
But when turned loose minus the sound box, she found her share. |
Minus ends do not exhibit growth and are often stabilized by complexes such as the nucleation sites at centrosomes and spindle poles. |
Minus the film interaction, however, the opus suffered from overwrought verbiage and meandering vignettes. |
Minus One is a social support group for separated, widowed or divorced people. |
Minus points aside, the cabin ergonomics are first-rate and it's easy to achieve a comfortable driving position. |
Minus the influence of the former Rangers starlet, they were something of a one-trick pony, or should that be a newborn wobbly foal still struggling to stand on its own feet. |
The video was based on the story of Mylo Xyloto, a boy who grew up in tyranny ran by Major Minus. |
Army champion will meet southpaw Kenworth Minus, who hails from the legendary Minus boxing family of the Bahamas. |
Minus McPherson, the club would turn to utilityman Robb Quinlan or non-roster invitee Lou Merloni to absorb most of the playing time. |
Bacon also sent his Opus Minus, De Multiplicatione Specierum, De Speculis Comburentibus, an optical lens, and possibly other works on alchemy and astrology. |
In 1156, the Privilegium Minus elevated Austria to the status of a duchy. |