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How to use minstrel in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word minstrel? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Later in his career, Douglass became a vocal opponent of minstrel humor, performed either by blacks or whites.
In the course of my research, I learned about the role the Irish played in the development of the black-faced minstrel show.
Al Jolson, the first true multimedia star, got his start as a blackface minstrel.
The success of burlesque in the late 1860s spawned several all-female white troupes performing standard minstrel routines in whiteface.
How white performers acquired the knowledge and skills to imitate blacks on the minstrel stage is less apparent, though some information exists.
He makes an excellent case for the value, integrity, and racial equanimity of blackface minstrel performance.
Though Peder and Susie are not wearing blackface, the chronological events of Beret's gaze perform a sort of minstrel act on them.
It's similar to young boys playing female parts in Shakespearean times or white actors being asked to black up for minstrel shows.
The characters are drawn like minstrel show performers, including huge white lips.
Unlike the minstrel who sings freely, with his audience joining in, Spenser now has to deal with the expectations of his audience.
Most of the rest of the songs, original and traditional, are performed in blackface to illustrate the progress of his minstrel career.
In 1840, he presented Lane as part of a conventional minstrel show, without informing his patrons that the man behind the burnt cork was black.
While having his meal, the stranger listened to the minstrel who was performing in the tavern.
Stretched full upon the floor would lay the minstrel, lute in hands, thrumming gently as his voice rang out through the marble room.
The area was lousy with saloons, dime museums, oyster bars, minstrel theaters, and establishments promising women in varying states of undress.
Captain Corbet has since retired from caving and is now a wandering minstrel on the Grand Union Canal.
Yet this wasted wandering minstrel has all the emotional wow of a Waits or a Springsteen in his prime.
Soon he branches out on his own and progresses quickly from chorus singer to a featured act while appearing in blackface with one of the country's popular minstrel shows.
New to audiences might be the fact that the lindy hop, along with the Charleston, cakewalk, minstrel blues and boogie-woogie, was not originally called swing, but rather jazz.
It happened, when the minstrel played, that the hand of The LORD came on him.
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Examples from Classical Literature
After supper the minstrel of the prince chants lays, like Demodocus in Phaeacia.
Sometimes a wandering minstrel sang these for him, accompanying himself on the bandura.
On the right is Apollo wearing the dress of a minstrel, having a long chiton girt at the waist, and a himation.
You have to lie more here in a day than I did all the time I was with a minstrel show.
It was not exactly a minstrel show, but it approached the minstrel territory.
All festal occasions in Circassian life are enlivened by the presence of the minstrel.
Every theatrical newspaper man knows the anecdote of the German cornetist en tour with a minstrel company.
Wait, corruptly Weight, now used only of a Christmas minstrel, was once a watchman.
And the sight of it suggested ascertaining the identity of the doleful minstrel.
The troubadour, minstrel and jongleur or joglar, were not the same in dignity.
It was more simply turned, however, than was the general cast of the sirventes, and rather resembled the lai of a Norman minstrel.
The harp of the minstrel is untruly touched, if his own glory is all that it records.
A petit Paris it was called in a vaunting quatrain by some minstrel of yore.
When a bard or wildered minstrel writes so, best accept his own confession, that he is losing his head.
As lavish a minstrel as the pewee pater familias is under most circumstances, that morning he was too busy to tune his wind harp.
The modern clown, acrobat, magician, and pantomimist was produced by the union of the jester and the minstrel.
She seemed the minstrel of her race mourning for a vanished world.
But you are a minstrel, perhaps, from these ultramontane parts.
He had her out here at the school for the minstrel show the other night.
The minstrel, like the fighters, revels in hard knocks and rough jests.
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