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How to use metamorphosed in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word metamorphosed? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
These supracrustal rocks are intruded by dolerite dykes that have been deformed and metamorphosed together with the country rock.
Most of the rock formations have been metamorphosed, folded, and faulted during the fragmentation and collision of plates of the earth's crust.
Also on a hillside to the north is a contact metamorphosed bed rich in small, dark blue, platy corundum crystals.
She doesn't remember the very first day the nightingale's song metamorphosed into a crow's croak.
The tiny, freshly metamorphosed wood froglets then leave the water for a life on land.
All this changed gradually and public servants metamorphosed into government servants.
Geologically the axes from the New Guinea Highlands comprise thermally metamorphosed basalt, chert and greywacke depending on quarry source.
Stalin has metamorphosed into a totalitarian dictator intent on conquest, and the storm clouds of a new conflict gather.
Mulberry quietly metamorphosed from a staid brand, adopted by the green welly brigade in the 1980s, into a fun and unpredictable label.
A related group of achondrites, called mesosiderites, are brecciated and metamorphosed.
The annulate corpuscle of the spermatozoon is the metamorphosed nucleus of the cell from which the spermatozoon is developed.
These are overlain by low-grade metamorphosed sediments and volcanics of Ordovician and Silurian age.
The slate, where thermally metamorphosed, has been turned into siliceous hornfels and mica schist.
Somehow, this small step in the right direction has metamorphosed into a mighty triumph.
Once surrender became unavoidable, the emperor adroitly metamorphosed into a symbol of cooperation.
At death the infernal Zeus metamorphosed her into a white poplar, which was ultimately removed into Elysium.
She metamorphosed into a highly intelligent woman who engaged the General on recondite matters of French history and culture.
The auriferous veins there are usually interbedded sandstone mudstone varieties metamorphosed into greenschist facies.
The geology of the complex, poorly exposed and highly deformed and metamorphosed rocks of the Sudetes of SW Poland has long been controversial.
Two facies of regionally metamorphosed rocks that may be of either original sedimentary or igneous derivation are characterized by epidote.
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Examples from Classical Literature
The smaller frogs were recently metamorphosed as evidenced by the melanophore deposits above the vent.
I have sent you a sermon metamorphosed from an obscure publication by vamping, transposition, etc.
But he is also so metamorphosed, that his late master could not recognise him.
Such were the adventures of Timothy, who was metamorphosed into a precise Quaker.
The Liassic beds are often metamorphosed and the limestones contain garnet and wollastonite.
In this metamorphosed state they were the more able to accomplish their designs.
A greatly deformed and metamorphosed older series is unconformably overlaid by a great thickness of younger strata.
At Portrush, the Lower Lias is seen on the shore, crowded with ammonites, but silicified and metamorphosed by invading dolerite.
The bullfrog and leopard frog probably take heavy toll of both the adults and the newly metamorphosed young at the breeding ponds.
The old bridge is metamorphosed into something that might pass for a newish bridge.
They have metamorphosed a miserable mid-German townlet into a city of palaces.
In consequence of bharat's curse she is instantly metamorphosed into a creeper.
The frogs were herdsmen metamorphosed by Leto, the mother of Apollo.
Changed as was Juniper, the Magus was yet more whimsically metamorphosed.
Was I the only marl who metamorphosed into this state of rational entity?
How came Racah the priest to be metamorphosed into Racah the pianist?
This metamorphosed tree resin has intrigued humans since the Paleolithic era.
Is my philosophic Plato so soon metamorphosed to a bon ton enamarato?
He was like a knight of old, metamorphosed by magic spells, who sought the potions which should restore him to his fair and proper form.
The most fantastic dream seemed suddenly to have been metamorphosed into the most vivid reality.
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