True, his recent lucubration is ludicrous enough, but it will not do to speak lightly of his ability. |
The idea that house buyers on new estates should purchase their own wheelie bins is ludicrous. |
It is a ludicrous standfirst and is clearly not connected to anything that's likely to happen in the real world. |
Expecting Frenchmen to alter their pronunciation of a French name would be ludicrous. |
This is, of course, ludicrous because corundum and quartz are mutually exclusive. |
That should be enough to stem our sometimes inexplicably ludicrous and potentially harmful libidinous urges. |
The idea that a single company could corner the market on such research is ludicrous. |
You had to hear the sneer in his voice for that, and the ludicrous interruptions. |
One or two of the more mercenary tour operators have stuck by ludicrous booking conditions. |
One remarkable characteristic of this work is that the author does not reduce his subjects to ludicrous caricatures. |
He feels compelled to present the most ludicrous caricatures of modern science. |
This is ludicrous, and you may feel the urge to simultaneously roll your eyes, laugh out loud, and change the channel. |
The year-old LA store even one-upped the two SF Bay Area locations by adding an upstairs and packing in an even more ludicrous amount of music. |
Some maintained a stony silence while others thought the question was ludicrous. |
In the Upanishads, the veritable storehouse of Indian philosophy, the sublime and the mundane, occasionally even the ludicrous, co-exist. |
Attempting to turn gays straight is no less ludicrous than attempting to turn straights gay. |
Would these ludicrous appointments have anything to do with his former career in the glamour industry? |
She, and the events of the past few days in London, put to shame the ludicrous, immature black-clothed rebels without a cause. |
Members of Bingley Operatic Society said the idea to replace the arts centre with a high-class food store was ludicrous. |
To say there will be pots and pans for people to do their own cooking is just ludicrous. |
That and to make him one of the leaders of the sport he defiled is ludicrous! |
The charge that some letters of some signatures are printed rather than written is particularly ludicrous. |
The idea that it will help Chinese intelligence infiltrate America's military secrets seems more than just a little ludicrous. |
It's time for the ref to do something ludicrous and give a penalty, even if the ball is nowhere near the penalty area. |
Lynch's parents read the story, laughed at the ludicrous falsehoods, but made no attempt to correct them. |
What follows in the film is one improbable set-up after another, until it ends with the most ludicrous ending ever. |
Dual pricing is patronising and an insult to both decent Thai folk and farangs alike, and to claim any thing other is quite simply ludicrous. |
By their imprudent actions, they make the people of this country ludicrous and laughing-stocks to others. |
To these ludicrous features was added an intense and seemingly inapposite pride in his native country. |
Galaxy Angel uses faux seriousness to its advantage, creating ludicrous scenarios that somehow seem plausible. |
By that time it is out of the hands of the police so it is ludicrous to suggest that the police handled the case ineptly. |
There is a fair amount of ludicrous drag, broad farce, heart-rending, bosom-heaving dramatics and pithy asides to an appreciative audience. |
She has turned it into an increasingly ludicrous set of insinuations, non sequiturs and delusions. |
But he will say that the most ludicrous aspect of the system has been eliminated, or so it seems. |
More letters about those ludicrous mission statements that counties seem obliged to plaster everywhere. |
The mongering that he caused during his ructious youth must have later seemed quite unfounded and ludicrous. |
There were suggestions, denounced as ludicrous by a raft of academic luminaries, that her research did not make the grade. |
The plot is a suitably ludicrous tale of high jinxes, sporty endeavours, girly crushes and hidden treasure. |
The acting was mostly old-school, solid as those logs, but unsubtle, more ludicrous than ludic. |
It is ludicrous in this day and age that people can advertise such clearly shoddy services, and get away with it. |
They reach at once and directly the instinctive sense of the ludicrous, and over them youth and age cachinnate together. |
Therefore the whole exercise can at best be described as ludicrous and certainly a total waste of town funds. |
The sincerity of the feeling that Alexander evidences is apparently ludicrous to these people. |
The period details and ludicrous costumes are recreated and the fight scenes are exhilarating. |
However, at one ludicrous point she starts babbling about how her face has changed! |
Frankly, using this as a measure of the attitudes of an entire nation is ludicrous. |
The other thing about tattoos is that people seem to want to cover themselves with the most ludicrous things. |
We wholeheartedly applaud what they are trying to do, and those responsible for this ludicrous decision are just jobsworths. |
In the end, we started giggling, as each suggestion became increasingly ludicrous. |
While this may seem like a harsh conclusion or a ludicrous one at that, it most definitely is not. |
Certainly if you lose three in a row here people are asking pretty serious questions, which is ludicrous. |
Of course when you're young the possibility that you ever might be old is ludicrous. |
I used to think they were clever fiction, a satire on trendiness, a ludicrous but effective barb. |
What a shame about the ludicrous fake tans which gave them the appearance of well-ripened oranges. |
To relate its massive increases to only one service was a ludicrous gesture and can only be worthy of our contempt. |
The idea that a pit crew can win a race, irrespective of the ability of the driver, is ludicrous. |
The idea that every garment would have internet access is so patently ludicrous you couldn't make it up. |
And even if he was being serious about the tsunami escape centre, who's to say the idea is ludicrous? |
She enjoys working with directors who make her laugh, and her sense of humour involves ludicrous situations rather than jokes or pranks. |
Get rid of those London-based middle managers who splash the licence fee on ludicrous motivational courses at luxury hotels. |
He, for me, has always been funniest playing the straight dope, the poor schmuck who is constantly assailed by ludicrous circumstances. |
The 49-year-old gambleholic is always concocting some ludicrous get-rich-quick scheme. |
What was the rationale behind the ludicrous decision to cutback on these schemes? |
When Duncan starts moving forward and backward in time while psychic witches and warlocks control him, the show becomes ludicrous. |
Sure, he was fervently patriotic, mawkishly sentimental and often ludicrous. |
The advice is often both ludicrous and enlightening at once, and is delivered dead-pan by Chevy Chase. |
The thought of such a man with a background of base peasants to be Kikyo's teacher was almost ludicrous. |
The man obviously had bats in his belfry for making such a ludicrous statement. |
But by far the most ludicrous begging episode happened in Dundee, where I was menaced by that little-known phenomenon, the pre-teen bike gang. |
Only Bocklin vies with him as the most ludicrous painter, not actually meritless, in Northern Europe. |
This has, I have noted, involved some rather ludicrous distortions of evidence as well as grand extrapolations from limited bases of data. |
It is ludicrous to have practically empty vehicles belching out fumes and congesting our streets all day, all year. |
These days, of course, such ideas seem to us mature metropolitans ludicrous and paleolithic. |
He noticed that her arms were bare and the tank straps were so thin, for a second he had the ludicrous impression that she was topless. |
Some clowns prefer to wear bright and gaudy makeup, while others have a fondness for ludicrous masks. |
Critics who have crucified his contemporaries for less are indulging his failings to a ludicrous degree. |
As ludicrous as it is, people often take credit for the natural abilities they are born with. |
We are officially a bilingual nation and I think it is ludicrous that we cannot provide that facility in this Parliament. |
For most of the non-golfing population the game is a ludicrous one played by middle-aged, middle-class men in questionable knitwear. |
The idea might seem ludicrous but it's gaining credence among some very bright people. |
The plot mechanics seem forced and even ludicrous at times, but the acting is generally restrained by silent film standards. |
Rather than bleeping mere words, the CBC will undertake the ludicrous, Orwellian task of bleeping ideas. |
Well, here the men are, and it is ludicrous to attribute their joblessness to corporate bigotry, rather than to their own unemployability. |
It was like a two-year period when I went off the deep end and it culminated in that ludicrous mess. |
There was a rather quick and direct response by people to disabuse me of such a ludicrous idea. |
Hence, the previous superpower demonologies now appear incongruous, if not ludicrous, when occasionally applied to their nuclear foes. |
The really annoying thing is that this ludicrous situation has been occurring and reoccurring now for a number of years. |
When that wasn't enough, he then smothered the man in makeup, a cumbersome costume, and ludicrous prosthetics. |
But even the funniest of these brainily ludicrous jokes sputter halfheartedly. |
This I regard as quite ludicrous, and factually so removed from reality as be laughable. |
The whispering that his attempts to think through a new strategy are inspired by some kind of visceral anti-Americanism is ludicrous. |
Each week teams would have to carry out vaguely ludicrous tasks under the tuition of Glenn Reynolds. |
Low interest rates have helped generate a housing bubble that has lifted real estate prices to ludicrous heights in major parts of the country. |
Her voice was still fluctuating in pitch as she spoke, unable to control her delight at the ludicrous moment. |
He was wearing a full body suit of ostrich feathers and a ludicrous pair of spectacles. |
Time and again they chose unsuspecting members of an audience and embroiled them in wacky games or ludicrous, sometimes cringingly embarrassing, situations. |
There are those who accuse their games of not really being video games at all, which is ludicrous. |
Professor Penelope Leach told The Daily Beast it was ludicrous to monitor young children in that way. |
This sort of junk archaeology is only slightly less ludicrous than alien intervention theories but crosses a more problematic line in its openly racialist intent. |
He brought him down the rails with a superb ride and at ludicrous odds. |
It is ludicrous to even consider that advanced extraterrestrials are traveling millions of light years across the universe just to recondition our spiritual beliefs. |
The film has a 15 certificate, being too ludicrous to be taken seriously. |
In his first exhibition game, against the Miami Heat, he committed nine turnovers, a ludicrous number for a center. |
Terfel roars out his righteous rage and coos his ludicrous love songs with equal aplomb, making the formidable vocal feats seem almost ridiculously easy. |
To maintain the differential, extra bands would need to be added at the top end of the scale, whilst lopping off those disused bands at the bottom, which is ludicrous. |
It would be ludicrous to gripe about Louis-Dreyfus winning again for her work in Veep. |
When you take a look at it, space travel is an inherently ludicrous idea. |
So a ludicrous policy is cobbled together to avoid a real policy choice. |
To have a situation where the law can be subverted so easily is ludicrous. |
But it is ludicrous to presume that would-be terrorists are lunkheaded enough to carry anti-Bush signs when carrying pro-Bush signs would give them much closer access. |
Attached to the desk of animation director Kim Jun-bok is a hand-drawn picture of a six pack of Duff Beer, the preferred brand of Springfield's ludicrous lushes. |
That councilors took sides is not only ludicrous, it is illogical. |
Disagreement over this is fierce, sometimes degenerating into ludicrous levels of incivility. |
A book that will remain relevant as long as governments use ludicrous forms of subterfuge to disguise deviant behavior. |
Skim a synopsis of a Roth satire and you might think him only riotous, ludicrous and extravagant. |
They are ludicrous insinuations on which the administration and Democratic leadership were uniformly and appallingly silent. |
The man has achieved almost mythic status of ludicrous proportions. |
Yet this overdetermined combination, with its delicious and delicate execution, helps defang both symbols and make them ludicrous. |
It has an old-fashioned, world-weary stoicism that lends a potentially ludicrous story emotional heft. |
We'd sit around the magazine guffawing at the ludicrous stories that kept sprouting, but belief in shadowy neocon influence has now hardened into common knowledge. |
The biggest problem is not that such unfounded theories are ludicrous but that they are pernicious. |
No parking all day is totally out of order, ludicrous, and nonsensical. |
It is like that wit-less oaf to suggest such a ludicrous thing. |
Since the status quo is a product of the political system of the State it is ludicrous and illogical to conclude that more of it will somehow change things for the better. |
Has some modernist thinker sat in a college, chuckling as he invents this ludicrous caricature in order to discredit postmodernism once and for all? |
It was because they weren't heavyweights, and to expect them to compete with the heavyweight champion, who held the premier title in boxing, was ludicrous. |
Iridescent purple swamphens, lavished with outrageous lipstick stomp over the leaves on gigantic spider feet, bobbing their ludicrous white-handkerchief tails behind them. |
However, as the temporal fenestra expands to ludicrous proportions in the cynodonts, the skull table is reduced to a saggital crest formed by the parietal. |
But, then again, I might be rapturously anticipating my life as a sunbeam, singing tra-las to the season of mists and kissing the pates of the ludicrous. |
And in a few years, they'll be utterly mundane, and it will seem ludicrous that anyone ever wrote articles about them, held conferences to discuss them. |
This ludicrous fuss epitomises our confused attitude to official mourning. |
And to say that we shouldn't prejudge him is just a ludicrous statement. |
His party switch had seemed ludicrous at the time, as any Georgian with a trace of political awareness knew a Democrat-run Peach State was a tenet of natural law. |
Yet the committee-bound European elite, with their ludicrous consensus-based politicking, will almost assuredly be unable to muster up the courage to give him the push. |
Similarly, John Kerry's team found the Swiftboat charges so ludicrous they didn't deign to answer them. |
When it comes to women's cleavage, no expense is too much, no research too extensive and no innovations in enhancing the brassiere too ludicrous. |
Full of genuinely funny moments and ludicrous brain-teasers, they have surpassed many expectations. |
I was also rather pleased to be reminded of the late and ludicrous Bill Boaks, the most unsuccessful parliamentary candidate ever. |
Do they sit around a map of the city dreaming up ludicrous ideas like monorails and barrage balloons to keep the populace happy? |
A lot of people have a ludicrous image of individuals in lederhosen, blowing alphorns. |
He will always have someone, probably with an ancient and ludicrous title like S-Bend Pursuivant, to do it for him. |
But he's making it worse and his evisceration of Mike Williamson in public was absolutely ludicrous. |
That ludibundness of nature in her gamaieus and such like sportful and ludicrous productions. |
Cider has been commoditised by deeper and deeper discounting and increasingly ludicrous promotions in the on and off-trades. |
We need to start challenging some of the ludicrous mythmaking by the isolationists now. |
In startling transitions, in colours all intensated, the sublime, the ludicrous, the horrible succeed one another. |
Yes he may be ludicrous, yes he may be vile, yes he may be slimier than Slimy the slimy slug. |
A bewildering blend of comedy, breakdancing, bad tans, male nudity, ludicrous accents and, most importantly, incredible musical talent. |
Waugh continued the feud long after his Oxford days by using Cruttwell's name in his early novels for a succession of ludicrous, ignominious or odious minor characters. |
There are far too many chief, deputy and assistant chief constables and other high-ranking officers with their bizarre uniforms and ludicrous swagger sticks. |
His return to the stage was in a production of King Lear, which was badly hampered by costumes and scenery by Isamu Noguchi that the critics found ludicrous. |
His masculine taste gave him a sense of something fade and ludicrous. |
Seamus O'Grianna's vitriolc review of an An Comhar Dramaidheachta performance in Fainne an Lae dismissed as ludicrous the spectacle of the non-native speaker on stage. |
The final triumph, where the children frighten the spirit goblins into knocking Rhita Gawr over into the Otherworld, is ludicrous and anticlimactic. |
Ludicrous plans to move the entire stadium away from the sea had happily been shelved and his team of helpers were raking stones off the outfield by hand. |