And since all mined diamonds have inclusions, flaws, and birthmarks, under magnification a trained jeweler can tell the difference. |
Micrographs were printed at a final magnification of 994x for image analysis, and Digital Paintbrush was used as a planimeter and digitizer. |
Relative distance magnification is achieved when the distance to the object is decreased, thereby increasing the angular subtense of the object. |
The controlled magnification optics as well as a compact design allow for a small subtense angle and increased efficiency. |
Surprisingly no optical activity was found, even with a 100-fold magnification of the scale, although strong UV absorption was retained. |
For shore watching 10 or 12 magnification glasses are better and a telescope on a tripod can be very useful. |
All samples are shown at the same magnification, with spindles in green and DNA in blue. |
This looks very complicated but it too appears to become straight under magnification. |
With 8 X 40 binoculars the magnification is eight times and the diameter of the object glass is 40 millimetres. |
Gram-negative streptococci and staphylococci can be distinguished by their characteristic appearance under high-powered magnification. |
At higher magnification, the cells covering Bowman's capsule were abnormally tall and columnar. |
Muttering under his breath, the soldier extended the spyglass, increasing the magnification of the instrument. |
Germination was immediately recorded with a VHS video recorder using x4 and x10 magnification. |
During this protracted night watch, they employed a camera armed with an enhanced lens to achieve an advanced degree of magnification. |
A surgeon may utilize a microscope eyeglass assembly in order for him to achieve a desired magnification of the operating area. |
I have taken my pictures up to 16 times magnification to see things that were astonishing in my pictures. |
Growth of such gargantuan proportions, however, invites a corresponding magnification in risk exposure. |
When in alignment, the Galilean telescopes provide an increase or decrease in magnification, depending on orientation of the telescopes. |
By using different drill diameters, he produced drop lenses of various curvatures in order to vary the magnification factor. |
High magnification supplemented by instrumental analysis can identify these Western modifications. |
As the students themselves have observed, repeated magnification of a graph can not conclusively show the value of a limit. |
All linear measurements were adjusted for their respective level of magnification. |
It's like looking at sound under a microscope, the more magnification that is applied the more the details reveal themselves. |
The thinner the tissue section is, the higher the magnification and resolution of structural detail possible. |
A full-featured screen magnifier comes with many options and can reach high levels of magnification. |
The flowering time was scored when the flower bud was first visible without manipulation or magnification. |
This is an excellent test specimen for comparing magnification and assessing any distortion in the image field. |
This allows one to zoom in and out, by adjusting the magnification of the image. |
They can vary in size from needing high power magnification in order to see them to being readily recognizable on low power. |
Magnification was 50x and a micrometer was photographed with each roll of film to verify magnification after film processing. |
Gold particles appear small at this magnification, but are distinguishable. |
Over the 24-hr period of growth, GR5 ascospores germinated and formed small colonies visible without magnification. |
A software algorithm corrects the side view for magnification distortion and converts the image to rectilinear coordinates. |
The angular magnification of any optical system can be obtained from the system matrix for the system. |
At a modest 75-power magnification, Mars will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. |
A custom-made video microscope with 200 x magnification was used for visual control of BLM formation and quality. |
The two numbers used in description of binoculars and spotting scopes identify magnification first and objective lens size second. |
Scope magnification is six power, and the field of view is 10 feet at 100 yards. |
The wide angle increases the field of view by roughly 20 percent over a standard eyepiece of the same magnification. |
We calculated a mean of three measures for each size parameter that were done with a binocular microscope with x60 magnification. |
He did not need enormous magnification, but he did require considerable resolving power in order to make out the separate stars. |
Reading glasses sold over-the-counter are labeled on a scale that corresponds to the degree of magnification. |
Binoculars are specified by both their magnification and objective lens diameter. |
His first telescope was made from available lenses and gave a magnification of about four times. |
It demonstrates that this tiny work can take such magnification and still pack a visual punch. |
Fungi and protozoa may be observed but the light microscope's low magnification does not provide detailed resolution of fungi and protists. |
Nearly as important as glass and magnification is a device's ability to take a few licks. |
Strange attractors have detailed structure on all scales of magnification and were one of the early fractals to be studied. |
Racehorses die every day while providing pleasure and I'm afraid the magnification of such events during meetings like Aintree is a fact of life. |
The magnification is simply the focal length of objective lens divided by the focal length of eyepiece. |
Under 200x magnification, the first 200 grains viewed on a microscope slide were assessed as viable or inviable. |
Low magnification view of the particle array in cross-section after being metallographically polished. |
The rest of the screen displayed the highest magnification image of the city we could get. |
I should know, for they do resemble out-of-focus star images at high magnification in a telescope eyepiece. |
Under low magnification, e.g., with a hand lens, the side profile of the pygmy shrew's upper jaw shows only three large unicuspids instead of five typical of the masked shrew. |
All six lenses are fully corrected aplanats, so they can be mixed and matched in a focusing or non-focusing configuration to obtain the desired magnification. |
The leaf and scroll patterns are well defined and executed with a strength and sureness that holds fast even under the magnification of a watchmaker's loupe. |
At low power magnification, entire radial stem sections were imaged and the area stained by the safranin determined relative to the total amount of xylem tissue. |
Supernova from Dolphin Software offers full screen reading in speech and Braille with integrated magnification and works on any of the supported Windows platforms. |
The notation of section thickness on a microscope slide informs the observer of the approximate level of magnification most suitable for examination of the tissue section. |
The scrapings are placed directly on a microscope slide and viewed under magnification for the presence of characteristic Sarcoptes scabiei mite's eggs or faecal pellets. |
While they don't pick up fine little crosshairs or even dot reticles as fast as they used to, they still appreciate good magnification and fine optics. |
However, the limitations of the single-lens magnifier were apparent to scientists, who labored to develop a practical system to increase microscope magnification. |
A major university hospital recently commissioned such tests during planning and expansion to accommodate lab microscopes with 40OX magnification. |
To improve on this Galileo learned how to grind and polish his own lenses and by August 1609 he had an instrument with a magnification of around eight or nine. |
A terrestrial telescope with sharply defined markings placed in one of its image planes can be fitted to a weapon to offer magnification of the target and enhance accuracy. |
All slides were coded for microscopic analysis at 1250x magnification. |
The melancholy chief was a magnification of a figure incorporated into Crawford's earlier tympanum frieze of the Senate wing at the United States Capitol. |
The lung specimens from seven patients with IPF had a variegated appearance, with alternating zones of Obrosis and intervening patches of normal lung at low magnification. |
Correction of the difference in substrate thickness and wavelength, which causes spherical aberration, was corrected by changing the magnification of the objective lens. |
He explained the laws of formation of images in spherical and parabolic mirrors, and the causes of spherical aberration and a magnification produced by lenses. |
The nasion rest on the cephalometer used to expose the cephalometric radiographs was measured to assist in determining the magnification of the radiographic images. |
He also studied spherical and parabolic mirrors, and understood how refraction by a lens will allow images to be focused and magnification to take place. |
Paint pops were cross-sectioned and viewed under magnification. |
Under high magnification, lighter patches that can be seen probably correspond with larger crystals or clusters of crystals that have aggraded diagenetically. |
You'll see I've dialed down the magnification to its lowest setting. |
It's therefore my contention that with the exception of consumer digicams the future lies in full-frame SLRs, not ones with 1.5X or similar magnification factors. |
The hypocellular areas had a myxomatous pattern on low-power magnification. |
The presence of micronuclei in each cell was confirmed under 1,000x magnification. |
Higher magnification identified fungal bodies bearing septate hyphae with acute angled branching, consistent with the morphology of Aspergillus. |
On higher magnification, the nodules in NLPHL are typically composed of small B lymphocytes and variable numbers of larger atypical cells. |
Higher magnification revealed sharp-edged phyllosilicate mineral plates common in schist, apparent in samples of prolonged weathering exposure. |
We used a light microscope and 400 x magnification to inspect the second antenna and the associated exopod and endopod. |
At higher magnification, some chondrocytes showed foci of slight nuclear hyperchromatism. |
The perispore character used in couplet 5 can be seen with 100x magnification. |
Ovarioles were separated using a fine entomological needle under a stereomicroscope at 20X magnification. |
Higher magnification showing coagulative necrosis with loss of nuclear detail in hepatocytes. |
In the control group, a large number of ovarian follicles at different developmental stages in the cortex were visible at low magnification. |
Higher magnification identified a parasite within a hepatic venule and a diagnosis of hydatid disease was made. |
We used a microscope to examine the cells under magnification. |
Endoscopic examination of the oral cavity may also provide better details and higher magnification for examination of the oropharynx. |
Angular magnification is achieved by telescopes or binoculars and increases the angle of subtense of the image at the eye. |
The presence and morphology of the 4 germ-cell stages were evaluated under x600 magnification. |
Inset, high magnification ventral view of heart showing labeling of atrioventricular valve leaflets. |
After discussion with the patient, he underwent an uneventful, left sided, L4-L5 microdiscectomy with partial medial facetectomy and laminotomy under loupe magnification. |
The scales are small, rudimentary, cycloid, relatively well embedded below the epidermis and therefore often difficult to see without magnification. |
A Leica DM LS2 trinocular photomicroscope with 100x 10x magnification lens oil immersion was used for taking the photographs and analysing the chromosomes. |
This article describes the main types of magnifying devices used in the coatings industry, including low magnification lenses, stereomicroscopes, and compound microscopes. |
The cells were counted in a haemocytometer at 400X magnification. |
In other words, rotate the eyepiece and you change magnification. |
Slides were viewed under a light microscope at 400x magnification. |