But despite these varying degrees of success, the three twisted tales meld together smoothly, forming one perfectly disturbing anthology. |
Her project enables her to meld an appreciation for handmade domestic crafts with the austere traditions of formalist abstraction. |
As these moments spring to mind, let them meld together in your imagination. |
Each is studded with liquor-soaked prunes, adding soft, sweet little bites that meld perfectly with intense dark chocolate. |
The most startling aspect of the game is the mix of people who meld together on the five-a-side pitch. |
In a way, what Hartmut is trying to do is meld psychogeography with biogeography, creating in effect, psycho-biogeography. |
Instead, their music successfully extends electronica's reach to meld with the multiplicity and playfulness of nature. |
Yellowed ceilings and walls now boast a meld of soft dove grey and rich burgundy tonings which complement the era and style of the building. |
Legendary whales appear as immense cachalots and tend to appear ghostly, with white or very light grey hides that meld in with the briney foam. |
When melding black threes in the process of going out, it is permissible to meld two black threes and a wild card. |
The traditional overtones of the image meld seamlessly with a modernist concern with abstract form. |
His willingness to meld the ruthlessness of a Hollywood mogul with the power of the Internet is unique. |
Samba is a variation in which it is possible to meld cards in sequence in a suit as well as sets of equal cards. |
You can use your two nines to take the top 7 cards of the discard pile and make a dirty meld of three nines and a two for 50 points. |
The magnolias are clipped into pyramids and underplanted with topiary balls that will eventually meld into each other to create a cloud hedge. |
It is possible to pick up the discard pile if it is not frozen and you have a meld or canasta in the same rank as the top card of the pile. |
A sequence meld in course of construction must always consist of a run of three or more consecutive cards of one suit. |
In this stovetop recipe, the beef juices meld with dried apricots, mustard, and wine, creating a smoky, fruity stew. |
The player must specify whether the meld is a run or a set, the rank of the set, and the rank and suit of a run. |
At other times, the multiple images meld and contrast in a polysexual stew that blurs interpersonal boundaries. |
As in basic rummy, a meld is a combination of cards from your hand which you place face up on the table, where it stays until the end of a hand. |
The best of the landscapes meld nature's rough and tumble with the rough and tumble of the paint to rich effect. |
As well as melding complete combinations, players are allowed to meld cards which extend combinations which are already on the table. |
Once known as the Enchanted Isles, the Galapagos to first time visitors are a meld of mysticism and stark reality. |
A meld containing three natural cards can have any number of wild cards added to it, since the first wild card added makes the meld a canasta. |
The same applies if a team has a meld of less than seven pure aces and three or more aces in a player's hand. |
If your team starts a meld of wild cards, you cannot add any wild cards to any of your other melds until your wild card canasta is complete. |
It's best to give the flavors a little time to meld, so wrap the sandwich in plastic wrap and store in the fridge for a few hours if you can. |
A meld can be started with three or more cards and built up to a canasta by adding cards on later turns. |
The meld must have at least two cards of the same natural rank, such as two nines, three kings, four fives, etc. |
To go out you meld all of your cards, or all except one, which you discard. |
Melodic and heartfelt lyrics meld seamlessly with gentle acoustic guitar riffs, pianos and xylophones and light drumming. |
Some play that if you have five nines in your hand and you have no meld, the hand is thrown in and redealt. |
I like trying to meld together these parameters, to create an illusion, at least, of balance between modes of expression. |
Meanwhile, the long-rumored reorg at the NFL that will meld the league and its properties unit is due shortly. |
In the medical arena, nanotechnology and biotechnology may well be destined to meld together. |
The seaweed will be dry and crisp at this stage but as soon as you start filling it, it will dampen and the layers will meld together. |
Non-aces out of trump are almost always losers, even though they might earn points in meld. |
Allow this to stand for about 15 minutes for the flavours to meld, then season to taste. |
The endless demos, petitions, teach-ins, sit-ins, and conferences meld together into one prototypical news story, complete with oversized photos. |
Aboriginal artists meld these new musical expressions with their own distinct sounds, setting their music apart from the mainstream. |
Inside clouds tiny vortices created by the wind spin water-sodden dust particles into clusters, where they meld to form raindrops, say the authors. |
Once in the body, they could meld and warp the body to grow wings. |
As the Cor-Ten rusts and stains the concrete, the whole will meld with the earth. |
It matters what the group does with the building and how they meld with the community. |
Others are not so sure how well a can-do business style will meld with government bureaucracy. |
Le Bon Marché continues to establish its identity as a place where culture and authentic values meld with the pleasure of buying. |
Every statement has been represented either directly or paraphrased to meld with other statements. |
For example, how do equity and accessibility meld with the University of Toronto meritocracy and concerns about the dilution of standards? |
Assassins are trained to meld with the shadows, bypassing defenses and launching potent surprise attacks with their poisoned blades. |
Still imbued with its youthful spirit, the bouquet is beginning to meld with the fruit and mineral touches. |
Extraordinarily beautiful Moldavite dark green tektite meteor stones meld with pure quartz crystal for an extraterrestrial journey. |
The hotel complex and the many private residences of domain Vistas de Tolé will meld with the unique lay of the land. |
A natural meld can be turned into a mixed meld by adding wild cards to it. |
The simple, brisk, sweet-scented dry rosé would meld nicely with shrimp and lobster dishes. |
Only in the meld scoring forms of rummy including 500 Rum, canasta and their relatives is the main aim of the game to form combinations that score points. |
They achieved no jedi mind-meld, or any other kind of meld, for that matter. |
Poe's general modus operandi was to meld together facts with fiction. |
All of these systems meld together to create what we feel is the most accurate depiction of siege warfare and castle life ever portrayed in a computer game. |
The choruses meld together quite nicely to complement each other. |
And Amanda's whimsical vocals meld perfectly with Chab and Michel's slinky melodies. |
Use local microbrews for your combos, those brews whose flavors your customers already recognize and which might meld nicely with other local micros. |
This is indeed a field where internal and external policies necessarily meld together. |
When one mixes regular with lente, because of the way they're made the peaks tend to meld together. |
Security does not meld well with a willingness to take risks, a characteristic that is an indispensable part of an innovative mindset. |
These delicate lampshades meld classic Scandinavian tradition with modern laser technology to create uniquely atmospheric lighting. |
This organization will attempt to meld a variety of organizations with distinctly different organizational cultures under a single tent. |
They work hard and manage to elegantly meld commercial assignments and personal projects. |
The volumes have clean, soft and well-defined shapes that help the complex meld seamlessly into the landscape of the local area. |
The individual values of members and staff mixed with experience and background, meld together to form the organization's culture. |
Margaret River is a place where breathtaking scenery and good living meld into one. |
The research team will meld conventional teaching methods with methods based on new technologies, notably the Internet. |
The bidder gets to score the amount of his bid and his meld, the player that misplayed loses all meld and takes a single set, and the third player scores only his meld. |
Also once you have made your meld you can then play sets of 3 of a kind. |
You tend to take every new idea in, and meld it with your world view. |
Together they meld their knowledge of geography, satellite navigation, and weapons systems technology into a readable blend of techno-thriller and futures analyses. |
You do not count a canasta bonus for a meld of black threes, however. |
It seems obvious, but food manufacturers were originally catering to a mainstream taste that they tried to meld together from focus groups and other research methods. |
Manx was so inspired that he promptly moved to India to track his soon-to-be mentor down, and for the next few years learned to meld together the sounds of the East and West. |
Davis chose at this time to meld together some of the primal, guttural aspects of rock, particularly in the bottom end, rhythms, drums and the bass. |
He needs to slip into old clothes so that he could feel free to stretch out on the hay beside the brook and bathe in a meld of physical sensations. |
It is possible to go out in the melding part of a turn, by melding all of your cards, or to meld all but one of your cards, and go out by discarding your last card. |
For now, the young boys will not go back to school, but will help mix the explosive powder and meld the iron. |
If a four had turned up and you had a four in your hand, you would not be able to meld fours, because stealing the 4 would not leave a valid sequence. |
Recorded among the dunes of the Sahara, Smaa Smaa is the second album from Algerian singer and musician Hasna El Becharia, who continues to meld her native Gnawa music with more current sounds. |
The projection of this model would lead to the formation of a European nation-state under which the states and nations of Europe would meld into each other. |
I believe it was Mr. Furey who said that the energies of the country should meld together as the waters flowing from the west join with the waters of the St. Lawrence and Atlantic Canada. |
Yet they can also be the best way to get under the skin of a country: a gradual collection of disparate experiences and locations that meld together to create a real sense of place. |
But at its best, symbol and substance meld with a physical naturalness. |
The bamboo and reclaimed nut-wood walls and thatched roofs of the villas meld into the jungle while the interiors showcase objets d'art from around the world. |
So we are trying to take the history of China and meld it with the modern technology of America to make a modern film that is of the highest quality. |
We craft contemporary soundscapes that seamlessly meld with the musical score by employing sound-designing software by Spectrasonics, Native-Instruments and others. |
As the journey and nature gently unfurl, time and again the outdoor elements meld into the traveller's auditory and visual experience, and passengers fall into synergy with the unwinding scenery. |
Yesterday's dreams and aspirations meld with today's realities. |
Stylistically, we borrow from postrock and shoegaze and try to meld that with the immediacy of pop music. |
Formerly the heart of the Darling's metal-works operations, this imposing room allows for grandiose installations to meld with its inspiring character. |
It was the only painting that was not a portrait, but an abstract image of colorful shapes with human forms that seemed to meld in and out of each other. |
Where artful inspiration and useful design meld together. |
By paying attention to lenders' needs, Dorado has been able to meld their architecture philosophy to the mortgage banking process. |
I think fashion really does meld with so many different forms of media. |
But Cameron appears to suggest we can impose a much wider assimilation with British values and the danger is that this approach will perversely entrench those separate identities that he wants to meld. |
Her style is often revue-like, presented in epics that meld music, dialogue, and dance into collages of dreamlike sequences intercut with parallel plots. |
The Ditty Bops meld ragtime, music hall, folk, and whatnot into an easygoing, toe-tapping concoction with intriguing lyrical twists. |
But his table is not simply a place to tantalize your taste buds. First and foremost, it is a place to meet and share conversation, a place where ideas meld as easily as the flavours. |
The rest of Mellow Gold, his 1994 debut album, proved his mastery at a twanged-out meld of folk, rap, 1960s rock, and pop corniness of every vintage. |
The tones of the ondes Martenot, supple and expressive, approach the strains of the human voice, and seek to meld with the highly intense material on tape. |
In subsequent films Mr. Besson realized his ambition to meld visionary, megabudget Hollywood-style spectacle to French sensibility. |
At the foot of the Lorraine Cross guarding the path to the entrance of the museum, this innovative architecture occupying 4000 m2 is elegantly cladded in French limestone to meld with the great landscape surrounding it. |
We see the value of the people who create our products and we let the thoughts of those with long experience of making furniture meld with the creative, fresh ideas of the young. |
Gravity seems to meld these two fields, science and philosophy, together. |
This now begins to meld with globalisation. |
Place shaved crayons between two pieces of wax paper, iron on medium heat until shavings and wax paper meld together, then cool. |
Since Leon had no meld in our last canasta hand, he went set his red threes. |
Urton is an Andean scholar whose studies meld ethnography, ethnohistory, and ethnoscience. |
When fragmented moments and hyperreal images meld into one exhilarating experience, taking your breath away, don't you just love your gadgets and wish you had more of them? |
Well, it gets incredibly extreme, as wall grabbing, double jumping and cannon firing all seamlessly meld into the gameplay mix, as the quick-fire levels come thick and fast. |
The imported sand should be of a similar quality to the existing beach material so it can meld with the natural local processes and without adverse effects. |
Braising was a liberation for me, understanding how liquor, the aromatics and the meat meld mysteriously into a unified flavour of fulsome fabulousness. |
In both cases, I paint on top of these things to meld the notion of illimitableness into an accumulation of painted decisions that could be seen as time maps. |