It does not obey the law of conservation of mass since the reactants and products have different compositions of elements. |
On the other hand, if a cold air mass is retreating and warm air is advancing, a warm front exists. |
It took early scientists hundreds of years of scientific study before the law of conservation of mass became accepted. |
I think its news even to many chemists that the law of conservation of mass and the law of conservation of matter are different things. |
A warm front occurs at the leading edge of a warm air mass that is moving to replace a cooler air mass. |
This demo would be appropriate at the beginning of a general chemistry course or anytime when the law of conservation of mass is discussed. |
It obeys the law of conservation of mass since the amount of phosphorous and oxygen remains the same throughout the reaction. |
The law of conservation of mass states that mass is neither created nor destroyed. In a closed system, mass of reactants is equal to mass of products. |
The Beringia land mass began submerging, cutting off land routes. |
At the beginning of the century the law of conservation of mass in chemical reactions was checked experimentally by Landolt and various other experimenters. |
During a chemical transformation atoms from reactants combines to form products as a result total mass doesn't change. This the law of conservation of mass. |
The oil, by degrees, gets covered with a curdy mass, which after some time settles to the bottom, while itself becomes limpid and colorless. |
The dish is more of a niche market delicacy in India than a mass market dish. |
The spreading of the disease caused mass hysteria in the village. |
Just below it leaned a tottering crag that would have toppled, starting an avalanche on an acclivity where no sliding mass could stop. |
This view, which by a mass of evidence may be shown to be erroneous, is exerting a very prejudicial effect on the progress of actinochemistry. |
Government leaders feared mass psychological trauma from aerial attack and a resulting collapse of civil society. |
The populace of the port of Hull became 'trekkers', people who underwent a mass exodus from cities before, during, and after attacks. |
The start of mass nationalism, as a concept and practice, would fatally undermine the ideologies of imperialism. |
Compared to a turbojet of identical thrust, a turbofan has a much larger air mass flow rate. |
If the increasing air mass flow reduces the fuel ratio below certain value, flame extinction occurs. |
Propeller engines handle larger air mass flows, and give them smaller acceleration, than jet engines. |
On the other hand, turbojets accelerate a much smaller mass flow of intake air and burned fuel, but they then reject it at very high speed. |
In capitalist captive markets, goods are mass produced by legally protected publishing and manufacturing monopolies. |
Some researchers estimate that the state is losing a land mass equivalent to 30 football fields every day. |
Leeds and Bradford have more developed commuter rail systems but lack any mass transit system. |
The day after Whit Sunday 1549, a priest at Sampford Courtenay was persuaded to read the old mass. |
The latter separate the blocks' mass movements from the lean encasement concrete. |
Railways, transatlantic steamships, municipal trams, electric trains were all pioneered in Liverpool as modes of mass transit. |
The world's first mass production line was set up in the city, making it the most industrialised site in the world. |
This became the classic means of measuring the charge and mass of the electron. |
An accurate value for the mass of the neutron could be determined from this process. |
The neutrino could account for the missing energy, but a particle with little mass and no electric charge was difficult to observe. |
Higgs postulated that this field permeates space, giving mass to all elementary subatomic particles that interact with it. |
In the late 1880s and early 1890s, Heaviside worked on the concept of electromagnetic mass. |
Heaviside treated this as material mass, capable of producing the same effects. |
Being smaller in size and mass and being completely submerged, it was also far less prone to damage. |
Plans for mass vaccinations in the United States stalled as the necessity of the inoculation came into question. |
School buses which are much bigger in size than the average vehicle allow for the mass transportation of students from place to place. |
But because there is no metal mass in the rotor to act as a heat sink, even small coreless motors must often be cooled by forced air. |
Thomson concluded this was because some of the neon ions had a different mass. |
Dalton hypothesized this was due to the differences in mass and complexity of the gases' respective particles. |
Dalton estimated the atomic weights according to the mass ratios in which they combined, with the hydrogen atom taken as unity. |
For example, it can be refracted like a wave, and has mass like a particle. |
The observed fact that the gravitational mass and the inertial mass is not the same for all objects is unexplained within Newton's Theories. |
Substituting the inertial mass dilation expression from Special relativity yields the following expression. |
A stern and austere man, Fisher was known to place a human skull on the altar during mass and on the table during meals. |
When the ratio of velocity to the speed of light is low, then the mass term is constant. |
This allowed a description of the motions of light and mass that was consistent with all available observations. |
The kinetic energy Ek of a particle of mass m travelling at speed v is given by. |
It is more often accurate because it describes particles and bodies with rest mass. |
Applications of integral calculus include computations involving area, volume, arc length, center of mass, work, and pressure. |
A mass m attached to the end of a spring is a classic example of a harmonic oscillator. |
By pulling slightly on the mass and then releasing it, the system will be set in sinusoid oscillating motion about the equilibrium position. |
In areas of high land prices and dense land use, tunnels may be the only economic route for mass transportation. |
Michael's mass, and soon as his men were ready, they built a fortress at Hasting's port. |
The result was the Polish Resettlement Act 1947, the UK's first mass immigration law. |
The 18th and 19th centuries were marked by mass education in Standard German in schools. |
The missionaries introduced a musical form of chant into Britain, similar to that used in Rome during the mass. |
In 1946 during work to install a new central heating system for the University, a mass grave of the Scottish soldiers was allegedly uncovered. |
It is formed within the mycelium, the mass of threadlike hyphae that make up the fungus. |
Night closed upon the pursuit, and aided the mass of the fugitives in their escape. |
Where there is too great a repetition of forms, light and shade will break them up or mass them together. |
Every bend on the hill had acted like a funnel to mass them together in this peculiar way. |
They would unavoidably mix up the whole of these declarations, and mass them together, although the Judge might direct the Jury not to do so. |
The national liberation movement had not yet developed to a sufficiently mass scale. |
As a right, we come to expect it, and that happens through the mass media, the massest of which, by far, is television. |
But it also highlights the changes that have taken place in gay and AIDS activism, and the way that a formerly mass movement has been recast. |
Even a minuscule quantity of matter contains an incredible amount of mass energy. |
For example, mass and weight overlap in meaning in common discourse, but have distinct meanings in mechanics. |
The mass storage of the network consisted of 40 megabytes of Bernoulli boxes. |
The wider use of mass transportation systems is believed by many to be a good way of economising on fuel. |
Kalb was indeed rewarded for his deeds by Graham Allison, who named this mediacrat director of the JFK School's new mass media center. |
Urbanization, modernization, exposure to foreign music and mass media have contributed to hybrid urban pop styles. |
The event caught the public's imagination and gained mass media attention in national newspapers, tabloids, and even the BBC News. |
The growing importance of mass media created the issue of corporate sponsorship and commercialisation of the Games. |
Haye came in at the highest weight of his career, appearing to have gained a lot of muscle mass since the lay off. |
He is credited with boosting the appeal of motorcycle racing into the realm of the mass marketing media. |
George Hennard was an American mass murderer who claimed 24 victims on a rampage at Luby's Cafeteria in Killeen, Texas. |
Danish mass media date back to the 1540s, when handwritten fly sheets reported on the news. |
Danish mass media and news programming are dominated by a few large corporations. |
A few rare mass naturalization processes have been implemented by nation states. |
However, there have been many instances of such illegal mass naturalizations in the 20th century. |
This caused much discontent among most of the other participating countries, and mass walkouts were threatened. |
Statecraft seeks through strategy to magnify the mass, relevance, impact, and irresistibility of power. |
In 2010, the Toronto G20 summit sparked mass protests and rioting, leading to the largest mass arrest in Canadian history. |
On 25 May 1641, Pimienta formally took possession and celebrated mass in the church. |
In the same year Forbes also erected headstones to mark the mass graves of the clans. |
The 1920s and 1930s saw the rise of radio for mass communication and the invention of early television. |
In addition, Gandhi reorganised the Congress, transforming it into a mass movement and opening its membership to even the poorest Indians. |
On Gorst's advice, Disraeli gave a speech to a mass meeting in Manchester that year. |
The Trade Disputes and Trade Unions Act 1927 banned sympathy strikes and mass picketing. |
With the mass unemployment of the 1930s, contributions to the insurance scheme dried up, resulting in a funding crisis. |
This had devastating effects on the GDR, where regular mass demonstrations received increasing support. |
Propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels made effective use of film, mass rallies, and Hitler's hypnotic oratory to control public opinion. |
Conditions were much better for the development of a mass national movement in the Czech lands than in Slovakia. |
All political parties, as well as numerous mass organizations, were grouped under umbrella of the National Front. |
During Communist rule, the mass media in Czechoslovakia were controlled by the Communist Party. |
Peninsular India's subsequent movement towards and collision with the Laurasian landmass set off a mass exchange of species. |
Epochal volcanism and climatic changes 20 million years ago forced a mass extinction. |
The UDA retaliated with mass shootings in nationalist areas such as Greysteel and Castlerock. |
The PDPA pushed for a socialist transformation by abolishing arranged marriages, promoting mass literacy and reforming land ownership. |
Bin Laden's 055 Brigade was responsible for mass killings of Afghan civilians. |
In 2015, Amnesty International reported that the Taliban committed mass murder and gang rape of Afghan civilians in Kunduz. |
In these, gluons that bind quarks together confer most of the particle mass. |
Individual groups clumped together, forming a single large mass flanked by horsemen on the wings. |
As the tower clears us downwind for landing, we thread our way gingerly through a hurtling mass of aerobating lightplanes. |
The mercury has been soaring in the state since the weekend because of an air mass hovering over Queensland. |
The axion is a candidate particle for the cold dark matter that constitutes a large fraction of the mass of the Universe. |
Her coat was a tangled mass, barbed with last year's burs, matted disgustingly with cow dung. |
What I called blood libel was the charge that Pope Pius XII, and my church, were moral accessories to mass murder. |
Perhaps the Purple Emperor is feasting, as Morris says, upon a mass of putrid carrion at the base of an oak tree. |
In 1945, the Baltic Sea became a mass grave for retreating soldiers and refugees on torpedoed troop transports. |
Then a clutch of long sharp icicles broke from a chandelierlike mass above his head and fell, shattering around the piano like glass swords. |
We now had no alternative but to resort to civil disobedience, and we embarked in earnest on preparations for mass action. |
Impatience... is chronic in the mass media. Indeed, it comes with the territory. |
Like the concept of conservation of mass, the idea of conservation of energy is also applicable to all chemical reactions. |
The implication has often been that they need to consume mass quantities of fast-paced sound, graphics and animation. |
Every significant gravitational mass in this system moves around our counterclockwisely rotating star in the counterclockwise direction likewise! |
Broccoli should be cut while the curd, as the flowering mass is termed, is entire. |
The mass of liquid transported through a porous diaphragm in a given time is directly proportional to the current. |
Clinically, a large exoenteric mass may compress the bowel lumen, but seldom induces intestinal obstruction. |
She'd been picturing some Gormenghastian monstrosity, a mass of dark stone and hulking, spiked towers. |
Among the most intriguing textures is the ethereal Skimmia, which is arranged in a hedgelike mass. |
Common nouns are in turn divided into concrete and abstract nouns, and grammatically into count nouns and mass nouns. |
This is considered to be the first modern materials handling system an important advance in the progress toward mass production. |
In the higher Higgs boson mass domain, the Higgs boson decays dominantly to a pair of b-quarks. |
Measurement of the anomaly has helped to determine the likely shape and extent of the rock mass at depth. |
His failings were largely due to the absence of concepts like mass, velocity, force and temperature. |
The fat also allowed the mammoths to increase their muscle mass, allowing the mammoths to fight against enemies and live longer. |
The EAIS rests on a major land mass but the bed of the WAIS is, in places, more than 2,500 metres below sea level. |
The IPCC projects that ice mass loss from melting of the Greenland ice sheet will continue to outpace accumulation of snowfall. |
This produces a spongy mass of iron called a bloom, which then has to be consolidated with a hammer. |
What is particularly noticeable is the steep rise in hyperon populations as the limiting mass is approached. |
They may have been some of the new mass books that were being written at this time. |
Bede also refers to a mass suicide committed by groups of 40 or 50 men who jumped from cliffs during a time of famine. |
The factory where she worked was a poisonous mass of incompetence, favoritism, and sabotage. |
Intraurban commuting would be helped by mass transit but interurban commuting less so. |
In 1778 the Dutch brought cacao from the Philippines to Indonesia and commenced mass production. |
The following night a mass panic gripped London during what was later termed the Irish night. |
The moving human mass and their bundles and carts made the lanes impassable for firemen and carriages. |
The Higgs mechanism postulates the existence of the Higgs field which confers mass on quarks and leptons. |
Behind closed doors and in pub back rooms, plans were drawn up for a mass protest. |
The great mass of the population abhorred Popery and adored Montouth. |
Some physicists interpret Newton's second law of motion as a definition of force and mass, while others consider it a fundamental postulate, a law of nature. |
Although Canada is a federal state, a large portion of its land mass in the north is under the legislative jurisdiction of the federal government. |
A song of this complexion, implanted by the habit of half a century in the mass of popular sentiment, can not be refused a place in the inventory of the national blessings. |
After a 227-day drought ending with December temperatures above 90, a polar air mass collided with a wave of damp tropical air, condensed it in seven days of cloudburst. |
Remarkably, higher education's allure has persisted despite recent efforts to tarnish it by academic management and mass media orchestration of an anticollege crusade. |
Theoretical considerations appear to indicate that the axion mass should be somewhere between the microelectron volt and millielectron volt range. |
However, these make no mention of mass hysteria or give any suggestion that hysteria may affect multiple individuals at one time in a special situation. |
Appeals to patriotism and duty followed, as did mass arrests and trials. |
The king prayed he might behearken mass first, and that was done. |
The driving force, and substantial beneficiary, of this mass medicalisation is of course the pharmaceutical industry, or Big Pharma as it has pejoratively become known. |
Private ownership of any publication or agency of the mass media was generally forbidden, although churches and other organizations published small periodicals and newspapers. |
These metallic bodies gradually increasing in volume finally conglomerate into a larger mass, the bloom, which is extracted from the furnace with tongs. |
There are soldiers, policemen, priests and friars, as well as a motley mass of women, children, babies and dogs, and upon special occasions a very brass band. |
Under the rock was a midshipman fish, brooding a mass of eggs. |
These semipublic, philanthropic organizations later came to regard the so-called Lancasterian system as ideal, since it offered mass education at low cost. |
Over France the altocumuli castellani clouds at medium level indicate a very unstable air mass there, because these clouds often develop into thunderstorms. |
In some rare cases, laws for mass naturalization were passed. |
A pollinium when highly developed consists of a mass of pollen-grains, affixed to an elastic foot-stalk or caudicle, and this to a little mass of extremely viscid matter. |
The land mass was very dry during this time, with harsh seasons, as the climate of the interior of Pangaea was not regulated by large bodies of water. |
Alongside of direct action trespasses, such as the mass trespass of Kinder Scout, several voluntary bodies took up the cause of public access in the political arena. |
Low-mass objects have much more collimated flows than high mass sources. |
The vast majority of the world's human population resides in temperate zones, especially in the northern hemisphere, due to its greater mass of land. |
These figures reflect the fact that drivers of large mass vehicles are likely to be safer, often at the expense of other drivers if they collide with smaller cars. |
In Brave New World, set in a dystopian London, Huxley portrays a society operating on the principles of mass production and Pavlovian conditioning. |
Marc Isambard Brunel established the world's first mass production line at Portsmouth Block Mills making pulley blocks for rigging on the navy's ships. |
Chadwick followed his discovery of the neutron by measuring its mass. |
He estimated the mass of cathode rays by measuring the heat generated when the rays hit a thermal junction and comparing this with the magnetic deflection of the rays. |
The mass of the rich and poor are differentiated by their incomes and nothing else, and the average millionaire is only the average dishwasher dressed in a new suit. |
The sight of the squirming mass of maggots left me disgusted. |
Would rather be music than be a mass of tubes squeezing semisolids around itself for a few decades before becoming so dribblesome it'll no longer function. |
Politicians now use econobabble as a tool of mass confusion, aimed at scaring the public into doing things they don't want to do while narrowing our policy choices. |
Sagittal pre-operative TSE T2 WI and T1 WI with Gd show a lumbar endocanalar mass extending from L3 to L4, isointense on T1 and T2 WI with peripheral contrast enhancement. |
One adenoid cystic carcinoma of trachea displayed as polypiform mass and protruded into endolumen with a wide base, homogeneous density, and fairly smooth and regular margin. |
Some parts of the country such as the South Wales Valleys experienced mass unemployment and poverty, while some areas in the Home Counties did not. |
An expansionistic pricing strategy is a more drastic form of penetration pricing as it implies setting very low prices in order to establish mass markets. |
Thereupon his first act was to pass his hand exploratorily over his head, when there came away a mass of hair not smaller than the first quantity. |
Even a mass birching at the public school failed to exterminate truancy. |
North and South, fraternal and sororital organizations were an integral aspect of urban culture among the mass of working-class black men and women. |
Microlensed double-image quasars have sent a consistent message that the baryonic dark matter consists of a dark population of free-roaming planet mass objects. |
This earthly moon, the Church, hath her fulls and wanings, and sometimes her eclipses, while the shadow of this sinful mass hides her beauty from the world. |
The mass of gilbertite in the specimens in my possession, is mixed with dark purple fluor spar, and with specks of another mineral, which has the aspect of apatite. |
Einstein gave birth to a famous equation relating energy to mass. |
There is uncommon breadth and mass about it, with a richness of colouring, a sort of brown and glossy goldenness, which is common in the works of the artist. |
It intersperses the Latin requiem mass, sung by soprano and chorus, with settings of works by the First World War poet Wilfred Owen, sung by tenor and baritone. |
These are the remnants of the British Empire which, at its height in the 1920s, encompassed almost a quarter of the world's land mass and was the largest empire in history. |
Repeated glaciations, which covered the entire land mass of modern Scotland, destroyed any traces of human habitation that may have existed before the Mesolithic period. |
Miss Fidger was the most delightfully loose-handed housekeeper that ever muddled up baker's, butcher's, and washerwomen's bills in one indiscriminate mass. |
The first so-called hedge sermon was held in the cemetery of Boeschepe in the always turbulent Flemish Westkwartier on Sunday morning, July 12, timed to coincide with mass. |
Instead of publishing with an academic press, he signed a contract with Bantam Books, a mass market publisher, and received a large advance for his book. |
The Higgs mechanism is generally accepted as an important ingredient in the Standard Model of particle physics, without which certain particles would have no mass. |
Middle English also saw a mass adoption of Norman French vocabulary, especially in areas such as politics, law, the arts, religion and other courtly language. |
Factory electrification in the early 20th century and introduction of the assembly line and other labor saving techniques created the system called mass production. |
However the case may be with societies under widely different conditions of development, the law of mass and individuality holds true of the social facts known to us. |
Gregory mentions the mass conversions, and there is mention of Augustine working miracles that helped win converts, but there is little evidence of specific events. |
When the enormous mass of the continental ice sheet retreated, the Great Lakes began gradually moving south due to isostatic rebound of the north shore. |
A criterion of a territorial nationalism is the establishment of a mass, public culture based on common values, codes and traditions of the population. |
The Antarctic ice sheet is the largest single mass of ice on Earth. |
It is responsible for fire fighting, as well as a range of civil defence scenarios including flood, natural disaster, and mass casualty management. |
The Greenland, and probably the Antarctic, ice sheets have been losing mass recently, because losses by melting and outlet glaciers exceed accumulation of snowfall. |
Drew was appointed medical supervisor, and he was able to transform the test tube methods into the first successful technique for mass production. |
The Dark Knight trilogy explored themes of chaos, terrorism, escalation of violence, financial manipulation, utilitarianism, mass surveillance, and class conflicts. |
As they advanced, they were channelled into a tightly packed mass. |
Although school buses are considered safe for mass transit of students this will not guarantee that the students will be injury free if an impact were to occur. |
Maxentius rode with them, and attempted to cross the bridge of boats, but he was pushed by the mass of his fleeing soldiers into the Tiber, and drowned. |
Since the 2nd century, a mass of legendary detail has accumulated around the figure of Joseph of Arimathea in addition to the New Testament references. |
The linear mixed model of follow-up data showed that lean mass, years since menopause, and age of menophania were the significant determinants of BMD of all sites. |
The Latin text contains the blessings read by a bishop during mass. |
These extinctions have happened continuously throughout the history of life, although the rate of extinction spikes in occasional mass extinction events. |
The Holocene extinction event is an ongoing mass extinction associated with humanity's expansion across the globe over the past few thousand years. |
The odour of the 'Madagascar chaplet-flower' came floating out, mingled with the fragrant scents of the marsdenias, and the sloping shelves were one mass of varied bloom. |
Protests against Parliamentary Enclosure continued, sometimes in Parliament itself, frequently in the villages affected, and sometimes as organised mass revolts. |
Thus, Avogadro was able to offer more accurate estimates of the atomic mass of oxygen and various other elements, and made a clear distinction between molecules and atoms. |
Differences in developmental rates of tadpoles and in snout-vent length and body mass of metamorphs and juveniles were also analyzed with general linear models. |
During the 1950s and 1960s freight transport on the canals declined rapidly in the face of mass road transport, and several more canals were abandoned during this period. |
This and other such incidents spurred a mass desertion as more and more officers defected to other countries, leaving a dearth of experienced leadership within the army. |
Measures such as mass conscription, military reforms, and total war allowed France to defeat the coalition, despite the concurrent civil war in France. |
At Clifford A. Wallach tramp art rules absolutely, most unusually in a large cupboard that has the mass of a Dutch kast armoire and is painted light green. |
It was the massive wave of opposition to this measure in the north of England in the late 1830s that gave Chartism the numbers that made it a mass movement. |
The gravitational field is a vector field that describes the gravitational force which would be applied on an object in any given point in space, per unit mass. |
On 10 April 1848, a new Chartist Convention organised a mass meeting on Kennington Common, which would form a procession to present a third petition to Parliament. |
His funeral mass was in the Cathedral of Santa Eulalia, on 22 April 2010 and was attended by representatives of the Spanish royal family and of the Olympic movement. |
The buccal mass in milacids is spheroidal, and contains an oxygnathic jaw. |
Polish civilians were subject to forced labour in German industry, internment, wholesale expulsions to make way for German colonists and mass executions. |
It is a systemic skeletal disease that characterized by low bone mass, microarchitectural deterioration of bone tissue and enhanced bone fragility and fracture risk. |
When it is near to the speed of light, the denominator approaches zero and the momentum reaches to infinity because effective inertial mass reaches for infinity. |
Nationalism became a mass movement in the last half of the 19th century. |
The center of mass of a composite object behaves like a point particle. |
Geologically, the Indian subcontinent is related to the land mass that rifted from Gondwana and merged with the Eurasian plate nearly 55 million years ago. |