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How to use marshland in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word marshland? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
The nine-storey building was constructed on marshland and the access road was narrow.
The stalky marshland plants huddle in dense bunches on uncultivated areas bordering South Florida's sugar farms.
From the 5th to the 12th centuries, agricultural land was created by forest clearance, or was reclaimed from marshland and the sea.
The adjacent flood plain was left high and dry, depriving the inhabitants of the catfish and other marshland staples of their diet.
My Essex is coastal, a mixture of marshland and arable on the gentlest of river valleys.
The Kushiro National Park, a beautiful 27,000 hectare marshland area with a well laid out observatory, was next on our itinerary.
Bitterns are one of the UK's rarest birds, with only 30 breeding pairs left as marshland habitats dry out.
In seeking to set aside actual swamp and marshland, local advocates found that while wetlands abounded, they were highly altered by human action.
New Orleans is a city built on silt and drained marshland, positioned at the mouth of the Mississippi River.
But if the commercialism gets too much to cope with, get back to nature on an airboat ride through alligator-infested marshland.
Ultimately, how much of the marshland do you think will be rejuvenated or restored?
Many houses along the marshland do not have window screens and have large gaps in the floor and ceiling.
Roads penetrate deeper and deeper into what were once pampas, dense forests and marshland.
The rest is designated as prairie and marshland, winding throughout the development and sometimes right up to back porches.
The wetland park, which will soon be the animal's permanent home, will cover 64 hectares of land and include tropical marshland.
The bayous and marshland of southern Louisiana host one of the largest agglomerations of industry in North America.
The fenlands of eastern England were originally marshland, but have been turned into rich farmland by efficient drainage.
The marshland areas were areas that dissidents could go and hide in, deserters from the army could go and hide in.
The surrounding countryside is extremely varied, ranging from the Armorican Massif and the Poitevin marshland.
The surrounding area is relatively flat and marshland can be found around the airport.
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Examples from Classical Literature
The long stretch of marshland, on which the golf links were situated, was empty.
Then the ruffian turned, slowly dragging her foot by foot into the marshland.
As the flock settled on the marshland, Hawk Eye fitted an arrow to his bow.
So the dirge of the frog is the cry of the spirit of river and marshland.
Beyond stretched the flat marshland, its mossy turf leavened with cracks and creeks of all widths, filled also with sea-slime and sea-water.
To her supprise Helen came to the door instead of marshland.
After spending a while there, they back-tracked to the marshland area.
At the back of them was a marshland, dense with trees and underbrush.
Little patches of sea lavender gave purple colour to the marshland.
Though a marshland is always open it is still curiously secret.
Every now and then through the stillness came the sharp crack of a rifle from the snipers lying hidden in the little stretches of woodland and marshland away on the right.
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