These were the jet-setting academics of the ancient world, who were praised for their maxims and consulted for their wisdom. |
This doctrine lives on today as one of many maxims for contractual interpretation. |
One would not expect a common ethical standard among maxims spoken by different characters in a mime. |
Men of maxims enter into no such education, retaining the patented rules they already have to hand, bought off a common shelf. |
The common proverbial maxims of prudence, being founded in universal experience, are perhaps the best general rules which can be given about it. |
Therefore, ethical action is equated with following rules, principles, laws, maxims, and codes. |
And the loveable curmudgeon is responsible for most of literature's best quotations, maxims and aphorisms. |
You must form all conclusions and all maxims for yourselves, from premises and data collected and considered by yourself. |
Too many maxims make for too simple a path, bounded on each side by the wit and mental agility of someone else's moment. |
Besides the potential of wisdom attributed to popular maxims there is another sign pointing in the same direction. |
He is guided neither by the maxims of a political ideology nor by conspicuous moral principle, but rather by a simple need to retain power. |
They'll assume you're following certain maxims, and because of that platform of understanding, you can be much more meaningful. |
Some politicians may well have a cherubic grin and a Churchillian girth, yet they seem to refuse to follow one of the great Prime Minister's maxims. |
In his legal definition he stated many of those legal maxims which I would describe as penetratingly obvious. |
Her political heirs no longer dare to make that argument, even as they readopt Thatcher's anti-Keynesian maxims of good housekeeping. |
Listeners know that cooperative, rational, unconfused speakers do their best to comply with the maxims. |
However, all such maxims should be taken with a grain of salt since so many other factors are involved. |
While Grice's maxims enjoin the speaker to communicate efficiently, they do not require maximization. |
Insult, vicious verbal abuses or slander. Somali oral literature is replete with poems, maxims and proverbs warning against such offences. |
But, as is usual with all maxims, there is an exception: refuse to be hurried when sense or instinct warns that deliberation is needed. |
Some of these examples are maxims, precepts, quips, proverbs and epigrams. |
Knowledge may be rivetted in the mind and made available for quick use by committing to memory some maxims, mottoes and proverbs. |
She also points out that the absence of maxims regarding the vizierate, the highest office in the land, make it unlikely that the author was a vizier. |
It would be a great wrong were there to be conflict in the maxims that govern men. |
It has given rise to a considerable body of knowledge, songs, maxims, tales and legends. |
Essentially, opening up to a modern perspective does not involve rejecting the maxims which are still the real strength of contract. |
As our consultation and engagement strategy evolves, this practice will become one of our business maxims. |
But while they inculcated the maxims of passive obedience, they refused to take any part in the civil administration or the military defense of the empire. |
He abhorred the arrogant youngsters intruding on companies of whose staff and products they were wholly ignorant, brandishing maxims that threw hundreds out of work. |
In retrospect, my conversations reinforced a few very general maxims. |
Whenever a voice was raised in behalf of deliberation and the recognized maxims of statesmanship, it was howled down in a storm of vituperation and cant. |
The function of the statute is to set down, in broad terms, the general maxims of the law, to establish principles rich in consequences, and not to deal with the particulars of the questions that may arise on every subject. |
The pilgrims who came to this continent in the 17th century filled their children's minds with copy-book maxims about the devil finding work for idle hands to do. |
Commitment and reliability are our business maxims. |
It is only the brave and the daring who take heaven by storm, where only those are crowned who strive to live according to the law of the Gospel and not according to the maxims of the world. |
We have observed that implicatures are a standard strategy for overcoming apparent floutings of the maxims of quality. |
Well into the 19th century, ancient maxims played a large role in common law adjudication. |
The European Union as a whole must bring the body of Community law, both past and present, into line with the maxims of proximity and effectiveness. |
Eduardo Biagi has collected 50 maxims about chess. |
Rules are not motivational posters or maxims. |
This cooperation is rationality-based and can be specified with the help of some set of Gricean maxims. |
It is military in its principle, in its maxims, in its spirit, and in all its movements. |
The Use and application of maxims is clearly a location where the principles of Irish law could be recorded. |
These maxims do say more than one might think since legal systems often have problems balancing the interests of all. |
To this end, the Title 'Obligations' should be the repository of maxims which will set out an updated statement of the general law to be applied, whilst at the same time subsuming specific new laws. |
In turn, these responsa were synthesized into rules, and maxims became the pithy expression, often expressed as proverbs, of these rules. |
Our maxims in dealing with people are honesty and fairness. |
Agaddah is amplification of those biblical portions which include narrative, history, ethical maxims and the reproofs and consolations of the prophets. |
Grice argued that we implicate more than what we say, in accordance with maxims and conventions governing conversational implicature. |
To classify Pharisaism we shall take two of the talmudic maxims most typical of the pharisaic attitude which at the same time are often misunderstood. |
In this version, the maxims tilt toward the mildly scatological. |
You know all the worldly-wise sayings and maxims. |
However, the continued flouting of the maxims is an advantage to Grices theory as the implicatures come out conspicuously. |
Wherever any of its corrosive maxims have taken root, one can witness the fading of morality and sentiment, that divine breath which reveals an immortal intelli¬ge¬nce under the grossest exterior. |
The latest, in Birmingham in the middle of England, is true to one of Mr Selfridge's maxims that department stores need to be architecturally interesting. |
Whereas prudential practical reasoning, on Kant's view, aims to maximize one's happiness, moral reasoning addresses the potential universalizability of the maxims — roughly, the intentions — on which one acts. |
With these maxims in mind, let us examine why intelligence is important in the field of foreign affairs and defence, and how decision-makers should use it. |
All three constellate around written and oral accounts, whether genealogies of royalty, idiomatic and culturally specific sayings, or positively drawn maxims. |
Judicial decisions and treatises of the 17th and 18th centuries, such at those of Lord Chief Justice Edward Coke, presented the common law as a collection of such maxims. |
The majority of maxims, however, treat with more specific problems. |
By this time, briefs relied more on facts than on Latin maxims. |