Babies with brain malformations, numerous genetic diseases and other physical birth defects are at increased risk of cerebral palsy. |
Positive findings of congenital malformations and chromosome aberrations deserve thorough scientific investigation. |
Management of vascular malformations is dependent upon the type and location of the malformation as well as its depth. |
It is well-known that the incidence of significant congenital malformations is 1.5 per cent of all pregnancies. |
The treatment of venous malformations varies according to the depth, location and extent of the lesion. |
One case controlled study found no evidence that imipramine or fluoxetine increased the rate of malformations in pregnancy. |
She was shown shocking photographs of babies born with terrible congenital malformations. |
Women with hypertension, diabetes, previous Cesarean births, fetal malformations, breech presentations and placenta previa were excluded. |
Symptoms are unusual, and treatment of venous malformations of the brain is seldom found to be necessary. |
The most commonly missed upper gastrointestinal lesions are erosions in large hiatal hernias, arteriovenous malformations, and peptic ulcers. |
No genetic, demographic, or environmental risk factors for vascular malformations have been clearly identified. |
At one end of the spectrum are MR disorders with gross brain malformations. |
Trauma, surgery, hormonal swings or hormonal therapy may often cause hemodynamic expansion of previously existing vascular malformations. |
Gastrointestinal bleeding from arterial venous malformations traditionally is treated with combined estrogen and progesterone therapy. |
These represent primary congenital venous malformations or mural weaknesses that are not secondary to arterialisation of the venous system. |
It is characterized by a wide variety of deformities, namely malformations and overgrowth of soft tissue and bone. |
One explanation could be that we included people with discrete malformations associated with cleft lip and palate. |
Neck masses can be identified by their location and include vascular malformations, abnormal lymphatic tissue, teratomas, and dermoid cysts. |
We read with great interest the article by Kjeldsen et al in CHEST 1 regarding screening for pulmonary arteriovenous malformations. |
Past surgical history was also remarkable for endoscopic band ligation of the GI vascular malformations which was unsuccessful. |
The most common malformations are partial hind limbs, missing hind limbs, and missing toes. |
If women catch rubella during pregnancy, especially in the first three months, this can cause malformations in the developing baby. |
Other common malformations include congenital heart, kidney, or Gl abnormalities. |
Stereotactic radiosurgery is used to treat arteriovenous malformations and small brain tumors. |
The most familiar of the vascular malformations is the arteriovenous malformation. |
The text is divided into the four major types of vascular malformations that are known to occur. |
Secondary cough headaches can occur as a result of serious problems, including brain tumors and brain malformations. |
In isolated cleft palate, the cleft palate occurs by itself, without cleft lip or other malformations. |
The MRI appearance of spinal cavernous malformations is generally the same as its cerebral counterparts. |
The most frequent pathologies are cleft lips, the after-effects of noma disease and burns, meningoceles, malformations and injuries. |
This is the period of organogenesis and the time when most malformations arise. |
With this website we would like to address to all self-concerned and parents of children with congenital anorectal malformations. |
Bleeding may also occur with malformations of arteries and veins, into an infarct, and with blood diseases that impair coagulation. |
Neural tube defects are one of the most common congenital malformations, or birth defects. |
Cyclopian malformations with a single median eye occur rarely in man and other animals. |
The wells supplied a lot of water, but babies in the vicinity of many of those wells were born with congenital bone malformations. |
Major malformations are often noted at delivery or shortly after birth, and a genetic consultation is usually requested prior to discharge from the hospital. |
Pregnancy in women with type 1 diabetes mellitus is associated with an increased risk of congenital malformations, obstetric complications, and neonatal morbidity. |
The spectrum of malformations that occurred was similar to that present in the rat teratology study. |
Affected plants showed yellow spots on the leaves, mild interveinal chlorosis and in some cases minor leaf malformations. |
After the birth of a child with congenital malformations, one way of looking for the cause is by testing the father's body fluids for organic solvents. |
The disorder is accompanied by severe spinal defects and often brain and face malformations, such as anencephaly and cyclopia. |
Infection during early pregnancy may result in abortions and stillbirths, mummification and malformations. |
Recent advances in human genetics have increased our understanding of the ways particular gene perturbations produce cranial skeletal malformations. |
Sclerotherapy for vascular malformations is often limited by luminal recanalization. |
The present clinical picture is one characterised by marked mental retardation, microcephaly, craniofacial dysmorphia and physical malformations. |
Thalidomide, compound in medicine initially used as a sedative and an antiemetic until the discovery that it caused severe fetal malformations. |
Following delivery, a pulmonary arteriogram was obtained and revealed the presence of multiple large pulmonary parenchymal arteriovenous malformations in the left lung. |
It is thought that some teratogens produce malformations directly by killing the cells in the embryo. |
Teratogens can also produce malformations indirectly by causing maternal toxicity, resulting in oxygen or nutrient deficiency for the embryo. |
Major malformations were neural tube defects and monogenic traits, syndromes, and sequences, and minor defects were anomalies such as syndactyly of the second and third toes. |
Thoughtful publications on aneurysm surgery, syringomyelia, and arteriovenous malformations of the spinal cord testified to his rigorous clinical and operative skills. |
She was born 23 years ago with a congenital disease that causes webs of blood vessels, or arteriovenous malformations, to form in her left leg. |
While many leopard frog populations have survived and returned to near normal levels, the leopard frogs of the Upper Midwest have a high incidence of developmental malformations. |
Fault bars, which were particularly well documented in the scientific study of raptors, are malformations in the feathers that were initially associated with a scarcity of food resources and low energy reserves. |
The routine tinnitus patient screening with MR imaging excluded other origins of tinnitus, such as acoustic neurinoma or cerebral tumors or cerebral vessel malformations. |
Within the subgroup with WWE risk of malformations were higher for those who were not on antiepileptic drugs and those who were on polytherapy. |
These malformations constitute a congenital disease that is not genetic. |
In addition, the New York university research centre has shown that tadpoles suffer malformations and do not reach adulthood in cases of prolonged exposure to artificial light. |
It occurs in 1 in 500 1,000 live male births, and individuals with the anomaly are often characterized by tallness and severe acne and sometimes by skeletal malformations and mental deficiency. |
True shunt, where passage from the right to the left side of the heart is without gas exchange, e.g., heart-septum defects, arteriovenous malformations, pulmonary hemangiomas, pulmonary atelectases. |
Prematurity, and patent ductus arteriosus and other structural cardiac malformations, as well as neurologic malformations, have also been reported following exposure in the first trimester of pregnancy. |
Smoking when pregnant harms your baby: smokers are more likely to have children with congenital malformations, and have twice the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth. |
It is composed of a cylinder of trapezoidal section, a driving element which performs the shifting of the fabric, and some bars to separate the rope in order to avoid malformations and jams. |
Meningiomas and other benign tumors make up 40 percent, while 25 percent of radiosurgery cases are for vascular malformations. |
These cases included skeletal, genitourinary tract, cardiovascular and ophthalmic malformations, as well as chromosomal and multiple malformations. |
These malformations occurred only at doses that caused metabolic acidosis with resultant decreased body weight gain in dams and decreased fetal weights. |
Women who receive a sufficient supply of folates during pregnancy can significantly lower the frequency of neural tube defects and other serious congenital malformations. |
Potatoes grown in the Prades area have a skin that is very smooth and free of malformations, thus distinguishing them from potatoes of the same variety grown in other areas. |
These malformations can affect other areas in the brain as well. |
With commercialization targeted to begin in 2008, Kent Imaging envisions the system being used to assess plastic surgery and conditions such as vascular disease and ophthalmologic malformations. |
In addition to the effects on fetal weight, the authors observed an increase in skeletal malformations and in oxidative stress in the brains of mothers, fetuses and sucklings. |
In radiation therapy, stereotaxis is used to focus high-intensity radiation on localized areas to shrink tumours or to obliterate arteriovenous malformations. |
There were two major malformations in the comparison group, and three in the ginger group. |
Osler-Rendu-Weber disease, also called hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, hereditary disorder characterized by bleeding from local capillary malformations. |
Otosclerosis surgery sometime brings to light abnormal contact between the inner ear and the sub-arachnoidian spaces in patients who didn't presented ear malformations. |
Malformations such as meningocele, cleft palate, incomplete digestive tract, vascular malformations, and growth retardation were related to loteprednol etabonate. |
Stereotaxic techniques are also used to focus high-intensity radiation on localized areas of the brain to treat tumours or to obliterate arteriovenous malformations. |
They included hydrocephaly and microcephaly, as well as cardiopulmonary, skeletal, and genitourinary malformations. |
The morning glory disc anomaly may be associated with midfacial anomalies, such as hypertelorism, nasal malformations and cleft palate. |
Also known as stereotactic radiosurgery, Gamma Knife is a precise, non-invasive procedure that can destroy deep-seated vascular malformations and brain tumours once considered inoperable. |
In the case of CRS, infants develop ophthalmic, auditory, cardiac, and craniofacial malformations, which are more severe when transmission occurs early during pregnancy. |
The malformations noted included generalized edema, cranial defects, and general skeletal hypoplasia, hydrocephalus, ventral hernia, situs inversus, and incomplete development of the limbs. |
Inhalation of xylene vapors at high doses has also resulted in an increased incidence of malformations and decreases in fetal weight in laboratory animals. |
They are benign vascular malformations that originate in mesodermal nests of vasoformative tissue. |
Heavier consumption of alcohol, more than 60 millilitres per day, by a pregnant woman can result in malformations of the fetal brain and in spontaneous abortions. |
Such double malformations probably arise following the less complete separation of the halves of the early embryo or partial separation at later stages. |
The references to sexual malformations are restricted to 5 reports, involving hermaphroditism, gynandromorphism and intersexualism. |
Sir, Lymphangiomas are congenital malformations of the lymphatic system due to hamartomatosis. |
Lymphangiomas are malformations of the lymphatic drainage system and mostly occur in childhood. |
This study included 497 consecutive patients with CT-proven pulmonary arteriovenous malformations due to hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. |
The malformations resulted from infection of the dams in summer or autumn 2011 and transplacental transmission. |
Patients with spinal cord cavernous malformations are at an increased risk for multiple neuraxis cavernous malformations. |
Generalized juvenile polyposis with pulmonary arterio venous malformations and hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. |
The phakomatoses are a group of congenital malformations of the ectodermal tissues. |
The most common malformations of cerebral blood vessels that require embolization include aneurysms, angiomas, carotid-cavernous fistulae, and dura mater fistulae. |
The AVP III further expands the AGA family of occlusion devices designed to embolize, or close, blood vessels and blood vessel malformations in the peripheral vasculature. |
Meningoceles may be associated with other malformations of the neuraxis. |
Multiple glomuvenous malformations are a rare condition which usually present in children with only a handful of cases reported in the literature. |
King, analyzed meclizine-induced malformations such as cleft palate, micromelia, microstomia, brachygnathia, and uncalcified vertebral bodies in rat offspring. |
The management of hemangiomas and vascular malformations of head and neck. |
Uterine malformations may result from arrested development of the mullerian ducts, failure of fusion of the mullerian ducts or failure of resorption of the median septum. |
Agyria or pachygyria as well as a thickened cerebral cortex are seen on imaging studies, differentiating lissencephaly from malformations of neuronal proliferation. |